Beispiel #1
  * Defines a Structure
  * This is where you specify the keys of the given fields as well
  * as if any fields are restricted (tagged unions).  Passing
  * in a Restricitons object with tag (array) as an element of the array
  * is all that is needed to initialize a tagged union item.
  * Options: strict - throw errors where applicable
  *             insensitive - make the keys (fields) insensitive
  *                            (only for construction) Only one key of a
  *                            particular value can then exist
  * @param array $allowed The field names as values,
  *                       arrays for tagged unions and restrictions
  * @param array $options The options for the object
 public function __construct(array $allowed = array(), array $options = array())
     if (is_array($options)) {
         $options = array_change_key_case($options);
     if (!$allowed) {
         // We haven't been given any information to
         // construct the structure
         if ($this->conf->strict) {
             throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Structure->__construct: No Elements Given');
     /* Since we are not using a map, and it wouldn't make sense
      * to do so since having the value (tagged union) be the key
      * would accomplish nothing, we generate an array with the keys
      * being the specified tags.  These are merged in after the flip
      * EX: if value is array (restrictions, tagged unions, etc )
     $mergeArray = array();
     $arrayCount = count($allowed);
     if ($arrayCount) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $arrayCount; $i++) {
             if (is_array($allowed[$i]) && count($allowed[$i]) == 2) {
                 if ($allowed[$i][0] instanceof Restrictions) {
                     $mergeArray[$allowed[$i][1]] = new TaggedUnion($allowed[$i][0], array('strict' => $this->conf->strict));
                 } else {
                     if ($allowed[$i][0] instanceof TaggedUnion) {
                         $mergeArray[$allowed[$i][1]] = $allowed[$i][0];
                     } else {
                         $mergeArray[$allowed[$i][1]] = $allowed[$i][0];
     if ($this->conf->insensitive) {
         // make soon-to-be keys case insensitive
         $allowed = FalcraftResource\ArrayUtilities::array_change_value_case($allowed);
     // If keys have been made insensitive, the last key value will be used
     $this->keysValues = array_flip($allowed);
     // Remove the values from keysValues (used to be keys)
     foreach ($this->keysValues as $k => $v) {
         $this->keysValues[$k] = null;
     // Merge in the alternative values (these couldn't be flipped)
     $this->keysValues = array_merge($this->keysValues, $mergeArray);
Beispiel #2
  * Set Difference
  * "returns the difference of sets S and T."
  * This function can take multiple arrays, Sets, or values
  * mixed together
  * @static
  * @link [English]
  * @param mixed $S,... Data to difference
  * @return array Difference array
 public static function difference()
     $cmp = function ($a, $b) {
         if ($a === $b) {
             return 0;
         } else {
             return -1;
     // This closures are more compatible with set values
     $result = null;
     foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) {
         if ($arg instanceof TypesResource\SetInterface) {
             if ($result === null) {
                 $result = $arg->getPlainArray();
             } else {
                 $result = array_udiff($result, $arg->getPlainArray(), $cmp);
         } else {
             if (is_array($arg)) {
                 if ($result === null) {
                     $result = $arg;
                 } else {
                     $result = array_udiff($result, $arg, $cmp);
             } else {
                 if ($result === null) {
                     $result = array($arg);
                 } else {
                     $result = array_udiff($result, array($arg), $cmp);
     // More object compatible than array_unique SORT_REGULAR
     return StandardResource\ArrayUtilities::returnUnique($result);
Beispiel #3
  * Get A Range Of Index References
  * This gets an array of objects that have priorities between ranges
  * NOTE: The utility function must be used because of incompatibility
  *       of array_unique algorithm
  * @param Falcraft\Data\Types\Range $r The range to include
  * @return array The appropriate array
 public function indexRangeReference(Types\Range $r)
     return StandardResource\ArrayUtilities::returnUniqueByReference(array_merge($this->indexReference($r->getMinimum(), self::HIGHER), $this->indexReference($r->getMaximum(), self::LOWER)));