  * Stores CSRF state and returns a URL to which the user should be sent to
  *   in order to continue the login process with Facebook.  The
  *   provided redirectUrl should invoke the handleRedirect method.
  *   If a previous request to certain permission(s) was declined
  *   by the user, rerequest should be set to true or the permission(s)
  *   will not be re-asked.
  * @param string $redirectUrl The URL Facebook should redirect users to
  *                            after login.
  * @param array $scope List of permissions to request during login.
  * @param boolean $rerequest Toggle for this authentication to be a rerequest.
  * @param string $version Optional Graph API version if not default (v2.0).
  * @param string $separator The separator to use in http_build_query().
  * @return string
 public function getLoginUrl($redirectUrl, array $scope = [], $rerequest = false, $version = null, $separator = '&')
     $version = FacebookRequest::getDefaultGraphApiVersion($version);
     $state = $this->generateState();
     $params = ['client_id' => $this->app->getId(), 'redirect_uri' => $redirectUrl, 'state' => $state, 'sdk' => 'php-sdk-' . FacebookRequest::VERSION, 'scope' => implode(',', $scope)];
     if ($rerequest) {
         $params['auth_type'] = 'rerequest';
     return 'https://www.facebook.com/' . $version . '/dialog/oauth?' . http_build_query($params, null, $separator);
 public function testPreppingABatchRequestProperlySetsThePostParams()
     $batchRequest = $this->createBatchRequest();
     $batchRequest->add(new FacebookRequest(null, 'bar_token', 'GET', '/foo'), 'foo_name');
     $batchRequest->add(new FacebookRequest(null, null, 'POST', '/bar', ['foo' => 'bar']));
     $params = $batchRequest->getParams();
     $expectedHeaders = json_encode($this->defaultHeaders());
     $version = FacebookRequest::getDefaultGraphApiVersion();
     $expectedBatchParams = ['batch' => '[{"headers":' . $expectedHeaders . ',"method":"GET","relative_url":"\\/' . $version . '\\/foo?access_token=bar_token&appsecret_proof=2ceec40b7b9fd7d38fff1767b766bcc6b1f9feb378febac4612c156e6a8354bd","name":"foo_name"},' . '{"headers":' . $expectedHeaders . ',"method":"POST","relative_url":"\\/' . $version . '\\/bar","body":"foo=bar&access_token=foo_token&appsecret_proof=df4256903ba4e23636cc142117aa632133d75c642bd2a68955be1443bd14deb9"}]', 'include_headers' => true, 'access_token' => 'foo_token', 'appsecret_proof' => 'df4256903ba4e23636cc142117aa632133d75c642bd2a68955be1443bd14deb9'];
     $this->assertEquals($expectedBatchParams, $params);
 public function testParamsAreNotOverwritten()
     $app = new FacebookApp('123', 'foo_secret');
     $request = new FacebookRequest($app, $accessToken = 'foo_token', $method = 'GET', $endpoint = '/foo', $params = ['access_token' => 'bar_access_token', 'appsecret_proof' => 'bar_app_secret']);
     $url = $request->getUrl();
     $expectedParams = 'access_token=bar_access_token&appsecret_proof=bar_app_secret';
     $expectedUrl = '/' . FacebookRequest::getDefaultGraphApiVersion() . '/foo?' . $expectedParams;
     $this->assertEquals($expectedUrl, $url);
     $params = $request->getParams();
     $expectedParams = ['access_token' => 'bar_access_token', 'appsecret_proof' => 'bar_app_secret'];
     $this->assertEquals($expectedParams, $params);