  * Pushes uploaded file into Tine shadows.
  * @param  array $upFileObj Associative array of uploaded $_FILE entry.
  * @return stdClass         Ordinary Tine upload status.
 private function uploadFile(array $upFileObj)
     if (empty($upFileObj['tmp_name']) || $upFileObj['error'] !== 0) {
         return null;
         // this file upload slot was not used
     return json_decode(MessageUtils::uploadTempFile(TineSessionRepository::getTineSession(), file_get_contents($upFileObj['tmp_name']), $upFileObj['name'], $upFileObj['type']));
  * @see Accessible\Handler::execute
 public function execute($params)
     if (TineSessionRepository::getTineSession()->isLoggedIn()) {
         $liteRequestProcessor = new LiteRequestProcessor();
         $liteRequestProcessor->executeRequest('Logoff', (object) array());
     Dispatcher::processRequest('Core.ShowFeedback', (object) array('typeMsg' => ShowFeedback::MSG_SUCCESS, 'message' => 'Saída realizada com sucesso.', 'destinationText' => 'Acessar a página de login', 'destinationUrl' => (object) array('action' => 'Login.Main')));
  * @see Accessible\Handler::execute
 public function execute($params)
     $liteRequestProcessor = new LiteRequestProcessor();
     $response = $liteRequestProcessor->executeRequest('SearchFolders', (object) array('recursive' => true));
     $folders = $this->flatFolderTree($response, $params);
     TineSessionRepository::getTineSession()->setAttribute('folders', $folders);
     $this->showTemplate('OpenFolderTemplate', (object) array('folders' => $folders, 'folderName' => $params->folderName, 'lnkRefreshFolder' => $this->makeUrl('Mail.Main', array('folderName' => $params->folderName, 'folderId' => $params->folderId, 'page' => $params->page)), 'lnkRefreshMessage' => $this->makeUrl('Mail.OpenMessage', array('folderName' => $params->folderName, 'folderId' => $params->folderId, 'page' => $params->page, 'messageId' => isset($params->messageIds) ? $params->messageIds : '')), 'isMsgBeingMoved' => isset($params->isMsgBeingMoved) ? true : false));
  * Processes raw HTTP requests. Used only in ../index.php page.
  * @param array $httpRequest Should always be $_REQUEST object.
 public static function processRawHttpRequest(array $httpRequestParams)
     $request = isset($httpRequestParams['r']) ? $httpRequestParams['r'] : null;
     $params = self::getParamsFromHttpRequest($httpRequestParams);
     $isLoggedIn = TineSessionRepository::getTineSession()->isLoggedIn();
     if ($isLoggedIn && $request === null) {
         $request = self::MAIL_REQUEST;
     if ($request === null) {
         $request = self::LOGIN_REQUEST;
     self::processRequest($request, (object) $params);
 public function execute($params)
     $folders = TineSessionRepository::getTineSession()->getAttribute('folders');
     $isTrashFolder = FALSE;
     foreach ($folders as $fol) {
         if ($fol->id === $params->folderId) {
             $isTrashFolder = $fol->globalName === self::TRASH_FOLDER;
     $liteRequestProcessor = new LiteRequestProcessor();
     $message = $liteRequestProcessor->executeRequest('DeleteMessages', (object) array('messages' => $params->messageIds, 'forever' => $isTrashFolder ? '1' : '0'));
     $outMsg = $this->getFormattedFeedbackMsg($params->messageIds, $isTrashFolder);
     Dispatcher::processRequest('Core.ShowFeedback', (object) array('typeMsg' => ShowFeedback::MSG_SUCCESS, 'message' => $outMsg, 'destinationText' => 'Voltar para ' . $params->folderName, 'destinationUrl' => (object) array('action' => 'Mail.Main', 'params' => array('folderId' => $params->folderId))));
  * Instantiates the appropriate request handler (an object of a subclass of LiteRequest)
  * and initializes it with the current Tine Session and the informed params.
  * @param $requestName The
  *            request name, as defined by Lite. It must be the same name
  *            of the class that is responsible to execute it.
  * @param $params The
  *            params to be associated to the request.
 public function prepareLiteRequestHandler($requestName, $params = array())
     $handlerClassName = self::LITE_REQUEST_NAMESPACE . ucfirst($requestName);
     // uppercase first letter
     $tineSession = TineSessionRepository::getTineSession();
     try {
         $handlerClass = @new ReflectionClass($handlerClassName);
     } catch (ReflectionException $re) {
         throw new LiteException('Invalid Lite Request: ' . $requestName, 0, 400);
     $functionHandler = $handlerClass->newInstance();
     $functionHandler->init($this, $tineSession, $params);
     // store tineSession back in case any of its attributes changed.
     // TODO: this is probably not necessary for most calls, as session attributes
     // usually only change during login.
     return $functionHandler;
  * Get folder from Folder ID
  * @param int $folderId
  * @return array of current folder
 private function getFolder($folderId)
     $folders = TineSessionRepository::getTineSession()->getAttribute('folders');
     if ($folderId === null || $folders === null) {
         $liteRequestProcessor = new LiteRequestProcessor();
         $response = $liteRequestProcessor->executeRequest('SearchFolders', (object) array());
         $curFolder = (object) array('id' => $response[0]->id, 'localName' => $response[0]->localName, 'globalName' => $response[0]->globalName, 'totalMails' => $response[0]->totalMails, 'unreadMails' => $response[0]->unreadMails);
         if (!isset($folders)) {
             $folders[] = (object) array('id' => $curFolder->id, 'title' => 'Esta pasta contém ' . $curFolder->totalMails . ' emails' . ' e ' . $curFolder->unreadMails . ' emails não lido', 'localName' => $curFolder->localName, 'globalName' => $curFolder->globalName, 'totalMails' => $curFolder->totalMails, 'unreadMails' => $curFolder->unreadMails);
             TineSessionRepository::getTineSession()->setAttribute('folders', $folders);
     } else {
         $liteRequestProcessor = new LiteRequestProcessor();
         $response = $liteRequestProcessor->executeRequest('UpdateMessageCache', (object) array('folderId' => $folderId));
         foreach ($folders as $tmp) {
             if ($tmp->id === $folderId) {
                 $curFolder = (object) array('id' => $folderId, 'localName' => $tmp->localName, 'globalName' => $tmp->globalName, 'totalMails' => $response->totalMails, 'unreadMails' => $response->unreadMails);
     return $curFolder;
  * Formats "Cc" address field, if needed.
  * @param  stdClass $params Request parameters.
  * @param  stdClass $msg    Message object, if replied or forwarded.
  * @return string           The return Cc addresses formatted.
 private function formatCcAddresses($params, $msg = null)
     $userEmail = TineSessionRepository::getTineSession()->getAttribute('Expressomail.email');
     if (($key = array_search($userEmail, $msg->to)) !== false) {
     if (isset($params->replyAll) && $msg !== null) {
         return implode(', ', array_merge($msg->to, $msg->cc));
     return '';
  * Returns an ordered listing of events according to the provided events
  * date range and to the currently selected user calendar.
  * @param string $calendarId Current calendar to be used
  * @param StdClass $currDateRange Formatted date range with month and year values
  *                                to use as the event date range
  * @return StdClass Event listing content (->listing) and a boolean (->hasEvents)
  *                  indicating whether or not there are calendar events
 private function getEventListing($calendarId, $currDateRange)
     // Setting properly the correct timezone based on login user timezone
     $timeZone = TineSessionRepository::getTineSession()->getAttribute('Tinebase.timeZone');
     $lrp = new LiteRequestProcessor();
     $preparedEventDateRange = EventUtils::prepareEventsDateRange($currDateRange);
     $message = $lrp->executeRequest('SearchEvents', (object) array('from' => $preparedEventDateRange->from, 'until' => $preparedEventDateRange->until, 'timeZone' => $timeZone, 'calendarId' => $calendarId));
     // Sorts the event list comparing each event start time (->from)
     usort($message->events, function ($e1, $e2) {
         return strcmp($e1->from, $e2->from);
     return (object) array('hasEvents' => count($message->events) > 0, 'listing' => (object) $message->events);
  * Format information, about the attendees of a calendar event, to be viewed. The current user
  * logged in, if he is one of the attendees, so he must be the first exhibited attendee. The
  * remaining attendees will be group by, in the following order, that have the confirmation
  * @param array $attendees An array of attendees objects
  * @return array An array of formatted information about attendees in wich element contains
  *               the name (->name) of the attendee, it's current confirmation (->userConfirm),
  *               the icon css class of the current confirmation type (->userConfirmIcon) and
  *               the organization and region about attendee's role
 private function formatAttendeesInformation($attendees)
     // Email of current logged in user, because we'll search for it in attendees list
     $currUserEmail = TineSessionRepository::getTineSession()->getAttribute('Expressomail.email');
     // Array which indexes are confirmation types, each one containing an empty list of attendees
     $result = EventUtils::prepareListOfConfirmationTypesToGroupAttendees();
     $currUserAttendee = null;
     $userHasNotFounded = true;
     foreach ($attendees as $attendee) {
         // Formatting the description for the current attendee event confirmation type
         $attendee->confirmStatus = EventUtils::getConfirmationDescription($attendee->confirmation);
         // Verifying if the logged in user is also an attendee of the event.
         if ($userHasNotFounded && $attendee->email === $currUserEmail) {
             $currUserAttendee = $attendee;
             $userHasNotFounded = false;
         } else {
             $result[$attendee->confirmation][] = $attendee;
     // Checking whether the logged in user is a attendee of the current event
     if (!$userHasNotFounded && !is_null($currUserAttendee)) {
         array_unshift($result, array($currUserAttendee));
         // First one to be displayed
     return EventUtils::sortAttendeesByName($result);