  * Render the form.
  * @param string $action Target action
  * @param array $arguments Arguments
  * @param string $controller Target controller
  * @param string $extensionName Target Extension Name (without "tx_" prefix and no underscores). If NULL the current extension name is used
  * @param string $pluginName Target plugin. If empty, the current plugin name is used
  * @param integer $pageUid Target page uid
  * @param mixed $object Object to use for the form. Use in conjunction with the "property" attribute on the sub tags
  * @param integer $pageType Target page type
  * @param boolean $noCache set this to disable caching for the target page. You should not need this.
  * @param boolean $noCacheHash set this to supress the cHash query parameter created by TypoLink. You should not need this.
  * @param string $section The anchor to be added to the action URI (only active if $actionUri is not set)
  * @param string $format The requested format (e.g. ".html") of the target page (only active if $actionUri is not set)
  * @param array $additionalParams additional action URI query parameters that won't be prefixed like $arguments (overrule $arguments) (only active if $actionUri is not set)
  * @param boolean $absolute If set, an absolute action URI is rendered (only active if $actionUri is not set)
  * @param boolean $addQueryString If set, the current query parameters will be kept in the action URI (only active if $actionUri is not set)
  * @param array $argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString arguments to be removed from the action URI. Only active if $addQueryString = TRUE and $actionUri is not set
  * @param string $fieldNamePrefix Prefix that will be added to all field names within this form. If not set the prefix will be tx_yourExtension_plugin
  * @param string $actionUri can be used to overwrite the "action" attribute of the form tag
  * @param string $objectName name of the object that is bound to this form. If this argument is not specified, the name attribute of this form is used to determine the FormObjectName
  * @param string $resultTarget target where the results will be loaded
  * @param string $loaders target where the loader will be shown
  * @return string rendered form
 public function render($action = NULL, array $arguments = array(), $controller = NULL, $extensionName = NULL, $pluginName = NULL, $pageUid = NULL, $object = NULL, $pageType = 0, $noCache = FALSE, $noCacheHash = FALSE, $section = '', $format = '', array $additionalParams = array(), $absolute = FALSE, $addQueryString = FALSE, array $argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString = array(), $fieldNamePrefix = NULL, $actionUri = NULL, $objectName = NULL, $resultTarget = NULL, $loaders = NULL)
     $this->renderHijaxDataAttributes($action, $arguments, $controller, $extensionName, $pluginName);
     if ($resultTarget) {
         $this->tag->addAttribute('data-hijax-result-target', $resultTarget);
     } else {
         /* @var $listener \EssentialDots\ExtbaseHijax\Event\Listener */
         $listener = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Object\\ObjectManager')->get('EssentialDots\\ExtbaseHijax\\MVC\\Dispatcher')->getCurrentListener();
         $this->tag->addAttribute('data-hijax-result-target', "jQuery(this).parents('.hijax-element[data-hijax-listener-id=\"" . $listener->getId() . "\"]')");
         $this->tag->addAttribute('data-hijax-result-wrap', 'false');
     if ($loaders) {
         $this->tag->addAttribute('data-hijax-loaders', $loaders);
     parent::render($action, $arguments, $controller, $extensionName, $pluginName, $pageUid, $object, $pageType, $noCache, $noCacheHash, $section, $format, $additionalParams, $absolute, $addQueryString, $argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString, $fieldNamePrefix, $actionUri, $objectName);
     $this->tag->setContent('<div class="hijax-content">' . $this->tag->getContent() . '</div><div class="hijax-loading"></div>');
     return $this->tag->render();
  * Returns JS callback for the given action
  * @param null $action
  * @param array $arguments
  * @param null $controller
  * @param null $extensionName
  * @param null $pluginName
  * @param string $format
  * @param string $section
  * @return string
 public function getAjaxFunction($action = NULL, array $arguments = array(), $controller = NULL, $extensionName = NULL, $pluginName = NULL, $format = '', $section = 'footer')
     // current element needs to have additional logic...
     $request = $this->mvcDispatcher->getCurrentRequest();
     if ($request) {
         if ($action === NULL) {
             $action = $request->getControllerActionName();
         if ($controller === NULL) {
             $controller = $request->getControllerName();
         if ($extensionName === NULL) {
             $extensionName = $request->getControllerExtensionName();
         if ($pluginName === NULL && TYPO3_MODE === 'FE') {
             $pluginName = $this->extensionService->getPluginNameByAction($extensionName, $controller, $action);
         if ($pluginName === NULL) {
             $pluginName = $request->getPluginName();
     $settings = array('extension' => $extensionName, 'plugin' => $pluginName, 'controller' => $controller, 'format' => $format ? $format : 'html', 'action' => $action, 'arguments' => $arguments, 'settingsHash' => $this->mvcDispatcher->getCurrentListener() ? $this->mvcDispatcher->getCurrentListener()->getId() : '', 'namespace' => $extensionName && $pluginName ? $this->extensionService->getPluginNamespace($extensionName, $pluginName) : '');
     $functionName = 'extbaseHijax_' . md5(serialize($settings));
     $content = "; {$functionName}=function(settings, pendingElement, loaders) {";
     foreach ($settings as $k => $v) {
         $content .= "if (typeof settings.{$k} == 'undefined') settings.{$k}=" . json_encode($v) . ";";
     $content .= "return jQuery.hijax(settings, pendingElement, loaders);};";
     if ($this->isCached()) {
         if ($section == 'footer') {
             $this->pageRenderer->addJsFooterInlineCode(md5($content), $content, FALSE, TRUE);
         } else {
             $this->pageRenderer->addJsInlineCode(md5($content), $content, FALSE, TRUE);
     } else {
         // additionalFooterData not possible in USER_INT
         $GLOBALS['TSFE']->additionalHeaderData[md5($content)] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::wrapJS($content);
     return $functionName;
  * Renders hijax-related data attributes
  * @param null $action
  * @param array $arguments
  * @param array $contextArguments
  * @param bool $ajax
  * @param bool $cachedAjaxIfPossible
  * @param bool $forceContext
  * @return string
 protected function getWidgetUri($action = NULL, array $arguments = array(), array $contextArguments = array(), $ajax = TRUE, $cachedAjaxIfPossible = TRUE, $forceContext = FALSE)
     $request = $this->controllerContext->getRequest();
     /* @var $widgetContext \EssentialDots\ExtbaseHijax\Core\Widget\WidgetContext */
     $widgetContext = $request->getWidgetContext();
     $tagAttributes = array();
     if ($ajax) {
         $tagAttributes['data-hijax-element-type'] = 'link';
         $this->tag->addAttribute('class', trim($this->arguments['class'] . ' hijax-element'));
     if ($action === NULL) {
         $action = $widgetContext->getParentControllerContext()->getRequest()->getControllerActionName();
     if ($ajax) {
         $tagAttributes['data-hijax-action'] = $action;
     $controller = $widgetContext->getParentControllerContext()->getRequest()->getControllerName();
     if ($ajax) {
         $tagAttributes['data-hijax-controller'] = $controller;
     $extensionName = $widgetContext->getParentControllerContext()->getRequest()->getControllerExtensionName();
     if ($ajax) {
         $tagAttributes['data-hijax-extension'] = $extensionName;
     if (TYPO3_MODE === 'FE') {
         $pluginName = $this->extensionService->getPluginNameByAction($extensionName, $controller, $action);
     if (!$pluginName) {
         $pluginName = $request->getPluginName();
     if (!$pluginName) {
         $pluginName = $widgetContext->getParentPluginName();
     if ($ajax) {
         $tagAttributes['data-hijax-plugin'] = $pluginName;
     $pluginNamespace = $this->extensionService->getPluginNamespace($extensionName, $pluginName);
     if ($ajax) {
         $tagAttributes['data-hijax-namespace'] = $pluginNamespace;
     $requestArguments = $widgetContext->getParentControllerContext()->getRequest()->getArguments();
     $requestArguments = array_merge($requestArguments, $this->hijaxEventDispatcher->getContextArguments());
     $requestArguments = array_merge($requestArguments, $contextArguments);
     $requestArguments[$widgetContext->getWidgetIdentifier()] = $arguments && is_array($arguments) ? $arguments : array();
     if (version_compare(TYPO3_version, '6.1.0', '>=')) {
         $variableContainer = $widgetContext->getViewHelperChildNodeRenderingContext()->getViewHelperVariableContainer();
         if ($variableContainer->exists('TYPO3\\CMS\\Fluid\\ViewHelpers\\FormViewHelper', 'formFieldNames')) {
             $formFieldNames = $variableContainer->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Fluid\\ViewHelpers\\FormViewHelper', 'formFieldNames');
             $mvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService = $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Mvc\\Controller\\MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService');
             /* @var $mvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService */
             $requestHash = $mvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService->generateTrustedPropertiesToken($formFieldNames, $pluginNamespace);
             $requestArguments['__trustedProperties'] = $requestHash;
     if ($ajax) {
         $tagAttributes['data-hijax-arguments'] = serialize($requestArguments);
     /* @var $listener \EssentialDots\ExtbaseHijax\Event\Listener */
     $listener = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Object\\ObjectManager')->get('EssentialDots\\ExtbaseHijax\\MVC\\Dispatcher')->getCurrentListener();
     if ($ajax) {
         $tagAttributes['data-hijax-settings'] = $listener->getId();
     $cachedAjaxIfPossible = $cachedAjaxIfPossible ? $this->configurationManager->getContentObject()->getUserObjectType() != ContentObjectRenderer::OBJECTTYPE_USER_INT : false;
     if ($cachedAjaxIfPossible) {
         /* @var $cacheHash \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Page\CacheHashCalculator */
         $cacheHash = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Frontend\\Page\\CacheHashCalculator');
         $tagAttributes['data-hijax-chash'] = $cacheHash->calculateCacheHash(array('encryptionKey' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['encryptionKey'], 'action' => $tagAttributes['data-hijax-action'], 'controller' => $tagAttributes['data-hijax-controller'], 'extension' => $tagAttributes['data-hijax-extension'], 'plugin' => $tagAttributes['data-hijax-plugin'], 'arguments' => $tagAttributes['data-hijax-arguments'], 'settingsHash' => $tagAttributes['data-hijax-settings']));
     foreach ($tagAttributes as $tagAttribute => $attributeValue) {
         $this->tag->addAttribute($tagAttribute, $attributeValue);
     $uriBuilder = $this->controllerContext->getUriBuilder();
     $argumentPrefix = $this->controllerContext->getRequest()->getArgumentPrefix();
     if ($this->hasArgument('format') && $this->arguments['format'] !== '') {
         $requestArguments['format'] = $this->arguments['format'];
     $uriBuilder->reset()->setArguments(array($pluginNamespace => $requestArguments))->setSection($this->arguments['section'])->setAddQueryString(TRUE)->setArgumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString(array($argumentPrefix, 'cHash'))->setFormat($this->arguments['format']);
     if ($forceContext) {
         return $uriBuilder->uriFor($action, $arguments, $controller, $extensionName, $pluginName);
     } else {
         return $uriBuilder->build();