  * Test the shortcut methods.
  * In addition to the LomDescription::getField() method, there are several
  * methods that provide "shortcuts" for fetching specific data. Test these
  * as well.
 public function testLomFieldShortcuts()
     $data = json_decode(file_get_contents(FIXTURES_DIR . '/lom-data/full_valid.json'), true);
     $lomDescription = new LomDescription($data, 'id', 'user');
     $this->assertEquals("id", $lomDescription->getLomId(), "The getLomId() method works.");
     $this->assertEquals("user", $lomDescription->getOwnerUsername(), "The getOwnerUsername() method works.");
     $this->assertEquals("Example : title, with special characters, like ’ and é", $lomDescription->getTitle(), "The getTitle() method works.");
     $this->assertEquals("Example : description, with special characters, like ’ and é. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc accumsan augue et elit elementum viverra. Nulla eget vulputate justo, et mollis urna. Nullam sed eros scelerisque, scelerisque augue a, pretium lectus. Aenean commodo dui in mi euismod vulputate. Suspendisse ultrices orci id ullamcorper lacinia. Mauris facilisis lacus congue lorem gravida posuere. Quisque aliquam, ligula at eleifend sollicitudin, turpis neque semper dolor, eu imperdiet tellus velit a neque. Donec non tristique sapien.", $lomDescription->getDescription(), "The getDescription() method works.");
     $this->assertEquals("http://example.com/files/421/Example.jpg", $lomDescription->getPreviewImage(), "The getPreviewImage() method works.");
     $this->assertEquals(["archibald_file/24/logo.gif", "archibald_file/24/logo.gif", "http://file-api-dsb.educa.ch/files/300/logo_3.gif"], $lomDescription->getContributorLogos(), "The getContributorLogos() method works.");
 public function __construct($data)
     $this->lomId = $this->getField('lomId');
     $this->ownerUsername = $this->getField('ownerUsername');