* The namespaces provided by the SDK.
use DTS\eBaySDK\Constants;
use DTS\eBaySDK\FileTransfer;
use DTS\eBaySDK\BulkDataExchange;
use DTS\eBaySDK\MerchantData;
 * Create the service objects.
 * This example uses both the File Transfer and Bulk Data Exchange services.
 * For more information about creating a service object, see:
 * http://devbay.net/sdk/guides/getting-started/#service-object
$exchangeService = new BulkDataExchange\Services\BulkDataExchangeService(array('authToken' => $config['sandbox']['userToken'], 'sandbox' => true));
$transferService = new FileTransfer\Services\FileTransferService(array('authToken' => $config['sandbox']['userToken'], 'sandbox' => true));
$merchantDataService = new MerchantData\Services\MerchantDataService();
 * Before anything can be uploaded a request needs to be made to obtain a job ID and file reference ID.
 * eBay needs to know the job type and a way to identify it.
$createUploadJobRequest = new BulkDataExchange\Types\CreateUploadJobRequest();
$createUploadJobRequest->uploadJobType = 'ReviseInventoryStatus';
$createUploadJobRequest->UUID = uniqid();
 * Send the request to the createUploadJob service operation.
 * For more information about calling a service operation, see:
 * http://devbay.net/sdk/guides/getting-started/#service-operation
print 'Requesting job Id from eBay...';
        printf("%s: %s\n%s\n\n", $error->SeverityCode === Trading\Enums\SeverityCodeType::C_ERROR ? 'Error' : 'Warning', $error->ShortMessage, $error->LongMessage);
if ($response->Ack !== 'Failure') {
     * Get the values that will be passed to the File Transfer service.
    $fileReferenceId = $response->FileReferenceID;
    $taskReferenceId = $response->TaskReferenceID;
    printf("FileReferenceID [%s] TaskReferenceID [%s]\n", $fileReferenceId, $taskReferenceId);
    print "Downloading file...\n";
     * An user token is required when using the File Transfer service.
     * Note that unlike the Trading service this token is not passed in via the request object.
    $service = new FileTransfer\Services\FileTransferService(array('authToken' => $config['production']['userToken']));
    $request = new FileTransfer\Types\DownloadFileRequest();
    $request->fileReferenceId = $fileReferenceId;
    $request->taskReferenceId = $taskReferenceId;
    $response = $service->downloadFile($request);
    if (isset($response->errorMessage)) {
        foreach ($response->errorMessage->error as $error) {
            printf("%s: %s\n\n", $error->severity === FileTransfer\Enums\ErrorSeverity::C_ERROR ? 'Error' : 'Warning', $error->message);
    if ($response->ack !== 'Failure') {
         * Check that the response has an attachment.
        if ($response->hasAttachment()) {
            $attachment = $response->attachment();