Beispiel #1
  * Test CRUD API.
 public function testStringCRUDAPI()
     // Create source string.
     $source = $this->buildSourceString();
     $this->assertTrue($source->lid, format_string('Successfully created string %string', array('%string' => $source->source)));
     // Load strings by lid and source.
     $string1 = $this->storage->findString(array('lid' => $source->lid));
     $this->assertEqual($source, $string1, 'Successfully retrieved string by identifier.');
     $string2 = $this->storage->findString(array('source' => $source->source, 'context' => $source->context));
     $this->assertEqual($source, $string2, 'Successfully retrieved string by source and context.');
     $string3 = $this->storage->findString(array('source' => $source->source, 'context' => ''));
     $this->assertFalse($string3, 'Cannot retrieve string with wrong context.');
     // Check version handling and updating.
     $this->assertEqual($source->version, 'none', 'String originally created without version.');
     $string = $this->storage->findTranslation(array('lid' => $source->lid));
     $this->assertEqual($string->version, \Drupal::VERSION, 'Checked and updated string version to Drupal version.');
     // Create translation and find it by lid and source.
     $langcode = 'es';
     $translation = $this->createTranslation($source, $langcode);
     $this->assertEqual($translation->customized, LOCALE_NOT_CUSTOMIZED, 'Translation created as not customized by default.');
     $string1 = $this->storage->findTranslation(array('language' => $langcode, 'lid' => $source->lid));
     $this->assertEqual($string1->translation, $translation->translation, 'Successfully loaded translation by string identifier.');
     $string2 = $this->storage->findTranslation(array('language' => $langcode, 'source' => $source->source, 'context' => $source->context));
     $this->assertEqual($string2->translation, $translation->translation, 'Successfully loaded translation by source and context.');
     $translation = $this->storage->findTranslation(array('language' => $langcode, 'lid' => $source->lid));
     $this->assertEqual($translation->customized, LOCALE_CUSTOMIZED, 'Translation successfully marked as customized.');
     // Delete translation.
     $deleted = $this->storage->findTranslation(array('language' => $langcode, 'lid' => $source->lid));
     $this->assertFalse(isset($deleted->translation), 'Successfully deleted translation string.');
     // Create some translations and then delete string and all of its
     // translations.
     $lid = $source->lid;
     $search = $this->storage->getTranslations(array('lid' => $source->lid));
     $this->assertEqual(count($search), 3, 'Created and retrieved all translations for our source string.');
     $string = $this->storage->findString(array('lid' => $lid));
     $this->assertFalse($string, 'Successfully deleted source string.');
     $deleted = $search = $this->storage->getTranslations(array('lid' => $lid));
     $this->assertFalse($deleted, 'Successfully deleted all translation strings.');
     // Tests that locations of different types and arbitrary lengths can be
     // added to a source string. Too long locations will be cut off.
     $source_string = $this->buildSourceString();
     $source_string->addLocation('javascript', $this->randomString(8));
     $source_string->addLocation('configuration', $this->randomString(50));
     $source_string->addLocation('code', $this->randomString(100));
     $source_string->addLocation('path', $location = $this->randomString(300));
     $rows = db_query('SELECT * FROM {locales_location} WHERE sid = :sid', array(':sid' => $source_string->lid))->fetchAllAssoc('type');
     $this->assertEqual(count($rows), 4, '4 source locations have been persisted.');
     $this->assertEqual($rows['path']->name, substr($location, 0, 255), 'Too long location has been limited to 255 characters.');
  * Sets configuration based on a nested form value array.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface $language
  *   Set the configuration in this language.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\Config $base_config
  *   Base configuration values, in the source language.
  * @param \Drupal\language\Config\LanguageConfigOverride $config_translation
  *   Translation configuration override data.
  * @param array $config_values
  *   A simple one dimensional or recursive array:
  *     - simple:
  *        array(name => array('translation' => 'French site name'));
  *     - recursive:
  *        cancel_confirm => array(
  *          cancel_confirm.subject => array('translation' => 'Subject'),
  *          cancel_confirm.body => array('translation' => 'Body content'),
  *        );
  *   Either format is used, the nested arrays are just containers and not
  *   needed for saving the data.
  * @param bool $shipped_config
  *   (optional) Flag to specify whether the configuration had a shipped
  *   version and therefore should also be stored in the locale database.
  * @return array
  *   Translation configuration override data.
 protected function setConfig(LanguageInterface $language, Config $base_config, LanguageConfigOverride $config_translation, array $config_values, $shipped_config = FALSE)
     foreach ($config_values as $key => $value) {
         if (is_array($value) && !isset($value['translation'])) {
             // Traverse into this level in the configuration.
             $this->setConfig($language, $base_config, $config_translation, $value, $shipped_config);
         } else {
             // If the configuration file being translated was originally shipped, we
             // should update the locale translation storage. The string should
             // already be there, but we make sure to check.
             if ($shipped_config && ($source_string = $this->localeStorage->findString(array('source' => $base_config->get($key))))) {
                 // Get the translation for this original source string from locale.
                 $conditions = array('lid' => $source_string->lid, 'language' => $language->id);
                 $translations = $this->localeStorage->getTranslations($conditions + array('translated' => TRUE));
                 // If we got a translation, take that, otherwise create a new one.
                 $translation = reset($translations) ?: $this->localeStorage->createTranslation($conditions);
                 // If we have a new translation or different from what is stored in
                 // locale before, save this as an updated customize translation.
                 if ($translation->isNew() || $translation->getString() != $value['translation']) {
             // Save value, if different from the source value in the base
             // configuration. If same as original configuration, remove override.
             if ($base_config->get($key) !== $value['translation']) {
                 $config_translation->set($key, $value['translation']);
             } else {
  * Gets translation from locale storage.
  * @param $config_name
  *   Configuration object.
  * @param $key
  *   Translation configuration field key.
  * @param $langcode
  *   String language code to load translation.
  * @return bool|mixed
  *   Returns translation if exists, FALSE otherwise.
 protected function getTranslation($config_name, $key, $langcode)
     $settings_locations = $this->localeStorage->getLocations(array('type' => 'configuration', 'name' => $config_name));
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($settings_locations), format_string('Configuration locations found for %config_name.', array('%config_name' => $config_name)));
     if (!empty($settings_locations)) {
         $source = $this->container->get('config.factory')->get($config_name)->get($key);
         $source_string = $this->localeStorage->findString(array('source' => $source, 'type' => 'configuration'));
         $this->assertTrue(!empty($source_string), format_string('Found string for %config_name.%key.', array('%config_name' => $config_name, '%key' => $key)));
         if (!empty($source_string)) {
             $conditions = array('lid' => $source_string->lid, 'language' => $langcode);
             $translations = $this->localeStorage->getTranslations($conditions + array('translated' => TRUE));
             return reset($translations);
     return FALSE;