  * Tests file field formatter Entity Embed Display plugins.
 public function testFileFieldFormatter()
     // Ensure that file field formatters are available as plugins.
     $this->assertAvailableDisplayPlugins($this->file, ['entity_reference:entity_reference_label', 'entity_reference:entity_reference_entity_id', 'file:file_default', 'file:file_table', 'file:file_url_plain']);
     // Ensure that correct form attributes are returned for the file field
     // formatter plugins.
     $form = array();
     $form_state = new FormState();
     $plugins = array('file:file_table', 'file:file_default', 'file:file_url_plain');
     // Ensure that description field is available for all the 'file' plugins.
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         $display = $this->displayPluginManager()->createInstance($plugin, array());
         $display->setContextValue('entity', $this->file);
         $conf_form = $display->buildConfigurationForm($form, $form_state);
         $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($conf_form), array('description'));
         $this->assertIdentical($conf_form['description']['#type'], 'textfield');
         $this->assertIdentical((string) $conf_form['description']['#title'], 'Description');
     // Test entity embed using 'Generic file' Entity Embed Display plugin.
     $embed_settings = array('description' => "This is sample description");
     $content = '<drupal-entity data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="' . $this->file->uuid() . '" data-entity-embed-display="file:file_default" data-entity-embed-settings=\'' . Json::encode($embed_settings) . '\'>This placeholder should not be rendered.</drupal-entity>';
     $settings = array();
     $settings['type'] = 'page';
     $settings['title'] = 'Test entity embed with file:file_default';
     $settings['body'] = array(array('value' => $content, 'format' => 'custom_format'));
     $node = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings);
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
     $this->assertText($embed_settings['description'], 'Description of the embedded file exists in page.');
     $this->assertNoText(strip_tags($content), 'Placeholder does not appears in the output when embed is successful.');
     $this->assertLinkByHref(file_create_url($this->file->getFileUri()), 0, 'Link to the embedded file exists.');
  * Implements Drupal\file\FileUsage\FileUsageInterface::add().
 public function add(FileInterface $file, $module, $type, $id, $count = 1)
     // Make sure that a used file is permanent.
     if (!$file->isPermanent()) {
Beispiel #3
  * Tests create access checks.
 public function testCreateAccess()
     // Anonymous users can create a file by default.
     // Authenticated users can create a file by default.
  * Implements Drupal\file\FileUsage\FileUsageInterface::listUsage().
 public function listUsage(FileInterface $file)
     $result = $this->connection->select($this->tableName, 'f')->fields('f', array('module', 'type', 'id', 'count'))->condition('fid', $file->id())->condition('count', 0, '>')->execute();
     $references = array();
     foreach ($result as $usage) {
         $references[$usage->module][$usage->type][$usage->id] = $usage->count;
     return $references;
  * Tests if file fields in teasers have correct resources.
  * Ensure that file fields have the correct resource as the object in RDFa
  * when displayed as a teaser.
 function testNodeTeaser()
     // Render the teaser.
     $node_render_array = entity_view_multiple(array($this->node), 'teaser');
     $html = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderRoot($node_render_array);
     // Parses front page where the node is displayed in its teaser form.
     $parser = new \EasyRdf_Parser_Rdfa();
     $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
     $base_uri = \Drupal::url('<front>', [], ['absolute' => TRUE]);
     $parser->parse($graph, $html, 'rdfa', $base_uri);
     $node_uri = $this->node->url('canonical', ['absolute' => TRUE]);
     $file_uri = file_create_url($this->file->getFileUri());
     // Node relation to attached file.
     $expected_value = array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => $file_uri);
     $this->assertTrue($graph->hasProperty($node_uri, 'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#seeAlso', $expected_value), 'Node to file relation found in RDF output (rdfs:seeAlso).');
  * Tests image field formatter Entity Embed Display plugin.
 public function testImageFieldFormatter()
     // Ensure that image field formatters are available as plugins.
     $this->assertAvailableDisplayPlugins($this->image, ['entity_reference:entity_reference_label', 'entity_reference:entity_reference_entity_id', 'file:file_default', 'file:file_table', 'file:file_url_plain', 'image:responsive_image', 'image:image']);
     // Ensure that correct form attributes are returned for the image plugin.
     $form = array();
     $form_state = new FormState();
     $display = $this->displayPluginManager()->createInstance('image:image', array());
     $display->setContextValue('entity', $this->image);
     $conf_form = $display->buildConfigurationForm($form, $form_state);
     $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($conf_form), array('image_style', 'image_link', 'alt', 'title'));
     $this->assertIdentical($conf_form['image_style']['#type'], 'select');
     $this->assertIdentical((string) $conf_form['image_style']['#title'], 'Image style');
     $this->assertIdentical($conf_form['image_link']['#type'], 'select');
     $this->assertIdentical((string) $conf_form['image_link']['#title'], 'Link image to');
     $this->assertIdentical($conf_form['alt']['#type'], 'textfield');
     $this->assertIdentical((string) $conf_form['alt']['#title'], 'Alternate text');
     $this->assertIdentical($conf_form['title']['#type'], 'textfield');
     $this->assertIdentical((string) $conf_form['title']['#title'], 'Title');
     // Test entity embed using 'Image' Entity Embed Display plugin.
     $alt_text = "This is sample description";
     $title = "This is sample title";
     $embed_settings = array('image_link' => 'file');
     $content = '<drupal-entity data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="' . $this->image->uuid() . '" data-entity-embed-display="image:image" data-entity-embed-settings=\'' . Json::encode($embed_settings) . '\' alt="' . $alt_text . '" title="' . $title . '">This placeholder should not be rendered.</drupal-entity>';
     $settings = array();
     $settings['type'] = 'page';
     $settings['title'] = 'Test entity embed with image:image';
     $settings['body'] = array(array('value' => $content, 'format' => 'custom_format'));
     $node = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings);
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
     $this->assertRaw($alt_text, 'Alternate text for the embedded image is visible when embed is successful.');
     $this->assertNoText(strip_tags($content), 'Placeholder does not appears in the output when embed is successful.');
     $this->assertLinkByHref(file_create_url($this->image->getFileUri()), 0, 'Link to the embedded image exists.');
     // Embed all three field types in one, to ensure they all render correctly.
     $content = '<drupal-entity data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="' . $this->node->uuid() . '" data-entity-embed-display="entity_reference:entity_reference_label"></drupal-entity>';
     $content .= '<drupal-entity data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="' . $this->file->uuid() . '" data-entity-embed-display="file:file_default"></drupal-entity>';
     $content .= '<drupal-entity data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="' . $this->image->uuid() . '" data-entity-embed-display="image:image"></drupal-entity>';
     $settings = array();
     $settings['type'] = 'page';
     $settings['title'] = 'Test node entity embedded first then a file entity';
     $settings['body'] = array(array('value' => $content, 'format' => 'custom_format'));
     $node = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings);
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCropEntity(FileInterface $file, $crop_type) {
    if (Crop::cropExists($file->getFileUri(), $crop_type)) {
      /** @var \Drupal\crop\CropInterface $crop */
      $crop = Crop::findCrop($file->getFileUri(), $crop_type);
    else {
      $values = [
        'type' => $crop_type,
        'entity_id' => $file->id(),
        'entity_type' => 'file',
        'uri' => $file->getFileUri(),

      $crop = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    return $crop;
Beispiel #8
  *  This ensures the resolution of a specific file is within bounds.
  *  The image will be resized if it's too large.
 function testFileValidateImageResolution()
     // Non-images.
     $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->nonImage);
     $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, 'Should not get any errors for a non-image file.', 'File');
     $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->nonImage, '50x50', '100x100');
     $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, 'Do not check the resolution on non files.', 'File');
     // Minimum size.
     $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image);
     $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, 'No errors for an image when there is no minimum or maximum resolution.', 'File');
     $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image, 0, '200x1');
     $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, 'Got an error for an image that was not wide enough.', 'File');
     $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image, 0, '1x200');
     $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, 'Got an error for an image that was not tall enough.', 'File');
     $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image, 0, '200x200');
     $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, 'Small images report an error.', 'File');
     // Maximum size.
     if ($this->container->get('image.factory')->getToolkitId()) {
         // Copy the image so that the original doesn't get resized.
         copy('core/misc/druplicon.png', 'temporary://druplicon.png');
         $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image, '10x5');
         $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, 'No errors should be reported when an oversized image can be scaled down.', 'File');
         $image = $this->container->get('image.factory')->get($this->image->getFileUri());
         $this->assertTrue($image->getWidth() <= 10, 'Image scaled to correct width.', 'File');
         $this->assertTrue($image->getHeight() <= 5, 'Image scaled to correct height.', 'File');
         // Once again, now with negative width and height to force an error.
         copy('core/misc/druplicon.png', 'temporary://druplicon.png');
         $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image, '-10x-5');
         $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, 'An error reported for an oversized image that can not be scaled down.', 'File');
     } else {
         // TODO: should check that the error is returned if no toolkit is available.
         $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image, '5x10');
         $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, 'Oversize images that cannot be scaled get an error.', 'File');
  * Tests that image fields in teasers have correct resources.
 function testNodeTeaser()
     // Set the display options for the teaser.
     $display_options = array('type' => 'image', 'settings' => array('image_style' => 'medium', 'image_link' => 'content'));
     $display = entity_get_display('node', 'article', 'teaser');
     $display->setComponent($this->fieldName, $display_options)->save();
     // Render the teaser.
     $node_render_array = node_view($this->node, 'teaser');
     $html = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderRoot($node_render_array);
     // Parse the teaser.
     $parser = new \EasyRdf_Parser_Rdfa();
     $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
     $base_uri = \Drupal::url('<front>', [], ['absolute' => TRUE]);
     $parser->parse($graph, $html, 'rdfa', $base_uri);
     // Construct the node and image URIs for testing.
     $node_uri = $this->node->url('canonical', ['absolute' => TRUE]);
     $image_uri = ImageStyle::load('medium')->buildUrl($this->file->getFileUri());
     // Test relations from node to image.
     $expected_value = array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => $image_uri);
     $this->assertTrue($graph->hasProperty($node_uri, 'http://ogp.me/ns#image', $expected_value), 'Node to file relation found in RDF output (og:image).');
     // Test image type.
     $expected_value = array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Image');
     $this->assertTrue($graph->hasProperty($image_uri, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type', $expected_value), 'Image type found in RDF output (foaf:Image).');
Beispiel #10
  * Tests for log entry on failing destination.
 function testDrupalMovingUploadedFileError()
     // Create a directory and make it not writable.
     $test_directory = 'test_drupal_move_uploaded_file_fail';
     drupal_mkdir('temporary://' . $test_directory, 00);
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir('temporary://' . $test_directory));
     $edit = array('file_subdir' => $test_directory, 'files[file_test_upload]' => drupal_realpath($this->image->getFileUri()));
     \Drupal::state()->set('file_test.disable_error_collection', TRUE);
     $this->drupalPostForm('file-test/upload', $edit, t('Submit'));
     $this->assertResponse(200, 'Received a 200 response for posted test file.');
     $this->assertRaw(t('File upload error. Could not move uploaded file.'), 'Found the failure message.');
     $this->assertRaw(t('Epic upload FAIL!'), 'Found the failure message.');
     // Uploading failed. Now check the log.
     $this->assertRaw(t('Upload error. Could not move uploaded file @file to destination @destination.', array('@file' => $this->image->getFilename(), '@destination' => 'temporary://' . $test_directory . '/' . $this->image->getFilename())), 'Found upload error log entry.');
Beispiel #11
 protected function setUp()
     // Use Classy theme for testing markup output.
     $this->baseUri = \Drupal::url('<front>', [], ['absolute' => TRUE]);
     // Create two test users.
     $this->adminUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer content types', 'administer comments', 'access comments', 'access content'));
     $this->webUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('access comments', 'post comments', 'skip comment approval', 'access content'));
     // Create term.
     $this->term = Term::create(['name' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'description' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'vid' => 'tags']);
     // Create image.
     file_unmanaged_copy(\Drupal::root() . '/core/misc/druplicon.png', 'public://example.jpg');
     $this->image = File::create(['uri' => 'public://example.jpg']);
     // Create article.
     $article_settings = array('type' => 'article', 'promote' => NODE_PROMOTED, 'field_image' => array(array('target_id' => $this->image->id())), 'field_tags' => array(array('target_id' => $this->term->id())));
     $this->article = $this->drupalCreateNode($article_settings);
     // Create second article to test teaser list.
     $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article', 'promote' => NODE_PROMOTED));
     // Create article comment.
     $this->articleComment = $this->saveComment($this->article->id(), $this->webUser->id(), NULL, 0);
     // Create page.
     $this->page = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'page'));
     // Set URIs.
     // Image.
     $image_file = $this->article->get('field_image')->entity;
     $this->imageUri = ImageStyle::load('large')->buildUrl($image_file->getFileUri());
     // Term.
     $this->termUri = $this->term->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
     // Article.
     $this->articleUri = $this->article->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
     // Page.
     $this->pageUri = $this->page->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
     // Author.
     $this->authorUri = $this->adminUser->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
     // Comment.
     $this->articleCommentUri = $this->articleComment->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
     // Commenter.
     $this->commenterUri = $this->webUser->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
 protected function setUp()
     $this->base_uri = \Drupal::url('<front>', [], ['absolute' => TRUE]);
     // Create two test users.
     $this->adminUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer content types', 'administer comments', 'access comments', 'access content'));
     $this->webUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('access comments', 'post comments', 'skip comment approval', 'access content'));
     // Create term.
     $this->term = entity_create('taxonomy_term', array('name' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'description' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'vid' => 'tags'));
     // Create image.
     file_unmanaged_copy(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/misc/druplicon.png', 'public://example.jpg');
     $this->image = entity_create('file', array('uri' => 'public://example.jpg'));
     // Create article.
     $article_settings = array('type' => 'article', 'promote' => NODE_PROMOTED, 'field_image' => array(array('target_id' => $this->image->id())), 'field_tags' => array(array('target_id' => $this->term->id())));
     $this->article = $this->drupalCreateNode($article_settings);
     // Create second article to test teaser list.
     $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article', 'promote' => NODE_PROMOTED));
     // Create article comment.
     $this->articleComment = $this->saveComment($this->article->id(), $this->webUser->id(), NULL, 0);
     // Create page.
     $this->page = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'page'));
     // Set URIs.
     // Image.
     $image_file = $this->article->get('field_image')->entity;
     $this->imageUri = entity_load('image_style', 'large')->buildUrl($image_file->getFileUri());
     // Term.
     $this->termUri = $this->term->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
     // Article.
     $this->articleUri = $this->article->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
     // Page.
     $this->pageUri = $this->page->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
     // Author.
     $this->authorUri = $this->adminUser->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
     // Comment.
     $this->articleCommentUri = $this->articleComment->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
     // Commenter.
     $this->commenterUri = $this->webUser->url('canonical', array('absolute' => TRUE));
Beispiel #13
  * Asserts that two files are the same by comparing the fid and filepath.
  * @param \Drupal\file\FileInterface $file1
  *   File object to compare.
  * @param \Drupal\file\FileInterface $file2
  *   File object to compare.
 function assertSameFile(FileInterface $file1, FileInterface $file2)
     $this->assertEqual($file1->id(), $file2->id(), t('Files have the same ids: %file1 == %file2.', array('%file1' => $file1->id(), '%file2-fid' => $file2->id())), 'Same file');
     $this->assertEqual($file1->getFileUri(), $file2->getFileUri(), t('Files have the same path: %file1 == %file2.', array('%file1' => $file1->getFileUri(), '%file2' => $file2->getFileUri())), 'Same file');
  * Asserts that a file's status is set to permanent in the database.
 function assertFileIsPermanent(FileInterface $file, $message = NULL)
     $message = isset($message) ? $message : format_string('File %file is permanent.', array('%file' => $file->getFileUri()));
     $this->assertTrue($file->isPermanent(), $message);
Beispiel #15
  * Utility to style an individual file entity for use in a Juicebox gallery.
  * This method can detect if the passed file is incompatible with Juicebox.
  * If so it styles the output as a mimetype image icon representing the file
  * type. Otherwise the item is styled normally with the passed image style.
  * @param FileInterface $file
  *   A file entity containing the image data to append Juicebox styled image
  *   data to.
  * @param string $style
  *   The Drupal image style to apply to the item.
  * @param boolean $check_compatible
  *   Whether-or-not to detect if the item is compatible with Juicebox, and if
  *   so, substitute a mimetype icon for its output.
  * @return array
  *   The styled image data.
 protected function styleImage(FileInterface $file, $style, $check_compatible = TRUE)
     $global_settings = $this->getGlobalSettings();
     $library = $this->getLibrary();
     $mimetype = $file->getMimeType();
     $image_data = array();
     $image_data['juicebox_compatible'] = TRUE;
     // Set the normal, unstyled, url for reference.
     $image_data['unstyled_src'] = file_create_url($file->getFileUri());
     // Check compatibility if configured and if the library info contains
     // mimetype compatibitly information.
     if ($check_compatible && !empty($library['compatible_mimetypes']) && !in_array($mimetype, $library['compatible_mimetypes'])) {
         // If the item is not compatible, find the substitute mimetype icon.
         $image_data['juicebox_compatible'] = FALSE;
         $icon_dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'juicebox') . '/images/mimetypes';
         // We only have icons for each major type, so simplify accordingly.
         // file_icon_class() could also be useful here but would require
         // supporting icons for more package types.
         $type_parts = explode('/', $mimetype);
         $icon_path = $icon_dir . '/' . reset($type_parts) . '.png';
         if (file_exists($icon_path)) {
             $image_data['imageURL'] = file_create_url($icon_path);
         } else {
             $image_data['imageURL'] = file_create_url($icon_dir . '/general.png');
     } else {
         $sizes = array('imageURL' => $style);
         // The "juicebox_multisize" style is special, and actually consists of 3
         // individual styles configured globally.
         if ($style == 'juicebox_multisize') {
             $sizes = array('smallImageURL' => $global_settings['juicebox_multisize_small'], 'imageURL' => $global_settings['juicebox_multisize_medium'], 'largeImageURL' => $global_settings['juicebox_multisize_large']);
         foreach ($sizes as $size => $style_each) {
             if (!empty($style_each)) {
                 $style_obj = entity_load('image_style', $style_each);
                 if ($style_obj) {
                     $image_data[$size] = $style_obj->buildUrl($file->getFileUri());
             } else {
                 $image_data[$size] = $image_data['unstyled_src'];
     return $image_data;
  * @param \Drupal\file\FileInterface $file
 protected function saveFileUpload(FileInterface $file) {
   // Save the file to get an fid, and then create a FillPdfForm record
   // based off that.
   // Save the file so we can get an fid
  * Validate and set destination the destination URI.
  * @param \Drupal\file\FileInterface $file
  *   The file entity object.
  * @param string $destination
  *   A string containing the URI that the file should be copied to. This must
  *   be a stream wrapper URI.
  * @return bool
  *   True if the destination was sucesfully validated and set, otherwise
  *   false.
 protected function prepareDestination(FileInterface $file, $destination)
     // Assert that the destination contains a valid stream.
     $destination_scheme = file_uri_scheme($destination);
     if (!file_stream_wrapper_valid_scheme($destination_scheme)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Prepare the destination dir.
     if (!file_exists($destination)) {
     // A file URI may already have a trailing slash or look like "public://".
     if (substr($destination, -1) != '/') {
         $destination .= '/';
     $file->destination = file_destination($destination . $file->getFilename(), FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
     return TRUE;