  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     // If the hook implementation contains logic, we cannot convert it and
     // that's that. So we'll leave a FIXME and bail out.
     /** @var \Pharborist\Functions\FunctionDeclarationNode $hook */
     $hook = $target->getIndexer('function')->get('hook_menu');
     if ($hook->is(new ContainsLogicFilter())) {
     $hook_menu = new HookMenu($target, $this->routeConverters);
     foreach ($hook_menu->getSourceRoutes() as $path => $route) {
         /** @var \Drupal\drupalmoduleupgrader\Routing\Drupal7\RouteWrapper $route */
         if ($route->containsKey('page callback')) {
             $plugin_id = $this->routeConverters->hasDefinition($route['page callback']) ? $route['page callback'] : 'default';
             /** @var \Drupal\drupalmoduleupgrader\Routing\RouteConverterInterface $converter */
             $this->routeConverters->createInstance($plugin_id)->buildRoute($target, $route);
     $routing = [];
     foreach ($hook_menu->getDestinationRoutes() as $name => $route) {
         $routing[$name] = ['path' => $route->getPath()->__toString(), 'defaults' => $route->getDefaults(), 'requirements' => $route->getRequirements()];
     $this->writeInfo($target, 'routing', $routing);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     $indexer = $target->getIndexer('function');
     // @FIXME This is not working (returns empty result set)...don't know why.
     $alter_hooks = $indexer->getQuery()->condition(db_or()->condition('id', $target->id() . '_form_alter')->condition('id', db_like($target->id() . '_form_%_alter'), 'LIKE'))->execute();
     foreach ($alter_hooks as $alter_hook) {
         /** @var \Pharborist\Functions\FunctionDeclarationNode $function */
         $function = $indexer->get($alter_hook->id);
         $parameters = $function->getParameters();
         if (sizeof($parameters) > 1) {
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     /** @var \Pharborist\Functions\FunctionDeclarationNode $function */
     $function = $target->getIndexer('function')->get('hook_node_prepare');
     // foo_node_prepare() --> foo_node_prepare_form().
     $function->setName($function->getName() . '_form');
     // The first parameter is a node, so rewrite the function accordingly.
     // Create the $operation parameter.
     // Create the $form_state parameter.
     $form_state = ParameterNode::create('form_state')->setTypeHint('\\Drupal\\Core\\Form\\FormStateInterface');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     // If the hook implementation contains logic, we cannot convert it and
     // that's that. So we'll leave a FIXME and bail out.
     /** @var \Pharborist\Functions\FunctionDeclarationNode $hook */
     $hook = $target->getIndexer('function')->get('hook_menu');
     if ($hook->is(new ContainsLogicFilter())) {
     // Links are split out by group because there are separate config files
     // for each link type.
     $links = ['menu' => new LinkIndex(), 'task' => new LinkIndex(), 'action' => new LinkIndex(), 'contextual' => new LinkIndex()];
     $hook_menu = new HookMenu($target, $this->routeConverters);
     foreach ($hook_menu->getSourceRoutes()->getAllLinks() as $path => $source) {
         /** @var LinkBinding $binding */
         $binding = $this->linkBinding->create($source, $hook_menu->getDestinationRoute($path));
         // Skip if the converter wasn't able to find a destination.
         $destination = $binding->getDestination();
         if (empty($destination)) {
         if ($binding instanceof MenuLinkBinding) {
         } elseif ($binding instanceof LocalTaskLinkBinding) {
         } elseif ($binding instanceof LocalActionLinkBinding) {
         } elseif ($source->isContextualLink()) {
     $links = array_map(function (LinkIndex $index) {
         return $index->build();
     }, $links);
     foreach ($links['contextual'] as $link) {
         $link['group'] = $target->id();
     foreach ($links as $group => $data) {
         if ($data) {
             $this->writeInfo($target, 'links.' . $group, $data);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     foreach ($this->configuration['function_calls'] as $function => $replace_with) {
         $function_calls = $target->getIndexer('function_call')->get($function);
         foreach ($function_calls as $function_call) {
             $rewritten = str_ireplace($function, $replace_with, $function_call->getText());
             $node = Parser::parseExpression($rewritten);
     // Flush other open syntax trees to ensure that other plugins don't clobber
     // our changes later.
     foreach ($target->getFinder() as $file) {
         // Load in the entire contents of the module. This is criminally inefficient
         // and wasteful of memory and should eventually be refactored into something
         // a little more...I dunno, sustainable.
         /** @var \Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo $file */
         $search = array_keys($this->targets);
         $replace = array_values($this->targets);
         file_put_contents($file->getPathname(), str_replace($search, $replace, $file->getContents()));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     $hook = $target->getIndexer('function')->get($this->pluginDefinition['hook'])->before(DocCommentNode::create($this->pluginDefinition['fixme']));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     $hook = $target->getIndexer('function')->get($this->pluginDefinition['hook'])->setName($target->id() . '_entity_bundle_create');
  * Slaps a translated FIXME notice above a block-related hook.
  * @param TargetInterface $target
  *  The target module.
  * @param string $hook
  *  The hook to put the FIXME on. It's up to the calling code to ensure
  *  that the hook actually exists.
 private function addFixMe(TargetInterface $target, $hook)
     $variables = ['!hook' => $hook];
     $function = $target->getIndexer('function')->get('hook_' . $hook)->setDocComment($this->buildFixMe(NULL, $variables, self::DOC_COMMENT));
  * Parametrically rewrites a function.
  * @param \Drupal\drupalmoduleupgrader\RewriterInterface $rewriter
  *  A fully configured parametric rewriter.
  * @param \Pharborist\Functions\ParameterNode $parameter
  *  The parameter upon which to base the rewrite.
  * @param TargetInterface $target
  *  The target module.
  * @param boolean $recursive
  *  If TRUE, rewriting will recurse into called functions which are passed
  *  the rewritten parameter as an argument.
 protected function rewriteFunction(RewriterInterface $rewriter, ParameterNode $parameter, TargetInterface $target, $recursive = TRUE)
     // Find function calls within the rewritten function which are called
     // with the rewritten parameter.
     $indexer = $target->getIndexer('function');
     $next = $parameter->getFunction()->find(new FunctionCallArgumentFilter($parameter->getName()))->filter(function (FunctionCallNode $call) use($indexer) {
         return $indexer->has($call->getName()->getText());
     /** @var \Pharborist\Functions\FunctionCallNode $call */
     foreach ($next as $call) {
         /** @var \Pharborist\Functions\FunctionDeclarationNode $function */
         $function = $indexer->get($call->getName()->getText());
         foreach ($call->getArguments() as $index => $argument) {
             if ($argument instanceof VariableNode && $argument->getName() == $parameter->getName()) {
                 $this->rewriteFunction($rewriter, $function->getParameterAtIndex($index), $target, $recursive);