Beispiel #1
  * Tests truncation of messages when max_allowed_packet exception occurs.
 function testMaxAllowedPacketQueryTruncating()
     // This test only makes sense if we are running on a MySQL database.
     // Test if we are.
     $database = Database::getConnectionInfo('default');
     if ($database['default']['driver'] == 'mysql') {
         // The max_allowed_packet value is configured per database instance.
         // Retrieve the max_allowed_packet value from the current instance and
         // check if PHP is configured with sufficient allowed memory to be able
         // to generate a query larger than max_allowed_packet.
         $max_allowed_packet = db_query('SELECT @@global.max_allowed_packet')->fetchField();
         if (Environment::checkMemoryLimit($max_allowed_packet + 16 * 1024 * 1024)) {
             $long_name = str_repeat('a', $max_allowed_packet + 1);
             try {
                 db_query('SELECT name FROM {test} WHERE name = :name', array(':name' => $long_name));
                 $this->fail("An exception should be thrown for queries larger than 'max_allowed_packet'");
             } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
                 // Close and re-open the connection. Otherwise we will run into error
                 // 2006 "MySQL server had gone away" afterwards.
                 $this->assertEqual($e->getPrevious()->errorInfo[1], 1153, "Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes exception thrown.");
                 // Use strlen() to count the bytes exactly, not the unicode chars.
                 $this->assertTrue(strlen($e->getMessage()) <= $max_allowed_packet, "'max_allowed_packet' exception message truncated.");
         } else {
             $this->verbose('The configured max_allowed_packet exceeds the php memory limit. Therefore the test is skipped.');
     } else {
         $this->verbose('The test requires MySQL. Therefore the test is skipped.');
Beispiel #2
   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function connect() {
    try {
      // This doesn't actually test the connection.
      // Now actually do a check.
      $this->pass('Drupal can CONNECT to the database ok.');
    catch (\Exception $e) {
      // Attempt to create the database if it is not found.
      if ($e->getCode() == Connection::DATABASE_NOT_FOUND) {
        // Remove the database string from connection info.
        $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo();
        $database = $connection_info['default']['database'];

        // In order to change the Database::$databaseInfo array, need to remove
        // the active connection, then re-add it with the new info.
        Database::addConnectionInfo('default', 'default', $connection_info['default']);

        try {
          // Now, attempt the connection again; if it's successful, attempt to
          // create the database.

          // Now, restore the database config.
          $connection_info['default']['database'] = $database;
          Database::addConnectionInfo('default', 'default', $connection_info['default']);

          // Check the database connection.
          $this->pass('Drupal can CONNECT to the database ok.');
        catch (DatabaseNotFoundException $e) {
          // Still no dice; probably a permission issue. Raise the error to the
          // installer.
          $this->fail(t('Database %database not found. The server reports the following message when attempting to create the database: %error.', array('%database' => $database, '%error' => $e->getMessage())));
          return FALSE;
        catch (\PDOException $e) {
          // Still no dice; probably a permission issue. Raise the error to the
          // installer.
          $this->fail(t('Database %database not found. The server reports the following message when attempting to create the database: %error.', array('%database' => $database, '%error' => $e->getMessage())));
          return FALSE;
      else {
        // Database connection failed for some other reason than the database
        // not existing.
        $this->fail(t('Failed to connect to your database server. The server reports the following message: %error.<ul><li>Is the database server running?</li><li>Does the database exist, and have you entered the correct database name?</li><li>Have you entered the correct username and password?</li><li>Have you entered the correct database hostname?</li></ul>', array('%error' => $e->getMessage())));
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #3
  * Tests the closing of a database connection.
 function testConnectionClosing()
     // Open the default target so we have an object to compare.
     $db1 = Database::getConnection('default', 'default');
     // Try to close the default connection, then open a new one.
     Database::closeConnection('default', 'default');
     $db2 = Database::getConnection('default', 'default');
     // Opening a connection after closing it should yield an object different than the original.
     $this->assertNotIdentical($db1, $db2, 'Opening the default connection after it is closed returns a new object.');
  * Tests logging of connection failures.
 function testConnectionFailureLogging()
     $logger = \Drupal::service('logger.factory');
     // MySQL errors like "1153 - Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet'
     // bytes" or "1100 - Table 'xyz' was not locked with LOCK TABLES" lead to a
     // database connection unusable for further requests. All further request
     // will result in an "2006 - MySQL server had gone away" error. As a
     // consequence it's impossible to use this connection to log the causing
     // initial error itself. Using Database::closeConnection() we simulate such
     // a corrupted connection. In this case dblog has to establish a different
     // connection by itself to be able to write the log entry.
     // Create a log entry.
     // Re-establish the default database connection.
     $wid = db_query("SELECT MAX(wid) FROM {watchdog} WHERE message = 'testConnectionFailureLogging'")->fetchField();
     $this->assertTrue($wid, 'Watchdog entry has been stored in database.');
  * Tests Database::closeConnection() with a select query.
 function testOpenSelectQueryClose()
     if ($this->skipTest) {
     // Add and open a new connection.
     $id = $this->getConnectionID();
     Database::getConnection($this->target, $this->key);
     // Verify that there is a new connection.
     // Create a table.
     $name = 'foo';
     Database::getConnection($this->target, $this->key)->schema()->createTable($name, array('fields' => array('name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255))));
     // Execute a query.
     Database::getConnection($this->target, $this->key)->select('foo', 'f')->fields('f', array('name'))->execute()->fetchAll();
     // Drop the table.
     Database::getConnection($this->target, $this->key)->schema()->dropTable($name);
     // Close the connection.
     Database::closeConnection($this->target, $this->key);
     // Wait 20ms to give the database engine sufficient time to react.
     // Verify that we are back to the original connection count.
Beispiel #6
  * Ensures standard_conforming_strings setting is 'on'.
  * When standard_conforming_strings setting is 'on' string literals ('...')
  * treat backslashes literally, as specified in the SQL standard. This allows
  * Drupal to convert between bytea, text and varchar columns.
 public function checkStandardConformingStrings()
     $database_connection = Database::getConnection();
     if (!$this->checkStandardConformingStringsSuccess()) {
         // First try to alter the database. If it fails, raise an error telling
         // the user to do it themselves.
         $connection_options = $database_connection->getConnectionOptions();
         // It is safe to include the database name directly here, because this
         // code is only called when a connection to the database is already
         // established, thus the database name is guaranteed to be a correct
         // value.
         $query = "ALTER DATABASE \"" . $connection_options['database'] . "\" SET standard_conforming_strings = 'on';";
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // Ignore possible errors when the user doesn't have the necessary
             // privileges to ALTER the database.
         // Close the database connection so that the configuration parameter
         // is applied to the current connection.
         // Recheck, if it fails, finally just rely on the end user to do the
         // right thing.
         if (!$this->checkStandardConformingStringsSuccess()) {
             $replacements = array('%setting' => 'standard_conforming_strings', '%current_value' => 'off', '%needed_value' => 'on', '@query' => $query);
             $this->fail(t("The %setting setting is currently set to '%current_value', but needs to be '%needed_value'. Change this by running the following query: <code>@query</code>", $replacements));