Beispiel #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build()
     // We ask ViewExecutable::buildRenderable() to avoid creating a render cache
     // entry for the view output by passing FALSE, because we're going to cache
     // the whole block instead.
     if ($output = $this->view->buildRenderable($this->displayID, [], FALSE)) {
         // Override the label to the dynamic title configured in the view.
         if (empty($this->configuration['views_label']) && $this->view->getTitle()) {
             $output['#title'] = ['#markup' => $this->view->getTitle(), '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()];
         // Before returning the block output, convert it to a renderable array
         // with contextual links.
         // Block module expects to get a final render array, without another
         // top-level #pre_render callback. So, here we make sure that Views'
         // #pre_render callback has already been applied.
         $output = View::preRenderViewElement($output);
         // When view_build is empty, the actual render array output for this View
         // is going to be empty. In that case, return just #cache, so that the
         // render system knows the reasons (cache contexts & tags) why this Views
         // block is empty, and can cache it accordingly.
         if (empty($output['view_build'])) {
             $output = ['#cache' => $output['#cache']];
         return $output;
     return array();
Beispiel #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build()
     if ($output = $this->view->buildRenderable($this->displayID, [], FALSE)) {
         // Override the label to the dynamic title configured in the view.
         if (empty($this->configuration['views_label']) && $this->view->getTitle()) {
             $output['#title'] = ['#markup' => $this->view->getTitle(), '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()];
         // Before returning the block output, convert it to a renderable array
         // with contextual links.
         return $output;
     return array();
Beispiel #3
  * Overrides \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\PathPluginBase::execute().
 public function execute()
     // And now render the view.
     $render = $this->view->render();
     // First execute the view so it's possible to get tokens for the title.
     // And the title, which is much easier.
     // @todo Figure out how to support custom response objects. Maybe for pages
     //   it should be dropped.
     if (is_array($render)) {
         $render += array('#title' => ['#markup' => $this->view->getTitle(), '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()]);
     return $render;
  * Route title callback.
  * @param \Drupal\user\UserInterface $user
  *   The user account.
  * @return string|array
  *   The user account name as a render array or an empty string if $user is
  *   NULL.
 public function userTitle(UserInterface $user = NULL)
     return $user ? ['#markup' => $user->getUsername(), '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()] : '';
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function getRevisionDescription(ContentEntityInterface $revision, $is_default = FALSE)
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface|\Drupal\user\EntityOwnerInterface|\Drupal\Core\Entity\RevisionLogInterface $revision */
     if ($revision instanceof RevisionLogInterface) {
         // Use revision link to link to revisions that are not active.
         $date = $this->dateFormatter->format($revision->getRevisionCreationTime(), 'short');
         $link = $revision->toLink($date, 'revision');
         // @todo: Simplify this when lands.
         $username = ['#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $revision->getRevisionUser()];
         $username = $this->renderer->render($username);
     } else {
         $link = $revision->toLink($revision->label(), 'revision');
         $username = '';
     $markup = '';
     if ($revision instanceof RevisionLogInterface) {
         $markup = $revision->getRevisionLogMessage();
     if ($username) {
         $template = '{% trans %}{{ date }} by {{ username }}{% endtrans %}{% if message %}<p class="revision-log">{{ message }}</p>{% endif %}';
     } else {
         $template = '{% trans %} {{ date }} {% endtrans %}{% if message %}<p class="revision-log">{{ message }}</p>{% endif %}';
     $column = ['data' => ['#type' => 'inline_template', '#template' => $template, '#context' => ['date' => $link->toString(), 'username' => $username, 'message' => ['#markup' => $markup, '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()]]]];
     return $column;
Beispiel #6
  * Route title callback.
  * @param \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $taxonomy_term
  *   The taxonomy term.
  * @return array
  *   The term label as a render array.
 public function termTitle(TermInterface $taxonomy_term)
     return ['#markup' => $taxonomy_term->getName(), '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()];
Beispiel #7
  * Route title callback.
  * @param \Drupal\system\MenuInterface $menu
  *   The menu entity.
  * @return array
  *   The menu label as a render array.
 public function menuTitle(MenuInterface $menu)
     return ['#markup' => $menu->label(), '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()];
  * Generates an overview table of older revisions of a node.
  * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node
  *   A node object.
  * @return array
  *   An array as expected by drupal_render().
 public function revisionOverview(NodeInterface $node)
     $account = $this->currentUser();
     $langcode = $node->language()->getId();
     $langname = $node->language()->getName();
     $languages = $node->getTranslationLanguages();
     $has_translations = count($languages) > 1;
     $node_storage = $this->entityManager()->getStorage('node');
     $type = $node->getType();
     $build['#title'] = $has_translations ? $this->t('@langname revisions for %title', ['@langname' => $langname, '%title' => $node->label()]) : $this->t('Revisions for %title', ['%title' => $node->label()]);
     $header = array($this->t('Revision'), $this->t('Operations'));
     $revert_permission = ($account->hasPermission("revert {$type} revisions") || $account->hasPermission('revert all revisions') || $account->hasPermission('administer nodes')) && $node->access('update');
     $delete_permission = ($account->hasPermission("delete {$type} revisions") || $account->hasPermission('delete all revisions') || $account->hasPermission('administer nodes')) && $node->access('delete');
     $rows = array();
     $vids = $node_storage->revisionIds($node);
     $latest_revision = TRUE;
     foreach (array_reverse($vids) as $vid) {
         /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $revision */
         $revision = $node_storage->loadRevision($vid);
         // Only show revisions that are affected by the language that is being
         // displayed.
         if ($revision->hasTranslation($langcode) && $revision->getTranslation($langcode)->isRevisionTranslationAffected()) {
             $username = ['#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $revision->getRevisionAuthor()];
             // Use revision link to link to revisions that are not active.
             $date = $this->dateFormatter->format($revision->revision_timestamp->value, 'short');
             if ($vid != $node->getRevisionId()) {
                 $link = $this->l($date, new Url('entity.node.revision', ['node' => $node->id(), 'node_revision' => $vid]));
             } else {
                 $link = $node->link($date);
             $row = [];
             $column = ['data' => ['#type' => 'inline_template', '#template' => '{% trans %}{{ date }} by {{ username }}{% endtrans %}{% if message %}<p class="revision-log">{{ message }}</p>{% endif %}', '#context' => ['date' => $link, 'username' => $this->renderer->renderPlain($username), 'message' => ['#markup' => $revision->revision_log->value, '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()]]]];
             // @todo Simplify once lands.
             $this->renderer->addCacheableDependency($column['data'], $username);
             $row[] = $column;
             if ($latest_revision) {
                 $row[] = ['data' => ['#prefix' => '<em>', '#markup' => $this->t('Current revision'), '#suffix' => '</em>']];
                 foreach ($row as &$current) {
                     $current['class'] = ['revision-current'];
                 $latest_revision = FALSE;
             } else {
                 $links = [];
                 if ($revert_permission) {
                     $links['revert'] = ['title' => $this->t('Revert'), 'url' => $has_translations ? Url::fromRoute('node.revision_revert_translation_confirm', ['node' => $node->id(), 'node_revision' => $vid, 'langcode' => $langcode]) : Url::fromRoute('node.revision_revert_confirm', ['node' => $node->id(), 'node_revision' => $vid])];
                 if ($delete_permission) {
                     $links['delete'] = ['title' => $this->t('Delete'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('node.revision_delete_confirm', ['node' => $node->id(), 'node_revision' => $vid])];
                 $row[] = ['data' => ['#type' => 'operations', '#links' => $links]];
             $rows[] = $row;
     $build['node_revisions_table'] = array('#theme' => 'table', '#rows' => $rows, '#header' => $header, '#attached' => array('library' => array('node/drupal.node.admin')));
     return $build;
Beispiel #9
  * Description filter helper.
  * @param $string
  *   The string with raw HTML in it. It will be stripped of everything that
  *   can cause an XSS attack.
  * @return string
  *   An XSS safe version of $string, or an empty string if $string is not
  *   valid UTF-8.
  * @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss::filter()
 public static function descriptionFilter($string) {
   return parent::filter($string, ['img'] + Xss::getHtmlTagList());
  * Route title callback.
  * @param \Drupal\aggregator\FeedInterface $aggregator_feed
  *   The aggregator feed.
  * @return array
  *   The feed label as a render array.
 public function feedTitle(FeedInterface $aggregator_feed)
     return ['#markup' => $aggregator_feed->label(), '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()];
Beispiel #11
  * Route title callback.
  * @param \Drupal\rdf_entity\RdfInterface $rdf_entity
  *   The rdf entity.
  * @return array
  *   The rdf entity label as a render array.
 public function rdfTitle(RdfInterface $rdf_entity)
     return ['#markup' => $rdf_entity->getName(), '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()];
  * Altered title callback for the navigation menu edit form.
  * @param \Drupal\og_menu\OgMenuInstanceInterface $ogmenu_instance
  *   The OG Menu instance that is being edited.
  * @return array
  *   The title as a render array.
  * @see \Drupal\custom_page\Routing\RouteSubscriber::alterRoutes()
 public function editFormTitle(OgMenuInstanceInterface $ogmenu_instance)
     // Provide a custom title for the OG Menu instance edit form. The default
     // menu is suitable for webmasters, but we need a simpler title since this
     // form is exposed to regular visitors.
     $group = $ogmenu_instance->og_audience->entity;
     return ['#markup' => t('Edit navigation menu of the %group @type', ['%group' => $ogmenu_instance->label(), '@type' => $group->bundle()]), '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()];
 protected function getRevisionDescription(ContentEntityInterface $revision, $is_current = FALSE)
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface|\Drupal\user\EntityOwnerInterface $revision */
     if ($revision instanceof EntityOwnerInterface) {
         $username = ['#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $revision->getOwner()];
     } else {
         $username = '';
     if ($revision instanceof ExpandedEntityRevisionInterface) {
         // Use revision link to link to revisions that are not active.
         $date = $this->dateFormatter()->format($revision->getRevisionCreationTime(), 'short');
         if (!$is_current) {
             $link = $this->l($date, $revision->urlInfo('revision'));
         } else {
             $link = $revision->link($date);
     } else {
         $link = $revision->link($revision->label(), 'revision');
     $markup = '';
     if ($revision instanceof EntityRevisionLogInterface) {
         $markup = $revision->getRevisionLog();
     if ($username) {
         $template = '{% trans %}{{ date }} by {{ username }}{% endtrans %}{% if message %}<p class="revision-log">{{ message }}</p>{% endif %}';
     } else {
         $template = '{% trans %} {{ date }} {% endtrans %}{% if message %}<p class="revision-log">{{ message }}</p>{% endif %}';
     $column = ['data' => ['#type' => 'inline_template', '#template' => $template, '#context' => ['date' => $link, 'username' => $this->renderer()->renderPlain($username), 'message' => ['#markup' => $markup, '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()]]]];
     return $column;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $node = NULL)
     $account = $this->currentUser;
     $langcode = $this->languageManager->getCurrentLanguage(LanguageInterface::TYPE_CONTENT)->getId();
     $langname = $this->languageManager->getLanguageName($langcode);
     $languages = $node->getTranslationLanguages();
     $has_translations = count($languages) > 1;
     $node_storage = $this->entityManager->getStorage('node');
     $type = $node->getType();
     $vids = array_reverse($node_storage->revisionIds($node));
     $revision_count = count($vids);
     $build['#title'] = $has_translations ? $this->t('@langname revisions for %title', ['@langname' => $langname, '%title' => $node->label()]) : $this->t('Revisions for %title', ['%title' => $node->label()]);
     $build['nid'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $node->id());
     $table_header = array('revision' => $this->t('Revision'), 'operations' => $this->t('Operations'));
     // Allow comparisons only if there are 2 or more revisions.
     if ($revision_count > 1) {
         $table_header += array('select_column_one' => '', 'select_column_two' => '');
     $rev_revert_perm = $account->hasPermission("revert {$type} revisions") || $account->hasPermission('revert all revisions') || $account->hasPermission('administer nodes');
     $rev_delete_perm = $account->hasPermission("delete {$type} revisions") || $account->hasPermission('delete all revisions') || $account->hasPermission('administer nodes');
     $revert_permission = $rev_revert_perm && $node->access('update');
     $delete_permission = $rev_delete_perm && $node->access('delete');
     // Contains the table listing the revisions.
     $build['node_revisions_table'] = array('#type' => 'table', '#header' => $table_header, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('diff-revisions')));
     $build['node_revisions_table']['#attached']['library'][] = 'diff/diff.general';
     $build['node_revisions_table']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['diffRevisionRadios'] = $this->config->get('general_settings.radio_behavior');
     $latest_revision = TRUE;
     // Add rows to the table.
     foreach ($vids as $vid) {
         if ($revision = $node_storage->loadRevision($vid)) {
             if ($revision->hasTranslation($langcode) && $revision->getTranslation($langcode)->isRevisionTranslationAffected()) {
                 $username = array('#theme' => 'username', '#account' => $revision->getRevisionAuthor());
                 $revision_date = $this->date->format($revision->getRevisionCreationTime(), 'short');
                 // Use revision link to link to revisions that are not active.
                 if ($vid != $node->getRevisionId()) {
                     $link = $this->l($revision_date, new Url('entity.node.revision', ['node' => $node->id(), 'node_revision' => $vid]));
                 } else {
                     $link = $node->link($revision_date);
                 // Default revision.
                 if ($latest_revision) {
                     $row = array('revision' => array('#type' => 'inline_template', '#template' => '{% trans %}{{ date }} by {{ username }}{% endtrans %}{% if message %}<p class="revision-log">{{ message }}</p>{% endif %}', '#context' => ['date' => $link, 'username' => $this->renderer->renderPlain($username), 'message' => ['#markup' => $revision->revision_log->value, '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()]]));
                     // Allow comparisons only if there are 2 or more revisions.
                     if ($revision_count > 1) {
                         $row += array('select_column_one' => array('#type' => 'radio', '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#name' => 'radios_left', '#return_value' => $vid, '#default_value' => FALSE), 'select_column_two' => array('#type' => 'radio', '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#name' => 'radios_right', '#default_value' => $vid, '#return_value' => $vid));
                     $row['operations'] = array('#prefix' => '<em>', '#markup' => $this->t('Current revision'), '#suffix' => '</em>', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('revision-current')));
                     $latest_revision = FALSE;
                 } else {
                     $route_params = array('node' => $node->id(), 'node_revision' => $vid, 'langcode' => $langcode);
                     $links = array();
                     if ($revert_permission) {
                         $links['revert'] = ['title' => $this->t('Revert'), 'url' => $has_translations ? Url::fromRoute('node.revision_revert_translation_confirm', ['node' => $node->id(), 'node_revision' => $vid, 'langcode' => $langcode]) : Url::fromRoute('node.revision_revert_confirm', ['node' => $node->id(), 'node_revision' => $vid])];
                     if ($delete_permission) {
                         $links['delete'] = array('title' => $this->t('Delete'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('node.revision_delete_confirm', $route_params));
                     // Here we don't have to deal with 'only one revision' case because
                     // if there's only one revision it will also be the default one,
                     // entering on the first branch of this if else statement.
                     $row = array('revision' => array('#type' => 'inline_template', '#template' => '{% trans %}{{ date }} by {{ username }}{% endtrans %}{% if message %}<p class="revision-log">{{ message }}</p>{% endif %}', '#context' => ['date' => $link, 'username' => $this->renderer->renderPlain($username), 'message' => ['#markup' => $revision->revision_log->value, '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList()]]), 'select_column_one' => array('#type' => 'radio', '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#name' => 'radios_left', '#return_value' => $vid, '#default_value' => isset($vids[1]) ? $vids[1] : FALSE), 'select_column_two' => array('#type' => 'radio', '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#name' => 'radios_right', '#return_value' => $vid, '#default_value' => FALSE), 'operations' => array('#type' => 'operations', '#links' => $links));
                 // Add the row to the table.
                 $build['node_revisions_table'][] = $row;
     // Allow comparisons only if there are 2 or more revisions.
     if ($revision_count > 1) {
         $build['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Compare'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('diff-button')));
     return $build;