Beispiel #1
  * Tests deleting an order programaticaly and through the UI.
 public function testDeleteOrder()
     $line_item = $this->createEntity('commerce_line_item', ['type' => 'product_variation']);
     $order = $this->createEntity('commerce_order', ['type' => 'default', 'mail' => $this->loggedInUser->getEmail(), 'line_items' => [$line_item]]);
     $order_exists = (bool) Order::load($order->id());
     $line_item_exists = (bool) LineItem::load($line_item->id());
     $this->assertFalse($order_exists, 'The new order has been deleted from the database.');
     $this->assertFalse($line_item_exists, 'The matching line item has been deleted from the database.');
  * @covers ::getState
  * @covers ::getOrderNumber
  * @covers ::setOrderNumber
  * @covers ::getEmail
  * @covers ::setEmail
  * @covers ::getIpAddress
  * @covers ::setIpAddress
  * @covers ::getLineItems
  * @covers ::setLineItems
  * @covers ::hasLineItems
  * @covers ::addLineItem
  * @covers ::removeLineItem
  * @covers ::hasLineItem
  * @covers ::getBillingProfile
  * @covers ::setBillingProfile
  * @covers ::getBillingProfileId
  * @covers ::setBillingProfileId
  * @covers ::getCreatedTime
  * @covers ::setCreatedTime
 public function testOrder()
     // @todo Test the store and owner getters/setters as well.
     $profile = Profile::create(['type' => 'billing', 'address' => ['country' => 'FR', 'postal_code' => '75002', 'locality' => 'Paris', 'address_line1' => 'A french street', 'recipient' => 'John LeSmith']]);
     $line_item = LineItem::create(['type' => 'test']);
     $order = Order::create(['type' => 'default', 'state' => 'completed', 'order_number' => '6', 'mail' => '*****@*****.**', 'ip_address' => '', 'billing_profile' => $profile, 'line_items' => [$line_item]]);
     // getState() returns a StateItem.
     $this->assertEquals('completed', $order->getState()->value);
     $this->assertEquals('6', $order->getOrderNumber());
     $this->assertEquals('7', $order->getOrderNumber());
     $this->assertEquals('*****@*****.**', $order->getEmail());
     $this->assertEquals('*****@*****.**', $order->getEmail());
     $this->assertEquals('', $order->getIpAddress());
     $this->assertEquals('', $order->getIpAddress());
     // Avoid passing an entire entity to assertEquals(), causes a crash.
     $profiles_match = $profile === $order->getBillingProfile();
     $this->assertEquals($profile->id(), $order->getBillingProfileId());
     $another_profile = Profile::create(['type' => 'billing', 'address' => ['country' => 'FR', 'postal_code' => '75003', 'locality' => 'Paris', 'address_line1' => 'A different french street', 'recipient' => 'Pierre Bertrand']]);
     $this->assertEquals($another_profile->id(), $order->getBillingProfileId());
     $this->assertEquals($profile->id(), $order->getBillingProfileId());
     // An initially saved line item won't be the same as the loaded one.
     $line_item = LineItem::load($line_item->id());
     $line_items_match = [$line_item] == $order->getLineItems();
     $another_line_item = LineItem::create(['type' => 'test']);
     $another_line_item = LineItem::load($another_line_item->id());
     $new_line_items = [$line_item, $another_line_item];
     $line_items_match = $new_line_items == $order->getLineItems();
     $this->assertEquals('635879700', $order->getCreatedTime('635879700'));