Beispiel #1
 public function viewAction()
     $id = (int) $this->getParam('id');
     $record = Artist::find($id);
     if (!$record instanceof Artist) {
         throw new \DF\Exception\DisplayOnly('Artist Not Found');
     $this->view->artist = $record;
     // Generate statistics.
     $cache_key = 'artist_' . $record->id . '_stats';
     $stats = \DF\Cache::get($cache_key);
     if (empty($stats)) {
         $stats = array('plays_per_day' => array(), 'song_lists' => array('most_played' => array('label' => 'Most Played Songs', 'songs' => array()), 'most_liked' => array('label' => 'Most Liked Songs', 'songs' => array()), 'most_recent' => array('label' => 'Most Recently Played', 'songs' => array())));
         $active_streams = \Entity\StationStream::getMainRadioStreams();
         $songs = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT s, sh
             FROM Entity\\Song s
             LEFT JOIN s.history sh
             WHERE s.artist LIKE :artist_q
             AND sh.stream_id IN (:streams)
             ORDER BY s.title, sh.timestamp DESC')->setParameter('artist_q', '%' . $record->name . '%')->setParameter('streams', $active_streams)->getArrayResult();
         $plays_per_day = array();
         foreach ($songs as &$song) {
             foreach ((array) $song['history'] as $i => $history) {
                 // Get day of song play, incremenet counter.
                 $day = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $history['timestamp']) . ' 00:00:00') * 1000;
                 $plays_per_day[$day] += 1;
                 // Increment votes.
                 $song['score_likes'] += $history['score_likes'];
                 $song['score_dislikes'] += $history['score_dislikes'];
             // Increment vote totals.
             $song['score_total'] = $song['score_likes'] - $song['score_dislikes'];
             $song['votes'] = $song['score_likes'] + $song['score_dislikes'];
         // Remove current day, as it will always be lower.
         $current_day = strtotime(date('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00') * 1000;
         foreach ($plays_per_day as $plays_day => $plays_total) {
             $stats['plays_per_day'][] = array($plays_day, $plays_total);
         $stats['song_lists']['most_played']['songs'] = array_slice(Utilities::irsort($songs, 'play_count'), 0, 10);
         $stats['song_lists']['most_liked']['songs'] = array_slice(Utilities::irsort($songs, 'score_total'), 0, 10);
         $stats['song_lists']['most_recent']['songs'] = array_slice(Utilities::irsort($songs, 'last_played'), 0, 10);
         \DF\Cache::save($stats, $cache_key, array(), 300);
     $this->view->stats = $stats;
Beispiel #2
 public function indexAction()
     $podcasts_raw = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT p, s, pe FROM Entity\\Podcast p LEFT JOIN p.stations s LEFT JOIN p.episodes pe WHERE p.is_approved = 1 ORDER BY ASC')->getArrayResult();
     $podcasts = array();
     foreach ($podcasts_raw as $pc) {
         $pc['episodes'] = array_slice($pc['episodes'], 0, 3);
         if (isset($pc['episodes'][0])) {
             $pc['latest_episode'] = $pc['episodes'][0]['timestamp'];
         $podcasts[$pc['id']] = $pc;
     if ($this->getParam('sort') == 'latest') {
         $podcasts = \DF\Utilities::irsort($podcasts, 'latest_episode');
     $this->view->sort = $this->getParam('sort', 'alpha');
     $this->view->podcasts = $podcasts;