public function testShouldDeleteUser()
     // create user and logged in (the user who will perform the action)
     $user = User::create(array('first_name' => 'darryl', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'pass$darryl', 'permissions' => array('superuser' => 1)));
     $res = $this->createDummyUserAndGroup();
     // before deleting the user and detaching to any group
     // lets just prove that the the group the user is being associated with
     // contains 1 user
     $artistGroup = Group::with('users')->find($res['artist']->id);
     $this->assertCount(1, $artistGroup->users->toArray());
     $this->assertEquals('jane', $artistGroup->users->first()->first_name);
     $blogger = Group::with('users')->find($res['blogger']->id);
     $this->assertCount(1, $blogger->users->toArray());
     $this->assertEquals('jane', $blogger->users->first()->first_name);
     // create dummy
     $u = $res['user'];
     // begin deletion
     $result = $this->commandDispatcher->dispatchFromArray('Darryldecode\\Backend\\Components\\User\\Commands\\DeleteUserCommand', array('id' => $u->id));
     // prove deletion response should be successful
     $this->assertTrue($result->isSuccessful(), 'Transaction should be successful.');
     $this->assertEquals(200, $result->getStatusCode(), 'Status code should be forbidden.');
     $this->assertEquals('User successfully deleted.', $result->getMessage());
     // now this groups should have no user in it now
     $blogger = Group::with('users')->find($res['blogger']->id);
     $artistGroup = Group::with('users')->find($res['artist']->id);
     $this->assertCount(0, $artistGroup->users->toArray());
     $this->assertCount(0, $blogger->users->toArray());
     // user deleted should not exist
     $this->assertInternalType('null', User::find($u->id));
 public function testShouldDeleteGroup()
     // create user and logged in (the user who will perform the action)
     $user = User::create(array('first_name' => 'darryl', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'pass$darryl', 'permissions' => array('superuser' => 1)));
     $res = $this->createDummyUserAndGroup();
     // prove first that the blog group exist
     // and that user "jane" is in blog group
     $blog = $res['blogger'];
     $jane = $res['user'];
     $this->assertEquals('blogger', Group::find($blog->id)->name);
     $this->assertTrue($jane->inGroup($blog), "Jane should be in blogger group");
     // now lets delete the blogger group
     $result = $this->commandDispatcher->dispatchFromArray('Darryldecode\\Backend\\Components\\User\\Commands\\DeleteGroupCommand', array('id' => $blog->id));
     // prove deletion response should be successful
     $this->assertTrue($result->isSuccessful(), 'Transaction should be successful.');
     $this->assertEquals(200, $result->getStatusCode(), 'Status code should be forbidden.');
     $this->assertEquals('Group successfully deleted.', $result->getMessage());
     // blog should not exist now
     $this->assertInternalType('null', Group::find($blog->id));
     // user "jane" should not be in group "blogger" now
     $j = User::find($jane->id);
     $this->assertFalse($j->inGroup($blog), "Jane should not be in blogger group anymore");
  * @param User $user
  * @param Dispatcher $dispatcher
  * @param Group $group
  * @return CommandResult
 public function handle(User $user, Dispatcher $dispatcher, Group $group)
     // check user permission
     if (!$this->disablePermissionChecking) {
         if (!$this->user->hasAnyPermission(['user.manage'])) {
             return new CommandResult(false, CommandResult::$responseForbiddenMessage, null, 403);
     // fire creating
     $dispatcher->fire('user.updating', array($this->args));
     // find the user to be updated
     if (!($userToBeUpdated = $user->find($this->id))) {
         return new CommandResult(false, "User not found.", null, 404);
     // begin update
     $userToBeUpdated->first_name = $this->firstName ? $this->firstName : $userToBeUpdated->first_name;
     $userToBeUpdated->last_name = $this->lastName ? $this->lastName : $userToBeUpdated->last_name;
     $userToBeUpdated->permissions = $this->isPermissionsProvided($this->permissions) ? $this->transform($this->permissions) : $userToBeUpdated->permissions;
     if ($this->isEmailIsProvidedAndIsNew($userToBeUpdated->email, $this->email)) {
         if ($this->isEmailAlreadyInUsed($user, $this->email)) {
             return new CommandResult(false, "Email already in used.", null, 400);
         } else {
             $userToBeUpdated->email = $this->email;
     if ($this->isPasswordIsProvided()) {
         $userToBeUpdated->password = $this->password;
     // save
     // add to group if there's any
     if ($this->isGroupIdsAreProvided($this->groups)) {
         // delete all groups first
         // re attach
         foreach ($this->groups as $groupId) {
             $g = $group->find($groupId);
             if ($g) {
     // fire created user
     $dispatcher->fire('user.updated', array($userToBeUpdated));
     // return response
     return new CommandResult(true, "User successfully updated.", $userToBeUpdated, 200);
 public function testShouldAssociateTheUserToTheGroupIfThereIsAnyProvided()
     // create user and logged in
     $user = User::create(array('first_name' => 'darryl', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'pass$darryl', 'permissions' => array('superuser' => 1)));
     // create dummy groups
     $blogger = Group::create(array('name' => 'blogger', 'permissions' => array('blog.list' => 1, 'blog.create' => 1, 'blog.edit' => 1, 'blog.delete' => -1)));
     $artist = Group::create(array('name' => 'artist', 'permissions' => array('blog.list' => -1, 'art.create' => 1, 'art.edit' => 1, 'art.delete' => -1)));
     $moderator = Group::create(array('name' => 'moderator', 'permissions' => array('blog.list' => -1, 'art.create' => 1, 'art.edit' => 1, 'art.delete' => -1)));
     // dummy request, required first name
     $request = Request::create('', 'GET', array('firstName' => 'Darryl', 'lastName' => 'Fernandez', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'password', 'permissions' => array(), 'groups' => array($blogger->id, $artist->id)));
     // begin
     $result = $this->commandDispatcher->dispatchFrom('Darryldecode\\Backend\\Components\\User\\Commands\\CreateUserCommand', $request);
     $createdUser = User::find($result->getData()->id);
     $this->assertTrue($createdUser->inGroup($blogger), 'User should be in blogger group');
     $this->assertTrue($createdUser->inGroup($artist), 'User should be in artist group');
     $this->assertFalse($createdUser->inGroup($moderator), 'User should not be in moderator group');