if (!extension_loaded('mcrypt')) { die("Cygnite require mcrypt extension to run."); } require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php"; function show($resultArray = array(), $hasExit = "") { echo '<pre>'; print_r($resultArray); echo '</pre>'; if ($hasExit === 'exit') { exit; } } global $event; //create Event handler to attach all events $event = new Event(); $event->attach("exception", '\\Cygnite\\Exception\\Handler@handleException'); $config = array(); //Get the configuration variables. $config = array('app' => Config::load(), 'event' => $event); //unset($config); //Load application and Get application instance to boot up $application = Application::instance(function ($app) use($config) { /** *--------------------------------------------------- * Set Configurations and Events for boot-up process * -------------------------------------------------- */ return $app->setConfiguration($config)->boot(); }); //Response to browser
/** * Trash method * * Delete rows from the table and runs the query * * @access public * @param array $where * $multiple false * @param bool $multiple * @throws \Exception * @internal param \Cygnite\Database\the $string table to retrieve the results from * @return object */ public function trash($where, $multiple = false) { $whr = array(); $column = $value = $statement = null; if (method_exists($this, 'beforeDelete')) { Event::instance()->trigger('beforeDelete', $this); } if (is_array($where) && $multiple == false) { $whr = array_keys($where); $column = $whr[0]; $value = $where[$whr[0]]; $condition = "` WHERE `" . $column . "` = " . $value; } if (is_string($where) || is_int($where)) { $column = $this->primaryKey; $value = $where; $condition = "` WHERE `" . $column . "` = " . $value; } $values = array(); if (is_array($where) && $multiple == true) { $condition = "` WHERE `id` IN (" . implode(',', $where) . ")"; $output = array_map(function ($val) { return '?'; }, $where); $debugQuery = "` WHERE `id` IN (" . implode(',', $output) . ")"; $sqlQuery = self::DELETE . " FROM `" . $this->tableName . $condition; $debugQuery = self::DELETE . " FROM `" . $this->tableName . $debugQuery; } else { $sqlQuery = self::DELETE . " FROM `" . $this->tableName . "` WHERE `" . $column . "` = :where"; $debugQuery = self::DELETE . " FROM `" . $this->tableName . "` WHERE `" . $column . "` = " . $value; } /** @var $exception TYPE_NAME */ try { $statement = $this->getDatabaseConnection()->prepare($sqlQuery); if (is_array($values) && empty($values)) { $statement->bindValue(':where', $value); } $affectedRows = null; $affectedRows = $statement->execute(); if (method_exists($this, 'afterDelete')) { Event::instance()->trigger('afterDelete', $this); } return $affectedRows; } catch (\PDOException $exception) { throw new \Exception($exception->getMessage()); } }