Beispiel #1
  * Sets up the Country settings page
  * @return  string          The page content
 static function settings()
     global $_CORELANG;
     $objTemplateCountry = new \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma(\Env::get('cx')->getCodeBaseCorePath() . '/Country/View/Template/Generic');
     // Adds messages
     $uri = \Html::getRelativeUri();
     // Let all links in this tab point here again
     \Html::replaceUriParameter($uri, 'active_tab=' . \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::tab_index());
     // Create a copy of the URI for the Paging, as this is passed by
     // reference and modified
     $uri_paging = $uri;
     //DBG::log("URI: $uri");
     $objSorting = new Sorting($uri, array('id' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_ID'], 'active' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_ACTIVE'], 'ord' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_ORD'], 'name' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_NAME'], 'alpha2' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_ISO2'], 'alpha3' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_ISO3']), true, 'order_country');
     \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::init('core', 'country');
     $limit = \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('numof_countries_per_page_backend', 'core');
     $count = 0;
     $arrCountries = self::getArray($count, null, $limit, \Paging::getPosition(), $objSorting->getOrder());
     if ($arrCountries === false) {
         return \Message::error($_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_ERROR_INITIALIZING']);
     $objTemplateCountry->setGlobalVariable($_CORELANG + array('CORE_COUNTRY' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY'] . ' ' . sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_TOTAL'], $count), 'HEAD_SETTINGS_COUNTRY_ID' => $objSorting->getHeaderForField('id'), 'HEAD_SETTINGS_COUNTRY_ACTIVE' => $objSorting->getHeaderForField('active'), 'HEAD_SETTINGS_COUNTRY_ORD' => $objSorting->getHeaderForField('ord'), 'HEAD_SETTINGS_COUNTRY_NAME' => $objSorting->getHeaderForField('name'), 'HEAD_SETTINGS_COUNTRY_ISO2' => $objSorting->getHeaderForField('alpha2'), 'HEAD_SETTINGS_COUNTRY_ISO3' => $objSorting->getHeaderForField('alpha3'), 'CORE_SETTING_TAB_INDEX' => \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::tab_index(), 'SETTINGS_COUNTRY_PAGING' => \Paging::get($uri_paging, '', $count, $limit, true)));
     // Note:  Optionally disable the block 'settings_country_submit'
     // to disable storing changes
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($arrCountries as $country_id => $arrCountry) {
         $objTemplateCountry->setVariable(array('SETTINGS_COUNTRY_ROWCLASS' => ++$i % 2 + 1, 'SETTINGS_COUNTRY_ID' => $country_id, 'SETTINGS_COUNTRY_ACTIVE' => $arrCountry['active'] ? \Html::ATTRIBUTE_CHECKED : '', 'SETTINGS_COUNTRY_ORD' => $arrCountry['ord'], 'SETTINGS_COUNTRY_NAME' => $arrCountry['name'], 'SETTINGS_COUNTRY_ISO2' => $arrCountry['alpha2'], 'SETTINGS_COUNTRY_ISO3' => $arrCountry['alpha3'], 'SETTINGS_FUNCTIONS' => \Html::getBackendFunctions(array('delete' => 'delete_country_id=' . $country_id), array('delete' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_CONFIRM_DELETE'] . "\\n" . $_CORELANG['TXT_ACTION_IS_IRREVERSIBLE']))));
     $objTemplateSetting = null;
     \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::show_external($objTemplateSetting, $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_EDIT'], $objTemplateCountry->get());
     \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::show($objTemplateSetting, $uri, $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_SETTINGS'], $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_SETTINGS']);
     return $objTemplateSetting->get();
  * Show the selected mail template for editing
  * Stores the MailTemplate if the 'bsubmit' parameter has been posted.
  * If the $key argument is empty, tries to pick the value from
  * $_REQUEST['key'].
  * @param   mixed     $section      The section of the mail template
  *                                  to be edited
  * @param   string    $key          The optional key of the mail template
  *                                  to be edited
  * @param   string    $act          The action of the mail template
  * @return  \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma     The template object
 static function edit($section, $key = '', $useDefaultActs = true, $act = 'mailtemplate_overview')
     global $_CORELANG;
     // If the $key parameter is empty, check the request
     if (empty($key)) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['key'])) {
             $key = $_REQUEST['key'];
     // Try to load an existing template for any non-empty key
     $arrTemplate = null;
     if ($key != '') {
         $arrTemplate = self::get($section, $key, FRONTEND_LANG_ID);
     // If there is none, get an empty template
     $new = false;
     if (!$arrTemplate) {
         $new = true;
         $arrTemplate = self::getEmpty($key);
     // Copy the template?
     if (isset($_REQUEST['copy'])) {
         $arrTemplate['key'] = '';
         $new = true;
     $objTemplate = new \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma(\Env::get('cx')->getCodeBaseCorePath() . '/MailTemplate/View/Template/Generic');
     if (!$objTemplate->loadTemplateFile('Edit.html')) {
         die("Failed to load template Edit.html");
     $uri = \Html::getRelativeUri_entities();
     \Html::stripUriParam($uri, 'key');
     $uriAppendix = '';
     if ($useDefaultActs) {
         \Html::stripUriParam($uri, 'act');
         $uriAppendix = '&act=' . $act;
     $tab_index = \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::tab_index();
     \Html::replaceUriParameter($uri, 'active_tab=' . $tab_index);
     \Html::replaceUriParameter($uri, 'userFrontendLangId=' . FRONTEND_LANG_ID);
     $objTemplate->setGlobalVariable($_CORELANG + array('CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_EDIT_TITLE' => $new ? $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_ADD'] : $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_EDIT'], 'CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_CMD' => isset($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : '', 'CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_ACTIVE_TAB' => $tab_index, 'URI_BASE' => $uri . $uriAppendix));
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($arrTemplate as $name => $value) {
         // See if there is a posted parameter value
         if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
             $value = $_POST[$name];
         // IDs are set up as hidden fields.
         // They *MUST NOT* be edited!
         if (preg_match('/(?:_id)$/', $name)) {
             // For copies, IDs *MUST NOT* be reused!
             if (isset($_REQUEST['copy'])) {
                 $value = 0;
             $objTemplate->setVariable('MAILTEMPLATE_HIDDEN', \Html::getHidden($name, $value));
         // Regular inputs of various kinds
         $input = '';
         $attribute = '';
         //            $arrMimetype = '';
         switch ($name) {
             case 'available':
                 continue 2;
                 TODO: WARNING: FCKEditor v2.x f***s up the blocks in the mail template!
                 Use plain text areas instead.  See below.
             TODO: WARNING: FCKEditor v2.x f***s up the blocks in the mail template!
             Use plain text areas instead.  See below.
             case 'message_html':
                 // Show WYSIWYG only if HTML is enabled
                 if (empty($arrTemplate['html'])) {
                     continue 2;
                 $objTemplate->setVariable(array('MAILTEMPLATE_ROWCLASS' => ++$i % 2 + 1, 'MAILTEMPLATE_SPECIAL' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_' . strtoupper($name)]));
                 $objTemplate->setVariable(array('MAILTEMPLATE_ROWCLASS' => ++$i % 2 + 1, 'MAILTEMPLATE_SPECIAL' => new \Cx\Core\Wysiwyg\Wysiwyg($name, $value, 'fullpage')));
                 continue 2;
                 //$objTemplate->replaceBlock('core_mailtemplate_special', '', true);
                 //              case 'message_html':
             //$objTemplate->replaceBlock('core_mailtemplate_special', '', true);
             //              case 'message_html':
             case 'message':
                 $input = \Html::getTextarea($name, $value, '', 10, 'style="width: 600px;"');
             case 'protected':
                 $attribute = \Html::ATTRIBUTE_DISABLED;
                 $input = \Html::getCheckbox($name, 1, '', $value, '', $attribute);
             case 'html':
                 $input = \Html::getCheckbox($name, 1, '', $value, '', $attribute) . ' ' . $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_STORE_TO_SWITCH_EDITOR'];
             case 'inline':
             case 'attachments':
                 continue 2;
                 // TODO: These do not work properly yet
                               // These are identical except for the MIME types
                               case 'inline':
                                 $arrMimetype = \Filetype::getImageMimetypes();
                               case 'attachments':
                                 $arrAttachments = self::attachmentsToArray($arrTemplate[$name]);
                                 // Show at least one empty attachment/inline row
                                 if (empty($arrAttachments))
                                     $arrAttachments = array(array('path' => '', ), );
                                 $i = 0;
                                 foreach ($arrAttachments as $arrAttachment) {
                                     $div_id = $name.'-'.(++$i);
                                     $element_name = $name.'['.$i.']';
                                     $input .=
                                         '<div id="'.$div_id.'">'.
                                               $element_name.'[old]', $arrAttachment['path'],
                                               $element_name.'[new]', $name.'-file-'.$i,
                                           // Links for adding/removing inputs
                 //echo("$name => ".htmlentities($input)."<hr />");
                 // Once the key is defined, it cannot be changed.
                 // To fix a wrong key, copy the old template and enter a new key,
                 // then delete the old one.
             // TODO: These do not work properly yet
                           // These are identical except for the MIME types
                           case 'inline':
                             $arrMimetype = \Filetype::getImageMimetypes();
                           case 'attachments':
                             $arrAttachments = self::attachmentsToArray($arrTemplate[$name]);
                             // Show at least one empty attachment/inline row
                             if (empty($arrAttachments))
                                 $arrAttachments = array(array('path' => '', ), );
                             $i = 0;
                             foreach ($arrAttachments as $arrAttachment) {
                                 $div_id = $name.'-'.(++$i);
                                 $element_name = $name.'['.$i.']';
                                 $input .=
                                     '<div id="'.$div_id.'">'.
                                           $element_name.'[old]', $arrAttachment['path'],
                                           $element_name.'[new]', $name.'-file-'.$i,
                                       // Links for adding/removing inputs
             //echo("$name => ".htmlentities($input)."<hr />");
             // Once the key is defined, it cannot be changed.
             // To fix a wrong key, copy the old template and enter a new key,
             // then delete the old one.
             case 'key':
                 $input = $arrTemplate['key'] ? $value . \Html::getHidden($name, $value) : \Html::getInputText($name, $value, '', 'style="width: 300px;"');
                 //echo("Key /$key/ -> attr $attribute<br />");
                 $input = \Html::getInputText($name, $value, '', 'style="width: 300px;"');
         $name_upper = strtoupper($name);
         $objTemplate->setVariable(array('MAILTEMPLATE_ROWCLASS' => ++$i % 2 + 1, 'MAILTEMPLATE_NAME' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_' . $name_upper], 'MAILTEMPLATE_VALUE' => $input));
         // Add note with helpful hints, if available
         if (isset($_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_NOTE_' . $name_upper])) {
             $objTemplate->setVariable('MAILTEMPLATE_VALUE_NOTE', $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_NOTE_' . $name_upper]);
     // Send the (possibly edited and now stored) mail, if requested
     if (empty($_POST['to_test'])) {
         return $objTemplate;
     if (empty($key)) {
         return $objTemplate;
     $to_test = contrexx_input2raw($_POST['to_test']);
     $objTemplate->setVariable('CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_TO_TEST', $to_test);
     self::sendTestMail($section, $key, $to_test);
     return $objTemplate;