
use Codeception\Scenario;
use CubicMushroom\Payments\Stripe\Command\Payment\TakePaymentCommand;
use CubicMushroom\Payments\Stripe\Step\Integration\CommandValidationWizard;
use Money\Currency;
use Money\Money;
use ValueObjects\Web\EmailAddress;
/** @var Scenario $scenario */
$I = new CommandValidationWizard($scenario);
$I->wantTo('check that a command with incorrect property types fails validation');
// Setup test subjects
$amount = 699;
$currency = 'GBP';
$cost = new Money($amount, new Currency($currency));
$token = 'iAmAToken';
$description = 'Instead of enameling slobbery rum with tuna, use six teaspoons whipped cream and one package oregano ' . 'casserole.';
$userEmail = new EmailAddress('*****@*****.**');
$command = TakePaymentCommand::create($cost, $token, $description, $userEmail);
$reflectionObject = new \ReflectionObject($command);
$costProperty = $reflectionObject->getProperty('cost');
$costProperty->setValue($command, $amount);
$emailProperty = $reflectionObject->getProperty('userEmail');
$emailProperty->setValue($command, (string) $userEmail);
// Perform test
$I->expectTheFollowingValidationErrors(['cost' => ['Please provide the cost details'], 'userEmail' => ['Please provide the user\'s email address']]);

use CubicMushroom\Payments\Stripe\Command\Payment\TakePaymentCommand;
use CubicMushroom\Payments\Stripe\Step\Integration\CommandValidationWizard;
/** @var \Codeception\Scenario $scenario */
$I = new CommandValidationWizard($scenario);
$I->wantTo('check an empty take payment command does not validate');
// Setup test subjects
$command = new TakePaymentCommand();
// Perform tests
$I->expectTheFollowingValidationErrors(['cost' => ['Please provide the cost details'], 'token' => ['Please provide a payment card'], 'description' => ['Please provide a description of the payment'], 'userEmail' => ['Please provide the user\'s email address']]);