Beispiel #1
  * @api            {get} /users/{username}/images Get User's Images
  * @apiGroup       Users
  * @apiDescription Gets images uploaded by a user. The results are paginated with 15 results per page.
  * @apiParam {string} [sessionKey] A session key belonging to this user. Unless this is given anonymous
  *     and passworded images will be omitted.
  * @apiParam {int} [page=1] Results page number.
  * @apiUse         PaginatedImageResponse
  * @param User $user
  * @return Response
 public function indexImages(User $user)
     $this->validate($this->request, ['page' => 'int|min:1']);
     $results = $user->images()->with('imageFile')->with('thumbnailImageFile');
     if (!$this->isCurrentUser($user->getId())) {
         $results->where('anonymous', 0)->whereNull('password');
     $results->orderBy('imageId', 'DESC');
     $paginator = $results->paginate($this->getResultsPerPage());
     return $this->response($this->paginatorToArray($paginator, 'images'));