  * Build a widget for a given property.
  * @param EnvironmentInterface $environment The environment.
  * @param PropertyInterface    $property    The property.
  * @param ModelInterface       $model       The current model.
  * @return \Widget
 public function buildWidget(EnvironmentInterface $environment, PropertyInterface $property, ModelInterface $model)
     $dispatcher = $environment->getEventDispatcher();
     $propertyName = $property->getName();
     $propExtra = $property->getExtra();
     $defName = $environment->getDataDefinition()->getName();
     $strClass = $this->getWidgetClass($property);
     $event = new DecodePropertyValueForWidgetEvent($environment, $model);
     $dispatcher->dispatch($event::NAME, $event);
     $varValue = $event->getValue();
     $propExtra['required'] = $varValue == '' && !empty($propExtra['mandatory']);
     $propExtra['tableless'] = true;
     $arrConfig = array('inputType' => $property->getWidgetType(), 'label' => array($property->getLabel(), $property->getDescription()), 'options' => $this->getOptionsForWidget($environment, $property, $model), 'eval' => $propExtra);
     if (isset($propExtra['reference'])) {
         $arrConfig['reference'] = $propExtra['reference'];
     $event = new GetAttributesFromDcaEvent($arrConfig, $property->getName(), $varValue, $propertyName, $defName, new DcCompat($environment, $model, $propertyName));
     $dispatcher->dispatch(ContaoEvents::WIDGET_GET_ATTRIBUTES_FROM_DCA, $event);
     $preparedConfig = $event->getResult();
     $widget = new $strClass($preparedConfig, new DcCompat($environment, $model, $propertyName));
     $widget->currentRecord = $model->getId();
     $event = new ManipulateWidgetEvent($environment, $model, $property, $widget);
     $dispatcher->dispatch(ManipulateWidgetEvent::NAME, $event);
     return $widget;
Beispiel #2
  * Decode a value from native data of the data provider to the widget via event.
  * @param EnvironmentInterface $environment The environment.
  * @param ModelInterface       $model       The model.
  * @param string               $property    The property.
  * @param mixed                $value       The value of the property.
  * @return mixed
 private static function decodeValue($environment, $model, $property, $value)
     $event = new DecodePropertyValueForWidgetEvent($environment, $model);
     $environment->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(sprintf('%s', $event::NAME), $event);
     return $event->getValue();
  * Decode a value from native data of the data provider to the widget via event.
  * @param string $property The property.
  * @param mixed  $value    The value of the property.
  * @return mixed
 public function decodeValue($property, $value)
     $environment = $this->getEnvironment();
     $event = new DecodePropertyValueForWidgetEvent($environment, $this->model);
     $environment->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(EncodePropertyValueFromWidgetEvent::NAME, $event);
     return $event->getValue();
Beispiel #4
  * Build a widget for a given property.
  * @param PropertyInterface $property The property.
  * @param ModelInterface    $model    The current model.
  * @return \Widget
  * @throws DcGeneralRuntimeException When not running in TL_MODE BE.
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.Superglobals)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CamelCaseVariableName)
 public function buildWidget(PropertyInterface $property, ModelInterface $model)
     if (TL_MODE !== 'BE') {
         throw new DcGeneralRuntimeException(sprintf('WidgetBuilder only supports TL_MODE "BE". Running in TL_MODE "%s".', TL_MODE));
     $environment = $this->getEnvironment();
     $dispatcher = $environment->getEventDispatcher();
     $propertyName = $property->getName();
     $propExtra = $property->getExtra();
     $defName = $environment->getDataDefinition()->getName();
     $strClass = $this->getWidgetClass($property);
     $event = new DecodePropertyValueForWidgetEvent($environment, $model);
     $dispatcher->dispatch($event::NAME, $event);
     $varValue = $event->getValue();
     if (isset($propExtra['rgxp']) && in_array($propExtra['rgxp'], array('date', 'time', 'datim')) && empty($propExtra['mandatory']) && is_numeric($varValue) && $varValue == 0) {
         $varValue = '';
     $propExtra['required'] = $varValue == '' && !empty($propExtra['mandatory']);
     $arrConfig = array('inputType' => $property->getWidgetType(), 'label' => array($property->getLabel(), $property->getDescription()), 'options' => $this->getOptionsForWidget($property, $model), 'eval' => $propExtra);
     if (isset($propExtra['reference'])) {
         $arrConfig['reference'] = $propExtra['reference'];
     $event = new GetAttributesFromDcaEvent($arrConfig, $property->getName(), $varValue, $propertyName, $defName, new DcCompat($environment, $model, $propertyName));
     $dispatcher->dispatch(ContaoEvents::WIDGET_GET_ATTRIBUTES_FROM_DCA, $event);
     $arrPrepared = $event->getResult();
     if ($arrConfig['inputType'] == 'checkbox' && isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$defName]['subpalettes']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$defName]['subpalettes']) && in_array($propertyName, array_keys($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$defName]['subpalettes'])) && $arrConfig['eval']['submitOnChange']) {
         // We have to override the onclick, do not append to it as Contao adds it's own code here in
         // \Widget::getAttributesFromDca() which kills our sub palette handling!
         $arrPrepared['onclick'] = "Backend.autoSubmit('" . $defName . "');";
     $objWidget = new $strClass($arrPrepared, new DcCompat($environment, $model, $propertyName));
     // OH: what is this? source: DataContainer 232.
     $objWidget->currentRecord = $model->getId();
     $objWidget->xlabel .= $this->getXLabel($property);
     $event = new ManipulateWidgetEvent($environment, $model, $property, $objWidget);
     $dispatcher->dispatch(ManipulateWidgetEvent::NAME, $event);
     return $objWidget;
  * Decode a value from native data of the data provider to the widget via event.
  * @param string $property The property.
  * @param mixed  $value    The value of the property.
  * @return mixed
 public function decodeValue($property, $value)
     $environment = $this->getEnvironment();
     $event = new DecodePropertyValueForWidgetEvent($environment, $this->model);
     $environment->getEventPropagator()->propagate($event::NAME, $event, array($environment->getDataDefinition()->getName(), $property));
     return $event->getValue();
Beispiel #6
  * Build a widget for a given property.
  * @param PropertyInterface $property The property.
  * @param ModelInterface    $model    The current model.
  * @return \Widget
  * @throws DcGeneralRuntimeException When not running in TL_MODE BE.
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.Superglobals)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CamelCaseVariableName)
 public function buildWidget(PropertyInterface $property, ModelInterface $model)
     if (TL_MODE !== 'BE') {
         throw new DcGeneralRuntimeException(sprintf('WidgetBuilder only supports TL_MODE "BE". Running in TL_MODE "%s".', TL_MODE));
     $environment = $this->getEnvironment();
     $dispatcher = $environment->getEventDispatcher();
     $propertyName = $property->getName();
     $propExtra = $property->getExtra();
     $defName = $environment->getDataDefinition()->getName();
     $strClass = $this->getWidgetClass($property);
     $event = new DecodePropertyValueForWidgetEvent($environment, $model);
     $dispatcher->dispatch($event::NAME, $event);
     $varValue = $event->getValue();
     if (isset($propExtra['rgxp']) && in_array($propExtra['rgxp'], array('date', 'time', 'datim')) && empty($propExtra['mandatory']) && is_numeric($varValue) && $varValue == 0) {
             FIXME TEMPORARY WORKAROUND! To be fixed in the core:
             @see \Widget::getAttributesFromDca()
         $varValue = '';
     // OH: why not $required = $mandatory always? source: DataContainer 226.
     // OH: the whole prepareForWidget(..) thing is an only mess
     // Widgets should parse the configuration by themselves, depending on what they need.
     $propExtra['required'] = $varValue == '' && !empty($propExtra['mandatory']);
     $arrConfig = array('inputType' => $property->getWidgetType(), 'label' => array($property->getLabel(), $property->getDescription()), 'options' => $this->getOptionsForWidget($property, $model), 'eval' => $propExtra);
     if (isset($propExtra['reference'])) {
         $arrConfig['reference'] = $propExtra['reference'];
     $event = new GetAttributesFromDcaEvent($arrConfig, $property->getName(), $varValue, $propertyName, $defName, new DcCompat($environment, $model, $propertyName));
     $dispatcher->dispatch(ContaoEvents::WIDGET_GET_ATTRIBUTES_FROM_DCA, $event);
     $arrPrepared = $event->getResult();
     // Bugfix CS: ajax subpalettes are really broken.
     // Therefore we reset to the default checkbox behaviour here and submit the entire form.
     // This way, the javascript needed by the widget (wizards) will be correctly evaluated.
     if ($arrConfig['inputType'] == 'checkbox' && isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$defName]['subpalettes']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$defName]['subpalettes']) && in_array($propertyName, array_keys($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$defName]['subpalettes'])) && $arrConfig['eval']['submitOnChange']) {
         // We have to override the onclick, do not append to it as Contao adds it's own code here in
         // \Widget::getAttributesFromDca() which kills our sub palette handling!
         $arrPrepared['onclick'] = "Backend.autoSubmit('" . $defName . "');";
     $objWidget = new $strClass($arrPrepared, new DcCompat($environment, $model, $propertyName));
     // OH: what is this? source: DataContainer 232.
     $objWidget->currentRecord = $model->getId();
     $objWidget->xlabel .= $this->getXLabel($property);
     $event = new ManipulateWidgetEvent($environment, $model, $property, $objWidget);
     $dispatcher->dispatch(ManipulateWidgetEvent::NAME, $event);
     return $objWidget;
  * The subscriber creates the timestamp from the widget value.
  * @param string $format The given date format.
  * @param string $value  The given date example
  * @dataProvider dataProvider
  * @test
 public function it_creates_timestamp_from_widget_value($format, $value)
     $dateTime = \DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $value);
     $timestamp = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
     $attribute = $this->mockAttribute($format);
     $model = $this->mockModelWithAttribute($attribute);
     $event = new DecodePropertyValueForWidgetEvent($this->mockEnvironment(), $model);
     $this->eventDispatcher->expects($this->atLeastOnce())->method('dispatch')->with($this->anything(), $this->callback(function (ParseDateEvent $event) use($value) {
         return true;
     $this->assertEquals($value, $event->getValue());