Beispiel #1
  * Add a form to create new comments
  * @param FrontendTemplate|object $objTemplate
  * @param \stdClass               $objConfig
  * @param string                  $strSource
  * @param integer                 $intParent
  * @param mixed                   $varNotifies
 protected function renderCommentForm(FrontendTemplate $objTemplate, \stdClass $objConfig, $strSource, $intParent, $varNotifies)
     $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User');
     // Access control
     if ($objConfig->requireLogin && !FE_USER_LOGGED_IN) {
         $objTemplate->requireLogin = true;
         $objTemplate->login = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['com_login'];
     // Confirm or remove a subscription
     if (\Input::get('token')) {
     // Form fields
     $arrFields = array('name' => array('name' => 'name', 'label' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['com_name'], 'value' => trim($this->User->firstname . ' ' . $this->User->lastname), 'inputType' => 'text', 'eval' => array('mandatory' => true, 'maxlength' => 64)), 'email' => array('name' => 'email', 'label' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['com_email'], 'value' => $this->User->email, 'inputType' => 'text', 'eval' => array('rgxp' => 'email', 'mandatory' => true, 'maxlength' => 128, 'decodeEntities' => true)), 'website' => array('name' => 'website', 'label' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['com_website'], 'inputType' => 'text', 'eval' => array('rgxp' => 'url', 'maxlength' => 128, 'decodeEntities' => true)));
     // Captcha
     if (!$objConfig->disableCaptcha) {
         $arrFields['captcha'] = array('name' => 'captcha', 'label' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['securityQuestion'], 'inputType' => 'captcha', 'eval' => array('mandatory' => true));
     // Comment field
     $arrFields['comment'] = array('name' => 'comment', 'label' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['com_comment'], 'inputType' => 'textarea', 'eval' => array('mandatory' => true, 'rows' => 4, 'cols' => 40, 'preserveTags' => true));
     // Notify me of new comments
     $arrFields['notify'] = array('name' => 'notify', 'label' => '', 'inputType' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['com_notify']));
     $doNotSubmit = false;
     $arrWidgets = array();
     $strFormId = 'com_' . $strSource . '_' . $intParent;
     // Initialize the widgets
     foreach ($arrFields as $arrField) {
         /** @var Widget $strClass */
         $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_FFL'][$arrField['inputType']];
         // Continue if the class is not defined
         if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
         $arrField['eval']['required'] = $arrField['eval']['mandatory'];
         /** @var Widget $objWidget */
         $objWidget = new $strClass($strClass::getAttributesFromDca($arrField, $arrField['name'], $arrField['value']));
         // Validate the widget
         if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $strFormId) {
             if ($objWidget->hasErrors()) {
                 $doNotSubmit = true;
         $arrWidgets[$arrField['name']] = $objWidget;
     $objTemplate->fields = $arrWidgets;
     $objTemplate->submit = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['com_submit'];
     $objTemplate->action = ampersand(\Environment::get('request'));
     $objTemplate->messages = '';
     // Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0
     $objTemplate->formId = $strFormId;
     $objTemplate->hasError = $doNotSubmit;
     // Do not index or cache the page with the confirmation message
         /** @var PageModel $objPage */
         global $objPage;
         $objPage->noSearch = 1;
         $objPage->cache = 0;
         $objTemplate->confirm = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['com_confirm'];
         $_SESSION['TL_COMMENT_ADDED'] = false;
     // Store the comment
     if (!$doNotSubmit && \Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $strFormId) {
         $strWebsite = $arrWidgets['website']->value;
         // Add http:// to the website
         if ($strWebsite != '' && !preg_match('@^(https?://|ftp://|mailto:|#)@i', $strWebsite)) {
             $strWebsite = 'http://' . $strWebsite;
         // Do not parse any tags in the comment
         $strComment = \StringUtil::specialchars(trim($arrWidgets['comment']->value));
         $strComment = str_replace(array('&', '<', '>'), array('[&]', '[lt]', '[gt]'), $strComment);
         // Remove multiple line feeds
         $strComment = preg_replace('@\\n\\n+@', "\n\n", $strComment);
         // Parse BBCode
         if ($objConfig->bbcode) {
             $strComment = $this->parseBbCode($strComment);
         // Prevent cross-site request forgeries
         $strComment = preg_replace('/(href|src|on[a-z]+)="[^"]*(contao\\/main\\.php|typolight\\/main\\.php|javascript|vbscri?pt|script|alert|document|cookie|window)[^"]*"+/i', '$1="#"', $strComment);
         $time = time();
         // Prepare the record
         $arrSet = array('tstamp' => $time, 'source' => $strSource, 'parent' => $intParent, 'name' => $arrWidgets['name']->value, 'email' => $arrWidgets['email']->value, 'website' => $strWebsite, 'comment' => $this->convertLineFeeds($strComment), 'ip' => $this->anonymizeIp(\Environment::get('ip')), 'date' => $time, 'published' => $objConfig->moderate ? '' : 1);
         // Store the comment
         $objComment = new \CommentsModel();
         // Store the subscription
         if ($arrWidgets['notify']->value) {
         // HOOK: add custom logic
         if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['addComment']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['addComment'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['addComment'] as $callback) {
                 $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($objComment->id, $arrSet, $this);
         // Prepare the notification mail
         $objEmail = new \Email();
         $objEmail->from = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_EMAIL'];
         $objEmail->fromName = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_NAME'];
         $objEmail->subject = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['com_subject'], \Idna::decode(\Environment::get('host')));
         // Convert the comment to plain text
         $strComment = strip_tags($strComment);
         $strComment = \StringUtil::decodeEntities($strComment);
         $strComment = str_replace(array('[&]', '[lt]', '[gt]'), array('&', '<', '>'), $strComment);
         // Add the comment details
         $objEmail->text = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['com_message'], $arrSet['name'] . ' (' . $arrSet['email'] . ')', $strComment, \Idna::decode(\Environment::get('base')) . \Environment::get('request'), \Idna::decode(\Environment::get('base')) . 'contao?do=comments&act=edit&id=' . $objComment->id);
         // Add a moderation hint to the e-mail (see #7478)
         if ($objConfig->moderate) {
             $objEmail->text .= "\n" . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['com_moderated'] . "\n";
         // Do not send notifications twice
         if (is_array($varNotifies)) {
         } elseif ($varNotifies != '') {
             // see #5443
         // Pending for approval
         if ($objConfig->moderate) {
             $_SESSION['TL_COMMENT_ADDED'] = true;
         } else {