Beispiel #1
  * Upload a screenshot
  * @return     void
 public function uploadTask()
     // Incoming
     $pid = Request::getInt('pid', 0);
     if (!$pid) {
         $this->displayTask($pid, $version);
     $version = Request::getVar('version', 'dev');
     $title = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', Request::getVar('title', ''));
     $allowed = array('.gif', '.jpg', '.png', '.bmp');
     $changing_version = Request::getInt('changing_version', 0);
     if ($changing_version) {
         // reload screen
         $this->displayTask($pid, $version);
     // Get resource information
     $resource = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Resource($this->database);
     // Incoming file
     $file = Request::getVar('upload', '', 'files', 'array');
     if (!$file['name']) {
         $this->displayTask($pid, $version);
     // Make the filename safe
     $file['name'] = Filesystem::clean($file['name']);
     $file['name'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $file['name']);
     $file['name'] = str_replace('-tn', '', $file['name']);
     $file_basename = substr($file['name'], 0, strripos($file['name'], '.'));
     // strip extention
     $file_ext = substr($file['name'], strripos($file['name'], '.'));
     // Make sure we have an allowed format
     if (!in_array(strtolower($file_ext), $allowed)) {
         $this->displayTask($pid, $version);
     // Get version id
     $objV = new \Components\Tools\Tables\Version($this->database);
     $vid = $objV->getVersionIdFromResource($pid, $version);
     if ($vid == NULL) {
         $this->displayTask($pid, $version);
     // Instantiate a new screenshot object
     $row = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Screenshot($this->database);
     // Check if file with the same name already exists
     $files = $row->getFiles($pid, $vid);
     if (count($files) > 0) {
         $files = \Components\Tools\Helpers\Utils::transform($files, 'filename');
         foreach ($files as $f) {
             if ($f == $file['name']) {
                 // append extra characters in the end
                 $file['name'] = $file_basename . '_' . time() . $file_ext;
                 $file_basename = $file_basename . '_' . time();
     $row->title = preg_replace('/"((.)*?)"/i', "“\\1”", $title);
     $row->versionid = $vid;
     $ordering = $row->getLastOrdering($pid, $vid);
     $row->ordering = $ordering ? $ordering + 1 : count($files) + 1;
     // put in the end
     $row->filename = $file['name'];
     $row->resourceid = $pid;
     // Check content
     if (!$row->check()) {
         $this->displayTask($pid, $version);
     // Build the path
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html.php';
     $listdir = \Components\Resources\Helpers\Html::build_path($resource->created, $pid, '');
     $listdir .= DS . $vid;
     $path = $this->_buildUploadPath($listdir, '');
     // Make sure the upload path exist
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         if (!Filesystem::makeDirectory($path)) {
             $this->setError(Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_UPLOAD_PATH') . $path);
             $this->displayTask($pid, $version);
     // Perform the upload
     if (!\Filesystem::upload($file['tmp_name'], $path . DS . $file['name'])) {
     } else {
         // Store new content
         if (!$row->store()) {
             $this->displayTask($pid, $version);
         if (!$row->id) {
             $row->id = $row->insertid();
         // Create thumbnail
         $ss_height = intval($this->config->get('screenshot_maxheight', 58)) > 30 ? intval($this->config->get('screenshot_maxheight', 58)) : 58;
         $ss_width = intval($this->config->get('screenshot_maxwidth', 91)) > 80 ? intval($this->config->get('screenshot_maxwidth', 91)) : 91;
         $tn = \Components\Resources\Helpers\Html::thumbnail($file['name']);
         if ($file_ext != '.swf') {
             $this->_createThumb($path . DS . $file['name'], $ss_width, $ss_height, $path, $tn);
         } else {
             //$this->_createAnimThumb($path . DS . $file['name'], $ss_width, $ss_height, $path, $tn);
     // Store new content
     if (!$row->store()) {
         $this->displayTask($pid, $version);
     $this->_rid = $pid;
     // Push through to the screenshot view
     $this->displayTask($pid, $version);
Beispiel #2
  * Save a list of authors
  * @param      array   $authors  List of authors to add
  * @param      string  $version  Tool version
  * @param      integer $rid      Resource ID
  * @param      integer $revision Revision number
  * @param      string  $toolname Tool name
  * @return     boolean False if errors, True if not
 public function saveAuthors($authors, $version = 'dev', $rid = 0, $revision = 0, $toolname = '')
     if (!$rid) {
         return false;
     if ($authors) {
         $authors = Utils::transform($authors, 'uidNumber');
     $dev_authors = $this->getToolAuthors('dev', $rid);
     $dev_authors = Utils::transform($dev_authors, 'uidNumber');
     if ($dev_authors && $version == 'dev') {
         // update
         $to_delete = array_diff($current_authors, $authors);
         if ($to_delete) {
             foreach ($to_delete as $del) {
                 $query = "DELETE FROM #__author_assoc  WHERE authorid=" . $this->_db->quote($del) . " AND subid=" . $this->_db->quote($rid) . " AND subtable='resources'";
     // add new authors
     if ($version == 'dev') {
         // development version is updated
         $to_delete = array_diff($dev_authors, $authors);
         $rc = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Contributor($this->_db);
         $rc->subtable = 'resources';
         $rc->subid = $rid;
         if ($to_delete) {
             foreach ($to_delete as $del) {
                 $query = "DELETE FROM #__author_assoc  WHERE authorid=" . $this->_db->quote($del) . " AND subid=" . $this->_db->quote($rid) . " AND subtable='resources'";
         // Get the last child in the ordering
         $order = $rc->getLastOrder($rid, 'resources');
         $order = $order + 1;
         // new items are always last
         foreach ($authors as $authid) {
             // Check if they're already linked to this resource
             $rc->loadAssociation($authid, $rid, 'resources');
             if (!$rc->authorid) {
                 $xprofile = User::getInstance($authid);
                 // New record
                 $rc->authorid = $authid;
                 $rc->ordering = $order;
                 $rc->name = addslashes($xprofile->get('name'));
                 $rc->organization = addslashes($xprofile->get('organization'));
     } else {
         if ($dev_authors) {
             // new version is being published, transfer data from author_assoc
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($dev_authors as $authid) {
                 $name = '';
                 $organization = '';
                 // Check the author_assoc table first, as that's what gets updated when you edit the tool info
                 $query = "SELECT name, organization FROM `#__author_assoc` ";
                 $query .= "WHERE subid= " . $this->_db->quote($rid);
                 $query .= " AND authorid=" . $this->_db->quote($authid);
                 $query .= " AND subtable='resources'";
                 $author = $this->_db->loadObject();
                 if ($author) {
                     $name = $author->name;
                     $organization = $author->organization;
                 if (!$name || !$organization) {
                     // Do we have name/org info in previous version?
                     $query = "SELECT name, organization FROM #__tool_authors ";
                     $query .= "WHERE toolname=" . $this->_db->quote($toolname) . " AND uid=" . $this->_db->quote($authid) . " AND revision < " . $this->_db->quote($revision);
                     $query .= " AND name IS NOT NULL AND organization IS NOT NULL ";
                     $query .= " ORDER BY revision DESC LIMIT 1";
                     $info = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
                     if ($info) {
                         $name = $name ?: $info[0]->name;
                         $organization = $organization ?: $info[0]->organization;
                     // If we still don't have it, try to grab it from the profile
                     if (!$name || !$organization) {
                         $xprofile = User::getInstance($authid);
                         $name = $name ?: $xprofile->get('name');
                         $organization = $organization ?: $xprofile->get('organization');
                 $query = "INSERT INTO {$this->_tbl} (toolname, revision, uid, ordering, version_id, name, organization) VALUES ('" . $toolname . "','" . $revision . "','" . $authid . "','" . $i . "', '" . $version . "', '" . addslashes($name) . "', '" . addslashes($organization) . "')";
                 if (!$this->_db->query()) {
                     return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #3
  * Send an email to one or more users
  * @param      string $toolid   Tool ID
  * @param      string $summary  Message subject
  * @param      string $comment  Message
  * @param      unknown $access  Parameter description (if any) ...
  * @param      string $action   Parameter description (if any) ...
  * @param      array  $toolinfo Array of tool information
  * @return     void
 protected function _email($toolid, $summary, $comment, $access, $action, $toolinfo = array())
     $headline = '';
     // Get tool information
     $obj = new \Components\Tools\Tables\Tool($this->database);
     $obj->getToolStatus($toolid, $this->_option, $status, 'dev');
     if (empty($status) && !empty($toolinfo)) {
         $status = $toolinfo;
     // Get team
     $team = \Components\Tools\Helpers\Utils::transform($status['developers'], 'uidNumber');
     // Get admins
     $admins = array();
     if ($this->config->get('access-admin-component')) {
         $admins[] = User::get('username');
     $admingroup = $this->config->get('admingroup', '');
     $group = \Hubzero\User\Group::getInstance($admingroup);
     if (is_object($group)) {
         $members = $group->get('members');
         $managers = $group->get('managers');
         $members = array_merge($members, $managers);
         if ($members) {
             foreach ($members as $member) {
                 $muser = User::getInstance($member);
                 if (is_object($muser)) {
                     $admins[] = $member;
     $inteam = in_array(User::get('id'), $team) ? 1 : 0;
     // collector for those who need to get notified
     $users = array();
     switch ($action) {
         case 1:
             $action = 'contribtool_info_changed';
             $headline = Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_INFORMATION_CHANGED');
             //$users = $team;
         case 2:
             $action = 'contribtool_status_changed';
             $headline = $summary;
             //$users = $this->config->get('access-admin-component') ? $team : $admins;
             //if (!$inteam)
             //$users[] = User::get('id'); // cc person who made the change if not in team
         case 3:
             $action = 'contribtool_new_message';
             $headline = Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_new message');
             //$users = $this->config->get('access-admin-component') && $access != 1 ? $team : $admins;
         case 4:
             $action = 'contribtool_status_changed';
             $headline = Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_NEW_REGISTRATION');
             //$users = array_merge($team, $admins);
         case 5:
             $action = 'contribtool_status_changed';
             $headline = Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_REGISTRATION_CANCELLED');
             //$users = array_merge($team, $admins);
     // send messages to everyone
     $users = array_merge($team, $admins);
     // make sure we are not mailing twice
     $users = array_unique($users);
     // Build e-mail components
     $subject = Lang::txt(strtoupper($this->_option)) . ', ' . Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_TOOL') . ' ' . $status['toolname'] . '(#' . $toolid . '): ' . $headline;
     $from = Config::get('sitename') . ' ' . Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_CONTRIBTOOL');
     $hub = array('email' => Config::get('mailfrom'), 'name' => $from);
     $live_site = rtrim(Request::base(), '/');
     // Compose Message
     $message = strtoupper(Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_TOOL')) . ': ' . $status['title'] . ' (' . $status['toolname'] . ')' . "\r\n";
     $message .= strtoupper(Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_SUMMARY')) . ': ' . $summary . "\r\n";
     $message .= strtoupper(Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_WHEN')) . ' ' . Date::of(Date::toSql())->toLocal(Lang::txt('DATE_FORMAT_HZ1')) . "\r\n";
     $message .= strtoupper(Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_BY')) . ': ' . User::get('username') . "\r\n";
     $message .= '----------------------------' . "\r\n\r\n";
     if ($comment) {
         $message .= strtoupper(Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_MESSAGE')) . ': ' . "\r\n";
         $message .= $comment . "\r\n";
         $message .= '----------------------------' . "\r\n\r\n";
     $message .= Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_TIP_URL_TO_STATUS') . "\r\n";
     $message .= $live_site . Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&controller=' . $this->_controller . '&task=status&app=' . $status['toolname']) . "\r\n";
     // fire off message
     if ($summary or $comment) {
         if (!Event::trigger('xmessage.onSendMessage', array($action, $subject, $message, $hub, $users, $this->_option))) {
Beispiel #4
  * Short description for 'saveMemberGroups'
  * Long description (if any) ...
  * @param      string $toolid Parameter description (if any) ...
  * @param      array $newgroups Parameter description (if any) ...
  * @param      string $editversion Parameter description (if any) ...
  * @param      array $membergroups Parameter description (if any) ...
  * @return     boolean Return description (if any) ...
 public function saveMemberGroups($toolid = NULL, $newgroups, $editversion = 'dev', $membergroups = array())
     if (!$toolid) {
         return false;
     require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_tools' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'tool.php';
     $membergroups = \Components\Tools\Models\Tool::getToolGroups($toolid);
     $membergroups = \Components\Tools\Helpers\Utils::transform($membergroups, 'cn');
     $newgroups = \Components\Tools\Helpers\Utils::transform($newgroups, 'cn');
     $to_delete = array_diff($membergroups, $newgroups);
     if (count($to_delete) > 0 && $editversion != 'current') {
         foreach ($to_delete as $del) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM {$this->_tbl} WHERE cn=" . $this->_db->quote($del) . " AND toolid=" . $this->_db->quote($toolid) . " AND role=0";
     if (count($newgroups) > 0) {
         foreach ($newgroups as $newgroup) {
             if (\Hubzero\User\Group::exists($newgroup) && !in_array($newgroup, $membergroups)) {
                 // create an entry in tool_groups table
                 $this->save($newgroup, $toolid, '0');
     return true;