public static function version_table($page_id)
     $versionsQuery = static::with(['user', 'scheduled_versions'])->where('page_id', '=', $page_id)->orderBy('version_id', 'desc');
     $versions = $versionsQuery->paginate(15);
     $pagination = PaginatorRender::admin($versions);
     $page_lang = PageLang::where('page_id', '=', $page_id)->where('language_id', '=', Language::current())->first();
     $live_version = static::where('page_id', '=', $page_id)->where('version_id', '=', $page_lang ? $page_lang->live_version : 0)->first();
     $live_version = $live_version ?: new static();
     $can_publish = Auth::action('pages.version-publish', ['page_id' => $page_id]);
     return View::make('coaster::partials.tabs.versions.table', ['versions' => $versions, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'live_version' => $live_version, 'can_publish' => $can_publish])->render();
Beispiel #2
  * Saves page data
  * @param PageVersion $pageVersion
  * @param array $pagePost
  * @param array $pageLangPost
  * @param array $pageGroupsPost
  * @param array $pageInfoOther
  * @return bool
 public function savePostData($pageVersion, $pagePost, $pageLangPost, $pageGroupsPost, $pageInfoOther = [])
      * Post data fixes
     foreach ($pagePost as $k => $pagePostField) {
         if (is_array($pagePostField) && array_key_exists('exists', $pagePostField)) {
             $pagePost[$k] = array_key_exists('select', $pagePostField) ? $pagePostField['select'] : 0;
     if (array_key_exists('live_start', $pagePost)) {
         $pagePost['live_start'] = DateTimeHelper::jQueryToMysql($pagePost['live_start']) ?: null;
     if (array_key_exists('live_end', $pagePost)) {
         $pagePost['live_end'] = DateTimeHelper::jQueryToMysql($pagePost['live_end']) ?: null;
     foreach ($pageInfoOther as $k => $pageInfoOtherField) {
         if (is_array($pageInfoOtherField) && array_key_exists('exists', $pageInfoOtherField) && array_key_exists('select', $pageInfoOtherField)) {
             $pageInfoOther[$k] = $pageInfoOtherField['select'];
      * Overwrite default/existing data with posted data
     $pageDefaults = array_merge(['template' => 0, 'parent' => 0, 'child_template' => 0, 'order' => 0, 'group_container' => 0, 'group_container_url_priority' => 0, 'canonical_parent' => 0, 'link' => 0, 'live' => 0, 'sitemap' => 1, 'live_start' => null, 'live_end' => null], $this->getAttributes());
     foreach ($pageDefaults as $pageAttribute => $pageDefault) {
         $this->{$pageAttribute} = $pageDefault;
         switch ($pageAttribute) {
             case 'template':
                 $pageVersion->{$pageAttribute} = $pagePost[$pageAttribute];
                 $this->{$pageAttribute} = array_key_exists($pageAttribute, $pagePost) ? $pagePost[$pageAttribute] : $this->{$pageAttribute};
     if (!$this->pageCurrentLang) {
         $this->setRelation('pageCurrentLang', ($d = $this->pageDefaultLang) ? $d->replicate() : new PageLang());
     $pageLang = $this->pageLang();
     $pageLangDefaults = array_merge(['language_id' => Language::current(), 'url' => '', 'name' => '', 'live_version' => 1], $pageLang->getAttributes());
     foreach ($pageLangDefaults as $pageLangAttribute => $pageLangDefault) {
         $pageLang->{$pageLangAttribute} = array_key_exists($pageLangAttribute, $pageLangPost) ? $pageLangPost[$pageLangAttribute] : $pageLangDefault;
      * Check page parent exists if set and page limit is not hit
     $parent = static::find($this->parent);
     if ($this->parent > 0 && !$parent) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->id && !$this->link && static::at_limit($this->parent == -1)) {
         return false;
      * Check page name/url set and does not conflict
     $pageLang->url = trim($pageLang->url);
     if (!$this->link) {
         $pageLang->url = strtolower(str_replace(['/', ' '], '-', $pageLang->url));
         if (preg_match('#^[-]+$#', $pageLang->url)) {
             $pageLang->url = '';
         if ($pageLang->url == '' && !$this->parent) {
             $pageLang->url = '/';
         $siblings = [];
         foreach ($pageGroupsPost as $pageGroupId => $checkedVal) {
             $pageGroup = PageGroup::preload($pageGroupId);
             $siblings = array_merge($pageGroup->exists ? $pageGroup->itemPageIds() : [], $siblings);
         if ($this->parent >= 0) {
             $siblings = array_merge(static::getChildPageIds($this->parent), $siblings);
         $siblings = array_unique($siblings);
     if (!$pageLang->name) {
         FormMessage::add('page_info_lang[name]', 'page name required');
     if (!$pageLang->url) {
         FormMessage::add('page_info_lang[url]', 'page url required');
     if (!empty($siblings)) {
         $same_level = PageLang::where('url', '=', $pageLang->url)->whereIn('page_id', $siblings);
         $same_level = $this->id ? $same_level->where('page_id', '!=', $this->id) : $same_level;
         if (!$same_level->get()->isEmpty()) {
             FormMessage::add('page_info_lang[url]', 'url in use by another page!');
             $pageLang->url = '';
     if (!$pageLang->name || !$pageLang->url) {
         return false;
      * If adding a page as a group container, create container / check exists
     if ($this->group_container == -1) {
         $groupContainer = new PageGroup();
         $groupContainer->name = $pageLang->name;
         $groupContainer->item_name = 'Page';
         $groupContainer->default_template = 0;
         $this->group_container = $groupContainer->id;
     } elseif ($this->group_container) {
         $groupContainer = PageGroup::preload($this->group_container);
         if (!$groupContainer->exists || $pageDefaults['group_container'] != $this->group_container && !$groupContainer->canEditItems()) {
             $this->group_container = 0;
      * Check if page info can be updated (based on publishing auth action, or allowed if new page)
     $authPageIdCheck = $this->id ?: ($this->parent > 0 ? $this->parent : 0);
     $canPublish = config('coaster::admin.publishing') > 0 && Auth::action('pages.version-publish', ['page_id' => $authPageIdCheck]) || config('coaster::admin.publishing') == 0 && Auth::action('pages.edit', ['page_id' => $authPageIdCheck]);
     $canPublish = $canPublish || isset($groupContainer) && (config('coaster::admin.publishing') > 0 && $groupContainer->canPublishItems() || config('coaster::admin.publishing') == 0 && $groupContainer->canEditItems());
     $willPublish = !$this->id || $canPublish;
      * Check and save page changes
     if ($willPublish) {
         // if new page set as last ordered page
         if ($this->parent >= 0 && !$this->id) {
             $lastSibling = static::where('parent', '=', $this->parent)->orderBy('order', 'desc')->first();
             $this->order = $lastSibling ? $lastSibling->order + 1 : 1;
         // if new page publish template
         $this->template = $this->id ? $this->template : $pageVersion->template;
         // if link remove live template
         $this->template = $this->link ? 0 : $this->template;
         // set page live between but no dates set set as hidden, or if can't publish set as hidden
         $this->live = $this->live == 2 && is_null($this->live_end) && is_null($this->live_start) ? 0 : $this->live;
         $this->live = $canPublish ? $this->live : 0;
         // save page data
         $pageLang->page_id = $this->id;
     $pageVersion->page_id = $this->id;
      * Update title block to the page name is new page
     if (!$this->id && ($titleBlock = Block::where('name', '=', config('coaster::admin.title_block'))->first())) {
         PageSearchData::updateText(strip_tags($pageLang->name), 0, $this->id);
      * Save Page Groups
     $currentGroupIds = $this->groupIds();
     $newGroupIds = array_keys($pageGroupsPost);
     PageGroupPage::where('page_id', '=', $this->id)->whereIn('group_id', array_diff($currentGroupIds, $newGroupIds))->delete();
     foreach (array_diff($newGroupIds, $currentGroupIds) as $addGroupId) {
      * Save other page info
     if ($willPublish && Auth::action('menus')) {
         MenuItem::set_page_menus($this->id, array_key_exists('menus', $pageInfoOther) ? $pageInfoOther['menus'] : []);
     if ($canPublish && array_key_exists('beacons', $pageInfoOther) && Auth::action('themes.beacons-update')) {
         BlockBeacon::updatePage($this->id, $pageInfoOther['beacons']);
     return true;
Beispiel #3
 private static function _pageExportData($theme)
     @mkdir(base_path() . '/resources/views/themes/' . $theme->theme . '/export/pages');
     $pagesCsv = fopen(base_path() . '/resources/views/themes/' . $theme->theme . '/export/pages.csv', 'w');
     $pageBlocksCsv = fopen(base_path() . '/resources/views/themes/' . $theme->theme . '/export/pages/page_blocks.csv', 'w');
     $repeaterBlocksCsv = fopen(base_path() . '/resources/views/themes/' . $theme->theme . '/export/pages/repeater_blocks.csv', 'w');
     $menusCsv = fopen(base_path() . '/resources/views/themes/' . $theme->theme . '/export/pages/menus.csv', 'w');
     $menuItemsCsv = fopen(base_path() . '/resources/views/themes/' . $theme->theme . '/export/pages/menu_items.csv', 'w');
     $allFilesUsed = [];
     $groupIds = [];
     $groups = PageGroup::all();
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         $groupIds[$group->id] = $group->id;
     $pagesData = [];
     $pages = Page::all();
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $pagesData[$page->id] = $page;
     $pageLangData = [];
     $pageLangs = PageLang::where('language_id', '=', Language::current())->orderBy('page_id')->get();
     foreach ($pageLangs as $pageLang) {
         $pageLangData[$pageLang->page_id] = $pageLang;
     $templatesById = [];
     $templatesByName = [];
     $templates = Template::where('theme_id', '=', $theme->id)->get();
     foreach ($templates as $template) {
         $templatesById[$template->id] = $template->template;
         $templatesByName[$template->template] = $template->id;
     // export pages
     fputcsv($pagesCsv, ['Page Id', 'Page Name', 'Page Url', 'Page Template', 'Parent Page Id', 'Default Child Template', 'Page Order Value', 'Is Link (0 or 1)', 'Is Live (0 or 1)', 'In Sitemap (0 or 1)', 'Container for Group Id', 'Container Url Priority', 'Canonical Parent Page Id', 'Group Ids (Comma Separated)']);
     foreach ($pageLangs as $pageLang) {
         if (!empty($pagesData[$pageLang->page_id])) {
             $page = $pagesData[$pageLang->page_id];
             if ($page->link && (strpos($pageLang->url, URL::to('/')) === 0 || strpos($pageLang->url, '/') === 0)) {
                 $filesUsed = [str_replace(URL::to('/'), '', $pageLang->url)];
                 $allFilesUsed = array_merge($filesUsed, $allFilesUsed);
             fputcsv($pagesCsv, [$pageLang->page_id, $pageLang->name, $pageLang->url, !empty($templatesById[$page->template]) ? $templatesById[$page->template] : '', $page->parent ?: '', !empty($templatesById[$page->child_template]) ? $templatesById[$page->child_template] : '', $page->order, $page->link, $page->live ? 1 : 0, $page->sitemap, $page->group_container && !empty($groupIds[$page->group_container]) ? $page->group_container : '', $page->group_container_url_priority && !empty($groupIds[$page->group_container]) ? $page->group_container_url_priority : '', $page->canonical_parent, implode(',', $page->groupIds())]);
     // export menus
     fputcsv($menusCsv, ['Menu Identifier', 'Menu Name', 'Menu Max Sublevels']);
     $menuIds = [];
     $menuIdentifiers = [];
     $menus = Menu::all();
     foreach ($menus as $menu) {
         $menuIds[] = $menu->id;
         $menuIdentifiers[$menu->id] = $menu->name;
         fputcsv($menusCsv, [$menu->name, $menu->label, $menu->max_sublevel]);
     fputcsv($menuItemsCsv, ['Menu Identifier', 'Item Page Id', 'Item Order', 'Item Sublevels', 'Item Custom Name']);
     $menuItems = MenuItem::whereIn('menu_id', $menuIds)->get()->all();
     usort($menuItems, function ($a, $b) {
         if ($a->menu_id == $b->menu_id) {
             if ($a->order == $b->order) {
                 return 0;
             return $a->order < $b->order ? -1 : 1;
         return $a->menu_id < $b->menu_id ? -1 : 1;
     foreach ($menuItems as $menuItem) {
         fputcsv($menuItemsCsv, [$menuIdentifiers[$menuItem->menu_id], $menuItem->page_id, $menuItem->order, $menuItem->sub_levels, $menuItem->custom_name]);
     // export page groups
     if (!$groups->isEmpty()) {
         $groupsCsv = fopen(base_path() . '/resources/views/themes/' . $theme->theme . '/export/pages/groups.csv', 'w');
         $groupAttributesCsv = fopen(base_path() . '/resources/views/themes/' . $theme->theme . '/export/pages/group_attributes.csv', 'w');
         fputcsv($groupsCsv, ['Group Id', 'Group Name', 'Group Item Name', 'Url Priority (Default: 50)', 'Default Template']);
         fputcsv($groupAttributesCsv, ['Attribute Id', 'Group Id', 'Block Name', 'Order Priority (0 for no ordering)', 'Order Dir (asc/desc)', 'Container Filter by Block Name']);
         $groupAttributesByGroupId = [];
         $groupAttributes = PageGroupAttribute::orderBy('group_id')->get();
         foreach ($groupAttributes as $groupAttribute) {
             if (!isset($groupAttributesByGroupId[$groupAttribute->group_id])) {
                 $groupAttributesByGroupId[$groupAttribute->group_id] = [];
             $groupAttributesByGroupId[$groupAttribute->group_id][] = $groupAttribute;
         foreach ($groups as $pageGroup) {
             fputcsv($groupsCsv, [$pageGroup->id, $pageGroup->name, $pageGroup->item_name, $pageGroup->url_priority, !empty($templatesById[$pageGroup->default_template]) ? $templatesById[$pageGroup->default_template] : '']);
             foreach ($groupAttributesByGroupId as $groupId => $attributes) {
                 foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
                     fputcsv($groupAttributesCsv, [$attribute->id, $groupId, Block::preload($attribute->item_block_id)->name, $attribute->item_block_order_priority, $attribute->item_block_order_dir, $attribute->filter_by_block_id ?: '']);
     // export page block data
     fputcsv($pageBlocksCsv, ['Page Id', 'Block Name', 'Content']);
     $blocksById = [];
     $blocksByName = [];
     foreach (BlockUpdater::getDatabaseBlocks($theme->id) as $block) {
         $blocksById[$block->id] = $block;
         $blocksByName[$block->name] = $block;
     $blockTemplatesById = [];
     $templateBlocks = TemplateBlock::whereIn('template_id', $templatesByName)->get();
     if (!$templateBlocks->isEmpty()) {
         foreach ($templateBlocks as $templateBlock) {
             if (!isset($blockTemplatesById[$templateBlock->template_id])) {
                 $blockTemplatesById[$templateBlock->template_id] = [];
             $blockTemplatesById[$templateBlock->template_id][] = $templateBlock->block_id;
     $themeBlocks = ThemeBlock::where('theme_id', '=', $theme->id)->where('show_in_pages', '=', 1)->get();
     if (!$themeBlocks->isEmpty()) {
         foreach ($themeBlocks as $themeBlock) {
             $ignoreTemplates = explode(',', $themeBlock->exclude_templates);
             foreach ($templatesByName as $templateById) {
                 if (!in_array($templateById, $ignoreTemplates)) {
                     if (!isset($blockTemplatesById[$templateById])) {
                         $blockTemplatesById[$templateById] = [];
                     $blockTemplatesById[$templateById][] = $themeBlock->block_id;
     $pageBlocks = collect(array_merge(Block::getDataForVersion(new PageBlock(), 0)->all(), Block::getDataForVersion(new PageBlockDefault(), 0)->all()));
     $repeaterBlocks = [];
     $pageBlockArr = [];
     foreach ($pageBlocks as $pageBlock) {
         $blockName = !empty($blocksById[$pageBlock->block_id]) ? $blocksById[$pageBlock->block_id]->name : null;
         if (!empty($blockName) && !empty($pageBlock->content)) {
             // don't add data for blocks that aren't set as template blocks even if data exists (sort of a cleanup on export)
             if (isset($pageBlock->page_id)) {
                 if (empty($pagesData[$pageBlock->page_id]->template) || empty($blockTemplatesById[$pagesData[$pageBlock->page_id]->template])) {
                 } elseif (!in_array($pageBlock->block_id, $blockTemplatesById[$pagesData[$pageBlock->page_id]->template])) {
             if (strtolower($blocksById[$pageBlock->block_id]->type) == 'repeater') {
                 $repeaterBlocks[$pageBlock->content] = PageBlockRepeaterData::loadRepeaterData($pageBlock->content);
                 $repeaterBlockArr[] = $pageBlock->block_id;
             $filesUsed = $blocksById[$pageBlock->block_id]->getTypeObject()->exportFiles($pageBlock->content);
             $allFilesUsed = array_merge($filesUsed, $allFilesUsed);
             $pageBlockArr[] = [isset($pageBlock->page_id) ? $pageBlock->page_id : 0, $blockName, $pageBlock->content];
     usort($pageBlockArr, function ($a, $b) {
         if ($a[0] == $b[0]) {
             return strcmp($a[1], $b[1]);
         return $a[0] < $b[0] ? -1 : 1;
     foreach ($pageBlockArr as $pageBlock) {
         fputcsv($pageBlocksCsv, $pageBlock);
     fputcsv($repeaterBlocksCsv, ['Repeater Id', 'Repeater Row', 'Block Name', 'Content']);
     foreach ($repeaterBlocks as $repeaterId => $repeaterRows) {
         foreach ($repeaterRows as $repeaterRowId => $repeaterBlocks) {
             foreach ($repeaterBlocks as $repeaterBlockId => $repeaterContent) {
                 $blockName = !empty($blocksById[$repeaterBlockId]) ? $blocksById[$repeaterBlockId]->name : null;
                 if (!empty($blockName) && $repeaterContent) {
                     $filesUsed = $blocksById[$repeaterBlockId]->getTypeObject()->exportFiles($repeaterContent);
                     $allFilesUsed = array_merge($filesUsed, $allFilesUsed);
                     fputcsv($repeaterBlocksCsv, [$repeaterId, $repeaterRowId, $blockName, $repeaterContent]);
     // backup uploaded files
     $securePaths = [];
     $secureUploadPaths = explode(',', config('coaster::site.secure_folders'));
     foreach ($secureUploadPaths as $secureUploadPath) {
         $securePaths[] = '/uploads/' . trim($secureUploadPath, '/');
     $allFilesUsed = array_unique($allFilesUsed);
     if (!empty($allFilesUsed)) {
         foreach ($allFilesUsed as $file) {
             $base_path = public_path();
             foreach ($securePaths as $securePath) {
                 if (strpos($file, $securePath) === 0) {
                     $base_path = storage_path();
             if (file_exists($base_path . $file)) {
                 self::$_uploadsToAdd[trim($file, '/')] = $base_path . $file;
Beispiel #4
 public function createPost($data)
     $pageLang = PageLang::where('name', '=', $data->title->rendered)->first();
     $uporc = 'updated';
     if (empty($pageLang)) {
         $uporc = 'created';
         $page = new Page();
         $pageLang = new PageLang();
     } else {
         $page = Page::find($pageLang->page_id);
         $comments = $this->getComments($data, $page);
         $latestVersion = PageVersion::latest_version($page->id, true);
         if (!empty($latestVersion)) {
         if (!empty($data->yoast)) {
             $this->getMetas($data->yoast, $data, $page->id);
         $res = new \stdClass();
         $res->message = 'Post ' . $uporc . ': ' . $pageLang->name;
         $res->oldLink = $data->link;
         $res->newLink = Path::getFullUrl($page->id);
         $res->categories = 'UPDATE RUN';
         $res->tags = 'UPDATE RUN';
         return $res;
     $page->live = 2;
     $page->live_start = $this->carbonDate($data->date)->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $page->created_at = $this->carbonDate($data->date);
     $page->updated_at = $this->carbonDate($data->modified);
     $page->parent = $this->groupPage->id;
     $page->template = $this->group->default_template;
     $comments = $this->getComments($data, $page);
     $categories = $this->getCategory($data->_embedded->{"wp:term"}, $page->id);
     // Page Lang
     $pageLang->live_version = 0;
     $pageLang->page_id = $page->id;
     $pageLang->language_id = Language::current();
     $pageLang->name = $data->title->rendered;
     $pageLang->url = str_slug($pageLang->name);
     $tags = $this->syncTags($page, $data->_embedded->{"wp:term"});
     $date_block = Block::where('name', '=', 'post_date')->first();
     if (!empty($date_block)) {
         $date_block->setPageId($page->id)->getTypeObject()->save($this->carbonDate($data->date)->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     $title_block = Block::where('name', '=', config('coaster::admin.title_block'))->first();
     if (!empty($title_block)) {
     $content_block = Block::where('name', '=', 'content')->first();
     if (!empty($content_block)) {
     $leadText_block = Block::where('name', '=', 'lead_text')->first();
     if (!empty($leadText_block)) {
     $latestVersion = PageVersion::latest_version($page->id, true);
     if (!empty($latestVersion)) {
     if (!empty($data->yoast)) {
         $this->getMetas($data->yoast, $data, $page->id);
     $res = new \stdClass();
     $res->message = 'Post ' . $uporc . ': ' . $pageLang->name;
     $res->oldLink = $data->link;
     $res->newLink = Path::getFullUrl($page->id);
     $res->categories = $categories;
     $res->tags = $tags;
     return $res;