public static function ValidateNameExistAndClean($string) { $UserName = new \CmsDev\util\CheckUserName(); $stringValid = $UserName->Fix($string); $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $user = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = "******""); if ($user) { return 'exist'; } else { return $stringValid; } }
private function Render() { $SKTDB = SKT_DB\db_Skt::connect(); $Language = \THIS_LANG; $query = $SKTDB->get_results("SELECT ID,LanguageName,Prefix,URL,SID,Hidden FROM language WHERE Hidden='0' ORDER BY LanguageName ASC"); $counter = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT count(ID) FROM language"); self::connect($query, $counter); self::set_Language($Language); if ($this->counter > 1) { $Render = $this->Nav_Sub_Items_Before; foreach ($this->query as $Item) { if ($this->Language == $Item->Prefix) { $active = ' class="' . $this->Nav_Class_Item_Selected . '"'; } else { $active = ''; } $preitem = $this->item_model; $item = str_replace('[LanguageName]', $Item->LanguageName, $preitem); $item = str_replace('[URL]', SKT_URL_BASE . $Item->Prefix . '/', $item); $item = str_replace('[Prefix]', $Item->Prefix, $item); $item = str_replace('[activeLang]', $active, $item); if ($Item->Hidden == 0) { $Render .= $item; } } $Render .= $this->Nav_Sub_Items_After; } return $Render; }
private function __construct() { $SKT = SKTGLOBALS::getVar('SKT'); $SKTDB = SKTDB\db_Skt::connect(); $Request = new \CmsDev\Url\Request(); $URLName = $Request->byLevel(0); $RequestReverse = new \CmsDev\Url\Request(); $RequestReverse->reverse(false); $testLanguage = $RequestReverse->byLevel(0); $LanguageArray = $SKT['LANGUAGE']['LIST']; if (in_array($testLanguage, $LanguageArray)) { $Language = $testLanguage; } else { $Language = \LANGUAGE_DEF; } if (\SKT_SECTION_PID != '') { $ProductsValues = $SKTDB->query("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "products WHERE ProductID = '" . \SKT_SECTION_PID . "'"); } $SKTDB->query("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "products WHERE UID != '0' LIMIT 1"); $query = $SKTDB->get_col_info(); if ($ProductsValues) { foreach ($query as $name) { $this->{$name} = $ProductsValues->{$name}; } } else { foreach ($query as $name) { $this->{$name} = ''; } } }
public static function getTableEdit() { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $Language = \CmsDev\Language\CheckLanguage::get(); $query = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT AdminParams FROM language WHERE Prefix = '" . $Language . "'"); if ($query->AdminParams != '') { $params = json_decode($query->AdminParams, true); if (is_array($params)) { $HTML = '<table><tr><td>Parametro</td><td>Valor</td></tr>'; foreach ($params as $variable => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { $HTML .= '<tr><td>SKT_ADMIN_' . $variable . '</td><td>' . $value . '</td></tr>'; } else { $NewvalueToArray = \json_encode($value); $HTML .= '<tr><td>SKT_ADMIN_' . $variable . '</td><td>' . $NewvalueToArray . '</td></tr>'; } } $HTML .= '</table>'; return $HTML; } else { $ErrorMessageBox = "Error al cargar las variables de sistema en CmsDev\\Language\\getParams(). Puede existir un json mal formado. Verifique la tabla de lenguaje o consulte al Administrador."; $MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get(); $MessageBox->TipError($ErrorMessageBox, true); // //$AdminParams=substr($query->AdminParams,strrpos($query->AdminParams,"\"")-200,200); //echo "<pre>".$AdminParams."</pre>"; } } else { self::setParamsFromFile(); } }
private function __construct() { if (!defined('DB_PREFIX')) { define('DB_PREFIX', 'default_'); } $SKT = SKTGLOBALS::getVar('SKT'); $SKTDB = SKTDB\db_Skt::connect(); $SectionValues = ''; $ParentSectionValues = ''; $Parent_2_SectionValues = ''; $Parent_3_SectionValues = ''; $Parent_4_SectionValues = ''; $Parent_5_SectionValues = ''; // new \_TemplateSite\clean\Config(); // sections // ID Title URLName SID RecycleBin SystemRequired Language Template Order $SectionValues = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE URLName = '" . \SKTURL_Here . "'"); if (isset($SectionValues->SID) && $SectionValues->SID != '') { $ParentSectionValues = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE ID = '{$SectionValues->SID}'"); if (isset($ParentSectionValues->SID) && $ParentSectionValues->SID != '') { $Parent_2_SectionValues = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE ID = '{$ParentSectionValues->SID}'"); if (isset($Parent_2_SectionValues->SID) && $Parent_2_SectionValues->SID != '') { $Parent_3_SectionValues = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE ID = '{$Parent_2_SectionValues->SID}'"); if (isset($Parent_3_SectionValues->SID) && $Parent_3_SectionValues->SID != '') { $Parent_4_SectionValues = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE ID = '{$Parent_3_SectionValues->SID}'"); if (isset($Parent_4_SectionValues->SID) && $Parent_4_SectionValues->SID != '') { $Parent_5_SectionValues = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE ID = '{$Parent_4_SectionValues->SID}'"); } } } } } if (!$SectionValues) { $SectionValues = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE Language = '" . \SKT_ThisLaguage . "' AND SID = '0' "); if (!$SectionValues) { $SectionValues = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE SID = '0' AND Language = '" . \SKT_ThisLaguage . "'"); } if (\SKTURL_Here != '' && \SKTURL_Here != trim(\SKTURL_REQUEST_URI, '/') && !\in_array(\SKTURL_Here, $SKT['LANGUAGE']['LIST']) && !\in_array(\SKTURL_Here, $SKT['SITE']['RESTRICTED_URL'])) { if (!defined("error")) { define('error', 'error404'); } } } $IDSections = $SectionValues->ID; $_SESSION['SessionURLSection'] = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT URLName FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE ID = '{$IDSections}'"); if (!defined("SectionHidden")) { define('SectionHidden', $SectionValues->RecycleBin); } $SKTDB->query("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE SID = '0'"); $query = $SKTDB->get_col_info(); foreach ($query as $name) { $this->{$name} = $SectionValues->{$name}; } $this->ParentSectionValues = $ParentSectionValues; $this->Parent_2_SectionValues = $Parent_2_SectionValues; $this->Parent_3_SectionValues = $Parent_3_SectionValues; $this->Parent_4_SectionValues = $Parent_4_SectionValues; $this->Parent_5_SectionValues = $Parent_5_SectionValues; }
public static function getQuery($param = null) { /* @var $param type */ if ($param) { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\sql\db_Skt::connect(); $QUERY = "CREATE TABLE `lists` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL, `ListName` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_spanish_ci NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=30 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;\r\n TRUNCATE TABLE `lists`;\r\n INSERT INTO `lists` (`ID`, `ListName`) VALUES (29, 'Demo'),(28, 'Inmuebles');\r\n ALTER TABLE `lists` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);\r\n ALTER TABLE `lists` MODIFY `ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,AUTO_INCREMENT=30;"; $insertLink = $SKTDB->query($QUERY); } }
function __construct() { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $categories = $SKTDB->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "categories"); foreach ($categories as $Category) { $ListNames[$Category->category_id] = $Category->category_name; } self::$names = $ListNames; }
private function validateMD5($MD5 = 0) { $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect(); $user = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM users WHERE md5 = " . \GetSQLValueString($MD5, 'text') . ""); if ($user) { $updateSectionImage = mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE users Set \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tisactive = %s\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE md5 = %s", GetSQLValueString(1, "int"), GetSQLValueString($MD5, "text"))); return true; } else { $MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get(); $MessageBox->TipError('No se pudo validar el usuario.<br>' . $MD5, true); return false; } }
private static function setParamsFromFile() { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $query = $SKTDB->get_results("SELECT * FROM language ORDER BY LanguageName ASC"); global $SKT; foreach ($query as $language) { include 'site/' . $language->Prefix . '.php'; $Setparams = $SKTDB->query(\sprintf("UPDATE language Set SiteParams = %s\r\n\t\tWHERE ID = %s", GetSQLValueString(json_encode($SKT), "text"), GetSQLValueString($language->ID, "int"))); //$MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get(); //$MessageBox->TipOk('El archivo Language/site/' . $language->Prefix . '.php, fue cargado correctamente.', true); } //self::getParams(); }
function __construct($user, $SERVER, $POST, $GET) { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $user = $user; $url = !empty($SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https://" . $SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : "http://" . $SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $previousUrl = isset($SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '0'; $postData = json_encode($POST); $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $product = isset($GET['DetailID']) ? $GET['DetailID'] : ''; $search = isset($GET['SearchQuery']) ? $GET['SearchQuery'] : ''; $query = "INSERT INTO userstep" . "(user, previous_page, url_query_string, post_param, date_time, product, search )" . "VALUES (" . GetSQLValueString($user, 'int') . "," . GetSQLValueString($previousUrl, 'text') . "," . GetSQLValueString($url, 'text') . "," . GetSQLValueString($postData, 'text') . "," . GetSQLValueString($now, 'text') . "," . GetSQLValueString($product, 'int') . "," . GetSQLValueString($search, 'text') . ")"; $insert = $SKTDB->query($query); }
private static function UserQuery() { $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect(); $USER_EXIST = \CmsDev\Security\loginIntent::action('validateUser'); if ($USER_EXIST === true) { $user_row = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT *\r\n FROM users as user, userprofile as profile \r\n WHERE user.md5 = " . \GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['login'], 'text') . " AND profile.IDX = "); if ($user_row) { return $user_row; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public function set($PositionSelect = null, $SID = null) { if ($PositionSelect !== null && $SID !== null) { $randomID = 'Position' . \md5(\rand(1000, 99999)); $SID = \GetSQLValueString($SID, 'int'); $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $total = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE Language = '" . \THIS_LANG . "' AND SID = '{$SID}'"); if (!isset($PositionSelect) or $PositionSelect == null) { $PositionSelect = 0; } elseif ($PositionSelect === 'max') { $PositionSelect = $total + 1; } $this->HTML .= '<input name="Position" id="' . $randomID . '" type="text" value="' . $PositionSelect . '" />'; $this->HTML .= '<script type="text/javascript">'; $this->HTML .= '$("#' . $randomID . '").spinner({step: 1,numberFormat: "n", min: 0, max: ' . ($total + 1) . '});'; //$this->HTML .= 'alert("$total =' . $total . ' y $SID =' . $SID . ' y $PositionSelect =' . $PositionSelect . '");'; $this->HTML .= '</script>'; return $this->HTML; } }
private function level($IDPage, $SID) { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\sql\db_Skt::connect(); $Menu = $SKTDB->get_results("SELECT ID,Title,URLName,SID,Language FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE SID = '" . $SID . "' ORDER BY Position ASC"); if ($Menu) { $this->L++; foreach ($Menu as $Section) { if ($Section->ID === $IDPage) { $selected = ' selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = ''; } $this->HTML .= '<option value="' . $Section->ID . '" ' . $selected . ' class="L' . $this->L . '"> ' . utf8_encode($Section->URLName) . '</option>'; if ($SKTDB->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE SID = '" . $Section->ID . "'") > 0) { $this->HTML .= self::level($IDPage, $Section->ID); } } $this->L = $this->L - 1; } }
public function GetDataSet() { $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect(); $USER_EXIST = \CmsDev\Security\loginIntent::action('validateUser'); if ($USER_EXIST === true) { $user_list = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT *\r\n FROM users as user join userprofile as profile \r\n ON user.md5 = " . \GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['login'], 'int') . "\r\n WHERE = profile.IDX \r\n "); if ($user_list) { $this->user_list = $user_list; $this->UserOk = true; } else { $this->UserOk = false; $MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get(); $MessageBox->TipError(\SKT_ADMIN_User_max_attempts . \SKT_ADMIN_User_max_attempts_TXT, true); } } else { $this->UserOk = false; $MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get(); $MessageBox->TipError(\SKT_ADMIN_User_max_attempts . \SKT_ADMIN_User_max_attempts_TXT, true); } }
public static function set($PositionSelect = null, $IDPage = null, $Zone = 0) { if ($PositionSelect !== null && $IDPage !== null) { $rand = rand(2, 654); $Input = '<input name="Position" id="Position" class="Position' . $rand . ' form-control" type="text" value="[val]" />'; $IDPage = \GetSQLValueString($IDPage, 'int'); $Zone = \GetSQLValueString($Zone, 'int'); $HTML = ''; $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $total = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE IDZone = '" . $Zone . "' AND IDPage = '{$IDPage}'"); if (!isset($PositionSelect) or $PositionSelect == null) { $PositionSelect = 0; } elseif ($PositionSelect === -1) { $PositionSelect = $total + 1; } $HTML .= str_replace('[val]', $PositionSelect, $Input); $HTML .= '<script type="text/javascript">'; $HTML .= '$(".Position' . $rand . '").spinner({step: 1,numberFormat: "n", min: 0, max: ' . ($total + 1) . '});'; $HTML .= '</script>'; return $HTML; } }
public function Render($CC = '', $CCParams = array(), $file = 'Control.php', $location = 0, $CCID = false) { global $SKT; if ($file !== '') { $this->file = $file; } else { } $this->file = isset($file) && $file !== '' ? $file : 'Control.php'; $this->location = isset($location) && $location !== '' ? $location : 0; $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect(); $this->CC = self::urlResolve($CC); if ($this->location === 0) { $this->location = \SKTPATH_TemplateSite . 'SKT_Controls' . \DS . $CC . \DS . $this->file; } $this->location = self::urlResolve($this->location); if ($CCID !== false) { $contentIDZone = $SKTDB->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE ID = '" . GetSQLValueString($CCID, "int") . "'"); $query = $SKTDB->get_col_info($info_type = "name", $col_offset = -1); $cols = array(); foreach ($query as $name) { array_push($cols, $name); } foreach ($contentIDZone as $Zone) { $this->TitleZone[$CCID] = \utf8_decode($Zone->Title); $this->CSSZone[$CCID] = \utf8_decode($Zone->css_class); $this->CustomPropertyZone[$CCID] = \utf8_decode($Zone->CustomProperty); } } if (\is_file($this->location)) { include $this->location; } else { if ($SKT['DEBUG'] === 1) { echo '<span style="color:red"><i class="skt-icon-error"></i> "' . $this->CC . '"</span>'; $MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get(); $MessageBox->TipError('<i class="skt-icon-frown" style="font-size: 2em; vertical-align: sub;"></i> <b>No se encuentra el control</b>: "' . $CC . '" en ' . \LOCAL_DIR . $this->location, true); } } }
public function set($DisplayOnMenuSel = 1, $Encode = 0) { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\sql\db_Skt::connect(); $QueryDisplayOnMenu = $SKTDB->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "menu"); $this->HTML = '<select name="DisplayOnMenu">'; foreach ($QueryDisplayOnMenu as $DisplayOnMenu) { $theName = $DisplayOnMenu->Name; if ($Encode !== 0) { $theName = $theName; } if ($DisplayOnMenuSel == $DisplayOnMenu->ID) { $this->HTML .= '<option value="' . $DisplayOnMenu->ID . '" selected="selected">' . \CmsDev\skt_Code::Charset($theName) . '</option>'; } else { $this->HTML .= '<option value="' . $DisplayOnMenu->ID . '">' . \CmsDev\skt_Code::Charset($theName) . '</option>'; } $CountTotalOnMenu = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE DisplayOnMenu = '" . $DisplayOnMenu->ID . "' AND SID = '" . \SKT_SECTION_ID . "' AND Language = '" . \THIS_LANG . "'"); $this->ArrayCountOnMenu .= 'CountOnMenu[' . $DisplayOnMenu->ID . '] = ' . $CountTotalOnMenu . ';'; } $this->HTML .= '</select><script type="text/javascript">'; $this->HTML .= $this->ArrayCountOnMenu; $this->HTML .= '</script>'; return $this->HTML; }
protected static function Render($Type = 'All', $SearchTxt = 'Negocios', $limit = 100) { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $SearchTxt = self::DecodeValue(strtolower($SearchTxt)); $Resultssections = $SKTDB->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "sections AS sections WHERE \r\n\t( sections.RecycleBin = '0' AND sections.SectionType < '3' AND sections.Title like '%{$SearchTxt}%')\r\n\tOR \r\n\t( sections.RecycleBin = '0' AND sections.SectionType < '3' AND sections.Description like '%{$SearchTxt}%' )\r\n\tOR \r\n\t( sections.RecycleBin = '0' AND sections.SectionType < '3' AND sections.URLName like '%{$SearchTxt}%' )\r\n\tOR \r\n\t( sections.RecycleBin = '0' AND sections.SectionType < '3' AND sections.MetaDataTitle like '%{$SearchTxt}%' )\r\n\tOR \r\n\t( sections.RecycleBin = '0' AND sections.SectionType < '3' AND sections.MetaDataDescription like '%{$SearchTxt}%' )\r\n\tOR \r\n\t( sections.RecycleBin = '0' AND sections.SectionType < '3' AND sections.MetaDataKeywords like '%{$SearchTxt}%' )" . "LIMIT " . $limit . ""); $Resultscontent = $SKTDB->get_results("" . "SELECT content.*,sections.ID, sections.URLName " . "FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content AS content," . DB_PREFIX . "sections AS sections \r\n WHERE \r\n\t( content.RecycleBin = '0' AND content.Content like '%{$SearchTxt}%' AND content.IDPage = sections.ID )\r\n\tOR \r\n\t( content.RecycleBin = '0' AND content.Description like '%{$SearchTxt}%' AND content.IDPage = sections.ID )" . "LIMIT " . $limit . ""); if (!$Resultssections && !$Resultsproducts && !$Resultscontent) { //echo 'No se encontraron coincidencias en contenidos para "' . $SearchTxt . '"...'; } if ($Resultssections) { echo '<h4>Secciones</h4>'; foreach ($Resultssections as $ResultItem) { if ($ResultItem->SectionType == 1) { echo '<li id="listItem_' . $ResultItem->ID . '" class="ui-corner-all"> <a href="' . \SKTURL . $ResultItem->URLName . '" class="ui-corner-all" style="vertical-align:middle;"> <img src="_FileSystems/images/' . $ResultItem->SectionImage . '" alt="" style="vertical-align:middle;" /> ' . $ResultItem->Title . ' <span>' . $ResultItem->Description . '</span> </a> </li>'; } } } }
public static function GetHowUse($IDList = '') { global $SKT; echo '<div class="container_16" style="max-width: none; width: 100%;">'; $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $NameList = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT ListName FROM lists WHERE ID = '{$IDList}'"); if ($NameList) { $Query_Lists_Values_Count = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT count(ID) FROM lists_values WHERE IDList = '{$IDList}'"); $Query_Lists_Fields = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM lists_fields WHERE IDLists = '{$IDList}'"); echo '<div class="grid_4"><table class="table table-striped"> <caption>La Lista <b>"' . $NameList . '"</b> contiene <b>' . $Query_Lists_Values_Count . '</b> elementos ingresados con los siguientes campos:</caption> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">Nombre</th> <th scope="col">Tipo</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; $even = true; if ($Query_Lists_Fields) { foreach ($Query_Lists_Fields as $Values) { if (strstr($Values, '|')) { $Params = explode("|", $Values); switch ($Params[0]) { case 0: $Type = 'Int'; break; case 1: $Type = 'Varchar'; break; case 2: $Type = 'Text'; break; case 3: $Type = 'Link'; break; case 4: $Type = 'Enum'; break; case 5: $Type = 'HTML'; break; case 6: $Type = 'Date'; break; case 7: $Type = 'Basic HTML'; break; default: $Type = ''; break; } if ($even) { $evenst = 'even'; } else { $evenst = 'odd'; } echo '<tr class="' . $evenst . '"><td>' . $Params[1] . '</td><td>(' . $Type . ')</td></tr>'; if ($even) { $even = false; } else { $even = true; } } } } echo '<tr><td colspan="2" style=" font-size: 14px; color: #FF1263;">+ Campos Auto-generados</td></tr>'; echo '<tr class="even"><td>ID</td><td>(int)</td></tr>'; echo '<tr class="odd"><td>IDLists</td><td>(int)</td></tr>'; echo '<tr class="even"><td>RecycleBin</td><td>(enum = \'0\',\'1\')</td></tr>'; echo '<tr class="odd"><td>Position</td><td>(int)</td></tr>'; echo '<tr class="odd"><td>datePost</td><td>(date) Patrón: <b>' . date('Y-m-d') . '</b></td></tr>'; echo '</tbody></table></div>'; echo '<div class="grid_12">'; echo '<h1 style="font-size: 14px; color: #FF1263; line-height: normal; margin: 0 0 10px;">Para obtener los resultados de esta lista cuenta con las siguientes opciones:</h1>'; echo '<h2 style="font-size: 16px; color: #06A7EA; line-height: normal; margin: 0 0 10px;">Mediante Servicio Web:</h2> <h3 style="font-size: 14px; color: #06A7EA; line-height: normal; margin: 0 0 10px;">Template HTML (Ej.: List Servicios)</h3>'; echo '<pre><code class="php"> <?php $json = \'_Service_/p/Lists/getJSON/Servicios|ASC|ID|3|null|null\'; $data = file_get_contents($json); $array = json_decode($data); ?> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <?php foreach ($array as $obj) { $Titulo = $obj->Titulo; $Descripcion = $obj->Descripcion; $icono = $obj->icono; $Link = $obj->Link; echo \'<div class="col-md-4"> <span class="fa-stack fa-4x"> \' . $icono . \' </span> <h4 class="service-heading">\' . $Titulo . \'</h4> <p class="text-muted">\' . $Descripcion . \'</p> <a href="\' . $Link . \'">Ver m&aacute;s+</a> </div>\'; } ?> </div> </div> </code></pre>'; $json = 'http://localhost:5665/_Service_/p/Lists/getJSON/Demo|ASC|ID|3|null|null'; $data = file_get_contents($json); $array = json_decode($data); echo '<div class="container"> <div class="row">'; foreach ($array as $obj) { $Titulo = $obj->Titulo; $Descripcion = $obj->Descripcion; $icono = $obj->icono; $Link = $obj->Link; echo '<div class="col-md-4"> <span class="fa-stack fa-4x"> ' . $icono . ' </span> <h4 class="service-heading">' . $Titulo . '</h4> <p class="text-muted">' . $Descripcion . '</p> <a href="' . $Link . '">Ver más+</a> </div>'; } echo '</div> </div>'; echo '<h2 style="font-size: 16px; color: #06A7EA; line-height: normal; margin: 0 0 10px;">Mediante JQuery (Cliente-Asincrónico):</h2> <h3 style="font-size: 14px; color: #06A7EA; line-height: normal; margin: 0 0 10px;">Template HTML (Ej.: List Demo)</h3>'; echo '<pre><code class="xml"> <!-- HTML del item --> <div id="DemoListTemplate" class="display-none"> <div class="Demo"> <div class="Imagen left"> <a href="[URL]"> <img src="[Imagen]" title=""/> </a> </div> <div class="Contenido"> <h3>[Titulo]</h3> <span>[datePost] - ID: [ID]</span> <p>[Contenido]</p> <a class="Email" href="mailto:[Email]" title="Contactenos">[Email]</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END: HTML del item --> <div id="DemoList"></div> <!-- Contenedor #DemoList --> </code></pre>'; echo '<h3 style="font-size: 14px; color: #06A7EA; line-height: normal; margin: 0 0 10px;">Script de obtención de datos</h3>'; echo '<pre><code data-language="javascript"> $.ajax({ dataType: "json", /* La URL para servicios de listas está formada por: /_Service_/[PRODUCTION or DEBUG (p,d)]/Lists/[METHOD]/[NAMELIST]|[SORT(ASC,DESC,null)]|[ORDER BY (FIELDNAME,null)]|[LIMIT(int,null)]|[QUERY(WHERE...,null)]|[ID(int,null)] */ url: "/_Service_/p/Lists/getJSON/' . $NameList . '|ASC|datePost|2|null|null", cache: true }).done(function(data) { $.map(data, function(item, index) { /* Listamos los valores a reemplazar */ var reps = { "[ID]": item.ID, "[IDLists]": item.IDLists, "[RecycleBin]": item.RecycleBin, "[Position]": item.Position, "[datePost]": item.datePost, "[Titulo]": item.Titulo, "[Contenido]": item.Contenido, "[Imagen]": item.Imagen, "[URL]": item.Url, "[Email]": item.Email }; var itemhtml = $("#DemoListTemplate").html(); for (var val in reps) { itemhtml = itemhtml.split(val).join(reps[val]); } /* Agregamos los Items al contenedor */ $("#DemoList").append(itemhtml); }); }); </code></pre>'; echo '<h3 style="font-size: 14px; color: #06A7EA; line-height: normal; margin: 0 0 10px;">Resultado:</h3>'; include 'DemoList.php'; echo '</div><div class="clear"></div>'; echo '</div>'; } else { echo 'No se encuentra una Lista con el nombre <b>"' . $NameList . '"</b>.<br>'; } }
public static function render($IDZone, $NameZone = '', $StyleClass = '') { $IDZone = static::FixZone($IDZone); if ($NameZone === '') { $NameZone = static::FixZone($IDZone); } else { $NameZone = static::FixZone($NameZone); } $isLogged = SKT_SECURE::action('validateAdmin'); $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect(); $IDSections = \SKT_SECTION_ID; $editorCMS = 0; $editorcss = ""; $editorCMS_WrapBefore = ""; $editorCMS_WrapAfter = ""; $editorScript_WrapBefore = ""; $editorScript_WrapAfter = ""; $total_lock_mod = 0; $_SESSION_View_DesignCMS = 0; $IDZoneColect = $IDZone . '|' . $NameZone . ','; $IDZoneColectObj = \CmsDev\Content\ZoneColect::init(); $IDZoneColectObj->set($IDZoneColect); $DS = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ($isLogged === true) { $editorCMS_WrapBefore = '<div class="' . $editorcss . ' sktEditorContentWrapper"> <h3 class="EditorHeaderTitle ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"> <span class="Title">[TitleZone]</span><div class="CmsDevIcon"><a href="javascript:void(0);"></a> <ul class=""> <li class="Delete" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Delete . '"> <li class="Recycle" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Recycle . '"></li> <li class="Property" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Properties . '"></li> </li><li class="CmsDevEditCMS" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Edit . '"></li> </ul> </div> </h3>'; $editorCMS_WrapAfter = '<div class="clear"></div></div>'; $editorScript_WrapBefore = '<div class="' . $editorcss . ' sktEditorContentWrapper"> <h3 class="EditorHeaderTitle ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"> <span class="Title">[TitleZone]</span><div class="CmsDevIcon"><a href="javascript:void(0);"></a> <ul class=""> <li class="Delete" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Delete . '"></li> <li class="Recycle" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Recycle . '"></li> <li class="Property" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Properties . '"></li> <li class="CmsDevEditScript" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Edit . '"></li> </ul> </div> </h3>'; $editorScript_WrapAfter = '<div class="clear"></div></div>'; $editorCC_WrapBefore = '<div class="' . $editorcss . ' sktEditorContentWrapper"> <h3 class="EditorHeaderTitle ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"> <span class="Title">[TitleZone]</span><div class="CmsDevIcon"><a href="javascript:void(0);"></a> <ul class=""> <li class="Delete" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Delete . '"></li> <li class="Recycle" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Recycle . '"></li> <li class="Property" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Properties . '"></li> [FILES] [CUSTOMIZED] <li class="CmsDevEditCC" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Edit . '"></li> </ul> <form action="" method="post" style="display:none;"> <input name="Action" id="Action" type="hidden" value="[Action]" /> <input name="ID" type="hidden" value="[ID]" /> <input name="IDZone" type="hidden" value="[IDZone]" /> <input name="CCFromTemplate" id="CCFromTemplate" type="hidden" value="[CCFromTemplate]" /> <textarea name="CustomProperty" id="CustomProperty" />[CustomProperty]</textarea> </form> </div> </h3>'; $editorCC_WrapAfter = '<div class="clear"></div></div>'; $editorNote_WrapBefore = '<div class="' . $editorcss . ' sktEditorContentWrapper"> <h3 class="EditorHeaderTitle ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"> <span class="Title">[TitleZone]</span><div class="CmsDevIcon"><a href="javascript:void(0);"></a> <ul class=""> <li class="Delete" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Delete . '"></li> <li class="Recycle" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Recycle . '"></li> <li class="Property" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Properties . '"></li> <li class="CmsDevEditNote" rel="[ID]" id="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Edit . '"></li> </ul> </div> </h3>'; $editorNote_WrapAfter = '<div class="clear"></div></div>'; $editorPhoto_WrapBefore = '<div class="' . $editorcss . ' sktEditorContentWrapper"> <h3 class="EditorHeaderTitle ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"> <span class="Title">[TitleZone]</span><div class="CmsDevIcon"><a href="javascript:void(0);"></a> <ul class=""> <li class="Delete" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Delete . '"></li> <li class="Recycle" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Recycle . '"></li> <li class="Property" rel="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Properties . '"></li> <li class="CmsDevEditPhoto" rel="[ID]" id="[ID]" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Edit . '"></li> </ul> </div> </h3>'; $editorPhoto_WrapAfter = '<div class="clear"></div></div>'; } if (isset($_POST['View_DesignCMS'])) { $_SESSION_View_DesignCMS = $_POST['View_DesignCMS']; $_SESSION['View_DesignCMS'] = $_SESSION_View_DesignCMS; } else { if (isset($_SESSION['View_DesignCMS'])) { $_SESSION_View_DesignCMS = $_SESSION['View_DesignCMS']; } else { $_SESSION_View_DesignCMS = 0; } } if ($isLogged === true) { $editorCMS = 1; $editorcss = " EditorContainer ui-corner-all EditorActive"; echo '<div class="ZoneContainer"><h4>' . $NameZone . '</h4></div>'; } $contentIDZoneCount = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE (IDPage = '{$IDSections}' AND IDZone = '{$IDZone}') OR (IDZone = '{$IDZone}' AND AllPage = '1')"); if ($contentIDZoneCount >= 1) { $contentIDZone = $SKTDB->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE (IDPage = '{$IDSections}' AND IDZone = '{$IDZone}') OR (IDZone = '{$IDZone}' AND AllPage = '1') ORDER BY Position ASC"); $query = $SKTDB->get_col_info($info_type = "name", $col_offset = -1); $cols = array(); foreach ($query as $name) { array_push($cols, $name); } foreach ($contentIDZone as $Zone) { if ($isLogged === true) { $DivWrapBefore = '<div id="E_' . $Zone->ID . '_' . $Zone->IDPage . '_' . $Zone->IDZone . '_' . $Zone->Date . '" rel="' . $Zone->Title . '" class="sktEditorContent ' . $StyleClass . ' ' . $Zone->css_class . '">'; if ($Zone->Type == 'html') { $editorSet = $editorCMS_WrapBefore; foreach ($cols as $col) { $editorSet = str_replace('[' . $col . ']', CS::Charset($Zone->{$col}), $editorSet); } $editorSet = str_replace("[TitleZone]", CS::Charset($Zone->Title), $editorSet); if ($Zone->RecycleBin == 1) { $editorSet = str_replace("EditorHeaderTitle", "EditorHeaderTitle SKTRecycled", $editorSet); $DivWrapBefore = str_replace("sktEditorContent ", "sktEditorContent SKTRecycled", $DivWrapBefore); } echo $editorSet . $DivWrapBefore; //$Zone->Content = str_replace("[[ZONA]]",LoadMod('CustomArea'.$Zone->ID.$Zone->IDZone),$Zone->Content); echo CS::Charset($Zone->Content); echo '</div>'; echo $editorCMS_WrapAfter; } if ($Zone->Type == 'Note') { $editorSet = $editorNote_WrapBefore; if ($Zone->CustomProperty != '') { if (\is_file(\SKTPATH_TemplateSite . $Zone->CustomProperty)) { $NoteTemplate = file_get_contents(\SKTPATH . $Zone->CustomProperty); } elseif (\is_file(\SKTPATH_TemplateSite . $DS . "SKT_Theme_Parts" . $DS . 'Notes' . $DS . $Zone->CustomProperty)) { $NoteTemplate = file_get_contents(\SKTPATH_TemplateSite . $DS . "SKT_Theme_Parts" . $DS . 'Notes' . $DS . $Zone->CustomProperty); } } if ($NoteTemplate != '') { $editorSet .= $NoteTemplate; } foreach ($cols as $col) { $editorSet = str_replace('[' . $col . ']', CS::Charset($Zone->{$col}), $editorSet); } $editorSet = str_replace("[TitleZone]", CS::Charset($Zone->Title), $editorSet); if ($Zone->RecycleBin == 1) { $editorSet = str_replace("EditorHeaderTitle", "EditorHeaderTitle SKTRecycled", $editorSet); $DivWrapBefore = str_replace("sktEditorContent ", "sktEditorContent SKTRecycled", $DivWrapBefore); } echo $editorSet . $DivWrapBefore; echo '</div>'; echo $editorNote_WrapAfter; } if ($Zone->Type == 'Photo') { $editorSet = $editorPhoto_WrapBefore; foreach ($cols as $col) { $editorSet = str_replace('[' . $col . ']', CS::Charset($Zone->{$col}), $editorSet); } $editorSet = str_replace("[TitleZone]", CS::Charset($Zone->Title), $editorSet); if ($Zone->RecycleBin == 1) { $editorSet = str_replace("EditorHeaderTitle", "EditorHeaderTitle SKTRecycled", $editorSet); $DivWrapBefore = str_replace("sktEditorContent ", "sktEditorContent SKTRecycled", $DivWrapBefore); } echo $editorSet . $DivWrapBefore; $fileprop = \SKTPATH_FileSystems . $Zone->CustomProperty; $file = str_replace("/SKTSize/", "", $fileprop); $file = str_replace("/", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file); $hiperlink = DataTag($file, 'hiperlink'); $title = DataTag($file, 'title'); $Description = DataTag($file, 'Description'); $urlSrc = $Zone->CustomProperty; $ThePhoto = ''; if ($hiperlink != '' && $hiperlink != 'null' && $hiperlink != 'undefined') { $ThePhoto .= '<a href="' . $hiperlink . '" title="' . $title . '" target="_blank">'; $ThePhoto .= '<img src="' . $urlSrc . '" alt="' . $title . '" class="img-responsive ' . $StyleClass . '"/><span class="hidden Description">' . $Description . '</span>'; $ThePhoto .= '</a>'; } else { $ThePhoto .= '<img src="' . $urlSrc . '" alt="' . $title . '" class="img-responsive ' . $StyleClass . '"/><span class="hidden Description">' . $Description . '</span>'; } if ($Description != '' && $Description != 'null' && $Description != 'undefined') { $ThePhoto = '<figure class="figureDescription">' . $ThePhoto . '</figure>'; } echo $ThePhoto; echo '</div>'; echo $editorPhoto_WrapAfter; } if ($Zone->Type == 'script') { $editorSet = $editorScript_WrapBefore; foreach ($cols as $col) { $editorSet = str_replace('[' . $col . ']', CS::Charset($Zone->{$col}), $editorSet); } $editorSet = str_replace("[TitleZone]", CS::Charset($Zone->Title), $editorSet); if ($Zone->RecycleBin == 1) { $editorSet = str_replace("EditorHeaderTitle", "EditorHeaderTitle SKTRecycled", $editorSet); $DivWrapBefore = str_replace("sktEditorContent ", "sktEditorContent SKTRecycled", $DivWrapBefore); } echo $editorSet . $DivWrapBefore; echo CS::Charset($Zone->Content); echo '</div>'; echo $editorScript_WrapAfter; } if ($Zone->Type == 'Anchor') { if ($Zone->RecycleBin == 1) { $editorScript_WrapBefore = str_replace("EditorHeaderTitle", "EditorHeaderTitle SKTRecycled", $editorScript_WrapBefore); } echo str_replace("[TitleZone]", CS::Charset($Zone->Title), $editorScript_WrapBefore) . $DivWrapBefore; echo '<a name="' . CS::Charset($Zone->Content) . '" id="' . CS::Charset($Zone->Content) . '"></a>'; echo '</div>'; echo $editorScript_WrapAfter; } if ($Zone->Type == 'SKT_Controls') { $editorCCBeforeok_find = array("[TitleZone]", "[Action]", "[CustomProperty]", "[ID]", "[IDZone]", "[CCFromTemplate]"); $editorCCBeforeok_replace = array(CS::Charset($Zone->Title), CS::Charset($Zone->Custom), CS::Charset($Zone->CustomProperty), $Zone->ID, $Zone->IDZone, $Zone->CCFromTemplate); $editorCCBeforeRep = str_replace("[TitleZone]", CS::Charset($Zone->Title), $editorCC_WrapBefore); $editorCCBeforeok = str_replace($editorCCBeforeok_find, $editorCCBeforeok_replace, $editorCCBeforeRep); if ($Zone->RecycleBin == 1) { $editorCCBeforeok = str_replace("EditorHeaderTitle", "EditorHeaderTitle SKTRecycled", $editorCCBeforeok); } $find = strstr($Zone->Custom, 'File_'); $FilesGoTo = '[FILES]'; if ($find == true) { $FilesGoTo = '<li class="CmsDevEditFiles" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Edit . '"></li>'; $editorCCBeforeok = str_replace("CmsDevEditCC", "CmsDevEditCCF", $editorCCBeforeok); } $editorCCBeforeok = str_replace("[FILES]", $FilesGoTo, $editorCCBeforeok); // $find2 = strstr($Zone->Custom, 'Folder_'); $FilesGoTo = ''; if ($find2 == true) { $FilesGoTo = '<li class="CmsDevEditFiles" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Edit . '"></li>'; $editorCCBeforeok = str_replace("CmsDevEditCC", "CmsDevEditCCF", $editorCCBeforeok); } $editorCCBeforeok = str_replace("[FILES]", $FilesGoTo, $editorCCBeforeok); // $find3 = strstr($Zone->Custom, 'Customized_'); $FilesGoTo = '[CUSTOMIZED]'; if ($find3 == true) { $FilesGoTo = '<li class="CmsDevEditCCCustomized" title="' . SKT_ADMIN_Btn_Edit . '"></li>'; //$editorCCBeforeok = str_replace("CmsDevEditCC","CmsDevEditCCCustomized",$editorCCBeforeok); $editorCCBeforeok = str_replace("[CUSTOMIZED]", $FilesGoTo, $editorCCBeforeok); } $editorCCBeforeok = str_replace("[CUSTOMIZED]", '', $editorCCBeforeok); // echo $editorCCBeforeok . '<div id="E_' . $Zone->ID . '_' . $Zone->IDPage . '_' . $Zone->IDZone . '_' . $Zone->Date . '" rel="' . $Zone->Title . '" class="SKT_Controls ' . $Zone->css_class . '" ><div class="CustomProperty">' . $Zone->CustomProperty . '</div>'; if ($Zone->CCFromTemplate == '') { if (\is_file(\SKTPATH . '/SKT_Controls/' . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php') && SKT_TEMPLATE_ERROR === '') { include \SKTPATH . '/SKT_Controls/' . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php'; } else { $MessageBox = \CmsDev\Info\Asistance::get(); $MessageBox->TipError('No se encuentra el control nativo en: ' . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php', false); echo 'No se encuentra el control ' . $Zone->Custom; } } else { if (\is_file(\SKTPATH_TemplateSite . '/SKT_Controls/' . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php') && SKT_TEMPLATE_ERROR === '') { include \SKTPATH_TemplateSite . '/SKT_Controls/' . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php'; //echo "OKIDOKI"; } else { $MessageBox = \CmsDev\Info\Asistance::get(); $MessageBox->TipError('No se encuentra el control personalizado en: ' . $Zone->CCFromTemplate . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php', false); echo 'No se encuentra el control personalizado ' . $Zone->Custom; } } echo '</div>'; echo $editorCC_WrapAfter; } } else { if ($Zone->RecycleBin == 0) { if ($Zone->Type == 'SKT_Controls') { if ($Zone->Title != '') { echo '<h3 class="TitleControl"><span>' . CS::Charset($Zone->Title) . '</span></h3>'; } echo '<div class="' . $StyleClass . ' SKT_Controls">'; if ($Zone->CCFromTemplate == '') { if (\is_file(\SKTPATH . '/SKT_Controls/' . 'SKT_Controls/' . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php') && SKT_TEMPLATE_ERROR === '') { include \SKTPATH . 'SKT_Controls/' . 'SKT_Controls/' . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php'; } else { $MessageBox = \CmsDev\Info\Asistance::get(); $MessageBox->TipError('No se encuentra el control nativo en: ' . $Zone->CCFromTemplate . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php', false); echo 'No se encuentra el control ' . $Zone->Custom; } } else { if (\is_file(\SKTPATH_TemplateSite . 'SKT_Controls/' . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php') && SKT_TEMPLATE_ERROR === '') { include \SKTPATH_TemplateSite . 'SKT_Controls/' . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php'; } else { $MessageBox = \CmsDev\Info\Asistance::get(); $MessageBox->TipError('No se encuentra el control personalizado en: ' . \SKTPATH_TemplateSite . $Zone->Custom . '/Control.php', false); echo 'No se encuentra el control ' . $Zone->Custom; } } echo '</div>'; } elseif ($Zone->Type == 'Anchor') { echo '<h3 class="Anchor EditorHeaderTitle ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"><a name="' . CS::Charset($Zone->Content) . '" id="' . CS::Charset($Zone->Content) . '"></a>' . CS::Charset($Zone->Title) . '<div class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ScrollTop" onclick="javascript:$.scrollTo(\'#ScrollTop\',800);"><div class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-arrow-n "></div></div></h3>'; } elseif ($Zone->Type == 'Note') { if ($Zone->CustomProperty != '') { $NoteTemplate = file_get_contents($Zone->CustomProperty); } $note_find = array("[Title]", "[Content]", "[Date]", "[Autor]", "[CssClass]"); $note_replace = array(CS::Charset($Zone->Title), CS::Charset($Zone->Content), $Zone->Date, CS::Charset($Zone->Autor), CS::Charset($Zone->css_class)); $note = str_replace($note_find, $note_replace, $NoteTemplate); echo $note; } elseif ($Zone->Type == 'Photo') { $file = \SKT_URL_BASE . '/' . $Zone->CustomProperty; $file = str_replace("//", "/", $file); $hiperlink = DataTag($file, 'hiperlink'); $title = DataTag($file, 'title'); $Description = DataTag($file, 'Description'); $ThePhoto = ''; if ($hiperlink != '' && $hiperlink != 'null' && $hiperlink != 'undefined') { $ThePhoto .= '<a href="' . $hiperlink . '" title="' . $title . '" target="_blank">'; $ThePhoto .= '<img src="' . $Zone->CustomProperty . '" alt="' . $title . '" class="img-responsive ' . $StyleClass . '"/><span class="hidden Description">' . $Description . '</span>'; $ThePhoto .= '</a>'; } else { $ThePhoto .= '<img src="' . $Zone->CustomProperty . '" alt="' . $title . '" class="img-responsive ' . $StyleClass . '"/><span class="hidden Description">' . $Description . '</span>'; } if ($Description != '' && $Description != 'null' && $Description != 'undefined') { $ThePhoto = '<figure class="figureDescription">' . $ThePhoto . '</figure>'; } echo $ThePhoto; } else { if ($Zone->Title != '') { echo '<h3 class="TitleControl"><span>' . CS::Charset($Zone->Title) . '</span></h3>'; } echo '<div class="sktEditorContent ' . CS::Charset($Zone->css_class) . '" rel="' . CS::Charset($Zone->Title) . '">' . CS::Charset($Zone->Content) . '</div>'; } } } } } else { } $Zone = ''; }
protected function Remove($ID = '') { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $DeleteQuery = $SKTDB->query("DELETE FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "products WHERE UID = '" . \GetSQLValueString(\str_replace('ID', '', $ID), "int") . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($DeleteQuery) { echo 'ok'; } else { echo \SKT_ADMIN_Message_Update_Error; } }
public function Render($ID = 0) { $CC = ''; $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); if ($SKT_Controls = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT Custom FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE ID = '{$ID}'")) { $CC = $SKT_Controls->Custom; } $SelectedIni = ''; $Select = '<select name="Custom" id="Custom" class="text ui-corner-all" >'; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------ FROM TEMPLATE --------------------------------------------- */ $SKTDBTemplate = \LOCAL_DIR . \SKTURL_TemplateSite . '/SKT_Controls/'; if (file_exists($SKTDBTemplate)) { $Select .= '<option value="" disabled="disabled" class="ui-widget-header">From Template</option>'; $directorio = $SKTDBTemplate; if (file_exists($directorio)) { $handle = opendir($directorio); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if (!is_dir($file) && $file != ".." && $file != "." && $file != "CustomPropertyURI_for_Files.php") { $Selected = ''; $thisCC = $CC; if ($thisCC != 0 || $thisCC != '') { if ($thisCC == $file) { $Selected = 'selected="selected"'; } else { $Selected = ''; } } $ControlType = ''; $find = strstr($file, 'File_'); if ($find == true) { $ControlType = 'TypeFiles'; } $find2 = strstr($file, 'Folder_'); if ($find2 == true) { $ControlType = 'TypeFolder'; } $find3 = strstr($file, 'Customized_'); if ($find3 == true) { $ControlType = 'Customized'; } $fileName = str_replace('File', '', $file); $fileName = str_replace('Folder', '', $fileName); $fileName = str_replace('Customized', '', $fileName); $fileName = str_replace('_', ' ', $fileName); $Select .= '<option class="' . $ControlType . '" ' . $Selected . ' title="' . \SKTURL_TemplateSite . '/SKT_Controls/" value="' . $file . '">' . $fileName . '</option>'; } } closedir($handle); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------ FROM ROOT ------------------------------------------------- */ $directorio = \LOCAL_DIR . 'CmsDev/Modules/'; if (file_exists($directorio)) { $Select .= '<option value="" disabled="disabled" class="ui-widget-header">General</option>'; $handle = opendir($directorio); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if (!is_dir($file) && $file != ".." && $file != "." && $file != "CustomPropertyURI_for_Files.php") { $Selected = ''; $thisCC = $CC; if ($thisCC != 0 || $thisCC != '') { if ($thisCC == $file) { $Selected = 'selected="selected"'; } else { $Selected = ''; } } $ControlType = ''; $find = strstr($file, 'File_'); if ($find == true) { $ControlType = 'TypeFiles'; } $find2 = strstr($file, 'Folder_'); if ($find2 == true) { $ControlType = 'TypeFolder'; } $find3 = strstr($file, 'Customized_'); if ($find3 == true) { $ControlType = 'Customized'; } $fileName = str_replace('File_', '', $file); $fileName = str_replace('Folder_', '', $file); $fileName = str_replace('Customized', '', $file); $fileName = str_replace('_', ' ', $fileName); $Select .= '<option class="' . $ControlType . '" ' . $Selected . ' title="" value="' . $file . '">' . $fileName . '</option>'; } } closedir($handle); } $Select .= '</select>'; return $Select; }
private static function MakeNewUser($Client = false, $Info = array(), $LevelType = 'Customers') { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $new_Google = false; $new_Facebook = false; $CheckUserName = new \CmsDev\util\CheckUserName(); $username = Code::Charset(isset($Info['username']) ? $Info['username'] : ''); $password = md5(isset($Info['password']) ? $Info['password'] : ''); $email = Code::Charset(isset($Info['email']) ? $Info['email'] : ''); $isactive = isset($Info['isactive']) ? $Info['isactive'] : 0; $activekey = isset($Info['activekey']) ? $Info['activekey'] : 0; $resetkey = isset($Info['resetkey']) ? $Info['resetkey'] : 0; $cust_no = isset($Info['cust_no']) ? $Info['cust_no'] : 0; $md5 = isset($Info['md5']) ? $Info['md5'] : md5($username) . $password; $Description = isset($Info['Description']) ? $Info['Description'] : ''; $Lat = isset($Info['Lat']) ? $Info['Lat'] : '-35'; $Lon = isset($Info['Lon']) ? $Info['Lon'] : '-54'; $zoom = isset($Info['zoom']) ? $Info['zoom'] : '12'; $Type = isset($Info['Type']) ? $Info['Type'] : $LevelType; $website = isset($Info['website']) ? $Info['website'] : ''; $ViewHelp = isset($Info['ViewHelp']) ? $Info['ViewHelp'] : 0; $token = isset($Info['token']) ? $Info['token'] : ''; $Company = isset($Info['Company']) ? $Info['Company'] : $Info["username"]; $CompanyUrl = isset($Info['CompanyUrl']) ? $Info['CompanyUrl'] : $CheckUserName->Fix($username); $Level = isset($Info['level']) ? $Info['level'] : $Type; $RUT = isset($Info['RUT']) ? $Info['RUT'] : ''; $Position = isset($Info['Position']) ? $Info['Position'] : ''; $Name = isset($Info['Name']) ? $Info['Name'] : ''; $Surname = isset($Info['Surname']) ? $Info['Surname'] : ''; $Country = isset($Info['Country']) ? $Info['Country'] : ''; $City = isset($Info['City']) ? $Info['City'] : ''; $CP = isset($Info['CP']) ? $Info['CP'] : ''; $Address = isset($Info['Address']) ? $Info['Address'] : ''; $From = isset($Info['From']) ? $Info['From'] : '09'; $To = isset($Info['To']) ? $Info['To'] : '18'; $Phone = isset($Info['Phone']) ? $Info['Phone'] : ''; $payment_method = isset($Info['payment_method']) ? $Info['payment_method'] : ''; $ClientAuth = isset($Info['ClientAuth']) ? $Info['ClientAuth'] : ''; $ClientAuth_id = isset($Info['ClientAuth_id']) ? $Info['ClientAuth_id'] : ''; $ClientAuth_link = isset($Info['ClientAuth_link']) ? $Info['ClientAuth_link'] : ''; $ClientAuth_name = isset($Info['ClientAuth_name']) ? $Info['ClientAuth_name'] : ''; $ClientAuth_family_name = isset($Info['ClientAuth_family_name']) ? $Info['ClientAuth_family_name'] : ''; $ClientAuth_given_name = isset($Info['ClientAuth_given_name']) ? $Info['ClientAuth_given_name'] : ''; $ClientAuth_email = isset($Info['ClientAuth_email']) ? $Info['ClientAuth_email'] : ''; $ClientAuth_picture = isset($Info['ClientAuth_picture']) ? $Info['ClientAuth_picture'] : ''; $ClientAuth_locale = isset($Info['ClientAuth_locale']) ? $Info['ClientAuth_locale'] : ''; $ClientAuth_gender = isset($Info['ClientAuth_gender']) ? $Info['ClientAuth_gender'] : ''; $category1 = isset($Info['category1']) ? $Info['category1'] : ''; $category2 = isset($Info['category2']) ? $Info['category2'] : ''; $category3 = isset($Info['category3']) ? $Info['category3'] : ''; $category4 = isset($Info['category4']) ? $Info['category4'] : ''; $category5 = isset($Info['category5']) ? $Info['category5'] : ''; if ($Client == 'FromGoogle') { /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------/// FromGoogle ///-------------- */ $Name = $Info['name']; $Surname = $Info['family_name']; $ClientAuth = $Info['ClientAuth']; $ClientAuth_id = $Info['id']; $ClientAuth_link = $Info['link']; $ClientAuth_name = $Info['name']; $ClientAuth_family_name = $Info['family_name']; $ClientAuth_given_name = $Info['given_name']; $ClientAuth_email = $Info['email']; $ClientAuth_picture = $Info['picture']; $ClientAuth_locale = $Info['locale']; $ClientAuth_gender = $Info['gender']; $username = Code::Encode($Info['given_name']); $password = md5($Info['id']); $email = $Info['email']; $isactive = 1; $md5 = md5($username . $password); $Company = $Info['name']; $CompanyUrl = $CheckUserName->Fix($Info['name']); $Type = 'Customers'; $user_listQuery = "SELECT *\r\n FROM users as user, userprofile as profile\r\n WHERE = profile.IDX AND profile.ClientAuth = 'Google' AND profile.ClientAuth_id = " . \GetSQLValueString($Info["id"], 'text') . ""; $user_list = $SKTDB->get_row($user_listQuery); $MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get(); $MessageBox->TipInfo('<b>' . $Name . '.</b><br><pre>' . $user_listQuery . '</pre><pre>' . $user_list->username . '</pre>', false); if ($user_list) { $_SESSION['UserName'] = $user_list->username; $session = md5($user_list->username . $user_list->password); $_SESSION['login'] = $session; $_SESSION['UserIDU'] = $user_list->id; $new_Google = false; $header = \SERVER_DIR; \CmsDev\Header\refresh::refreshNow(\SITE_SERVER); exit; } else { $new_Google = true; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ } else { if ($Client == 'FromFacebook') { /* --------------------------------------------------------------------/// FromFacebook ///-------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ } else { } } if ($Client == 'FromSite' || $new_Google == true || $new_Facebook == true) { if ($username != '' || !isset($_SESSION['login'])) { $test = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = "******""); if (!$test) { $insertUserQuery = "INSERT INTO users \r\n ( username, password, email, CompanyUrl, isactive, activekey, resetkey, cust_no, Lat, Lon, zoom, md5, Type ) \r\n\t\t\tVALUES (" . GetSQLValueString($username, "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString($password, "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString($email, "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString($CompanyUrl, "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString($isactive, "int") . "," . GetSQLValueString($activekey, "int") . "," . GetSQLValueString($resetkey, "int") . "," . GetSQLValueString($cust_no, "int") . "," . GetSQLValueString($Lat, "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString($Lon, "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString($zoom, "int") . "," . GetSQLValueString($md5, "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString($Type, "text") . ")"; $insertUser = $SKTDB->query($insertUserQuery); if ($insertUser) { $FotoPerfil = ''; $insertUserID = $SKTDB->insert_id; if (!isset($Info['FotoPerfil']) || $Info['picture'] === '') { $FotoPerfil = \SKT_ACCESS_AVATAR; } else { $FotoPerfil = $Info['FotoPerfil']; } if ($new_Google == true) { $FotoPerfil = $ClientAuth_picture; } $insertProfile = $SKTDB->query("INSERT INTO userprofile \r\n (IDX, level, Name, Surname, Company, RUT, Position, Country, City, CP, Address, eFrom, eTo, Phone, payment_method, \r\n ClientAuth,ClientAuth_id,ClientAuth_link,ClientAuth_name,ClientAuth_family_name,ClientAuth_given_name,ClientAuth_email,ClientAuth_picture,ClientAuth_locale, ClientAuth_gender)\r\n VALUES (" . GetSQLValueString($insertUserID, "int") . "," . GetSQLValueString($Level, "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($Name), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($Surname), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($Company), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($RUT), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($Position), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($Country), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($City), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($CP), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($Address), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($From), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($To), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($Phone), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($payment_method), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($ClientAuth), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($ClientAuth_id), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($ClientAuth_link), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($ClientAuth_name), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($ClientAuth_family_name), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($ClientAuth_given_name), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($ClientAuth_email), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($FotoPerfil), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($ClientAuth_locale), "text") . "," . GetSQLValueString(Code::Charset($ClientAuth_gender), "text") . ")"); if ($LevelType == 'Publishers' || $Type == 'Publishers' || $Level == 'Publishers') { $date = date('Y-m-d'); $Date_FinishBuild = strtotime('+ 182 day', strtotime($date)); $Date_Finish = date('Y-m-d', $Date_FinishBuild); $query = "INSERT INTO user_plan (UID,Limit_Plan,planID,Date_Finish) " . "VALUES (" . GetSQLValueString($insertUserID, "int") . "," . GetSQLValueString("180", "int") . "," . GetSQLValueString("99", "int") . "," . GetSQLValueString($Date_Finish, "date") . ")"; $SKTDB->query($query); } if ($insertProfile) { if ($Client == 'FromSite') { $ValidateUserMail = new \CmsDev\Security\ValidateUserMail(); echo $ValidateUserMail->User($insertUserID); } if ($new_Google == true || $new_Facebook == true) { $_SESSION['UserName'] = $ClientAuth_id; $session = md5($username . $password); $_SESSION['login'] = $session; $_SESSION['UserIDU'] = $insertUserID; \CmsDev\Header\refresh::refreshNow(SITE_SERVER); exit; } } else { $error = "error"; } } else { $error = \SKT_ADMIN_User_Invalid; } } } } if ($error != '') { $MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get(); $MessageBox->TipError('<b>' . $Name . '.</b> - ' . $error . ', <pre>' . $username . '</pre>', false); } }
public static function new_auto_increment_ID() { $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect(); $NewID = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT MAX(ID) FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections") + 1; return $NewID; }
private function section() { $SKT = \CmsDev\util\globals::getVar('SKT'); $SKTDB = SKTDB\db_Skt::connect(); $SectionValues = \CmsDev\Content\Section::get(); $ParentSectionValues = $SectionValues->ParentSectionValues; $Parent_2_SectionValues = $SectionValues->Parent_2_SectionValues; $Parent_3_SectionValues = $SectionValues->Parent_3_SectionValues; $Parent_4_SectionValues = $SectionValues->Parent_4_SectionValues; $Parent_5_SectionValues = $SectionValues->Parent_5_SectionValues; $query = $SKTDB->query("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE SID = '0'"); $query2 = $SKTDB->get_col_info($info_type = "name", $col_offset = -1); $cols = array(); foreach ($query2 as $name) { array_push($cols, $name); } foreach ($cols as $col) { $val[$col] = $SectionValues->{$col}; \define($this->fixdef('SKT_SECTION_' . $col), $SectionValues->{$col}); } if (\is_object($ParentSectionValues)) { foreach ($cols as $col) { $val['Parent\'][\'' . $col] = $ParentSectionValues->{$col}; \define($this->fixdef('SKT_PARENT_' . $col), $ParentSectionValues->{$col}); } } else { foreach ($cols as $col) { \define($this->fixdef('SKT_PARENT_' . $col), ''); } } if (\is_object($Parent_2_SectionValues)) { foreach ($cols as $col) { $val['Parent2\'][\'' . $col] = $Parent_2_SectionValues->{$col}; \define($this->fixdef('SKT_PARENT2_' . $col), $Parent_2_SectionValues->{$col}); } } else { foreach ($cols as $col) { \define($this->fixdef('SKT_PARENT2_' . $col), ''); } } if (\is_object($Parent_3_SectionValues)) { foreach ($cols as $col) { $val['Parent3\'][\'' . $col] = $Parent_3_SectionValues->{$col}; \define($this->fixdef('SKT_PARENT3_' . $col), $Parent_3_SectionValues->{$col}); } } else { foreach ($cols as $col) { \define($this->fixdef('SKT_PARENT3_' . $col), ''); } } if (\is_object($Parent_4_SectionValues)) { foreach ($cols as $col) { $val['Parent4\'][\'' . $col] = $Parent_4_SectionValues->{$col}; \define($this->fixdef('SKT_PARENT4_' . $col), $Parent_4_SectionValues->{$col}); } } else { foreach ($cols as $col) { \define($this->fixdef('SKT_PARENT4_' . $col), ''); } } if (\is_object($Parent_5_SectionValues)) { foreach ($cols as $col) { $val['Parent5\'][\'' . $col] = $Parent_5_SectionValues->{$col}; \define($this->fixdef('SKT_PARENT5_' . $col), $Parent_5_SectionValues->{$col}); } } else { foreach ($cols as $col) { \define($this->fixdef('SKT_PARENT5_' . $col), ''); } } $count = count($val); $p1 = $p2 = $p3 = $p4 = $p5 = 0; $SECTION = ''; if ($count > 0) { $this->DevShowParams .= '<h3><a href="#">' . \SKT_ADMIN_DP_Section . '</a></h3><table width="250" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="TableInfo"><tr><th scope="row" class="defined">defined</th><td scope="row" class="value">value</td></tr>'; foreach ($val as $variable => $value) { if ($p1 === 0 && strstr($variable, 'Parent')) { $this->DevShowParams .= '<tr><th scope="col" colspan="2">Parent Section ' . $val['Parent\'][\'Title'] . '</th></tr>'; $p1++; } else { if ($p2 === 0 && strstr($variable, 'Parent2')) { $this->DevShowParams .= '<tr><th scope="col" colspan="2">Parent (2) Section ' . $val['Parent2\'][\'Title'] . '</th></tr>'; $p2++; } else { if ($p3 === 0 && strstr($variable, 'Parent3')) { $this->DevShowParams .= '<tr><th scope="col" colspan="2">Parent (3) Section ' . $val['Parent3\'][\'Title'] . '</th></tr>'; $p3++; } else { if ($p4 === 0 && strstr($variable, 'Parent4')) { $this->DevShowParams .= '<tr><th scope="col" colspan="2">Parent (4) Section ' . $val['Parent4\'][\'Title'] . '</th></tr>'; $p4++; } else { if ($p5 === 0 && strstr($variable, 'Parent5')) { $this->DevShowParams .= '<tr><th scope="col" colspan="2">Parent (5) Section ' . $val['Parent5\'][\'Title'] . '</th></tr>'; $p5++; } } } } } if (!strstr($variable, 'Parent')) { $SECTION = 'SECTION_'; } else { $SECTION = ''; } $this->DevShowParams .= '<tr><th class="defined" scope="row">SKT_' . $SECTION . $this->fixdef($variable) . '</th><th scope="row" class="value"><span>' . $value . '</span></th></tr>'; } $this->DevShowParams .= '</table>'; } }
private function sendMailRegistration($User) { $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect(); $User = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT *\r\n FROM users as user join userprofile as profile \r\n ON = " . \GetSQLValueString($User, 'int') . "\r\n WHERE = profile.IDX \r\n "); $username = $User->username; $activekey = $User->activekey; $resetkey = $User->resetkey; $md5 = $User->md5; $Name = $User->Name; $Surname = $User->Surname; $Company = $User->Company; $RUT = $User->RUT; $Position = $User->Position; $Address = $User->Address; $Phone = $User->Phone; $email = $User->email; $URLActivate = \SITE_SERVER . "/ValidateUser?codeValidate=" . $md5; $code = ""; $Sitio = SITE_SERVER; $TemplateSite = SKT_TEMPLATE; $Logo = SERVER_DIR . SKTURL_TemplateSite . '/assets/img/logo.png'; $Assets = \SITE_SERVER . '/_TemplateSite/NegociosEnRed/mails/assets/'; // $UrlProduct = isset($_POST['UrlProduct']) ? $_POST['UrlProduct'] : ''; // $UrlProductShort = isset($_POST['UrlProductShort']) ? $_POST['UrlProductShort'] : ''; // $NameProduct = isset($_POST['NameProduct']) ? $_POST['NameProduct'] : ''; // $description = isset($_POST['description']) ? $_POST['description'] : ''; // $idProduct = isset($_POST['idProduct']) ? $_POST['idProduct'] : ''; // if ($UrlProductShort != '') { // $Product = '<tr> // <th align="right" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#515050" style="color: #FFF !important;"><strong style="color: #FFF">Interesado en</strong></th> // <td align="left" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#F5F5F5"> // <h3><a href="' . $UrlProduct . '">' . $NameProduct . '</a></h3> // </td> // </tr>'; // } $Mail_ValidateRegistration = SKTPATH_CmsDev . 'Security' . DS . 'Mail_ValidateRegistration.php'; $EmailMessagge = \file_get_contents($Mail_ValidateRegistration); $find = array('[Assets]', '[Sitio]', '[Logo]', '[URLActivate]', '[code]', '[username]', '[activekey]', '[resetkey]', '[md5]', '[Name]', '[Surname]', '[Company]', '[RUT]', '[Position]', '[Address]', '[Phone]', '[email]'); $replace = array($Assets, $Sitio, $Logo, $URLActivate, $code, $username, $activekey, $resetkey, $md5, $Name, $Surname, $Company, $RUT, $Position, $Address, $Phone, $email); $EmailMessagge = str_replace($find, $replace, $EmailMessagge); //-------------------------------------------------------// $InfoEMAIL = SKT_SITE_EMAIL; $Emailfrom = SKT_SITE_EMAIL; $Emailto = $email; $EmailSubject = SKT_SITE_NAME . ' - Registro de usuario'; //-------------------------------------------------------// $smtp = new \CmsDev\Security\smtp\smtp(); $smtp->host_name = "localhost"; /* Change this variable to the address of the SMTP server to relay, like "" */ $smtp->host_port = 26; /* Change this variable to the port of the SMTP server to use, like 465 */ $smtp->ssl = 0; /* Change this variable if the SMTP server requires an secure connection using SSL */ $smtp->http_proxy_host_name = ''; /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an HTTP proxy */ $smtp->http_proxy_host_port = 3128; /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an HTTP proxy */ $smtp->socks_host_name = ''; /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */ $smtp->socks_host_port = 1080; /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */ $smtp->socks_version = '5'; /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */ $smtp->start_tls = 0; /* Change this variable if the SMTP server requires security by starting TLS during the connection */ $smtp->localhost = "localhost"; /* Your computer address */ $smtp->direct_delivery = 0; /* Set to 1 to deliver directly to the recepient SMTP server */ $smtp->timeout = 10; /* Set to the number of seconds wait for a successful connection to the SMTP server */ $smtp->data_timeout = 0; /* Set to the number seconds wait for sending or retrieving data from the SMTP server. Set to 0 to use the same defined in the timeout variable */ $smtp->debug = 0; /* Set to 1 to output the communication with the SMTP server */ $smtp->html_debug = 0; /* Set to 1 to format the debug output as HTML */ $smtp->pop3_auth_host = ""; /* Set to the POP3 authentication host if your SMTP server requires prior POP3 authentication */ $smtp->user = ""; /* Set to the user name if the server requires authetication */ $smtp->realm = ""; /* Set to the authetication realm, usually the authentication user e-mail domain */ $smtp->password = ""; /* Set to the authetication password */ $smtp->workstation = ""; /* Workstation name for NTLM authentication */ $smtp->authentication_mechanism = "PLAIN"; /* Specify a SASL authentication method like LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, NTLM, etc.. Leave it empty to make the class negotiate if necessary */ if ($smtp->SendMessage($Emailfrom, array($Emailto, $Emailfrom), array("X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "", "MIME-Version: 1.0", "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit", "From: {$Emailfrom}", "To: {$Emailto}" . ";" . $Emailfrom, "Subject: " . $EmailSubject, "Date: " . strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")), $EmailMessagge)) { include 'ValidateUserMessage1.php'; } else { return "no"; } }
protected static function Remove($category_id = '') { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $DeleteQuery = $SKTDB->query("DELETE FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE category_id = '" . \GetSQLValueString($category_id, "int") . "' AND category_id !=0 LIMIT 1"); if ($DeleteQuery) { echo 'ok'; } else { echo \SKT_ADMIN_Message_Update_Error; } }
public static function nav($Sections_Menu, $ID = 1, $URLNameParent = '') { $ShowHidden = " RecycleBin = '0' AND"; $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $SectionValues = \CmsDev\Content\Section::get(); $Language = $SectionValues->Language; $LoggedInAdmin = \CmsDev\Security\loginIntent::action('validateAdmin'); if ($LoggedInAdmin === true) { $ShowHidden = ""; } $result = $SKTDB->get_results("SELECT ID,Title,Description,URLName,SID,Position,SectionType,RecycleBin,DisplayOnMenu, LinkActive, Link_ID\r\n FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections\r\n WHERE (" . $ShowHidden . " Language = '" . $Language . "' AND SectionType = '1' AND DisplayOnMenu = '" . $Sections_Menu['DisplayMenu'] . "') \r\n OR (" . $ShowHidden . " Language = '" . $Language . "' AND SectionType = '1' AND DisplayOnMenu = '4') \r\n ORDER BY SID, Position, Title", ARRAY_A); if ($result) { $menu = array('items' => array(), 'parents' => array()); foreach ($result as $items) { $menu['items'][$items['ID']] = $items; $menu['parents'][$items['SID']][] = $items['ID']; } return static::globalNav($ID, $menu, $URLNameParent, $Sections_Menu, false); } }
<?php if (!isset($GLOBALS['SKT'])) { if (session_id() == '') { session_start(); } $SKTAJAX = 'AJAX'; require '../../../Config.php'; require '../../../db.php'; require '../../Core.php'; } $SKTDB = \CmsDev\sql\db_Skt::connect(); if (\CmsDev\Security\loginIntent::action('validate', 'Link', 'Edit') === true) { echo str_replace('[title]', \SKT_ADMIN_Link_Create, \SKT_ADMIN_AdminWraperOpen); $ID = $_POST['ID']; $Querylinks = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "links WHERE ID = '{$ID}' "); $QuerylinksSEC = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE Link_ID = '{$ID}' "); ?> <div class="container_16"> <div class="CreateContentHtml"> <div id="server_response_NewlinksData"></div> <form action="" method="post" id="NewlinksData"> <div class="grid_8"> <fieldset> <input name="ID" id="ID" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $Querylinks->ID; ?> " class="text ui-corner-all" /> <input name="URLName" id="URLNameNewSection" type="hidden" value="link" class="text ui-corner-all" /> <label> <span><?php echo \SKT_ADMIN_TXT_Title;
protected static function AddResponse() { $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect(); $insert = $SKTDB->query("INSERT INTO messenger (Type,Parent,IDFrom,IDTo,EmailFrom,NameFrom,readFrom,EmailTo,NameTo,readTo,Message) \r\n\t\tVALUES (" . "0," . \GetSQLValueString($_POST['Parent'], "int") . "," . \GetSQLValueString($_POST['IDFrom'], "int") . "," . \GetSQLValueString($_POST['IDTo'], "int") . "," . \GetSQLValueString($_POST['EmailFrom'], "text") . "," . \GetSQLValueString($_POST['NameFrom'], "text") . "," . "0," . \GetSQLValueString($_POST['EmailTo'], "text") . "," . \GetSQLValueString($_POST['NameTo'], "text") . "," . "0," . \GetSQLValueString($_POST['Message'], "text") . ")"); if ($insert) { echo 'ok'; } else { echo "error"; } }