create() public static method

Factory method for creating new Commands and allowing to take advantage of the fluent API provided by this class.
public static create ( string $name, array | ValueHolder $arguments = [], array | ValueHolder $options = [] ) : Command
$name string The name of the command.
$arguments array | Clinner\ValueHolder (Optional) arguments for the command.
$options array | Clinner\ValueHolder (Optional) options for the command.
return Command
Beispiel #1
  * @covers \Clinner\Command\Command::create
 public function testStaticCreateWithArgsAndOpts()
     $name = 'ls';
     $args = array('first' => 'value', 'second' => 'second value');
     $opts = array('some_option' => 'some value');
     $command = Command::create($name, $args, $opts);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Clinner\\Command\\Command', $command);
     $this->assertAttributeEquals($name, '_name', $command);
     $this->assertAttributeInstanceOf('\\Clinner\\ValueHolder', '_arguments', $command);
     $this->assertAttributeInstanceOf('\\Clinner\\ValueHolder', '_options', $command);
     $this->assertAttributeEmpty('_next', $command);
     $this->assertAttributeEmpty('_exitCode', $command);
     $this->assertAttributeEmpty('_output', $command);
Beispiel #2
  * Pygmentize $code using a local binary.
  * @param  string $language The language in which $code is written.
  * @param  string $code     The code to pygmentize.
  * @return string
 protected function runLocally($language, $code)
     $args = array('-l' => $language, '-f' => 'html');
     $opts = array('delimiter' => ' ');
     $response = Command::create(self::PYGMENTS_BINARY_NAME, $args, $opts)->run($code)->getOutput();
     return $response;
Beispiel #3

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Clinner\Command\Command;
use Clinner\Command\Callback;
$callbackCommand = new Callback(function ($input) {
    foreach (explode("\n", $input) as $line) {
        if (false !== strchr($line, 'x')) {
            echo "{$line}\n";
$systemUsersCommand = Command::create('cat', array('/etc/passwd'))->pipe(Command::create('grep', array('-v' => '^#'), array('delimiter' => ' ')))->pipe(Command::create('cut', array('-d' => ':', '-f' => 1), array('delimiter' => '')))->pipe($callbackCommand);
echo $systemUsersCommand->toCommandString(true) . "\n";
echo "\n";
$systemUsers = $systemUsersCommand->run()->getOutputAsArray("\n");
echo "\n";
$testCommandString = 'cat /etc/hosts | grep localhost | tr -s " \\t" -';
$testCommandFromString = Command::fromString($testCommandString);
echo $testCommandFromString->toCommandString(true) . "\n";
echo $testCommandFromString->run()->getOutput() . "\n";