  * Create a new room
  * @param      int     $idUser    The user creator id
  * @param      string  $roomName  The room name
  * @param      int     $maxUsers  The max room users
  * @param      string  $password  The room password DEFAULT ''
  * @throws     Exception  If the room name is empty
  * @throws     Exception  If the room name already exists
  * @throws     Exception  If the max number of users is lower than 2
  * @return     bool    True if the room was successfully created, false otherwise
 public function createRoom(int $idUser, string $roomName, int $maxUsers, string $password = '') : bool
     $roomName = trim($roomName);
     // Checking error
     if ($roomName === '') {
         throw new Exception(_('The room name cannot be empty'), LogLevel::PARAMETER);
     if ($maxUsers < 2) {
         throw new Exception(_('The max number of users must be greater than 1'), LogLevel::PARAMETER);
     $sqlMarks = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM %s WHERE name = %s';
     $sql = static::sqlFormat($sqlMarks, (new Room())->getTableName(), DB::quote($roomName));
     if ((int) DB::query($sql)->fetchColumn() > 0) {
         throw new Exception(_('This room name already exists'), LogLevel::PARAMETER);
     // Creation
     $query = 'SELECT MAX(id) FROM ' . $this->entity->getTableName();
     $room = new Room(['id' => (int) DB::query($query)->fetchColumn() + 1, 'name' => $roomName, 'creator' => $idUser, 'password' => $password, 'creationDate' => new \DateTime(), 'maxUsers' => $maxUsers]);
     return $this->saveEntity($room);
  * Connect a user with his login / password combination
  * @param      string[]  $inputs  Inputs array containing array('login' => 'login', 'password' => 'password')
  * @return     array  The occurred errors or success in a array
  * @todo       refactoring make it shorter...
 public function connect(array $inputs) : array
     $errors = array();
     $success = false;
     $login = trim($inputs['login'] ?? '');
     $password = $inputs['password'] ?? '';
     if ($login === '') {
         $errors['login'] = _('Login can\'t be empty');
     } else {
         $login = DB::quote($login);
     if ($password === '') {
         $errors['password'] = _('Password can\'t be empty');
     if (count($errors) === 0) {
         $sqlMarks = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE email = %s OR pseudonym = %s';
         $sql = static::sqlFormat($sqlMarks, (new User())->getTableName(), $login, $login);
         $userParams = DB::query($sql)->fetch();
         $now = new \DateTime();
         $continue = true;
         if ($userParams !== false) {
             if ((int) $this->entity->connectionAttempt === -1) {
                 $intervalInSec = static::dateIntervalToSec($now->diff($this->entity->lastConnectionAttempt));
                 $minInterval = (int) $this->params['minTimeAttempt'];
                 if ($intervalInSec < $minInterval) {
                     $continue = false;
                     $errors['SERVER'] = _('You have to wait ' . ($minInterval - $intervalInSec) . ' sec before trying to reconnect');
                 } else {
                     $this->entity->connectionAttempt = 1;
             } else {
                 $this->entity->ipAttempt = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                 $this->entity->lastConnectionAttempt = $now;
             if ($this->entity->ipAttempt === $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
                 if ($this->entity->connectionAttempt === (int) $this->params['maxFailConnectAttempt']) {
                     $this->entity->connectionAttempt = -1;
             } else {
                 $this->entity->connectionAttempt = 1;
                 $this->entity->ipAttempt = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
             if ($continue) {
                 // Connection success
                 if (hash_equals($userParams['password'], crypt($password, $userParams['password']))) {
                     $success = true;
                     $this->entity->lastConnection = $now;
                     $this->entity->connectionAttempt = 0;
                     $this->entity->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                     $this->entity->securityToken = bin2hex(random_bytes($this->params['securityTokenLength']));
                     $this->entity->securityTokenExpires = $now->add(new \DateInterval('PT' . $this->params['securityTokenDuration'] . 'S'));
                 } else {
                     $errors['password'] = _('Incorrect password');
         } else {
             $errors['login'] = _('This login does not exist');
     return array('success' => $success, 'errors' => $errors);
Beispiel #3
  * Check if a column value is not already in database if the column has a unique attribute constraint
  * @param      string  $columnName  The column name
  * @param      mixed   $value       The column value
  * @return     bool    True if the value is already in database and the column has a unique attribute constraint
  *                     else false
  * @todo Move to EntityManager ?
 public function checkUniqueField(string $columnName, $value) : bool
     $alreadyInDatabase = false;
     if (strpos($this->constraints['unique'], $columnName) !== false) {
         $sqlMarks = 'SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE %s = ' . DB::quote($value);
         $sql = EntityManager::sqlFormat($sqlMarks, $this->tableName, $columnName);
         $alreadyInDatabase = (int) DB::query($sql)->fetchColumn() > 0;
     return $alreadyInDatabase;
  * Get the casted value string for SQL insertion purpose
  * @param      mixed       $value  The value to cast
  * @return     int|string  The casted value
 private function castValueForSQLInsertion($value)
     switch (gettype($value)) {
         case 'boolean':
             $castedValue = $value ? 1 : 0;
         case 'string':
             $castedValue = DB::quote($value);
         case 'object':
             if (is_a($value, '\\DateTime')) {
                 $castedValue = DB::quote($value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             } else {
                 $castedValue = DB::quote($value);
         case 'NULL':
             $castedValue = 'NULL';
             $castedValue = $value;
     return $castedValue;