Beispiel #1
  * Parse the ciphertext, process it, and return the response.
  * FIXME Catch exceptions and return in a nice format.
  * @param string $blob
  *   POST'ed ciphertext.
  * @return Message
 public function handle($blob)
     try {
         $reqData = $this->decode(RegistrationMessage::NAME, $blob);
     } catch (InvalidMessageException $e) {
         $this->log->warning('Received invalid message', array('exception' => $e));
         $resp = new InsecureMessage(array('is_error' => 1, 'error_message' => 'Invalid message coding', array($e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString())));
         return $resp->setCode(400);
     $this->log->debug('Received registration request', array('reqData' => $reqData));
     $cxn = $reqData['cxn'];
     $validation = Cxn::getValidationMessages($cxn);
     if (!empty($validation)) {
         // $cxn is not valid, so we can't encode it use it for encoding.
         $resp = new InsecureMessage(array('is_error' => 1, 'error_message' => 'Invalid cxn details: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($validation))));
         return $resp->setCode(400);
     $respData = $this->createError('Unrecognized entity or action');
     if ($reqData['entity'] == 'Cxn' && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+$/', $reqData['action'])) {
         $func = 'on' . $reqData['entity'] . strtoupper($reqData['action'][0]) . substr($reqData['action'], 1);
         if (is_callable(array($this, $func))) {
             $respData = call_user_func(array($this, $func), $reqData['cxn'], $reqData['params']);
     $this->log->debug('Responding', array($cxn['cxnId'], $cxn['secret'], $respData));
     return new StdMessage($cxn['cxnId'], $cxn['secret'], $respData);
Beispiel #2
  * Parse the ciphertext, process it, and return the response.
  * FIXME Catch exceptions and return in a nice format.
  * @param string $blob
  *   POST'ed ciphertext.
  * @return Message
 public function handle($blob)
     try {
         $reqMessage = $this->decode(StdMessage::NAME, $blob);
     } catch (InvalidMessageException $e) {
         $this->log->debug('Received invalid message', array('exception' => $e));
         $resp = new InsecureMessage(array('is_error' => 1, 'error_message' => 'Invalid message coding', array($e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString())));
         return $resp->setCode(400);
     $cxn = $this->cxnStore->getByCxnId($reqMessage->getCxnId());
     $validation = Cxn::getValidationMessages($cxn);
     if (!empty($validation)) {
         $this->log->error('Invalid cxn ({cxnId})', array('cxnId' => $reqMessage->getCxnId(), 'messages' => $validation));
         // $cxn is not valid, so we can't encode it use it for encoding.
         $resp = new InsecureMessage(array('is_error' => 1, 'error_message' => 'Invalid cxn details: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($validation))));
         return $resp->setCode(400);
     try {
         list($entity, $action, $params, $appCert) = $reqMessage->getData();
         if ($this->certValidator) {
             $appCertObj = X509Util::loadCert($appCert);
             $cn = $appCertObj->getDNProp('CN');
             if (count($cn) != 1 || $cn[0] !== $cxn['appId']) {
                 throw new InvalidMessageException('Invalid message: Submitted certificate does not matched expected appId');
         $respData = call_user_func($this->router, $cxn, $entity, $action, $params);
         $this->log->info('Processed API call ({entity}.{action})', array('entity' => $entity, 'action' => $action));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->log->error('Error executing API call', array('request' => $reqMessage->getData(), 'exception' => $e));
         $respData = array('is_error' => 1, 'error_message' => $e->getMessage());
     return new StdMessage($reqMessage->getCxnId(), $cxn['secret'], $respData);
Beispiel #3
  * @param array|string $formats
  * @param string $blob
  * @return Message
  * @throws InvalidMessageException
 public function decode($formats, $blob)
     $formats = (array) $formats;
     $prefixLen = 0;
     foreach ($formats as $format) {
         $prefixLen = max($prefixLen, strlen($format));
     list($prefix) = explode(Constants::PROTOCOL_DELIM, substr($blob, 0, $prefixLen + 1));
     if (!in_array($prefix, $formats)) {
         if (in_array(GarbledMessage::NAME, $formats)) {
             return GarbledMessage::decode($blob);
         } else {
             throw new InvalidMessageException("Unexpected message type.");
     switch ($prefix) {
         case StdMessage::NAME:
             return StdMessage::decode($this->cxnStore, $blob);
         case InsecureMessage::NAME:
             return InsecureMessage::decode($blob);
         case RegistrationMessage::NAME:
             return RegistrationMessage::decode($this->appStore, $blob);
         case AppMetasMessage::NAME:
             return AppMetasMessage::decode($this->certValidator, $blob);
             throw new InvalidMessageException("Unrecognized message type.");
  * Parse the ciphertext, process it, and return the response.
  * FIXME Catch exceptions and return in a nice format.
  * @param string $blob
  *   POST'ed ciphertext.
  * @return Message
 public function handle($blob)
     try {
         $reqData = $this->decode(RegistrationMessage::NAME, $blob);
     } catch (InvalidMessageException $e) {
         $this->log->warning('Received invalid message', array('exception' => $e));
         $resp = new InsecureMessage(array('is_error' => 1, 'error_message' => 'Invalid message coding', array($e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString())));
         return $resp->setCode(400);
     $this->log->debug('Received registration request', array('reqData' => $reqData));
     $cxn = $reqData['cxn'];
     $validation = Cxn::getValidationMessages($cxn);
     if (!empty($validation)) {
         // $cxn is not valid, so we can't use it for encoding.
         $resp = new InsecureMessage(array('is_error' => 1, 'error_message' => 'Invalid cxn details: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($validation))));
         return $resp->setCode(400);
     $respData = $this->call($reqData);
     $this->log->debug('Responding', array($cxn['cxnId'], $cxn['secret'], $respData));
     return new StdMessage($cxn['cxnId'], $cxn['secret'], $respData);
  * @param Message $invalidInput
  * @throws Exception\InvalidMessageException
  * @dataProvider invalidInputExamples
 public function testInvalidInput($appKeyPair, $invalidInput)
     $caKeyPair = KeyPair::create();
     $caCert = CA::create($caKeyPair, '/O=test');
     $appMeta = array('title' => 'My App', 'appId' => self::APP_ID, 'appCert' => CA::signCSR($caKeyPair, $caCert, CA::createAppCSR($appKeyPair, '/O=Application Provider')), 'appUrl' => '', 'perm' => array('api' => array(), 'grant' => array('view all contacts')));
     $appCxnStore = new ArrayCxnStore();
     $regServer = new RegistrationServer($appMeta, $appKeyPair, $appCxnStore);
     list($headers, $blob, $code) = $regServer->handle($invalidInput->encode())->toHttp();
     $this->assertEquals(400, $code);
     $message = InsecureMessage::decode($blob);
     $data = $message->getData();
     $this->assertEquals(1, $data['is_error']);
     $this->assertEquals('Invalid message coding', $data['error_message']);
Beispiel #6
 public function decode($formats, $message)
     $prefixLen = 0;
     foreach ($formats as $format) {
         $prefixLen = max($prefixLen, strlen($format));
     list($prefix) = explode(Constants::PROTOCOL_DELIM, substr($message, 0, $prefixLen + 1));
     if (!in_array($prefix, $formats)) {
         throw new InvalidMessageException("Unexpected message type.");
     switch ($prefix) {
         case StdMessage::NAME:
             return StdMessage::decode($this->cxnStore, $message);
         case InsecureMessage::NAME:
             return InsecureMessage::decode($message);
         case RegistrationMessage::NAME:
             return RegistrationMessage::decode($this->appId, $this->appPrivKey, $message);
             throw new InvalidMessageException("Unrecognized message type");