Beispiel #1
 public function __construct()
     $this->feed = new XMLight('feed');
     /* Add generic atom head with feed logo */
     $this->feed->importArray(array('title' => getSetting('website_doctitle', true), 'subtitle' => getSetting('website_description', true), 'updated' => Atom::formatDate(time()), 'logo' => get_system_image_url(getSetting('favicon_image')), 'id' => 'tag:' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ',2005:' . G\url_to_relative(G\get_current_url()), 'generator' => 'Chevereto Feeds::Atom v' . Atom::getVersion() . '(with XMLight v' . XMLight::getVersion() . ')'));
     /* Add self atom link */
     $this->feed->appendNode('link', '', array('href' => G\get_current_url(), 'rel' => 'self'));
     $this->feed->appendNode('link', '', array('href' => G\get_base_url()));
Beispiel #2
 public function __construct()
     $this->feed = new XMLight('rss', array('version' => '2.0'));
     $this->feed->registerNamespaces(['atom' => '', 'media' => '']);
     $this->channel = $this->feed->appendNode('channel');
     $now = Rss::formatDate(time());
     $website_description = getSetting('website_description', true);
     $website_doctitle = getSetting('website_doctitle', true);
     $website_url = G\get_base_url();
     $website_logo = get_system_image_url(getSetting('favicon_image'));
     /* Add generic RSS 2.0 channel head with feed logo */
     $this->channel->importArray(array('title' => $website_doctitle, 'link' => $website_url, 'description' => $website_description, 'pubDate' => $now, 'lastBuildDate' => $now, 'generator' => 'Chevereto Feeds::MRSS v' . Rss::getVersion() . '(with XMLight v' . XMLight::getVersion() . ')', 'ttl' => 60, 'image' => array('url' => $website_logo, 'title' => $website_doctitle, 'link' => $website_url)));
     /* Add self atom link */
     $this->channel->appendNode('link', '', array('href' => G\get_current_url(), 'rel' => 'self', 'type' => 'application/rss+xml'), 'atom');
Beispiel #3
 public function __construct()
     $this->feed = new XMLight('chevereto');
     /* By xml standard namespace must be url, although not necessary an existing one. */
     /* Add generic head */
     $this->feed->importArray(array('website' => array('title' => getSetting('website_doctitle', true), 'description' => getSetting('website_description', true), 'logo' => get_system_image_url(getSetting('favicon_image')), 'url' => G\get_base_url(), 'id' => 'hash:md5:' . md5(G\get_current_url()), 'feed' => array('url' => G\get_current_url(), 'updated' => Xapi::formatDate(time()), 'generator' => 'Chevereto Feeds::XAPI v' . Xapi::getVersion() . '(with XMLight v' . XMLight::getVersion() . ')'))));