function createapp($template = null, $appns = null) { $con = \Cherry\Cli\Console::getAdapter(); if (!$appns) { printf("Use: create <template> <appns>\n"); return 1; } $args = func_get_args(); $opts = $this->parseOpts(array_slice($args, 2), array('replace' => '+replace')); if (empty($opts['replace'])) { $opts['replace'] = false; } $con->write("Creating new project %s...\n", $appns); $tpath = CHERRY_LIB . '/share/projects/' . $template . '/'; $rdi = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($tpath, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS)); foreach ($rdi as $file) { if (strpos((string) $file, 'PKG-META') !== false) { $sub = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, substr($file, strpos((string) $file, 'PKG-META') + 9)); if ($sub[0] == 'triggers') { require $file; } } else { $dest = str_replace($tpath, './', $file); // Check paths $path = dirname($dest); if (!file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path, 0777, true); } // Copy file copy($file, $dest); } } \Cherry\Base\Event::invoke('', array('approot' => \getcwd(), 'appns' => $appns, 'replace' => $opts['replace']), $con); $con->write("Done\n"); }
function phpdefines() { $args = func_get_args(); $opts = $this->parseOpts($args, array('like' => 'like:')); $con = \cherry\cli\Console::getAdapter(); $defs = \get_defined_constants(); foreach ($defs as $k => $v) { if (empty($opts['like']) || fnmatch($opts['like'], $k, \FNM_CASEFOLD)) { $con->write("%s => %s\n", $k, $v); } } }
function installTools() { $con = \cherry\cli\Console::getAdapter(); $foh = new \cherryutil\FileOps(); $foh->setReplace(true); $home = getenv('HOME'); $bindir = $home . '/bin'; $con->write("Installing tools...\n"); $tools = array('cherrydoc', 'cherry', 'cherryview', 'cherrykey', 'editserialize', 'cherryprofiler', 'sdlint'); foreach ($tools as $tool) { $foh->install(CHERRY_LIB . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tool, $bindir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tool, 0777); } $con->write("Done\n"); }
public function __construct($store, $key = null, $crypto = 'tripledes') { if ($key == true) { $ca = \Cherry\Cli\Console::getAdapter(); $key = $ca->readpass("Password for keystore " . basename($store) . ": "); } if (!$key) { $key = 0.0; } $this->key = $this->deriveKey($key); if (file_exists($store)) { debug("KeyStore: Opening %s", $store); $buf = file_get_contents($store); $buf = Crypto::tripledes($this->key)->decrypt($buf); $buf = gzuncompress($buf); if (!$buf) { $this->lasterror = self::ERR_KEYSTORE_ERROR; $this->keys = []; } else { $this->keys = @unserialize($buf); } } $this->store = $store; }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../../share/include/cherryphp"; use Cherry\Cli\Ansi; $ca = \Cherry\Cli\Console::getAdapter(); $ca->write(Ansi::pushColor(\Ansi\Color::RED, \Ansi\Color::YELLOW) . "This should be red on yellow and span the entire line" . Ansi::clearToEnd() . Ansi::popColor() . "\n" . "And this should be normal text again.\n" . "There is also " . Ansi::setBold() . "bold" . Ansi::clearBold() . ", " . Ansi::setUnderline() . "underline" . Ansi::clearUnderline() . " and " . Ansi::setReverse() . "reverse" . Ansi::clearReverse() . " text available.\n" . "And take a look at these color bars, pure 256-color ANSI.\n"); for ($m = 0; $m < 32; $m++) { $ca->write(\Ansi\Color::color256(null, $m * 8 . ',' . $m * 8 . ',' . $m * 8) . " "); } $ca->write(Ansi::reset() . "\n"); for ($m = 0; $m < 32; $m++) { $ca->write(\Ansi\Color::color256(null, '0,' . $m * 8 . ',0') . " "); } $ca->write(Ansi::reset() . "\n"); for ($m = 0; $m < 32; $m++) { $ca->write(\Ansi\Color::color256(null, '0,0,' . $m * 8) . " "); } $ca->write(Ansi::reset() . "\n"); for ($m = 0; $m < 32; $m++) { $ca->write(\Ansi\Color::color256(null, $m * 8 . ',0,0') . " "); } $ca->write(Ansi::reset() . "\n"); $ca->write(Ansi::color("This is a line in green.\n", "green")); $ca->write(Ansi::color("And a line in red.\n", "red"));
function __construct($url, RepositoryList $repolist) { $this->con = \Cherry\Cli\Console::getAdapter(); $this->url = $url; $this->rl = $repolist; }
public function __construct() { $this->con = \cherry\cli\Console::getAdapter(); }
function packageinfo($package = null) { $con = \cherry\cli\Console::getAdapter(); if (!$package) { $con->warn("No package specified.\n"); return 1; } $fh = @fopen('phar://' . $package . '/manifest.json', 'r'); if (!$fh) { $con->write("Not a valid cherry package: %s\n", $package); return 1; } $data = json_decode(fread($fh, 65535)); $con->write("Package: %s %s\n", $data->name, $data->version); $con->write("Type: %s\n", $data->type); $phar = new \Phar($package); foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($phar) as $file) { printf("%s (%d bytes)\n", $file, $file->getSize()); } }
public function write($str) { static $con; if (!$con) { $con = Console::getAdapter(); } $args = func_get_args(); call_user_func_array([$con, 'write'], $args); parent::write(call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args)); }