  * Create a file access mode instance based on a PHP file access modes string.
  * This method won't verify the validity of the file access mode string.
  * @param string $mode PHPs file access mode string.
  * @return FileAccessMode|null The file access mode instance, or null on failure.
 public static function createFromMode($mode)
     // Return $mode if it's an FileAccessMode instance
     if ($mode instanceof FileAccessMode) {
         return $mode;
     // Create and return a new file access mode instance
     return new FileAccessMode(StringUtils::contains($mode, '+'), !StringUtils::contains($mode, 'r') || StringUtils::contains($mode, '+'), !StringUtils::contains($mode, 'r'), StringUtils::contains($mode, 'x'), StringUtils::contains($mode, 'w'), StringUtils::contains($mode, 'a'), StringUtils::contains($mode, 't'), StringUtils::contains($mode, 'b'));
 public function equals($other, $sameType = true)
     // Make sure the types are equal
     if ($sameType && !(get_class() === get_class($other))) {
         return false;
     // Convert $other into a string, return false if failed
     if (($other = FilesystemObjectHelper::asPath($other, false)) === null) {
         return false;
     // Compare the paths, return the result
     return StringUtils::equals($this->getPath(), $other, false, true);
  * List files and directories in the directory.
  * @param int $sortOrder [optional] The order of the entries being returned. Using alphabetical order by default.
  * Order types:
  * @param resource $context [optional] The directory context. See PHPs scandir() function for more information.
  * @param bool $ignorePeriodDirs [optional] True to ignore period dirs such as /. and /.., false otherwise.
  * @return Array|null A list of filesystem objects as an array or null on failure.
  * @see scandir();
 public function scan($sortOrder = SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING, $context, $ignorePeriodDirs = false)
     // Make sure the directory handle was opened
     if (!$this->isOpened()) {
         return null;
     // Scan the directory
     if ($context !== null) {
         $scan = scandir($this->handle, $sortOrder, $context);
     } else {
         $scan = scandir($this->handle, $sortOrder);
     // Make sure the result was valid
     if ($scan === false) {
         return null;
     // Create an array of filesystem objects
     $entries = array();
     foreach ($scan as $entry) {
         // Check whether period directories should be ignored
         if ($ignorePeriodDirs && StringUtils::equals($entry, array('.', '..'), false, true)) {
         $entries[] = FileSystemObject::from($this->dir, $entry);
     // Return the result
     return $entries;
  * Check if it's the birthday. This check whether the month and day are equal to the specified date and time.
  * @param DateTime|PHPDateTime|string|null $birthday [optional] The DateTime or PHPDateTime instance, the date and
  *     time as a string or null to use the now() date and time.
  * @return boolean True if it's the birthday, false otherwise. False is also returned on failure.
 public function isBirthday($birthday)
     // Parse the date and time, return null on failure
     if (($birthday = static::parse($birthday, $this->getTimezone())) === null) {
         return null;
     // Check whether the month and day are equal, return the result
     return StringUtils::equals($this->format('md'), $birthday->format('md'));
  * Get the value as a boolean.
  * @return bool Registry value.
  * @throws Exception Throws an exception if an error occurred.
 public function getBoolValue()
     // Get the value as a string
     $value = $this->getValue();
     // Parse and return the value
     if (StringUtils::equals($value, array('true', 't', 'yes', 'y'), false, true)) {
         return true;
     if (StringUtils::equals($value, array('false', 'f', 'no', 'n'), false, true)) {
         return false;
     // Try to cast the value to a boolean, return the result
     return (bool) $value;
  * Set a property of the date interval object.
  * @param string $name The name of the property to set.
  * @param int $value The value to set the property to.
  * @return static The DateTime instance.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException Throw an exception on failure.
 public function __set($name, $value)
     // Set the number of years
     if (StringUtils::equals($name, 'intervalYears', true)) {
         return $this->setYears($value);
     // Set the number of months
     if (StringUtils::equals($name, 'intervalMonths', true)) {
         return $this->setMonths($value);
     // Set the number of weeks
     if (StringUtils::equals($name, 'intervalWeeks', true)) {
         return $this->setWeeks($value);
     // Set the number of days
     if (StringUtils::equals($name, 'intervalDays', true)) {
         return $this->setDays($value);
     // Set the number of hours
     if (StringUtils::equals($name, 'intervalHours', true)) {
         return $this->setHours($value);
     // Set the number of minutes
     if (StringUtils::equals($name, 'intervalMinutes', true)) {
         return $this->setMInutes($value);
     // Set the number of seconds
     if (StringUtils::equals($name, 'intervalSeconds', true)) {
         return $this->setSeconds($value);
     // Unknown property setter, throw an exception
     throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown property setter \'' . $name . '\'');
  * Get all language files in the language directory.
  * @return array Language files.
  * @throws Exception Throws if an error occurred.
 private static function getLanguageFiles()
     // Get the language directory and make sure it exists
     $langDir = static::getLanguageDirectory();
     if (!$langDir->isDirectory()) {
         throw new Exception('Language file directory doesn\'t exist, or isn\'t accessible!');
     // Create a directory scanner to list all language files
     $scanner = new DirectoryScanner($langDir);
     // Define an array for the language files
     $langFiles = array();
     // Process each file in this directory
     while (($file = $scanner->read()) !== null) {
         // Make sure this file is a file
         if (!$file->isFile()) {
         // Make sure the extension is valid
         if (!StringUtils::equals($file->getExtension(false), 'ini', false, true)) {
         // Add the file to the language files list
         $langFiles[] = $file;
     // Return the list of files
     return $langFiles;
  * Compare the file access mode with an other file access mode instance.
  * @param FileAccessMode|string $other The other file access mode instance to compare this instance to. A file
  * access mode string may be supplied which causes this method to compare the two file access modes as strings.
  * @param bool $exact [optional] True to ensure the two instances exactly equal each other with all of their
  * properties, false to just compare the file access mode strings of both instances since different instances may
  * share the same file access mode string. This option is only available if $other was a FileAccessMode instance.
  * @return bool True if the two instances equal, false otherwise. False will also be returned if the other instance
  * is invalid.
 public function equals($other, $exact = false)
     // Make sure $other isn't null
     if ($other === null) {
         return false;
     // Directly compare the two instances
     if ($this === $other) {
         return true;
     // Compare the two instances as a string, if $other is a string.
     if (is_string($other)) {
         return StringUtils::equals($this->getMode(), $other, false, true);
     // Compare the PHPs file access mode strings if the comparison doesn't have to be exact.
     if (!$exact) {
         return StringUtils::equals($this->getMode(), $other->getMode(), false);
     // The two instances doesn't seem to equal, return false
     return false;
  * Check whether this timezone equals another timezone.
  * @param DateTimeZone|PHPDateTimeZone|string|DateTime|PHPDateTime $timezone The other timezone as DateTimeZone or
  *     PHPDateTimeZone instance, or the timezone ID as a string. A DateTime or PHPDateTime instance may be supplied
  *     to use it's timezone.
  * @return bool True if the timezones equal, false if not. False will also be returned if an error occurred.
 public function equals($timezone)
     // Parse the timezone
     if (($timezone = static::parse($timezone)) === null) {
         return false;
     // Compare the timezone IDs of both instances, return the result
     return StringUtils::equals($this->getName(), $timezone->getName(), false);

use carbon\core\util\StringUtils;
// Initialize the app
require_once '../app/init.php';
// Get the session ID
if ($sessionId == null) {
    $sessionId = getSessionKey();
// Make sure the session ID is valid
if (StringUtils::equals($sessionId, '', true, true)) {
    returnError('Session error.');
* Return an error.
* @param string $msg The message
* @return string
function returnError($msg)
    // Return the error as JSON
    returnJson(array('error' => $msg));
* Return an array with data as JSON.
* @param array $array The array to return as JSON.
function returnJson($array)