Beispiel #1
 protected function performResults($courseInfoPage, $profilePage, Area $area, Request $request)
     $repository = $this->get(self::REPOSITORY_NAME);
     $text = $this->getTextRepository()->getText(CourseTexts::AREA_COURSE_LIST_TEXT, $request);
     $this->breadcrumbs()->link($area->getName(), $this->crudInfo->getInfoPage(), ['id' => $area->getId(), 'slug' => $this->getSlug()]);
     return $this->render($this->crudInfo->getTemplateLocation() . 'other-individual-results.html.twig', array('pageSubtitle' => $this->crudInfo->getPageSubtitle(), 'courseInfoPage' => $courseInfoPage, 'userProfilePage' => $profilePage, 'area' => $area, 'items' => $repository->findTotalIndividualResultsForArea($area), 'indexPage' => $this->crudInfo->getIndexPage()));
Beispiel #2
 public function execute()
 public function render(CantigaController $controller, Request $request, Area $area)
     $data = $area->getCustomData();
     if (!empty($data['positionLat']) && !empty($data['positionLng'])) {
         return $this->templating->render('WioEdkBundle:Extension:area-information-map.html.twig', ['positionLat' => $data['positionLat'], 'positionLng' => $data['positionLng']]);
     return '';
Beispiel #4
 public static function fetchNotes(Connection $conn, Area $area)
     $item = new EdkAreaNotes($area);
     $notes = $conn->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM `' . EdkTables::AREA_NOTE_TBL . '` WHERE `areaId` = :areaId', [':areaId' => $area->getId()]);
     foreach ($notes as $note) {
         $item->notes[$note['noteType']] = $note['content'];
     return $item;
Beispiel #5
 private function canApproveProfile(Area $area)
     $data = $area->getCustomData();
     if (!empty($data['positionLat']) && !empty($data['positionLng']) && !empty($data['ewcDate']) && !empty($data['ewcDate']['year'])) {
         if ($area->getPercentCompleteness() > self::REQUIRED_PROFILE_COMPLETENESS) {
             return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #6
 public static function fetchByArea(Connection $conn, Area $area)
     $data = $conn->fetchAssoc('SELECT * FROM `' . CourseTables::COURSE_PROGRESS_TBL . '` WHERE `areaId` = :areaId', [':areaId' => $area->getId()]);
     if (false === $data) {
         return false;
     $item = new CourseProgress($area);
     $item->mandatoryCourseNum = $data['mandatoryCourseNum'];
     $item->passedCourseNum = $data['passedCourseNum'];
     $item->failedCourseNum = $data['failedCourseNum'];
     return $item;
Beispiel #7
 public static function fetchResult(Connection $conn, Area $area, Course $course)
     $data = $conn->fetchAssoc('SELECT r.* ' . 'FROM `' . CourseTables::COURSE_RESULT_TBL . '` r ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . CourseTables::COURSE_AREA_RESULT_TBL . '` a ON a.`courseId` = r.`courseId` AND a.`userId` = r.`userId` ' . 'WHERE a.`areaId` = :areaId AND a.`courseId` = :courseId', array(':areaId' => $area->getId(), ':courseId' => $course->getId()));
     $result = new AreaCourseResult();
     $result->area = $area;
     $result->course = $course;
     $result->result = Question::RESULT_UNKNOWN;
     if (false === $data) {
         return $result;
     DataMappers::fromArray($result, $data);
     return $result;
 private function translateColor(Area $area)
     switch ($area->getStatus()->getLabel()) {
         case 'success':
             return 'green';
         case 'warning':
             return 'orange';
         case 'danger':
             return 'red';
         case 'primary':
             return 'blue';
             return 'grey';
Beispiel #9
 public static function fetchByRoot(Connection $conn, $id, MembershipEntityInterface $root)
     if ($root instanceof Area) {
         $data = $conn->fetchAssoc('SELECT * FROM `' . EdkTables::MESSAGE_TBL . '` WHERE `id` = :id AND `areaId` = :rootId', [':id' => $id, ':rootId' => $root->getId()]);
     } elseif ($root instanceof Group) {
         $data = $conn->fetchAssoc('SELECT m.* FROM `' . EdkTables::MESSAGE_TBL . '` m ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . CoreTables::AREA_TBL . '` a ON a.`id` = m.`areaId` ' . 'WHERE m.`id` = :id AND a.`groupId` = :rootId', [':id' => $id, ':rootId' => $root->getId()]);
     } elseif ($root instanceof Project) {
         $data = $conn->fetchAssoc('SELECT m.* FROM `' . EdkTables::MESSAGE_TBL . '` m ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . CoreTables::AREA_TBL . '` a ON a.`id` = m.`areaId` ' . 'WHERE m.`id` = :id AND a.`projectId` = :rootId', [':id' => $id, ':rootId' => $root->getId()]);
     if (false === $data) {
         return false;
     $item = self::fromArray($data);
     if ($root instanceof Area) {
         $item->area = $root;
     } elseif ($root instanceof Group) {
         $item->area = Area::fetchByGroup($conn, $data['areaId'], $root);
     } elseif ($root instanceof Project) {
         $item->area = Area::fetchByProject($conn, $data['areaId'], $root);
     if (!empty($data['responderId'])) {
         $item->responder = User::fetchByCriteria($conn, QueryClause::clause(' = :id', ':id', $data['responderId']));
     return $item;
Beispiel #10
 public function listData(DataTable $dataTable, TranslatorInterface $translator)
     $qb = QueryBuilder::select()->field('', 'id');
     if (!$this->root instanceof Area) {
         $qb->field('', 'areaId');
         $qb->field('', 'areaName');
         $qb->join(CoreTables::AREA_TBL, 'a', QueryClause::clause(' = i.areaId'));
     $qb->field('i.subject', 'subject')->field('i.createdAt', 'createdAt')->field('i.status', 'status')->field('', 'responderId')->field('', 'responder')->field('i.duplicate', 'duplicate')->from(EdkTables::MESSAGE_TBL, 'i')->leftJoin(CoreTables::USER_TBL, 'u', QueryClause::clause(' = i.responderId'))->orderBy('i.status', 'ASC')->orderBy('i.createdAt', 'ASC');
     if ($this->root instanceof Area) {
         $qb->where(QueryClause::clause('i.`areaId` = :areaId', ':areaId', $this->root->getId()));
     } elseif ($this->root instanceof Group) {
         $qb->where(QueryClause::clause('a.`groupId` = :groupId', ':groupId', $this->root->getId()));
     } elseif ($this->root instanceof Project) {
         $qb->where(QueryClause::clause('a.`projectId` = :projectId', ':projectId', $this->root->getId()));
     $qb->postprocess(function ($row) use($translator) {
         $row['statusText'] = $translator->trans(EdkMessage::statusText($row['status']), [], 'edk');
         $row['statusLabel'] = EdkMessage::statusLabel($row['status']);
         $row['createdAt'] = $this->timeFormatter->ago($row['createdAt']);
         return $row;
     $recordsTotal = QueryBuilder::copyWithoutFields($qb)->field('COUNT(', 'cnt')->where($dataTable->buildCountingCondition($qb->getWhere()))->fetchCell($this->conn);
     $recordsFiltered = QueryBuilder::copyWithoutFields($qb)->field('COUNT(', 'cnt')->where($dataTable->buildFetchingCondition($qb->getWhere()))->fetchCell($this->conn);
     return $dataTable->createAnswer($recordsTotal, $recordsFiltered, $qb->where($dataTable->buildFetchingCondition($qb->getWhere()))->fetchAll($this->conn));
  * Fetches an area by its ID and the project.
  * @param int $id
  * @param Project $project
 public function getItem($id, Project $project)
     $item = Area::fetchByProject($this->conn, $id, $project);
     if (false === $item) {
         throw new ItemNotFoundException('AreaNotFound', $id);
     return $item;
Beispiel #12
 public function findMembership($slug, User $user)
     $membership = Area::fetchMembership($this->conn, $this->resolver, $slug, $user->getId());
     if (false === $membership) {
         throw new ItemNotFoundException('The specified project is not available.', $slug);
     return $membership;
Beispiel #13
 public function countRoutes()
     try {
         return $this->conn->fetchColumn('SELECT COUNT(r.`id`) ' . 'FROM `' . EdkTables::ROUTE_TBL . '` r ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . CoreTables::AREA_TBL . '` a ON r.`areaId` = a.`id` ' . $this->createWhereClause(), [':itemId' => $this->root->getId()]);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
 public function countParticipants()
     try {
         return $this->conn->fetchColumn('SELECT SUM(s.`participantNum`) + SUM(s.`externalParticipantNum`) ' . 'FROM `' . EdkTables::REGISTRATION_SETTINGS_TBL . '` s ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . EdkTables::ROUTE_TBL . '` r ON r.`id` = s.`routeId` ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . CoreTables::AREA_TBL . '` a ON r.`areaId` = a.`id` ' . $this->createWhereClause(), [':itemId' => $this->root->getId()]);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
 public function getItem($id, Group $group)
     try {
         $item = Area::fetchByGroup($this->conn, $id, $group);
         if (false === $item) {
             throw new ItemNotFoundException('The specified item has not been found.', $id);
         return $item;
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         throw $exception;
  * @return Area
 public function getArea($id)
     try {
         $item = Area::fetchByProject($this->conn, $id, $this->project);
         if (false === $item || $item->getStatus()->getId() != $this->publishedStatusId || $item->getProject()->getArchived()) {
             throw new ItemNotFoundException('The specified area has not been found.', $id);
         return $item;
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         throw $exception;
Beispiel #17
 public static function fetchApproved(Connection $conn, $id)
     $data = $conn->fetchAssoc('SELECT * FROM `' . EdkTables::ROUTE_TBL . '` WHERE `id` = :id AND `approved` = 1', [':id' => $id]);
     if (false === $data) {
         return false;
     $item = self::fromArray($data);
     $item->area = Area::fetchActive($conn, $data['areaId']);
     return $item;
 public function remove(Area $item)
     try {
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         throw $exception;
 public function findTotalIndividualResultsForArea(Area $area)
     $items = $this->conn->fetchAll('SELECT c.`id` AS `courseId`, c.`name` AS `courseName`, u.`id` AS `userId`, u.`name` AS `userName`, u.`avatar`, ' . 'ur.`result`, ur.`totalQuestions`, ur.`passedQuestions`, ur.`completedAt`, ur.`trialNumber` ' . 'FROM `' . CourseTables::COURSE_TBL . '` c ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . CoreTables::AREA_MEMBER_TBL . '` m ON m.`areaId` = :areaId ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . CoreTables::USER_TBL . '` u ON u.`id` = m.`userId` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . CourseTables::COURSE_RESULT_TBL . '` ur ON ur.`userId` = u.`id` AND c.`id` = ur.`courseId` ' . 'WHERE c.`isPublished` = 1 AND u.`active` = 1 AND c.`projectId` = :projectId ' . 'ORDER BY c.`displayOrder`, u.`name`', [':areaId' => $area->getId(), ':projectId' => $area->getProject()->getId()]);
     foreach ($items as &$item) {
     return $items;
  * @Route("/insert", name="project_area_insert")
 public function insertAction(Request $request)
     $territoryRepo = $this->get('cantiga.core.repo.project_territory');
     $statusRepo = $this->get('cantiga.core.repo.project_area_status');
     $groupRepo = $this->get('cantiga.core.repo.project_group');
     $formModel = $this->extensionPointFromSettings(CoreExtensions::AREA_FORM, CoreSettings::AREA_FORM);
     $item = new Area();
     $action = new InsertAction($this->crudInfo, $item, ProjectAreaForm::class, ['customFormModel' => $formModel, 'territoryRepository' => $territoryRepo, 'groupRepository' => $groupRepo, 'statusRepository' => $statusRepo]);
     return $action->run($this, $request);
Beispiel #21
 public static function fetchByGroup(Connection $conn, $id, Group $group)
     $data = $conn->fetchAssoc('SELECT a.*, ' . 't.`id` AS `territory_id`, t.`name` AS `territory_name`, t.`areaNum` AS `territory_areaNum`, t.`requestNum` as `territory_requestNum`, ' . self::createEntityFieldList() . 'FROM `' . CoreTables::AREA_TBL . '` a ' . self::createEntityJoin('a') . 'INNER JOIN `' . CoreTables::TERRITORY_TBL . '` t ON t.`id` = a.`territoryId` ' . 'WHERE a.`id` = :id AND a.`groupId` = :groupId', [':id' => $id, ':groupId' => $group->getId()]);
     if (false === $data) {
         return false;
     $item = Area::fromArray($data);
     $item->group = $group;
     $item->project = Project::fetchActive($conn, $data['projectId']);
     if (false == $item->project) {
         return false;
     $item->status = $item->oldStatus = AreaStatus::fetchByProject($conn, $data['statusId'], $item->project);
     $item->setTerritory($item->oldTerritory = Territory::fromArray($data, 'territory'));
     $item->entity = Entity::fromArray($data, 'entity');
     return $item;
Beispiel #22
 private function expectCourseProgress(Area $area, $mandatory, $passed, $failed)
     $this->assertFieldEqualsEx(CourseTables::COURSE_PROGRESS_TBL, 'areaId', $area->getId(), 'mandatoryCourseNum', $mandatory);
     $this->assertFieldEqualsEx(CourseTables::COURSE_PROGRESS_TBL, 'areaId', $area->getId(), 'passedCourseNum', $passed);
     $this->assertFieldEqualsEx(CourseTables::COURSE_PROGRESS_TBL, 'areaId', $area->getId(), 'failedCourseNum', $failed);
 public function countParticipantsOnRoutes(Area $area)
     return $this->conn->fetchAll('SELECT s.`participantNum` + s.`externalParticipantNum` AS `participantNum`, r.`name` ' . 'FROM `' . EdkTables::REGISTRATION_SETTINGS_TBL . '` s ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . EdkTables::ROUTE_TBL . '` r ON = s.routeId ' . 'WHERE r.areaId = :rootId ' . 'ORDER BY (s.`participantNum` + s.`externalParticipantNum`)', [':rootId' => $area->getId()]);
Beispiel #24
 private function spawnActivationEvent(Area $area, $output)
     if ($output instanceof CourseProgress) {
         $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(MilestoneEvents::ACTIVATION_EVENT, new ActivationEvent($area->getProject(), $area->getEntity(), 'course.completed', function () use($output) {
             if ($output->getMandatoryCourseNum() == 0) {
                 return NewMilestoneStatus::create(100);
             } else {
                 return NewMilestoneStatus::create((int) ($output->getPassedCourseNum() / $output->getMandatoryCourseNum() * 100));
Beispiel #25
 public function update(Area $item)
     try {
         $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(CantigaEvents::AREA_UPDATED, new AreaEvent($item));
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         throw $exception;
Beispiel #26
 private function createResultForUserAndArea(User $user, Area $area, $result, $questionNum, $passedQuestions)
     self::$conn->insert(CourseTables::COURSE_RESULT_TBL, ['userId' => $user->getId(), 'courseId' => $this->course->getId(), 'trialNumber' => '1', 'result' => $result, 'startedAt' => time() - 100, 'completedAt' => time() - 50, 'totalQuestions' => $questionNum, 'passedQuestions' => $passedQuestions]);
     self::$conn->insert(CourseTables::COURSE_AREA_RESULT_TBL, ['areaId' => $area->getId(), 'userId' => $user->getId(), 'courseId' => $this->course->getId()]);
Beispiel #27
 public function approve(Connection $conn, MembershipRoleResolver $resolver)
     $this->status = $conn->fetchColumn('SELECT `status` FROM `' . CoreTables::AREA_REQUEST_TBL . '` WHERE `id` = :id', [':id' => $this->id]);
     if ($this->status == self::STATUS_VERIFICATION) {
         $this->lastUpdatedAt = time();
         $this->status = self::STATUS_APPROVED;
         $conn->update(CoreTables::AREA_REQUEST_TBL, ['lastUpdatedAt' => $this->lastUpdatedAt, 'status' => $this->status], ['id' => $this->getId()]);
         $area = new Area();
         // oops, naming inconsistency
         $id = $area->insert($conn);
         $conn->update(CoreTables::AREA_REQUEST_TBL, ['areaId' => $id], ['id' => $this->getId()]);
         $area->joinMember($conn, $this->requestor, $resolver->getHighestRole('Area'), '');
         return $area;
     return false;
 public function acceptInvitation(Invitation $invitation)
     $role = $this->getRole($invitation->getRole());
     $note = $invitation->getNote();
     $item = Area::fetchActive($this->conn, $invitation->getResourceId());
     $item->joinMember($this->conn, $invitation->getUser(), $role, $note);
Beispiel #29
  * Fetches the participant by his/her ID and area.
  * @param Connection $conn
  * @param int $id
  * @param Area $area
  * @param boolean $forUpdate Whether to lock the registration settings for writing
  * @return EdkParticipant
 public static function fetchByArea(Connection $conn, $id, Area $area)
     $data = $conn->fetchAssoc('SELECT * FROM `' . EdkTables::PARTICIPANT_TBL . '` WHERE `id` = :id AND `areaId` = :areaId', [':id' => $id, ':areaId' => $area->getId()]);
     if (false === $data) {
         return false;
     $route = EdkRoute::fetchByRoot($conn, $data['routeId'], $area);
     if (empty($route)) {
         return false;
     $registrationSettings = EdkRegistrationSettings::fetchByRoute($conn, $route);
     if (empty($registrationSettings)) {
         return false;
     $item = EdkParticipant::fromArray($data);
     return $item;