  * Prepares the default language to use by the script.
  * ### Detection Methods
  * This method applies the following detection methods when looking for
  * language to use:
  * - GET parameter: If `locale` GET parameter is present in current request, and
  *   if it's a valid language code, then will be used as current language and
  *   also will be persisted on `locale` session for further use.
  * - URL: If current URL is prefixed with a valid language code and
  *   `url_locale_prefix` option is enabled, URL's language code will be used.
  * - Locale session: If `locale` session exists it will be used.
  * - User session: If user is logged in and has selected a valid preferred
  *   language it will be used.
  * - Default: Site's language will be used otherwise.
  * ### Locale Prefix
  * If `url_locale_prefix` option is enabled, and current request's URL is not
  * language prefixed, user will be redirected to a locale-prefixed version of
  * the requested URL (using the language code selected as explained above).
  * For example:
  *     /article/demo-article.html
  * Might redirects to:
  *     /en_US/article/demo-article.html
  * @param \Cake\Event\Event $event containing the request, response and
  *  additional parameters
  * @return void
  * @throws \Cake\Network\Exception\InternalErrorException When no valid request
  *  object could be found
 public function beforeDispatch(Event $event)
     $request = Router::getRequest();
     if (empty($request)) {
         throw new InternalErrorException(__d('cms', 'No request object could be found.'));
     $locales = array_keys(quickapps('languages'));
     $localesPattern = '(' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $locales)) . ')';
     $rawUrl = str_replace_once($request->base, '', env('REQUEST_URI'));
     $normalizedURL = str_replace('//', '/', "/{$rawUrl}");
     if (!empty($request->query['locale']) && in_array($request->query['locale'], $locales)) {
         $request->session()->write('locale', $request->query['locale']);
     } elseif (option('url_locale_prefix') && preg_match("/\\/{$localesPattern}\\//", $normalizedURL, $matches)) {
     } elseif ($request->session()->check('locale') && in_array($request->session()->read('locale'), $locales)) {
     } elseif ($request->is('userLoggedIn') && in_array(user()->locale, $locales)) {
     } elseif (in_array(option('default_language'), $locales)) {
     } else {
     if (option('url_locale_prefix') && !$request->is('home') && !preg_match("/\\/{$localesPattern}\\//", $normalizedURL)) {
         $url = Router::url('/' . I18n::locale() . $normalizedURL, true);
         header("Location: {$url}");
Beispiel #2
  * test setting parameters in beforeDispatch method
  * @return void
  * @triggers __CLASS__ $this, compact(request)
  * @triggers __CLASS__ $this, compact(request)
 public function testQueryStringOnRoot()
     Router::connect('/', ['controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', 'home']);
     Router::connect('/pages/*', ['controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display']);
     $_GET = ['coffee' => 'life', 'sleep' => 'sissies'];
     $filter = new RoutingFilter();
     $request = new Request('posts/home/?coffee=life&sleep=sissies');
     $event = new Event(__CLASS__, $this, compact('request'));
     $this->assertRegExp('/posts/', $request['controller']);
     $this->assertRegExp('/home/', $request['action']);
     $request = new Request('/?coffee=life&sleep=sissy');
     $event = new Event(__CLASS__, $this, compact('request'));
     $this->assertRegExp('/pages/', $request['controller']);
     $this->assertRegExp('/display/', $request['action']);
     $this->assertEquals('life', $request['url']['coffee']);