protected function linkMetadata()
     $ldpType = '' . $this->type;
     $this->weblinks[] = WebLink::factory($ldpType)->rel('type');
     $metadata = $this->templateEngine->setTemplate($this->metadata ? $this->metadata : "<{pagedResourceUri}> a <{$ldpType}> .")->render();
     $this->resultGraph->parse($metadata, 'turtle');
     return $this;
 public function get($resourceId = null)
     // call the method that populate resultGraph
     $hasNextPage = $this->detectIfHasNextPage();
     // add metadata and weblinks to single-page resource
     if ($this->context->isSinglePageResource()) {
         // provide web links as required by LDP specifications
         $this->weblinks[] = WebLink::factory('')->rel('type');
         // LDP servers may provide a first page link when responding to requests with any single-page
         //  resource as the Request-URI.
         $this->weblinks[] = WebLink::factory($this->context->firstPageUri())->rel('first');
         // LDP servers may provide a last page link in responses to GET requests with any single-page
         //  resource as the Request-URI.
         // LDP servers must provide a next page link in responses to GET requests with any single-page
         //  resource other than the final page as the Request-URI. This is the mechanism by which clients c
         //  an discover the URL of the next page.
         // LDP servers must not provide a next page link in responses to GET requests with the final
         //  single-page resource as the Request-URI. This is the mechanism by which clients can discover
         //  the end of the page sequence as currently known by the server.
         if ($hasNextPage) {
             $this->weblinks[] = WebLink::factory($this->context->nextPageUri())->rel('next');
         // LDP servers may provide a previous page link in responses to GET requests with any
         //  single-page resource other than the first page as the Request-URI.
         //  This is one mechanism by which clients can discover the URL of the previous page.
         // LDP servers must not provide a previous page link in responses to GET requests with the
         //  First single-page resource as the Request-URI. This is one mechanism by which clients
         //  can discover the beginning of the page sequence as currently known by the server.
         if ($this->context->getPageNum() > 0) {
             $this->weblinks[] = WebLink::factory($this->context->prevPageUri())->rel('prev');
         // add metadata about linked Data Single page resource
         $metadata = $this->templateEngine->setTemplate('
             @base <{requestedUri}> .
             @prefix ldp-paging: <> .
             <> a ldp-paging:Page; ldp-paging:pageOf <{pagedResourceUri}>.
         $this->resultGraph->parse($metadata, 'turtle');
     } elseif ($hasNextPage) {
         // Server side initiated page management:
         // LDP servers should respond with HTTP status code 333 (Returning Related) to successful
         //   GET requests with any paged resource as the Request-URI, although any appropriate code may be used.
         header('Location: ' . $this->context->firstPageUri());
         // N.B.  333 code is not yet is threathed as 302 by many agents
         // In that case you coud return withoud any other payload setup.
         // but if 333 will be standarized the payload is ready to serve first page
     // add to result graph the metadata about Linked Data paged resource in first page
     // Note that this apply both for Single-Page resource and for Paged Resource
     if ($this->context->getPageNum() == 0) {
     return $this->stateTransfer($this->resultGraph, $this->weblinks);
 public function get()
     // sanitize request input
     $username = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'username', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $password = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'password', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $endpoint = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'endpoint', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
     $query = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'query', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW);
     // prepare request content model
     if ($endpoint && $query) {
         HttpClient::useIdentity($username, $password);
         $sparql = new SparqlClient($endpoint);
         $result = $sparql->query($query);
     } else {
         $result = new Graph($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     return self::stateTransfer($result, WebLink::factory('sparqlForm.php?' . http_build_query($_GET))->rel('edit'));
 public function get($to = 'World')
     return $this->stateTransfer($hello = new Greeting($to), WebLink::factory($hello->by)->rel('next'));
  * An helper to setup content type and alternate web link headers
 public static function setContentType($contentType, $policyClass = null)
     if (is_null($policyClass)) {
         $policyClass = get_called_class();
     header('Content-Type: ' . $contentType);
     $selfUri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : '';
     if ($selfUri && is_subclass_of($policyClass, __CLASS__)) {
         $altenatives = array_keys($policyClass::$renderers);
         header(WebLink::factory($selfUri)->rel('self')->httpSerializer(), false);
         foreach ($altenatives as $type) {
             if ($contentType != $type) {
                 header(WebLink::factory($selfUri)->rel('alternate')->type($type)->httpSerializer(), false);