Beispiel #1
  * Process
  * @param  array $settings
  * @return \Bluz\Grid\Data
 public function process(array $settings = [])
     // process filters
     $where = [];
     if (!empty($settings['filters'])) {
         foreach ($settings['filters'] as $column => $filters) {
             foreach ($filters as $filter => $value) {
                 if ($filter == Grid\Grid::FILTER_LIKE) {
                     $value = '%' . $value . '%';
                 $where[] = $column . ' ' . $this->filters[$filter] . ' ' . Proxy\Db::quote($value);
     // process orders
     $orders = [];
     if (!empty($settings['orders'])) {
         // Obtain a list of columns
         foreach ($settings['orders'] as $column => $order) {
             $column = Proxy\Db::quoteIdentifier($column);
             $orders[] = $column . ' ' . $order;
     // process pages
     $limit = ' LIMIT ' . ($settings['page'] - 1) * $settings['limit'] . ', ' . $settings['limit'];
     // prepare query
     $type = Proxy\Db::getOption('connect', 'type');
     if (strtolower($type) == 'mysql') {
         // MySQL
         $dataSql = preg_replace('/SELECT\\s(.*?)\\sFROM/is', 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS $1 FROM', $this->source, 1);
         $totalSql = 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()';
     } else {
         // other
         $dataSql = $this->source;
         $totalSql = preg_replace('/SELECT\\s(.*?)\\sFROM/is', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM', $this->source, 1);
         if (sizeof($where)) {
             $totalSql .= ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $where);
     if (sizeof($where)) {
         $dataSql .= ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $where);
     if (sizeof($orders)) {
         $dataSql .= ' ORDER BY ' . join(', ', $orders);
     $dataSql .= $limit;
     // run queries
     // use transaction to avoid errors
     Proxy\Db::transaction(function () use(&$data, &$total, $dataSql, $totalSql) {
         $data = Proxy\Db::fetchAll($dataSql);
         $total = Proxy\Db::fetchOne($totalSql);
     $gridData = new Grid\Data($data);
     return $gridData;
Beispiel #2
  * Find rows by WHERE
  *     // WHERE alias = 'foo'
  *     Table::findWhere(['alias'=>'foo']);
  *     // WHERE alias = 'foo' OR 'alias' = 'bar'
  *     Table::findWhere(['alias'=>'foo'], ['alias'=>'bar']);
  *     // WHERE (alias = 'foo' AND userId = 2) OR ('alias' = 'bar' AND userId = 4)
  *     Table::findWhere(['alias'=>'foo', 'userId'=> 2], ['alias'=>'foo', 'userId'=>4]);
  *     // WHERE alias IN ('foo', 'bar')
  *     Table::findWhere(['alias'=> ['foo', 'bar']]);
  * @param  mixed ...$where
  * @return array
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws Exception\DbException
 public static function findWhere(...$where)
     $self = static::getInstance();
     $whereClause = null;
     $whereParams = [];
     if (sizeof($where) == 2 && is_string($where[0])) {
         $whereClause = $where[0];
         $whereParams = (array) $where[1];
     } elseif (sizeof($where)) {
         $whereOrTerms = [];
         foreach ($where as $keyValueSets) {
             $whereAndTerms = [];
             foreach ($keyValueSets as $keyName => $keyValue) {
                 if (is_array($keyValue)) {
                     $keyValue = array_map(function ($value) use($self) {
                         return DbProxy::quote($value);
                     }, $keyValue);
                     $keyValue = join(',', $keyValue);
                     $whereAndTerms[] = $self->table . '.' . $keyName . ' IN (' . $keyValue . ')';
                 } elseif (is_null($keyValue)) {
                     $whereAndTerms[] = $self->table . '.' . $keyName . ' IS NULL';
                 } else {
                     $whereAndTerms[] = $self->table . '.' . $keyName . ' = ?';
                     $whereParams[] = $keyValue;
                 if (!is_scalar($keyValue) && !is_null($keyValue)) {
                     throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Wrong arguments of method 'findWhere'.\n" . "Please use syntax described at");
             $whereOrTerms[] = '(' . implode(' AND ', $whereAndTerms) . ')';
         $whereClause = '(' . implode(' OR ', $whereOrTerms) . ')';
     } elseif (!sizeof($where)) {
         throw new DbException("Method `Table::findWhere()` can't return all records from table,\n" . "please use `Table::fetchAll()` instead");
     return $self->fetch($self->select . ' WHERE ' . $whereClause, $whereParams);