Beispiel #1
  * Fund an address with faucet.
  * The faucet endpoint is only available on BlockCypher’s Test Blockchain and Bitcoin Testnet3
  * @param Faucet $faucet
  * @param ApiContext $apiContext is the APIContext for this call. It can be used to pass dynamic configuration and credentials.
  * @param BlockCypherRestCall $restCall is the Rest Call Service that is used to make rest calls
  * @return FaucetResponse
 public function turnOn(Faucet $faucet, $apiContext = null, $restCall = null)
     $payLoad = $faucet->toJSON();
     $chainUrlPrefix = $this->getChainUrlPrefix($apiContext);
     $json = $this->executeCall("{$chainUrlPrefix}/faucet", "POST", $payLoad, null, $apiContext, $restCall);
     $ret = new FaucetResponse();
     return $ret;
Beispiel #2
  * @dataProvider mockProvider
  * @param Faucet $obj
 public function testFundAddress($obj, $mockApiContext)
     $mockBlockCypherRestCall = $this->getMockBuilder('\\BlockCypher\\Transport\\BlockCypherRestCall')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $faucetResponse = FaucetResponseTest::getObject();
     /** @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */
     $result = $obj->fundAddress('CFqoZmZ3ePwK5wnkhxJjJAQKJ82C7RJdmd', 100000, $mockApiContext, $mockBlockCypherRestCall);
     $this->assertEquals($faucetResponse, $result);