Beispiel #1
  * @param Consensus $consensus
  * @param EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter
  * @param ScriptCheckInterface $scriptCheck
 public function __construct(Consensus $consensus, EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter, ScriptCheckInterface $scriptCheck)
     $this->consensus = $consensus;
     $this->math = $ecAdapter->getMath();
     $this->scriptCheck = $scriptCheck;
     $this->params = $consensus->getParams();
Beispiel #2
  * @param Db $db
  * @param EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter
  * @param Consensus $consensus
  * @param BlockCheckInterface $blockCheck
 public function __construct(Db $db, EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter, Consensus $consensus, BlockCheckInterface $blockCheck)
     $this->blockCheck = $blockCheck;
     $this->consensus = $consensus;
     $this->db = $db;
     $this->math = $ecAdapter->getMath();
Beispiel #3
  * Headers constructor.
  * @param DbInterface $db
  * @param EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter
  * @param ChainsInterface $chains
  * @param Consensus $consensus
  * @param ProofOfWork $proofOfWork
 public function __construct(DbInterface $db, EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter, ChainsInterface $chains, Consensus $consensus, ProofOfWork $proofOfWork)
     $this->db = $db;
     $this->math = $ecAdapter->getMath();
     $this->chains = $chains;
     $this->consensus = $consensus;
     $this->proofOfWork = $proofOfWork;
     $this->headerCheck = new HeaderCheck($consensus, $ecAdapter, $proofOfWork);
Beispiel #4
  * Blocks constructor.
  * @param DbInterface $db
  * @param ConfigProviderInterface $config
  * @param EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter
  * @param ChainsInterface $chains
  * @param Consensus $consensus
 public function __construct(DbInterface $db, ConfigProviderInterface $config, EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter, ChainsInterface $chains, Consensus $consensus)
     $this->db = $db;
     $this->config = $config;
     $this->math = $ecAdapter->getMath();
     $this->chains = $chains;
     $this->consensus = $consensus;
     $this->blockCheck = new BlockCheck($consensus, $ecAdapter);
Beispiel #5
  * @param EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter
 public function __construct(EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter)
     $this->ecAdapter = $ecAdapter;
     $this->math = $ecAdapter->getMath();
     $this->vchFalse = new Buffer("", 0, $this->math);
     $this->vchTrue = new Buffer("", 1, $this->math);
     $this->int0 = Number::buffer($this->vchFalse, false, 4, $this->math)->getBuffer();
     $this->int1 = Number::buffer($this->vchTrue, false, 1, $this->math)->getBuffer();
  * @param $mnemonic
  * @return Buffer
 public function mnemonicToEntropy($mnemonic)
     $math = $this->ecAdapter->getMath();
     $words = explode(' ', $mnemonic);
     if ($math->cmp($math->mod(count($words), 3), 0) !== 0) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid mnemonic');
     $bits = array();
     foreach ($words as $word) {
         $idx = $this->wordList->getIndex($word);
         $bits[] = str_pad($math->baseConvert($idx, 10, 2), 11, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $bits = implode('', $bits);
     $CS = strlen($bits) / 33;
     $ENT = strlen($bits) - $CS;
     $csBits = substr($bits, -1 * $CS);
     $entBits = substr($bits, 0, -1 * $CS);
     $binary = '';
     $bitsInChar = 8;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $ENT; $i += $bitsInChar) {
         // Extract 8 bits at a time, convert to hex, pad, and convert to binary.
         $eBits = substr($entBits, $i, $bitsInChar);
         $binary .= hex2bin(str_pad($math->baseConvert($eBits, 2, 16), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
     $entropy = new Buffer($binary, null, $math);
     if ($csBits !== $this->calculateChecksum($entropy, $CS)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Checksum does not match');
     return $entropy;
Beispiel #7
  * @param \BitWasp\Bitcoin\Crypto\EcAdapter\Signature\SignatureInterface[] $signatures
  * @param \BitWasp\Bitcoin\Crypto\EcAdapter\Key\PublicKeyInterface[] $publicKeys
  * @param BufferInterface $messageHash
  * @return \SplObjectStorage
 public function link(array $signatures, array $publicKeys, BufferInterface $messageHash)
     $sigCount = count($signatures);
     $storage = new \SplObjectStorage();
     foreach ($signatures as $signature) {
         foreach ($publicKeys as $key) {
             if ($this->ecAdapter->verify($messageHash, $key, $signature)) {
                 $storage->attach($key, $signature);
                 if (count($storage) === $sigCount) {
                     break 2;
     return $storage;
  * @param string $mnemonic
  * @return Buffer
 public function mnemonicToEntropy($mnemonic)
     $math = $this->ecAdapter->getMath();
     $wordList = $this->wordList;
     $words = explode(' ', $mnemonic);
     $n = count($wordList);
     $out = '';
     $thirdWordCount = count($words) / 3;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $thirdWordCount; $i++) {
         list($word1, $word2, $word3) = array_slice($words, $math->mul(3, $i), 3);
         $index1 = $wordList->getIndex($word1);
         $index2 = $wordList->getIndex($word2);
         $index3 = $wordList->getIndex($word3);
         $x = $math->add($index1, $math->add($math->mul($n, $math->mod($index2 - $index1, $n)), $math->mul($n, $math->mul($n, $math->mod($index3 - $index2, $n)))));
         $out .= str_pad($math->decHex($x), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     return Buffer::hex($out);
Beispiel #9
  * @param PrivateKeyInterface $key
  * @param ScriptInterface $scriptCode
  * @param int $sigVersion
  * @return TransactionSignature
 public function calculateSignature(PrivateKeyInterface $key, ScriptInterface $scriptCode, $sigVersion)
     if ($sigVersion == 1) {
         $hasher = new V1Hasher($this->tx, $this->txOut->getValue());
     } else {
         $hasher = new Hasher($this->tx);
     $hash = $hasher->calculate($scriptCode, $this->nInput, $this->sigHashType);
     return new TransactionSignature($this->ecAdapter, $this->ecAdapter->sign($hash, $key, new Rfc6979($this->ecAdapter, $key, $hash, 'sha256')), $this->sigHashType);
Beispiel #10
  * @param ScriptInterface $script
  * @param Buffer $sigBuf
  * @param Buffer $keyBuf
  * @return bool
  * @throws ScriptRuntimeException
  * @throws \Exception
 private function checkSig(ScriptInterface $script, Buffer $sigBuf, Buffer $keyBuf)
     try {
         $txSignature = TransactionSignatureFactory::fromHex($sigBuf->getHex());
         $publicKey = PublicKeyFactory::fromHex($keyBuf->getHex());
         return $this->ecAdapter->verify($this->transaction->getSignatureHash()->calculate($script, $this->inputToSign, $txSignature->getHashType()), $publicKey, $txSignature->getSignature());
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
  * @param TransactionInterface $tx
  * @param $inputToExtract
  * @return $this
 public function extractSigs(TransactionInterface $tx, $inputToExtract)
     $inputs = $tx->getInputs();
     $parsed = $inputs[$inputToExtract]->getScript()->getScriptParser()->decode();
     $size = count($parsed);
     switch ($this->getScriptType()) {
         case OutputClassifier::PAYTOPUBKEYHASH:
             // Supply signature and public key in scriptSig
             if ($size === 2) {
                 $this->signatures = [TransactionSignatureFactory::fromHex($parsed[0]->getData(), $this->ecAdapter)];
                 $this->publicKeys = [PublicKeyFactory::fromHex($parsed[1]->getData(), $this->ecAdapter)];
         case OutputClassifier::PAYTOPUBKEY:
             // Only has a signature in the scriptSig
             if ($size === 1) {
                 $this->signatures = [TransactionSignatureFactory::fromHex($parsed[0]->getData(), $this->ecAdapter)];
         case OutputClassifier::MULTISIG:
             $redeemScript = $this->getRedeemScript();
             $keys = $this->scriptInfo->getKeys();
             foreach ($keys as $idx => $key) {
                 $this->setSignature($idx, null);
             if ($size > 2 && $size <= $this->scriptInfo->getKeyCount() + 2) {
                 $sigs = [];
                 foreach ($keys as $key) {
                     $sigs[$key->getPubKeyHash()->getHex()] = [];
                 // Extract Signatures (as buffers), then compile arrays of [pubkeyHash => signature]
                 $sigHash = new Hasher($tx);
                 foreach (array_slice($parsed, 1, -1) as $item) {
                     /** @var \BitWasp\Bitcoin\Script\Parser\Operation $item */
                     if ($item->isPush()) {
                         $txSig = TransactionSignatureFactory::fromHex($item->getData(), $this->ecAdapter);
                         $linked = $this->ecAdapter->associateSigs([$txSig->getSignature()], $sigHash->calculate($redeemScript, $inputToExtract, $txSig->getHashType()), $keys);
                         if (count($linked)) {
                             $key = array_keys($linked)[0];
                             $sigs[$key] = array_merge($sigs[$key], [$txSig]);
                 // We have all the signatures from the tx now. array_shift the sigs for a public key, as it's encountered.
                 foreach ($keys as $idx => $key) {
                     $hash = $key->getPubKeyHash()->getHex();
                     $this->setSignature($idx, isset($sigs[$hash]) ? array_shift($sigs[$hash]) : null);
     return $this;
Beispiel #12
  * @param \BitWasp\Bitcoin\Script\Interpreter\Number $sequence
  * @return bool
 public function checkSequence(\BitWasp\Bitcoin\Script\Interpreter\Number $sequence)
     $math = $this->adapter->getMath();
     $txSequence = $this->transaction->getInput($this->nInput)->getSequence();
     if ($this->transaction->getVersion() < 2) {
         return false;
     if ($math->cmp($math->bitwiseAnd($txSequence, TransactionInputInterface::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG), 0) !== 0) {
         return 0;
     $mask = $math->bitwiseOr(TransactionInputInterface::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG, TransactionInputInterface::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK);
     return $this->verifyLockTime($math->bitwiseAnd($txSequence, $mask), TransactionInputInterface::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG, Number::int($math->bitwiseAnd($sequence->getInt(), $mask)));
Beispiel #13
  * @param Consensus $consensus
  * @param EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter
  * @param ProofOfWork $proofOfWork
 public function __construct(Consensus $consensus, EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter, ProofOfWork $proofOfWork)
     $this->consensus = $consensus;
     $this->math = $ecAdapter->getMath();
     $this->pow = $proofOfWork;
Beispiel #14
  * @param Consensus $consensus
  * @param EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter
 public function __construct(Consensus $consensus, EcAdapterInterface $ecAdapter)
     $this->consensus = $consensus;
     $this->math = $ecAdapter->getMath();
Beispiel #15
  * @param int $bytes
  * @return Buffer
 public function bytes($bytes)
     $integer = $this->hmac->generate($this->ecAdapter->getGenerator()->getOrder());
     return Buffer::int($integer, $bytes, $this->ecAdapter->getMath());
  * Decodes a BIP32 path into actual 32bit sequence numbers and derives the child key
  * @param string $path
  * @return HierarchicalKey
  * @throws \Exception
 public function derivePath($path)
     $sequences = new HierarchicalKeySequence($this->ecAdapter->getMath());
     return $this->deriveFromList($sequences->decodePath($path));
Beispiel #17
  * @param PrivateKeyInterface $privKey
  * @param Buffer $hash
  * @param $sigHashType
  * @return TransactionSignature
 public function makeSignature(PrivateKeyInterface $privKey, Buffer $hash, $sigHashType)
     return new TransactionSignature($this->ecAdapter, $this->ecAdapter->sign($hash, $privKey, $this->deterministicSignatures ? new Rfc6979($this->ecAdapter, $privKey, $hash, 'sha256') : new Random()), $sigHashType);
Beispiel #18
 public function compareChainStateWork(ChainState $a, ChainState $b)
     return $this->adapter->getMath()->cmp($a->getChain()->getIndex()->getWork(), $b->getChain()->getIndex()->getWork());
Beispiel #19
  * @param string $message
  * @param PrivateKeyInterface $privateKey
  * @return SignedMessage
 public function sign($message, PrivateKeyInterface $privateKey)
     $hash = $this->calculateMessageHash($message);
     return new SignedMessage($message, $this->ecAdapter->signCompact($hash, $privateKey, new Rfc6979($this->ecAdapter, $privateKey, $hash, 'sha256')));
Beispiel #20
  * @param int|string $sequence
  * @param bool $change
  * @return int|string
 public function getSequenceOffset($sequence, $change = false)
     return Hash::sha256d(new Buffer(sprintf("%s:%s:%s", $sequence, $change ? '1' : '0', $this->getMPK()->getBinary()), null, $this->ecAdapter->getMath()))->getInt();