  * Attempts to translate definition using translator and produce translated one on success.
  * @param Suite       $suite
  * @param Definition  $definition
  * @param null|string $language
  * @return Definition|TranslatedDefinition
 public function translateDefinition(Suite $suite, Definition $definition, $language = null)
     $assetsId = $suite->getName();
     $pattern = $definition->getPattern();
     $translatedPattern = $this->translator->trans($pattern, array(), $assetsId, $language);
     if ($pattern != $translatedPattern) {
         return new TranslatedDefinition($definition, $translatedPattern, $language);
     return $definition;
 protected final function getDefinitionType(Definition $definition, $onlyOne = false)
     $method = 'get' . ucfirst($definition->getType()) . 'Keywords';
     $keywords = explode('|', $this->keywords->{$method}());
     if ($onlyOne) {
         return current($keywords);
     return 1 < count($keywords) ? '[' . implode('|', $keywords) . ']' : implode('|', $keywords);
Beispiel #3
  * Colorizes step text arguments according to definition.
  * @param string     $text
  * @param Definition $definition
  * @param TestResult $result
  * @return string
 public function paintText($text, Definition $definition, TestResult $result)
     $regex = $this->patternTransformer->transformPatternToRegex($definition->getPattern());
     $style = $this->resultConverter->convertResultToString($result);
     $paramStyle = $style . '_param';
     // If it's just a string - skip
     if ('/' !== substr($regex, 0, 1)) {
         return $text;
     // Find arguments with offsets
     $matches = array();
     preg_match($regex, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
     // Replace arguments with colorized ones
     $shift = 0;
     $lastReplacementPosition = 0;
     foreach ($matches as $key => $match) {
         if (!is_numeric($key) || -1 === $match[1] || false !== strpos($match[0], '<')) {
         $offset = $match[1] + $shift;
         $value = $match[0];
         // Skip inner matches
         if ($lastReplacementPosition > $offset) {
         $lastReplacementPosition = $offset + strlen($value);
         $begin = substr($text, 0, $offset);
         $end = substr($text, $lastReplacementPosition);
         $format = "{-{$style}}{+{$paramStyle}}%s{-{$paramStyle}}{+{$style}}";
         $text = sprintf("%s{$format}%s", $begin, $value, $end);
         // Keep track of how many extra characters are added
         $shift += strlen($format) - 2;
         $lastReplacementPosition += strlen($format) - 2;
     // Replace "<", ">" with colorized ones
     $text = preg_replace('/(<[^>]+>)/', "{-{$style}}{+{$paramStyle}}\$1{-{$paramStyle}}{+{$style}}", $text);
     return $text;
Beispiel #4
  * Initializes redundant exception.
  * @param   Behat\Behat\Definition\Definition   $step2    duplicate step definition
  * @param   Behat\Behat\Definition\Definition   $step1    firstly matched step definition
 public function __construct(Definition $step2, Definition $step1)
     $message = sprintf("Step \"%s\" is already defined in %s:%d\n\n%s:%d\n%s:%d", $step2->getRegex(), $step1->getFile(), $step1->getLine(), $step1->getFile(), $step1->getLine(), $step2->getFile(), $step2->getLine());
  * Extracts the formatted footer from the definition.
  * @param Suite      $suite
  * @param Definition $definition
  * @return string[]
 private function extractFooter(Suite $suite, Definition $definition)
     $lines = array();
     $lines[] = strtr('{space}<def_dimmed>|</def_dimmed> at `{path}`', array('{space}' => str_pad('', mb_strlen($suite->getName(), 'utf8') + 1), '{path}' => $definition->getPath()));
     return $lines;
  * Prints path to step.
  * @param   Behat\Gherkin\Node\StepNode         $step           step node
  * @param   Behat\Behat\Definition\Definition   $definition     definition (if step defined)
  * @param   Exception                           $exception      exception (if step failed)
 protected function printStepPath(StepNode $step, Definition $definition = null, \Exception $exception = null)
     $color = $exception instanceof Pending ? 'pending' : 'failed';
     $type = $step->getType();
     $text = $step->getText();
     $stepPath = "In step `{$type} {$text}'.";
     $stepPathLn = mb_strlen($stepPath);
     $node = $step->getParent();
     if ($node instanceof BackgroundNode) {
         $scenarioPath = "From scenario background.";
     } else {
         $title = $node->getTitle();
         $title = $title ? "`{$title}'" : '***';
         $scenarioPath = "From scenario {$title}.";
     $scenarioPathLn = mb_strlen($scenarioPath);
     $this->maxLineLength = max($this->maxLineLength, $stepPathLn);
     $this->maxLineLength = max($this->maxLineLength, $scenarioPathLn);
     $this->write("    {+{$color}}{$stepPath}{-{$color}}");
     if (null !== $definition) {
         $indentCount = $this->maxLineLength - $stepPathLn;
         $this->printPathComment($definition->getFile(), $definition->getLine(), $indentCount);
     } else {
     $this->write("    {+{$color}}{$scenarioPath}{-{$color}}");
     $indentCount = $this->maxLineLength - $scenarioPathLn;
     $this->printPathComment($node->getFile(), $node->getLine(), $indentCount);
  * Attempts to match provided definition against a step text.
  * @param Definition          $definition
  * @param string              $stepText
  * @param ArgumentInterface[] $multiline
  * @return null|SearchResult
 private function match(Definition $definition, $stepText, array $multiline)
     $regex = $this->patternTransformer->transformPatternToRegex($definition->getPattern());
     if (!preg_match($regex, $stepText, $match)) {
         return null;
     $function = $definition->getReflection();
     $match = array_merge($match, array_values($multiline));
     $arguments = $this->argumentOrganiser->organiseArguments($function, $match);
     return new SearchResult($definition, $stepText, $arguments);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function __toString()
     return $this->definition->__toString();
  * Initializes redundant exception.
  * @param Definition $step2 duplicate step definition
  * @param Definition $step1 firstly matched step definition
 public function __construct(Definition $step2, Definition $step1)
     $message = sprintf("Step \"%s\" is already defined in %s\n\n%s\n%s", $step2->getPattern(), $step1->getPath(), $step1->getPath(), $step2->getPath());
Beispiel #10
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function colorizeDefinitionArguments($text, Definition $definition, $color)
     $regex = $definition->getRegex();
     $paramColor = $color . '_param';
     // Find arguments with offsets
     $matches = array();
     preg_match($regex, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
     // Replace arguments with colorized ones
     $shift = 0;
     foreach ($matches as $key => $match) {
         if (!is_numeric($key) || -1 === $match[1]) {
         $offset = $match[1] + $shift;
         $value = $match[0];
         $begin = substr($text, 0, $offset);
         $end = substr($text, $offset + strlen($value));
         // Keep track of how many extra characters are added
         $shift += strlen($format = "{+strong class=\"{$paramColor}\"-}%s{+/strong-}") - 2;
         $text = sprintf('%s' . $format . '%s', $begin, $value, $end);
     // Replace "<", ">" with colorized ones
     $text = preg_replace('/(<[^>]+>)/', "<strong class=\"{$paramColor}\">\$1</strong>", $text);
     $text = strtr($text, array('{+' => '<', '-}' => '>'));
     return $text;