  * Display sda, booth and meetings
  * @return mixed
 public function actionGetsdabooth()
     $connection = Yii::$app->db;
     $congressId = (int) \Yii::$app->request->getQueryParam('congressid');
     $finaldata = array();
     if (!empty($congressId)) {
         $sdaquery = "SELECT sda.* FROM  sda \n                        WHERE sda.congress_id = {$congressId} AND sda.is_active = 1 order by sda.date asc,sda.session_start_time asc";
         $boothquery = "SELECT ba.id,ba.booth_name,ba.date,ba.from_time,ba.to_time,ba.Area,ba.congress_id,ba.location \n                        FROM  booths ba WHERE  ba.congress_id = {$congressId} AND ba.is_active = 1 order by ba.date asc,ba.from_time asc";
         $meetingquery = "SELECT md.title,md.id,md.date,md.congress_id,md.start_time,md.stop_time,md.location,md.event_type, md.rsr, md.ol_consultant,md.meeting_approval, md.ol_catering, md.notes, md.ol_profile_id\n                            FROM meeting_details md\n                            WHERE  md.congress_id = {$congressId} AND md.is_active = 1 order by md.date asc,md.start_time asc";
         $modelsda = $connection->createCommand($sdaquery)->queryAll();
         $modelbooth = $connection->createCommand($boothquery)->queryAll();
         $meeting = $connection->createCommand($meetingquery)->queryAll();
         $finaldata = array();
         foreach ($modelsda as $value) {
             $modelsda = $connection->createCommand("SELECT DISTINCT ms.attendee_id,a.Name as Name, a.title as title, f.Name AS Funame, c.Group_name AS Cost_Center, a.phone as phone, a.speciality as speciality,'sdaattendee' as type\n                                     FROM  sda_schedules ms\n                                     INNER JOIN amgen_contact_list a ON ms.attendee_id = a.id\n                                     LEFT JOIN functions f ON f.ID = a.function_id\n                                     LEFT JOIN cost_center c ON c.id = a.group_id\n                                     WHERE ms.sda_id = {$value['id']}");
             $attendee = $modelsda->queryAll();
             $finaldata[] = array('id' => $value['id'], 'title' => $value['title'], 'date' => $value['date'], 'time' => date("g:i a", strtotime($value['session_start_time'])), 'location' => $value['location'], 'type' => 'SDA', 'abstract_id' => $value['abstract_id'], 'priority' => SdaPriority::findOne($value['priority'])->priority_name, 'abstract' => $value['abstract'], 'start_time' => date("g:i a", strtotime($value['session_start_time'])), 'end_time' => date("g:i a", strtotime($value['session_end_time'])), 'session_start_time' => !empty($value['session_start_time']) ? date("g:i a", strtotime($value['session_start_time'])) : "", 'session_end_time' => !empty($value['session_end_time']) ? date("g:i a", strtotime($value['session_end_time'])) : "", 'presentation_start_time' => !empty($value['presentation_start_time']) ? date("g:i a", strtotime($value['presentation_start_time'])) : "", 'presentation_end_time' => !empty($value['presentation_end_time']) ? date("g:i a", strtotime($value['presentation_end_time'])) : "", 'presenter' => $value['presenter'], 'sda_type' => \backend\models\SdaTypes::findOne($value['sda_type_id'])->sda_name, 'location' => $value['location'], 'session_id' => $value['session_id'], 'session' => $value['session'], 'authors' => $value['authors'], 'company' => \backend\models\CompanyDetails::findOne($value['company_id'])->name, 'team' => $value['team'], 'linktoposter' => $value['link_to_poster'], 'posterboadnno' => $value['poster_board_no'], 'presentation_no' => $value['presentation_no'], 'attendee' => $attendee, 'category' => $value['category']);
         foreach ($modelbooth as $value) {
             $modelbooth = $connection->createCommand("SELECT DISTINCT ms.attendee_id,a.Name as Name, a.title as title, f.Name AS Funame, c.Group_name AS Cost_Center, a.phone as phone, a.speciality as speciality,'sdaattendee' as type\n                            FROM  booth_schedules ms\n                            INNER JOIN amgen_contact_list a ON ms.attendee_id = a.id\n                            LEFT JOIN functions f ON f.ID = a.function_id LEFT JOIN cost_center c ON c.id = a.group_id\n                            WHERE ms.booth_id = {$value['id']}\n                            ");
             $attendeebooth = $modelbooth->queryAll();
             $data = array('id' => $value['id'], 'congress' => CongressDetails::findOne($value['congress_id'])->name, 'title' => $value['booth_name'], 'date' => $value['date'], 'time' => date("g:i a", strtotime($value['from_time'])), 'start_time' => date("g:i a", strtotime($value['from_time'])), 'end_time' => date("g:i a", strtotime($value['to_time'])), 'location' => $value['location'], 'area' => $value['Area'], 'type' => 'BOOTH', 'attendee' => $attendeebooth);
             $finaldata[] = $data;
         foreach ($meeting as $value) {
             $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ms.attendee_id,a.Name as Name, a.title as title, f.Name AS Funame, c.Group_name AS Cost_Center, a.phone as phone, a.speciality as speciality,'sdaattendee' as type\n                        FROM  meeting_schedules ms\n                        INNER JOIN amgen_contact_list a ON ms.attendee_id = a.id\n                        LEFT JOIN functions f ON f.ID = a.function_id LEFT JOIN cost_center c ON c.id = a.group_id\n                        WHERE ms.meeting_id ={$value['id']}";
             $modelolattendee = $connection->createCommand("SELECT ola.user_type_id,ola.first_name,ola.last_name,ola.name,ola.ol_bio,ola.ol_phone_no,ola.ol_email FROM `meeting_schedules` msd INNER JOIN ol_attendees ola ON msd.ol_attendee_id = ola.id  WHERE msd.meeting_id = {$value['id']}")->queryAll();
             $attendee = $connection->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
             $data = array('meetingid' => $value['id'], 'title' => $value['title'], 'date' => $value['date'], 'start_time' => date("g:i a", strtotime($value['start_time'])), 'end_time' => date("g:i a", strtotime($value['stop_time'])), 'location' => $value['location'], 'eventtype' => \backend\models\MeetingTypes::findOne($value['event_type'])->type, 'type' => 'MEETING', 'attendee' => $attendee, 'olattendee' => $modelolattendee, 'rsr' => $value['rsr'], 'ol_consultant' => $value['ol_consultant'], 'meeting_approval' => $value['meeting_approval'], 'ol_catering' => $value['ol_catering'], 'notes' => $value['notes']);
             if (!empty($value['ol_profile_id'])) {
                 $data['ol_profile'] = \backend\models\OlProfiles::findOne($value['ol_profile_id'])->name;
             $finaldata[] = $data;
     return $finaldata;
  * Display meeting assigned to a individual
  * @return mixed
 public function actionMymeeting()
     $connection = Yii::$app->db;
     if (Yii::$app->request->post()) {
         $value = \Yii::$app->request->post();
         $user = (int) $value['userid'];
         $congress = (int) $value['congress'];
         $user = User::findOne(['id' => $value['userid']]);
         $finaldata = array();
         if ($user) {
             $sql = "SELECT mds.id as id,msd.congress_id as congress_id,mds.title as  title,mds.start_time as start_time ,mds.stop_time as stop_time, mds.date as date,mds.location,mds.event_type, mds.rsr, mds.ol_consultant,mds.meeting_approval, mds.ol_catering, mds.notes, mds.ol_profile_id  FROM meeting_schedules as msd INNER JOIN meeting_details as mds ON msd.meeting_id = mds.id WHERE msd.congress_id = {$congress} AND msd.attendee_id = {$user->attendee_id} order by mds.date ASC,mds.start_time ASC";
             $modelmeeting = $connection->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
             $finalvalue = array();
             if ($modelmeeting) {
                 foreach ($modelmeeting as $value) {
                     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ms.attendee_id,a.Name as Name, a.title as title, f.Name AS Funame, c.Group_name AS Cost_Center, a.phone as phone, a.speciality as speciality\n                                FROM  meeting_schedules ms\n                                INNER JOIN amgen_contact_list a ON ms.attendee_id = a.id\n                                LEFT JOIN functions f ON f.ID = a.function_id LEFT JOIN cost_center c ON c.id = a.group_id\n                                WHERE ms.meeting_id ={$value['id']}";
                     $attendee = $connection->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
                     $modelolattendee = $connection->createCommand("SELECT ola.user_type_id,ola.first_name,ola.last_name,ola.name,ola.ol_bio,ola.ol_phone_no,ola.ol_email FROM `meeting_schedules` msd INNER JOIN ol_attendees ola ON msd.ol_attendee_id = ola.id  WHERE msd.meeting_id = {$value['id']}")->queryAll();
                     $data = array('meetingid' => $value['id'], 'congress' => \backend\models\CongressDetails::findOne($value['congress_id'])->name, 'title' => $value['title'], 'date' => $value['date'], 'start_time' => date("g:i a", strtotime($value['start_time'])), 'end_time' => date("g:i a", strtotime($value['stop_time'])), 'location' => $value['location'], 'eventtype' => \backend\models\MeetingTypes::findOne($value['event_type'])->type, 'attendee' => $attendee, 'olattendee' => $modelolattendee, 'rsr' => $value['rsr'], 'ol_consultant' => $value['ol_consultant'], 'meeting_approval' => $value['meeting_approval'], 'ol_catering' => $value['ol_catering'], 'notes' => $value['notes']);
                     if (!empty($value['ol_profile_id'])) {
                         $data['ol_profile'] = \backend\models\OlProfiles::findOne($value['ol_profile_id'])->name;
                     $finaldata[] = $data;
                 return $finaldata;
             } else {
                 echo "Meeting is not found";
         } else {
             echo "Contact is not founnd in contact list";