public function deleteMatchingObjectsAsync($bucket, $prefix = '', $regex = '', array $options = []) { if (!$prefix && !$regex) { return new RejectedPromise(new \RuntimeException('A prefix or regex is required.')); } $params = ['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Prefix' => $prefix]; $iter = $this->getIterator('ListObjects', $params); if ($regex) { $iter = \Aws\filter($iter, function ($c) use($regex) { return preg_match($regex, $c['Key']); }); } return BatchDelete::fromIterator($this, $bucket, $iter, $options)->promise(); }
/** * Empty bucket. * * @return bool */ public function emptyBucket() { // connect before uploading $connected = $this->connect(); if (!$connected) { return false; } // user terminal message $this->console->writeln('<fg=yellow>Emptying in progress...</fg=yellow>'); try { // Get the contents of the bucket for information purposes $contents = $this->s3_client->listObjects(['Bucket' => $this->getBucket(), 'Key' => '']); // Check if the bucket is already empty if (!$contents['Contents']) { $this->console->writeln('<fg=green>The bucket ' . $this->getBucket() . ' is already empty.</fg=green>'); return true; } // Empty out the bucket $empty = BatchDelete::fromListObjects($this->s3_client, ['Bucket' => $this->getBucket(), 'Prefix' => null]); $empty->delete(); } catch (S3Exception $e) { $this->console->writeln('<fg=red>' . $e->getMessage() . '</fg=red>'); return false; } $this->console->writeln('<fg=green>The bucket ' . $this->getBucket() . ' is now empty.</fg=green>'); return true; }
public function clear() { $batch = \Aws\S3\BatchDelete::fromListObjects($this->client, ['Bucket' => $this->getBucket()]); $batch->delete(); return $this; }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function rename($from, $to) { $fromUrl = parse_url($from); $repoId = $fromUrl["host"]; $repoObject = ConfService::getRepositoryById($repoId); $isViPR = $repoObject->getOption("IS_VIPR"); $isDir = false; if ($isViPR === true) { if (is_dir($from . "/")) { $from .= '/'; $to .= '/'; $isDir = true; } } if ($isDir === true || is_dir($from)) { AJXP_Logger::debug(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "S3 Renaming dir {$from} to {$to}"); require_once "aws-v2.phar"; $fromUrl = parse_url($from); $repoId = $fromUrl["host"]; $repoObject = ConfService::getRepositoryById($repoId); if (!isset($repoObject)) { $e = new Exception("Cannot find repository with id " . $repoId); self::$lastException = $e; throw $e; } $s3Client = self::getClientForRepository($repoObject, false); $bucket = $repoObject->getOption("CONTAINER"); $basePath = $repoObject->getOption("PATH"); $fromKeyname = trim(str_replace("//", "/", $basePath . parse_url($from, PHP_URL_PATH)), '/'); $toKeyname = trim(str_replace("//", "/", $basePath . parse_url($to, PHP_URL_PATH)), '/'); if ($isViPR) { $toKeyname .= '/'; $parts = explode('/', $bucket); $bucket = $parts[0]; if (isset($parts[1])) { $fromKeyname = $parts[1] . "/" . $fromKeyname; } } // Perform a batch of CopyObject operations. $batch = array(); $failed = array(); $iterator = $s3Client->getIterator('ListObjects', array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Prefix' => $fromKeyname . "/")); $toDelete = array(); AJXP_Logger::debug(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "S3 Got iterator looking for prefix " . $fromKeyname . "/ , and toKeyName=" . $toKeyname); foreach ($iterator as $object) { $currentFrom = $object['Key']; $currentTo = $toKeyname . substr($currentFrom, strlen($fromKeyname)); if ($isViPR) { if (isset($parts[1])) { $currentTo = $parts[1] . "/" . $currentTo; } } AJXP_Logger::debug(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "S3 Should move one object " . $currentFrom . " to new key :" . $currentTo); $batch[] = $s3Client->getCommand('CopyObject', array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => "{$currentTo}", 'CopySource' => "{$bucket}/" . rawurlencode($currentFrom))); $toDelete[] = $currentFrom; } AJXP_Logger::debug(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "S3 Execute batch on " . count($batch) . " objects"); ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->_loadPluginConfig("access.s3", $globalOptions); $sdkVersion = $globalOptions["SDK_VERSION"]; if ($sdkVersion === "v3") { foreach ($batch as $command) { $successful = $s3Client->execute($command); } //We must delete the "/" in $fromKeyname because we want to delete the folder $clear = \Aws\S3\BatchDelete::fromIterator($s3Client, $bucket, $s3Client->getIterator('ListObjects', array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Prefix' => $fromKeyname))); $clear->delete(); } else { try { $successful = $s3Client->execute($batch); $clear = new \Aws\S3\Model\ClearBucket($s3Client, $bucket); $iterator->rewind(); $clear->setIterator($iterator); $clear->clear(); $failed = array(); } catch (\Guzzle\Service\Exception\CommandTransferException $e) { $successful = $e->getSuccessfulCommands(); $failed = $e->getFailedCommands(); } } if (count($failed)) { foreach ($failed as $c) { // $c is a Aws\S3\Command\S3Command AJXP_Logger::error("S3Wrapper", __FUNCTION__, "Error while copying: " . $c->getOperation()->getServiceDescription()); } self::$lastException = new Exception("Failed moving folder: " . count($failed)); return false; } return true; } else { AJXP_Logger::debug(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "S3 Execute standard rename on " . $from . " to " . $to); return parent::rename($from, $to); } }