Beispiel #1
  * Parse a fancy path definition into a path relative to the site's root,
  * respecting template overrides, suitable for inclusion of media files.
  * For example, media://com_foobar/css/test.css is parsed into
  * media/com_foobar/css/test.css if no override is found, or
  * templates/mytemplate/media/com_foobar/css/test.css if the current
  * template is called mytemplate and there's a media override for it.
  * The valid protocols are:
  * media://		The media directory or a media override
  * site://		Path relative to site's root (no overrides)
  * @param   string       $path       Fancy path
  * @param   boolean      $localFile  When true, it returns the local path, not the URL
  * @param   Application  $app        The application we're operating under
  * @return  string  Parsed path
 public static function parsePath($path, $localFile = false, $app = null)
     $rootPath = $app->getContainer()->filesystemBase;
     if (!is_object($app)) {
         $app = Application::getInstance();
     if ($localFile) {
         $url = rtrim($rootPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . '/';
     } else {
         $url = Uri::base(false, $app->getContainer());
     $altPaths = self::getAltPaths($path, $app);
     $ext = pathinfo($altPaths['normal'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     // We have an uncompressed CSS / JS file. We must look for a minimised file.
     if (in_array($ext, array('css', 'js')) && strstr($altPaths['normal'], '.min.') === false) {
         $minFile = dirname($altPaths['normal']) . '/' . basename($altPaths['normal'], $ext) . 'min.' . $ext;
         $normalFileExists = @file_exists($altPaths['normal']);
         $minFileExists = @file_exists($rootPath . '/' . $minFile);
         // If debug is not enabled prefer the minimised file if it exists
         if ((!defined('AKEEBADEBUG') || !AKEEBADEBUG) && $minFileExists) {
             $altPaths['normal'] = $minFile;
         } elseif ($minFileExists && !$normalFileExists) {
             $altPaths['normal'] = $minFile;
     $filePath = $altPaths['normal'];
     // If AKEEBADEBUG is enabled prefer the debug path, if one exists
     if (defined('AKEEBADEBUG') && AKEEBADEBUG && isset($altPaths['debug'])) {
         if (file_exists($rootPath . '/' . $altPaths['debug'])) {
             $filePath = $altPaths['debug'];
     } elseif (isset($altPaths['alternate'])) {
         // Look for a minimised file, if available
         if (in_array($ext, array('css', 'js')) && strstr($altPaths['alternate'], '.min.') === false) {
             $minFile = dirname($altPaths['alternate']) . '/' . basename($altPaths['alternate'], $ext) . 'min.' . $ext;
             if (@file_exists($rootPath . '/' . $minFile)) {
                 $altPaths['alternate'] = $minFile;
         if (file_exists($rootPath . '/' . $altPaths['alternate'])) {
             $filePath = $altPaths['alternate'];
     $url .= $filePath;
     return $url;
Beispiel #2
  * Constructor
  * @param   Container $container   A named configuration array for object construction.<br/>
  *                                 Inside it you can have an 'mvc_option' array with the following options:<br/>
  *                                 name: the name (optional) of the view (defaults to the view class name suffix).<br/>
  *                                 escape: the name (optional) of the function to use for escaping strings<br/>
  *                                 template_path: the path (optional) of the layout directory (defaults to base_path + /views/ + view name<br/>
  *                                 layout: the layout (optional) to use to display the view<br/>
  * @return  View
 public function __construct($container = null)
     // Make sure we have a container
     if (!is_object($container)) {
         $container = Application::getInstance()->getContainer();
     // Cache some useful references in the class
     $this->input = $container->input;
     $this->container = $container;
     $this->config = isset($container['mvc_config']) ? $container['mvc_config'] : array();
     // Get the view name
     $this->name = $this->getName();
     // Set the default template search path
     if (array_key_exists('template_path', $this->config)) {
         // User-defined dirs
     } else {
         $this->setTemplatePath($this->container->basePath . '/View/' . ucfirst($this->name) . '/tmpl');
     // Set the layout
     if (array_key_exists('layout', $this->config)) {
     $templatePath = $this->container->templatePath;
     $fallback = $templatePath . '/' . $this->container->application->getTemplate() . '/html/' . ucfirst($this->container->application->getName()) . '/' . $this->name;
     // Get extra directories through event dispatchers
     $extraPathsResults = $this->container->eventDispatcher->trigger('onGetViewTemplatePaths', array($this->getName()));
     if (is_array($extraPathsResults) && !empty($extraPathsResults)) {
         foreach ($extraPathsResults as $somePaths) {
             if (!empty($somePaths)) {
                 foreach ($somePaths as $aPath) {
     $this->baseurl = Uri::base(true, $this->container);
Beispiel #3
  * Write a <img></img> element
  * @param   string       $file      The relative or absolute URL to use for the src attribute.
  * @param   string       $alt       The alt text.
  * @param   mixed        $attribs   String or associative array of attribute(s) to use.
  * @param   boolean      $relative  Path to file is relative to /media folder
  * @param   Application  $app       The application to get configuration from
  * @return  string
 public static function image($file, $alt, $attribs = null, $relative = false, Application $app = null)
     if ($relative) {
         if (!is_object($app)) {
             $app = Application::getInstance();
         $file = Uri::base(false, $app->getContainer()) . 'media/' . ltrim($file, '/');
     return '<img src="' . $file . '" alt="' . $alt . '" ' . trim((is_array($attribs) ? ArrayHelper::toString($attribs) : $attribs) . ' /') . '>';
Beispiel #4
  * Convert an absolute URI to a relative one
  * @param   string  $uri  The URI to convert
  * @return  string  The relative URL
 protected function _removeURIBase($uri)
     static $root = null, $rootlen = 0;
     if (is_null($root)) {
         $root = rtrim(Uri::base(false, $this->container), '/');
         $rootlen = strlen($root);
     if (substr($uri, 0, $rootlen) == $root) {
         $uri = substr($uri, $rootlen);
     return ltrim($uri, '/');
Beispiel #5
  * Redirect to another URL.
  * Optionally enqueues a message in the system message queue (which will be displayed
  * the next time a page is loaded) using the enqueueMessage method. If the headers have
  * not been sent the redirect will be accomplished using a "301 Moved Permanently"
  * code in the header pointing to the new location. If the headers have already been
  * sent this will be accomplished using a JavaScript statement.
  * @param   string  $url     The URL to redirect to. Can only be http/https URL
  * @param   string  $msg     An optional message to display on redirect.
  * @param   string  $msgType An optional message type. Defaults to message.
  * @param   boolean $moved   True if the page is 301 Permanently Moved, otherwise 303 See Other is assumed.
  * @return  void  Calls exit().
  * @see     Application::enqueueMessage()
 public function redirect($url, $msg = '', $msgType = 'info', $moved = false)
     // Check for relative internal links.
     if (preg_match('#^index\\.php#', $url)) {
         $url = Uri::base(false, $this->container) . $url;
     // Strip out any line breaks.
     $url = preg_split("/[\r\n]/", $url);
     $url = $url[0];
      * If we don't start with a http we need to fix this before we proceed.
      * We could validly start with something else (e.g. ftp), though this would
      * be unlikely and isn't supported by this API.
     if (!preg_match('#^http#i', $url)) {
         $uri = Uri::getInstance();
         $prefix = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port'));
         if ($url[0] == '/') {
             // We just need the prefix since we have a path relative to the root.
             $url = $prefix . $url;
         } else {
             // It's relative to where we are now, so lets add that.
             $parts = explode('/', $uri->toString(array('path')));
             $path = implode('/', $parts) . '/';
             $url = $prefix . $path . $url;
     // If the message exists, enqueue it.
     if (is_string($msg) && trim($msg)) {
         $this->enqueueMessage($msg, $msgType);
     // Persist messages if they exist.
     if (count($this->messageQueue)) {
         $this->container->segment->setFlash('application_queue', $this->messageQueue);
     // If the headers have been sent, then we cannot send an additional location header
     // so we will output a javascript redirect statement.
     if (headers_sent()) {
         $url = htmlspecialchars($url);
         $url = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $url);
         echo "<script>document.location.href='" . $url . "';</script>\n";
     } else {
         header($moved ? 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently' : 'HTTP/1.1 303 See other');
         header('Location: ' . $url);
Beispiel #6
  * Parse a routed URL based on the routing rules, setting the input variables of the attached application.
  * @param   string  $url    The URL to parse. If omitted the current URL will be used.
  * @param   boolean $rebase Is this a rebased URL? If false we assume we're given a relative URL.
 public function parse($url = null, $rebase = true)
     // If we are not given a URL, use the current URL of the site
     if (empty($url)) {
         $url = Uri::current();
     // Initialise
     $removePath = null;
     $removeVars = null;
     if ($rebase) {
         // Get the base URL
         $baseUrl = $this->container->appConfig->get('base_url', '');
         if (empty($baseUrl)) {
             $baseUrl = '';
         $baseUrl = rtrim($baseUrl, '/');
         $base = Uri::base(false, $this->container);
         $base = rtrim($base, '/') . '/' . $baseUrl;
         $rebaseURI = new Uri($base);
         // Get the path and vars to remove from the parsed route
         $removePath = $rebaseURI->getPath();
         $removePath = trim($removePath, '/');
         $removeVars = $rebaseURI->getQuery(true);
     $uri = new Uri($url);
     $path = $uri->getPath();
     $path = trim($path, '/');
     // Remove the $removePath
     if (!empty($removePath)) {
         if (strpos($path, $removePath) === 0) {
             $path = substr($path, strlen($removePath));
     // Use the routing rules to parse the URL
     $routeVars = null;
     if (!empty($this->rules)) {
         /** @var Rule $rule */
         foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
             $routeVars = $rule->parse($path);
             if (is_array($routeVars)) {
     if (is_null($routeVars)) {
         $routeVars = array();
     // Mix route and URI vars
     $uriVars = $uri->getQuery(true);
     $routeVars = array_merge($routeVars, $uriVars);
     // Eliminate $removeVars
     if (is_array($removeVars) && !empty($removeVars)) {
         foreach ($removeVars as $k => $v) {
             if (isset($routeVars[$k]) && $routeVars[$k] == $v) {
     // Set the query vars to the application
     if (is_array($routeVars) && !empty($routeVars)) {