Beispiel #1
 public function js(array $params)
     $jsfiles = Registry::getInstance()->assets['js'];
     $collection = new AssetCollection();
     foreach ($jsfiles as $file) {
         $collection->add(new FileAsset($file, array(new JsCompressorFilter(APP_PATH . "/vendor/bin/yuicompressor.jar"))));
     $cache = new AssetCache($collection, new FilesystemCache(APP_PATH . "/cache/assetic/js"));
     header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
     echo $cache->dump();
Beispiel #2
  * Call
  * This method will check the HTTP request to see if it is a CSS file. If
  * so, it will attempt to find a corresponding LESS file. If one is found,
  * it will compile the file to CSS and serve it, optionally saving the CSS
  * to a filesystem cache. The request will end at this point.
  * If the request is not for a CSS file, or if the corresponding LESS file
  * is not found, this middleware will pass the request on.
 public function call()
     $app = $this->app;
     // PHP 5.3 closures do not have access to $this, so we must proxy it in.
     // However, the proxy only has access to public fields.
     $self = $this;
     $app->hook('slim.before', function () use($app, $self) {
         $path = $app->request()->getPathInfo();
         // Run filter only for requests for CSS files
         if (preg_match('/\\.css$/', $path)) {
             $path = preg_replace('/\\.css$/', '.less', $path);
             // Get absolute physical path on filesystem for LESS file
             $abs = str_replace('\\', '/', getcwd()) . $self->options['src'] . '/' . $path;
             $abs = str_replace('//', '/', $abs);
             $self->debug("Looking for LESS file: {$abs}");
             $abs = realpath($abs);
             if ($abs === false) {
                 // If LESS file is not found, just return
                 $self->debug("LESS file not found: {$abs}");
             $self->debug("LESS file found: {$abs}");
             // Prepare Assetic
             $lessFilter = new LessphpFilter();
             $importFilter = new CssImportFilter();
             $css = new FileAsset($abs, array($lessFilter, $importFilter));
             if ($self->options['minify'] === true) {
                 // Minify, if desired
                 $self->debug("Minifying LESS file: {$abs}");
                 $css->ensureFilter(new CssMinFilter());
             if ($self->options['cache'] === true) {
                 // Cache results, if desired
                 $self->debug("Caching LESS file: {$self->options['cache.dir']}");
                 $cache = new FilesystemCache($self->options['cache.dir']);
                 $css = new AssetCache($css, $cache);
             // Render results and exit
             $res = $app->response();
             $res['Content-Type'] = 'text/css';
             $app->halt(200, $css->dump());
 private function compressAndSave($targetFile, $assets, $filters)
     $assetsFactory = $this->assetic->build();
     $asset = $assetsFactory->createAsset($assets, $filters);
     if (null === $this->cacheDir) {
         $this->saveFile($targetFile, $asset->dump(), false);
     $assetCache = new AssetCache($asset, new FilesystemCache($this->cacheDir));
     $this->saveFile($targetFile, $assetCache->dump(), true);