protected function body()
     if (!$this->userHasPrivileges(User::pluginsAdd)) {
         return false;
     $inputs = array('name' => array('isName', 'isNotEmpty'));
     if (!$this->isInputValid($inputs)) {
         return false;
     $name = $this->getParams('name');
     $existingPluginsWithSameName = Repositories::getRepository(Repositories::Plugin)->findBy(['name' => $name]);
     if (count($existingPluginsWithSameName) > 0) {
         return $this->death(StringID::PluginNameAlreadyExists);
     $pluginFile = $this->getUploadedFile('plugin');
     if (!$pluginFile) {
         return false;
     $pluginFolder = Config::get('paths', 'plugins') . $name;
     if (file_exists($pluginFolder)) {
         return $this->death(StringID::PluginFolderAlreadyExists);
     if (!Filesystem::createDir($pluginFolder)) {
         return $this->death(StringID::FileSystemError);
     if (!Compression::unzip($pluginFile, $pluginFolder)) {
         goto cleanup_error;
     $manifestFile = $pluginFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'manifest.xml';
     $manifest = null;
     if (!($manifest = $this->parsePluginManifest($manifestFile))) {
         goto cleanup_error;
     if (!file_exists($pluginFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $manifest['mainFile'])) {
         goto cleanup_error;
     $plugin = new \Plugin();
     $plugin->setMainfile($name . '/' . $manifest['mainFile']);
     return true;
     return false;
 public function testRotation()
     if (file_exists('log')) {
     $logger = Logger::create("log")->setDatetimeFormat("")->setEntrySeparator("")->setLineSeparator("")->setPrefix("l")->setSuffix("")->setMaxFileCount(4)->setMaxFileSize(10)->setHeader("");
     // Header is therefore one space that separates the (empty) date from the (empty) header text
     // We have filled 7 files, and maximum file count is 4.
     // It should have gone:
     // A l0
     // B l0, l1
     // C l0, l1, l2
     // D l0, l1, l2, l3
     // E l1, l2, l3, l4
     // F l0, l2, l3, l4
     // G l0, l1, l3, l4, where l1 is newest and l3 oldest
     $this->assertSame(' D23456789', file_get_contents('log/l3'));
     $this->assertSame(' E23456789', file_get_contents('log/l4'));
     $this->assertSame(' F23456789', file_get_contents('log/l0'));
     $this->assertSame(' G23456789', file_get_contents('log/l1'));
 protected function body()
     if (!$this->userHasPrivileges(User::pluginsRemove)) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->isInputValid(array('id' => 'isIndex'))) {
         return false;
     $id = $this->getParams('id');
      * @var $plugin \Plugin
     $plugin = Repositories::findEntity(Repositories::Plugin, $id);
     $pluginFolder = Filesystem::combinePaths(Config::get('paths', 'plugins'), $plugin->getName());
     if (!Filesystem::removeDir($pluginFolder)) {
         return $this->death(StringID::FileSystemError);
     return true;
  * Unpack ZIP archive to specified folder.
  * If it contains only a single directory and nothing else, its contents are extracted instead of the entire ZIP file. This also happens if the only other directory is the "__MACOSX" metadata folder that Macintosh operating systems add to generated ZIP files.
  * This function is a security vulnerability. Possible attacks include a very large ZIP file, such as a ZIP bomb, or putting in a file with a relative path such as '../etc/passwd'.
  * @param string $archive source archive path
  * @param string $destination destination folder path
  * @param [out]string $errorMessage why did the extraction fail?
  * @return true on success
 public static function unzip($archive, $destination, &$errorMessage = null)
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $errorCode = $zip->open($archive);
     if ($errorCode !== true) {
         $errorMessage = "could not open ZIP file (error code " . $errorCode . ")";
         return false;
     // Otherwise, this is a normal ZIP file.
     if (!$zip->extractTo($destination)) {
         $errorMessage = "extraction failed";
         return false;
     // Now, we'll check if the ZIP file contains only a single folder. If so,
     // then we'll copy its contests to the root temporary folder, then remove the original folder.
     $files = scandir($destination);
     if ($files === false) {
         $errorMessage = "scanning the temporary directory failed";
         return false;
     // On Linux, scandir returns the "." and ".." pseudofolders we are not interested in
     $files = array_diff($files, [".", ".."]);
     // For ZIP files generated on Mac OS X, we are not interested in the metadata folder.
     $files = array_diff($files, ["__MACOSX"]);
     if (count($files) === 0) {
         $errorMessage = "the ZIP file is empty";
         return false;
     } elseif (count($files) === 1) {
         // We renumber the remaining file/directory so that it is at index 0. It might not have been because of the subtraction of "." and ".."
         $files = array_values($files);
         $soleDirectory = Filesystem::combinePaths($destination, $files[0]);
         if (is_dir($soleDirectory)) {
             if (Filesystem::copyIntoDirectory($soleDirectory, $destination)) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 $errorMessage = "the ZIP file contained a single directory, but copying its contents to temporary directory failed";
                 return false;
     return true;
 public function testTempDir()
     $folder = Filesystem::tempDir(null, "hello");
     $this->assertStringStartsWith('hello', basename($folder));
     $this->assertEquals(0, count(array_diff(scandir($folder), ['.', '..'])));
Beispiel #6
  * Runs plugin with supplied arguments.
  * @li First element in @c $args must be a path to ZIP archive with input data.
  * @li Plugin execution is stopped on all triggered errors or uncaught exceptions
  *		and plugin error is returned.
  * @li setUp() and execute() methods are run respectively after input is
  *		unpacked and output folder is created.
  * @li Plugin creates and later removes two temporary folders. It can also create
  *		one ZIP archive with plugin output (path is returned in plugin results).
  * @param array $args simple array with plugin arguments
  * @return PluginResponse plugin results or error
 public final function run(array $args)
     set_error_handler(array('asm\\utils\\Utils', 'turnErrorToException'));
     $cwd = getcwd();
     try {
         if ($args == null || count($args) < 1) {
             throw new PluginUseException('Data file argument missing');
         $this->dataFolder = Filesystem::tempDir();
         $dataFile = array_shift($args);
         if (!Compression::unzip($dataFile, $this->dataFolder, $unzipMessage)) {
             $response = PluginResponse::createError("ZIP extraction failed (" . $unzipMessage . ").\n\nPerhaps you did not submit a ZIP file " . "or that file was corrupted during upload. You may try again. Extraction was attempted to folder " . str_replace("\\", "/", $this->dataFolder));
         } else {
             $this->outputFolder = Filesystem::tempDir();
             $outputFile = $this->packOutput();
             $outputPath = $outputFile != null ? realpath($outputFile) : null;
             $response = PluginResponse::create($this->results, $outputPath);
     } catch (PluginException $e) {
         $response = PluginResponse::createError($e->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $response = PluginResponse::createError('Runtime error: ' . $e->getMessage() . " (file " . $e->getFile() . ", line " . $e->getLine());
     // If an exception occurred during $this->setUp or $this->execute, we must still change the current directory back,
     // in case more plugins are to be run (in a test case battery)
     if ($this->dataFolder != null) {
     if ($this->outputFolder != null) {
     return $response;