
require_once __DIR__ . "/../../vendor/autoload.php";
\asm\core\Config::init(__DIR__ . "/../config.ini", __DIR__ . "/../internal.ini");
return \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\ConsoleRunner::createHelperSet(\asm\core\Repositories::getEntityManager());

namespace asm\unittests;

use asm\core\Config;
use asm\utils\Filesystem;
$xmlcheckRoot = "../../www";
require_once $xmlcheckRoot . "/vendor/autoload.php";
Config::init(Filesystem::combinePaths($xmlcheckRoot, "core/config.ini"), Filesystem::combinePaths($xmlcheckRoot, "core/internal.ini"));
class CheckerRunner
    public static $xmlCheckRoot = "../../www";
    public static $testCasesRoot = "../plugins/cases";
     * @param $checker mixed A class with a run() method
     * @param $zipFile string The path to the zip file with the test case
     * @param $arguments array Configuration of the plugin
     * @return \asm\plugin\PluginResponse
    public static function runChecker($checker, $zipFile, $arguments)
        $testResult = $checker->run(array_merge([$zipFile], $arguments));
        return $testResult;
     * @param $testCase PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
     * @param $result \asm\plugin\PluginResponse
     * @param $fulfillment int
     * @param $details string
    public static function assert($testCase, $filename, $result, $fulfillment = null, $details = "")

use asm\core\Config, asm\core\Core, asm\utils\ErrorHandler, asm\core\UiResponse, asm\core\Error;
 * @file
 * Handles core requests coming from UI.
 * 1. Starts session.
 * 2. Starts the Composer autoloader.
 * 3. Loads configuration from the config.ini and internal.ini files.
 * 4. Activates the custom error handler.
 * 5. Calls Core::handleUiRequest with data from user.
// Session is used to keep track of logged in user, and is used for file uploads.
// Load up the Composer-generated autoloader. All PHP classes are loaded using this autoloader.
require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";
// Load configuration from the "config.ini" file.
Config::init(__DIR__ . '/config.ini', __DIR__ . '/internal.ini');
// If ever an exception occurs or a PHP error occurs, log it and send it to the user.
ErrorHandler::bind(['asm\\core\\Core', 'logException']);
ErrorHandler::bind(function (Exception $e) {
    Core::sendUiResponse(UiResponse::create([], [Error::create(Error::levelFatal, $e->getMessage() . "[details: code " . $e->getCode() . ", file " . $e->getFile() . ", line " . $e->getLine() . ", trace: \n" . $e->getTraceAsString() . "]", \asm\core\lang\Language::get(\asm\core\lang\StringID::ServerSideRuntimeError))]));
// Process the AJAX request.
// Usually, the Javascript part of XML Check sends a POST request but in some special cases, a GET request is needed.
Core::handleUiRequest(empty($_POST) ? $_GET : $_POST, $_FILES);
 public function testNonExistingThrowsException()