  * Handles request in order to authenticate.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletRequestInterface  $servletRequest  The request instance
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletResponseInterface $servletResponse The response instance
  * @return boolean TRUE if the authentication has been successful, else FALSE
  * @throws \Exception
 public function handleRequest(HttpServletRequestInterface $servletRequest, HttpServletResponseInterface $servletResponse)
     // iterate over all servlets and return the matching one
      * @var string $urlPattern
      * @var \AppserverIo\Http\Authentication\AuthenticationInterface $authenticationAdapter
     foreach ($this->authenticationAdapters as $urlPattern => $authenticationAdapter) {
         // we'll match our URI against the URL pattern
         if (fnmatch($urlPattern, $servletRequest->getServletPath() . $servletRequest->getPathInfo())) {
             // the URI pattern matches, init the adapter and try to authenticate
             // check if auth header is not set in coming request headers
             if (!$servletRequest->hasHeader(Protocol::HEADER_AUTHORIZATION)) {
                 // send header for challenge authentication against client
                 $servletResponse->addHeader(HttpProtocol::HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, $authenticationAdapter->getAuthenticateHeader());
             // initialize the adapter with the current request
             $authenticationAdapter->init($servletRequest->getHeader(HttpProtocol::HEADER_AUTHORIZATION), $servletRequest->getMethod());
             // try to authenticate the request
             $authenticated = $authenticationAdapter->authenticate();
             if (!$authenticated) {
                 // send header for challenge authentication against client
                 $servletResponse->addHeader(HttpProtocol::HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, $authenticationAdapter->getAuthenticateHeader());
             return $authenticated;
     // we did not find an adapter for that URI pattern, no authentication required then
     return true;
  * Try to authenticate the user making this request, based on the specified login configuration.
  * Return TRUE if any specified constraint has been satisfied, or FALSE if we have created a response
  * challenge already.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletRequestInterface  $servletRequest  The servlet request instance
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletResponseInterface $servletResponse The servlet response instance
  * @return boolean TRUE if authentication has already been processed on a request before, else FALSE
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Http\Authentication\AuthenticationException Is thrown if the request can't be authenticated
 public function authenticate(HttpServletRequestInterface $servletRequest, HttpServletResponseInterface $servletResponse)
     // check if auth header is not set in coming request headers
     if ($servletRequest->hasHeader(Protocol::HEADER_AUTHORIZATION) === false) {
         // stop processing immediately
         $servletResponse->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, $this->getAuthenticateHeader());
         return false;
     // load the raw login credentials
     $rawAuthData = $servletRequest->getHeader(Protocol::HEADER_AUTHORIZATION);
     // set auth hash got from auth data request header and check if username and password has been passed
     if (strstr($credentials = base64_decode(trim(strstr($rawAuthData, " "))), ':') === false) {
         // stop processing immediately
         $servletResponse->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, $this->getAuthenticateHeader());
         return false;
     // get out username and password
     list($username, $password) = explode(':', $credentials);
     // query whether or not a username and a password has been passed
     if ($password === null || $username === null) {
         // stop processing immediately
         $servletResponse->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, $this->getAuthenticateHeader());
         return false;
     // set username and password
     $this->username = new String($username);
     $this->password = new String($password);
     // load the realm to authenticate this request for
     /** @var AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\Security\RealmInterface $realm */
     $realm = $this->getAuthenticationManager()->getRealm($this->getRealmName());
     // authenticate the request and initialize the user principal
     $userPrincipal = $realm->authenticate($this->getUsername(), $this->getPassword());
     // query whether or not the realm returned an authenticated user principal
     if ($userPrincipal == null) {
         // stop processing immediately
         $servletResponse->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, $this->getAuthenticateHeader());
         return false;
     // add the user principal and the authentication type to the request
     return true;
  * Populates the passed request with the request data of the original request
  * found in the also passed session.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletRequestInterface $servletRequest The servlet request instance
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpSessionInterface        $session        The session instance
  * @return void
 protected function restoreRequest(HttpServletRequestInterface $servletRequest, HttpSessionInterface $session)
     // query whether or not we can find the original request in the session
     if ($session->hasKey(Constants::FORM_REQUEST)) {
         // load the origin request from the session
         $req = $session->getData(Constants::FORM_REQUEST);
         // restore the original request data
         // set the body content if we can find one
         if ($servletRequest->getHeader(Protocol::HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH) > 0) {
  * Returns the array with the $_COOKIE vars.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletRequestInterface $servletRequest The request instance
  * @return array The $_COOKIE vars
 protected function initCookieGlobals(HttpServletRequestInterface $servletRequest)
     $cookie = array();
     foreach (explode(';', $servletRequest->getHeader(Protocol::HEADER_COOKIE)) as $cookieLine) {
         list($key, $value) = explode('=', $cookieLine);
         $cookie[trim($key)] = trim($value);
     return $cookie;
  * Tries to load the requested thumbnail from the applications WEB-INF directory
  * and adds it to the response.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletRequestInterface  $servletRequest  The request instance
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletResponseInterface $servletResponse The response instance
  * @return void
  * @see \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServlet::doGet()
  * @SWG\Get(
  *   path="/thumbnails.do/{id}",
  *   tags={"applications"},
  *   summary="The application's thumbnail",
  *   produces={"image/png"},
  *   @SWG\Parameter(
  *      name="id",
  *      in="path",
  *      description="The name of the application to load the thumbnail for",
  *      required=true,
  *      type="string"
  *   ),
  *   @SWG\Response(
  *     response=200,
  *     description="The application's thumbnail"
  *   ),
  *   @SWG\Response(
  *     response=500,
  *     description="Internal Server Error"
  *   )
  * )
 public function doGet(HttpServletRequestInterface $servletRequest, HttpServletResponseInterface $servletResponse)
     // load the requested path info, e. g. /api/thumbnails.do/example/
     $pathInfo = trim($servletRequest->getPathInfo(), '/');
     // extract the entity and the ID, if available
     list($id, ) = explode('/', $pathInfo);
     // load file information and return the file object if possible
     $fileInfo = new \SplFileInfo($path = $this->getApplicationProcessor()->thumbnail($id));
     if ($fileInfo->isDir()) {
         throw new FoundDirInsteadOfFileException(sprintf("Requested file %s is a directory", $path));
     if ($fileInfo->isFile() === false) {
         throw new FileNotFoundException(sprintf('File %s not not found', $path));
     if ($fileInfo->isReadable() === false) {
         throw new FileNotReadableException(sprintf('File %s is not readable', $path));
     // open the file itself
     $file = $fileInfo->openFile();
     // set mimetypes to header
     $servletResponse->addHeader(HttpProtocol::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, MimeTypes::getMimeTypeByExtension(pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)));
     // set last modified date from file
     $servletResponse->addHeader(HttpProtocol::HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $file->getMTime()));
     // set expires date
     $servletResponse->addHeader(HttpProtocol::HEADER_EXPIRES, gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', time() + 3600));
     // check if If-Modified-Since header info is set
     if ($servletRequest->getHeader(HttpProtocol::HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)) {
         // check if file is modified since header given header date
         if (strtotime($servletRequest->getHeader(HttpProtocol::HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)) >= $file->getMTime()) {
             // send 304 Not Modified Header information without content
             $servletResponse->addHeader(HttpProtocol::HEADER_STATUS, 'HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
     // add the thumbnail as response content