public function sendmailAction()
     //Print header for log
     echo "********************\n";
     echo "sendmailAction START\n";
     echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s e') . "\n";
     echo "********************\n";
     //Initialize variables
     $sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
     $books = new Books($sm);
     $users = new Users($sm);
     $mailler = new Mailler($sm);
     //Get new books from last week
     $lastDate = date("o-m-d", date_sub(new DateTime(), date_interval_create_from_date_string("7 days"))->getTimestamp());
     $bookList = $books->listBooks(array("sql" => "date >= '{$lastDate}'"))->toArray();
     //Print list of new books
     echo "LIST OF BOOKS:\n";
     foreach ($bookList as $book) {
         echo "\t" . $book['title'] . "\n";
     //Get list of subscribed users
     $userList = $users->listUsers("weeklynews = 1")->toArray();
     //Print list of subscribed users
     echo "LIST OF EMAILS:\n";
     foreach ($userList as $user) {
         echo "\t" . $user['email'] . "\n";
     //Send mails if there is at least one new book
     if (count($bookList) > 0) {
         $mailler->newsletterEmail($userList, $bookList, date("d/m/o"));