public function run()
     project::create(['company_id' => '5', 'name' => 'JPEG Manipulator', 'status' => 'Open', 'description' => '<p>JPEG is a format of image. We need to create a desktop program to allow user do following actions:</p><ul><li>Open a JPEG</li><li>Rotate a JPEG</li><li>Flip a JPEG</li><li>Save (Save as) a JPEG</li></ul><p>Rotation and flip needs to be lossless in quality. For example, if you rotate a JPEG 90 degree for 4 rounds, the newly saved JPEG file should be exactly the same with the original JPEG file.</p>', 'skills' => 'img/java img/php img/c++', 'difficulty' => 'Medium', 'environment' => 'You can choose C++, Java, or C#, whichever one you prefer, to develop the desktop application. Here are some recommended IDEs:
                         C++: Visual Studio
                         Java: Eclipse, NetBean
                             C#: Visual Studio', 'id' => 2]);