Beispiel #1
  * Get data for candle chart.
  * @param Request $request
 public function getChart(Request $request)
     $zoom = (int) $request->input('zoom');
     $interval = $request->input('pointInterval') / 1000;
     list($market, $base) = explode('/', $request->input('pair'));
     $base_wallet = Wallet::where('short', $base)->first();
     $market_wallet = Wallet::where('short', $market)->first();
     $data = [];
     $old_data = Cache::tags('charts')->remember($base . $market . $zoom . $interval, 1, function () use($base_wallet, $market_wallet, $zoom, $interval) {
         $old_data = [];
                             date*1000 as date,
                           ')->where(function (\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query) use($base_wallet, $market_wallet) {
             $query->where('wallet_id', $base_wallet->id)->where('want_wallet_id', $market_wallet->id);
         })->where(DB::raw('from_unixtime(date)'), '>=', DB::raw('DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . $zoom . ' HOUR)'))->where('interval', $interval)->orderBy('date', 'asc')->chunk(1000, function ($orders) use(&$old_data) {
             foreach ($orders as $key => $order) {
                 $old_data[] = [(int) $order->date, (double) $order->open, (double) $order->high, (double) $order->low, (double) $order->close, (int) $order->volume];
         return $old_data;
     $data = array_merge($data, $old_data);
     usort($data, function ($a, $b) {
         return $a[0] - $b[0];
     return response()->json($old_data)->setCallback($request->input('callback'));
 public function index(Request $request)
     //get info for this payment
     $payTypeInfo = Pay::find(Pay::PAY_TYPE_MOBIO);
     //calc promo period
     $promoUntilDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + $payTypeInfo->pay_promo_period, date('Y')));
     //get incoming params
     $message = isset($request->message) ? $request->message : null;
     $item = isset($request->item) ? $request->item : null;
     $fromnum = isset($request->fromnum) ? $request->fromnum : null;
     $extid = isset($request->extid) ? $request->extid : null;
     $servID = isset($request->servID) ? $request->servID : null;
     //check if ping is comming from allowed ips
     $mobio_remote_address = explode(',', $payTypeInfo->pay_allowed_ip);
     if (in_array($request->ip(), $mobio_remote_address)) {
         $sms_reply = trans('payment_mobio.There is error, please contact us.');
         $item = trim($item);
         if (!empty($item)) {
             try {
                 $pay_type = mb_strtolower(mb_substr($item, 0, 1));
                 //make ad vip
                 if ($pay_type == 'a') {
                     $ad_id = mb_substr($item, 1);
                     $adInfo = Ad::find($ad_id);
                     if (!empty($adInfo)) {
                         //update ad
                         $adInfo->ad_promo = 1;
                         $adInfo->ad_promo_until = $promoUntilDate;
                         //add money to wallet
                         $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $adInfo->user_id, 'ad_id' => $ad_id, 'sum' => $payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_mobio.Payment via Mobio SMS')];
                         //subtract money from wallet
                         $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $adInfo->user_id, 'ad_id' => $ad_id, 'sum' => -$payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_fortumo.Your ad #:ad_id is Promo Until :date.', ['ad_id' => $ad_id, 'date' => $promoUntilDate])];
                         $sms_reply = trans('payment_mobio.Your ad #:ad_id is Promo Until :date.', ['ad_id' => $ad_id, 'date' => $promoUntilDate]);
                 //add money to wallet
                 if ($pay_type == 'w') {
                     $user_id = mb_substr($item, 1);
                     $userInfo = User::find($user_id);
                     if (!empty($userInfo)) {
                         //save money to wallet
                         $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $userInfo->user_id, 'sum' => $payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_mobio.Add Money to Wallet via Mobio SMS')];
                         $sms_reply = trans('payment_mobio.You have added :money to your wallet.', ['money' => number_format($payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 2) . config('dc.site_price_sign')]);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
         file_get_contents("{$servID}&tonum={$fromnum}&extid={$extid}&message=" . urlencode($sms_reply));
 public function index(Request $request)
     $sms_reply = trans('payment_fortumo.There is error, please contact us.');
     //get info for this payment
     $payTypeInfo = Pay::find(Pay::PAY_TYPE_FORTUMO);
     //calc promo period
     $promoUntilDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + $payTypeInfo->pay_promo_period, date('Y')));
     //get incoming params
     $message = isset($request->message) ? $request->message : null;
     $status = isset($request->status) ? $request->status : null;
     $billing_type = isset($request->billing_type) ? $request->billing_type : null;
     //check if ping is comming from allowed ips
     $fortumo_remote_address = explode(',', $payTypeInfo->pay_allowed_ip);
     if (in_array($request->ip(), $fortumo_remote_address) && $this->check_signature($request->all(), $payTypeInfo->pay_secret)) {
         $message = trim($message);
         if (!empty($message) && (preg_match("/OK/i", $status) || preg_match("/MO/i", $billing_type) && preg_match("/pending/i", $status))) {
             try {
                 $pay_type = mb_strtolower(mb_substr($message, 0, 1));
                 //make ad vip
                 if ($pay_type == 'a') {
                     $ad_id = mb_substr($message, 1);
                     $adInfo = Ad::find($ad_id);
                     if (!empty($adInfo)) {
                         //update ad
                         $adInfo->ad_promo = 1;
                         $adInfo->ad_promo_until = $promoUntilDate;
                         //add money to wallet
                         $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $adInfo->user_id, 'ad_id' => $ad_id, 'sum' => $payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_fortumo.Payment via Fortumo SMS')];
                         //subtract money from wallet
                         $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $adInfo->user_id, 'ad_id' => $ad_id, 'sum' => -$payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_fortumo.Your ad #:ad_id is Promo Until :date.', ['ad_id' => $ad_id, 'date' => $promoUntilDate])];
                         $sms_reply = trans('payment_fortumo.Your ad #:ad_id is Promo Until :date.', ['ad_id' => $ad_id, 'date' => $promoUntilDate]);
                 //add money to wallet
                 if ($pay_type == 'w') {
                     $user_id = mb_substr($message, 1);
                     $userInfo = User::find($user_id);
                     if (!empty($userInfo)) {
                         //save money to wallet
                         $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $userInfo->user_id, 'sum' => $payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_fortumo.Add Money to Wallet via Fortumo SMS')];
                         $sms_reply = trans('payment_fortumo.You have added :money to your wallet.', ['money' => number_format($payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 2) . config('dc.site_price_sign')]);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
     echo $sms_reply;
Beispiel #4
 public function getAdmin()
     $roles = Cache::remember('roles_count', Config::get('cache.ttl'), function () {
         return Role::count();
     $wallets = Cache::remember('wallets_count', Config::get('cache.ttl'), function () {
         return Wallet::count();
     $users = Cache::remember('users_count', Config::get('cache.ttl'), function () {
         return User::count();
     $withdrawals = Cache::remember('withdrawals_count', Config::get('cache.ttl'), function () {
         return WalletsWithdrawal::count();
     return view('admin.index', compact('roles', 'wallets', 'users', 'withdrawals'));
Beispiel #5
  * Get ticker data for pair.
  * @param Request $request
 public function getIndex(Request $request)
     "BTC_USD": {
       "high": 120,
       "low": 100,
       "avg": 110,
       "vol": 1020,
       "vol_curr": 1043420,
       "last_trade": 111,
       "buy_price": 110,
       "sell_price": 111,
       "updated": 1435517311
     $tickers = Wallet::getTickers();
     return response()->json($tickers)->setCallback($request->input('callback'));
Beispiel #6
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $intervals = [300, 900, 1800, 7200, 14400, 86400];
     $base = Wallet::where('base', true)->get();
     $all = Wallet::all();
     foreach ($base as $base_wallet) {
         foreach ($all as $market_wallet) {
             if ($market_wallet->id == $base_wallet->id) {
             foreach ($intervals as $interval) {
                         FLOOR(MIN(unix_timestamp(`created_at`))/' . $interval . ')*' . $interval . ' AS date,
                         SUM(amount) AS volume,
                         SUBSTRING_INDEX(MIN(CONCAT(unix_timestamp(`created_at`), \'_\', price)), \'_\', -1) AS `open`,
                         MAX(price) AS high,
                         MIN(price) AS low,
                         SUBSTRING_INDEX(MAX(CONCAT(unix_timestamp(`created_at`), \'_\', price)), \'_\', -1) AS `close`
                       ')->where(function (\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query) use($base_wallet, $market_wallet) {
                     $query->where('wallet_id', $base_wallet->id)->where('want_wallet_id', $market_wallet->id);
                 })->where('created_at', '>=', DB::raw('DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 24 HOUR)'))->groupBy(DB::raw('FLOOR(unix_timestamp(`created_at`)/' . $interval . ')'))->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->chunk(100000, function ($orders) use($base_wallet, $market_wallet, $interval) {
                     foreach ($orders as $key => $order) {
                         try {
                             $cache = OrdersChart::firstOrNew(['wallet_id' => $base_wallet->id, 'want_wallet_id' => $market_wallet->id, 'date' => $order->date, 'interval' => $interval]);
                             $cache->date = $order->date;
                             $cache->open = $order->open;
                             $cache->high = $order->high;
                             $cache->low = $order->low;
                             $cache->close = $order->close;
                             $cache->volume = $order->volume;
                             $cache->wallet_id = $base_wallet->id;
                             $cache->want_wallet_id = $market_wallet->id;
                             $cache->interval = $interval;
                         } catch (\Exception $e) {
Beispiel #7
 public function getHistory()
     $coins_list = function () {
         $data = ['' => 'All'];
         foreach (Cache::remember('coin_list', Config::get('cache.ttl'), function () {
             return Wallet::select('short as coin')->get();
         }) as $wallet) {
             $data[$wallet->coin] = $wallet->coin;
         return $data;
     $provider = new EloquentDataProvider(WalletsTransaction::selectRaw(' as id, wallets_transactions.amount, wallets_transactions.created_at, wallets_transactions.updated_at, wallets_transactions.txid, wallets_transactions.confirmed, wallets.short as coin')->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->leftJoin('wallets', '', '=', 'wallets_transactions.wallet_id'));
     $grid = new Grid($provider, [(new Column('', 'ID'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, WalletsTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row->id)) {
             return $row->id;
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), new Column('txid', 'TxID'), (new Column('amount'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, WalletsTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row)) {
             if ($value > 0) {
                 return HTML::tag('span', '+' . $value, ['class' => 'label label-success']);
             } else {
                 return HTML::tag('span', $value, ['class' => 'label label-danger']);
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), new Column('coin', 'Coin'), (new Column('confirmed'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, WalletsTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row)) {
             if ($value) {
                 return HTML::tag('span', 'Confirmed', ['class' => 'label label-success']);
             } else {
                 return HTML::tag('span', 'Pending', ['class' => 'label label-info']);
     }), (new Column('wallets_transactions.created_at', 'Created At'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, WalletsTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row->created_at)) {
             return $row->created_at;
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), new Column('updated_at'), new AjaxDetailsRow(function (WalletsTransaction $row) {
         return url('/user/wallets/details', ['id' => $row->id]);
     }), new FilterControl('txid', FilterOperation::OPERATOR_STR_CONTAINS, new InputOption('txid', ['txid' => Input::get('txid')])), (new FilterControl('wallets.short', FilterOperation::OPERATOR_EQ, new InputOption('coin', ['coin' => Input::get('coin')])))->setView(new TemplateView('select', ['options' => $coins_list(), 'label' => 'Coin', 'inputAttributes' => ['style' => 'width: 50px;']])), (new FilterControl('confirmed', FilterOperation::OPERATOR_EQ, new InputOption('confirmed', ['confirmed' => Input::get('confirmed')])))->setView(new TemplateView('select', ['options' => ['' => 'All', 0 => 'Pending', 1 => 'Confirmed']])), new PageSizeSelectControl(new InputOption('ps', ['ps' => Input::get('ps')], 10), [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000]), new CsvExport(new InputOption('csv', ['csv' => Input::get('csv')])), new ResetButton(), new PageTotalsRow(['amount' => PageTotalsRow::OPERATION_SUM]), new PaginationControl(new InputOption('page', ['page' => Input::get('page')], 1), 10, $provider), new ColumnSortingControl('', new InputOption('sort', ['sort' => Input::get('sort')], '')), new ColumnSortingControl('amount', new InputOption('sort', ['sort' => Input::get('sort')])), new ColumnSortingControl('wallets_transactions.created_at', new InputOption('sort', ['sort' => Input::get('sort')]))]);
     $customization = new BootstrapStyling();
     $grid = $grid->render();
     return view('user.wallets.history', compact('grid'));
Beispiel #8
  * Find orders to fullfill request.
  * @param float          $amount
  * @param float          $price
  * @param Wallet         $base_wallet
  * @param Wallet         $want_wallet
  * @param WalletsAddress $user_base_wallet
  * @param string         $request_order_type [s - sell, b - buy]
 public static function fullfillSuitable(&$amount, $price, Wallet $base_wallet, Wallet $want_wallet, WalletsAddress $user_base_wallet, $request_order_type)
     $suitable_orders_found = true;
     if ($request_order_type == 's') {
         $price_finder = '>=';
         $type_finder = 'buy';
     } else {
         $price_finder = '<=';
         $type_finder = 'sell';
     while ($suitable_orders_found) {
         $order = self::where('wallet_id', $base_wallet->id)->where('want_wallet_id', $want_wallet->id)->where('price', $price_finder, $price)->where('status', 'open')->where('type', $type_finder)->first();
         if ($order && $amount > 0) {
             Log::debug('Fullfilling order #' . $order->id);
             if ($order->amount >= $amount) {
                 $process_amount = $amount;
             } else {
                 $process_amount = $order->amount;
             $order->decrement('amount', $process_amount);
             Log::debug('Process amount: ' . $process_amount);
             $amount -= $process_amount;
             if ($order->amount <= 0) {
                 $order->status = 'closed';
             $order_user_deposit = $order->type == 'sell' ? $process_amount * $price : $process_amount;
             $user_deposit = $order->type == 'sell' ? $process_amount : $process_amount * $price;
             if ($request_order_type == 's') {
                 $user_wallet_id = $want_wallet->generateUserAddress($order->user()->first());
             } else {
                 $user_wallet_id = $base_wallet->generateUserAddress($order->user()->first());
             $order_user_wallet = WalletsAddress::where('id', $user_wallet_id)->first();
             $transaction = new OrdersTransaction();
             $transaction->user_id = $order->user_id;
             $transaction->order_id = $order->id;
             $transaction->amount = $process_amount;
             $transaction->price = $price;
             $transaction->wallet_id = $base_wallet->id;
             $transaction->want_wallet_id = $want_wallet->id;
             $transaction->fee = $user_base_wallet->user_id == $order->user_id ? 0 : config('');
             $transaction->type = $order->type;
             $order_user_fee = $user_base_wallet->user_id == $order->user_id ? 0 : self::calcFee($order_user_deposit);
             $result_deposit = sprintf('%.8f', $order_user_deposit - $order_user_fee);
             Log::debug('[order] Deposit amount ' . $order_user_deposit . '(fee ' . $order_user_fee . ') (Result: ' . $result_deposit . '): w' . $order_user_wallet->wallet_id . 'u' . $order_user_wallet->user_id);
             self::depositFee($order_user_fee, $order_user_wallet->wallet_id);
             if ($request_order_type == 's') {
                 $user_wallet_id = $base_wallet->generateUserAddress(Auth::user());
             } else {
                 $user_wallet_id = $want_wallet->generateUserAddress(Auth::user());
             $user_wallet = WalletsAddress::where('id', $user_wallet_id)->first();
             $transaction = new OrdersTransaction();
             $transaction->user_id = $user_wallet->user_id;
             $transaction->order_id = $order->id;
             $transaction->amount = $process_amount;
             $transaction->price = $price;
             $transaction->wallet_id = $base_wallet->id;
             $transaction->want_wallet_id = $want_wallet->id;
             $transaction->fee = config('');
             $transaction->type = $order->type == 'sell' ? 'buy' : 'sell';
             $user_fee = self::calcFee($user_deposit);
             $user_wallet->deposit($user_deposit - $user_fee);
             Log::debug('[user] Deposit amount ' . $user_deposit . '(fee ' . $user_fee . '): w' . $user_wallet->wallet_id . 'u' . $user_wallet->user_id);
             self::depositFee($user_fee, $user_wallet->wallet_id);
             $withdrawal_amount = $order->type == 'sell' ? round($process_amount * $price, 8) : $process_amount;
             Log::debug('Withdrawal amount ' . $withdrawal_amount . ': w' . $user_base_wallet->wallet_id . 'u' . $user_base_wallet->user_id);
             Cache::tags('user' . $order->user_id)->forget('wallets');
             Cache::tags('user' . $user_wallet->user_id)->forget('wallets');
         } else {
             $suitable_orders_found = false;
Beispiel #9
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param int $id
 public function destroy($id)
     Session::flash('flash_message', 'Wallet deleted!');
     return redirect('admin/wallets');
 public function delete(Request $request)
     //locations to be deleted
     $data = [];
     //check for single delete
     if (isset($request->id)) {
         $data[] = $request->id;
     //check for mass delete if no single delete
     if (empty($data)) {
         $data = $request->input('wallet_id');
     if (!empty($data)) {
         //clear cache, set message, redirect to list
         session()->flash('message', trans('admin_common.Wallet Item deleted'));
         return redirect(url('admin/wallet'));
     //nothing for deletion set message and redirect
     session()->flash('message', trans('admin_common.Nothing for deletion'));
     return redirect(url('admin/wallet'));
Beispiel #11
 public function doTask()
     $txn_log = new Logger('TXN');
     $txn_log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(storage_path() . '/logs/transactions_cron.log', Logger::INFO));
     $wallets = WalletModel::all();
     foreach ($wallets as $wallet) {
         $result = $wallet->command('listtransactions', ['*', 1000]);
         if (empty($result->error)) {
             foreach ($result as $transaction) {
                 if ($transaction->category == 'receive') {
                     if ($transaction->account > 0) {
                         $txn_log->info('wal#' . $wallet->id . '(' . $wallet->short . ') trans#' . $transaction->txid . ' start', (array) $transaction);
                         $wallet_transaction = WalletsTransaction::where('txid', $transaction->txid)->where('wallet_id', $wallet->id)->first();
                         if (!$wallet_transaction) {
                             $wallet_transaction = new WalletsTransaction();
                             $wallet_transaction->user_id = $transaction->account;
                             $wallet_transaction->txid = $transaction->txid;
                             $wallet_transaction->wallet_id = $wallet->id;
                             $wallet_transaction->amount = $transaction->amount;
                             $wallet_transaction->confirmed = false;
                             Cache::tags('user' . $wallet_transaction->user_id)->forget('wallets');
                         if (!empty($transaction->blockhash)) {
                             $wallet_transaction->blockhash = $transaction->blockhash;
                         if ($wallet_transaction->confirmed) {
                             $txn_log->info('wal#' . $wallet->id . '(' . $wallet->short . ') trans#' . $transaction->txid . ' already confirmed');
                         if ($transaction->confirmations >= $wallet->confirmations) {
                             if ($transaction->amount > 0) {
                                 $address = WalletsAddress::where('wallet_id', $wallet->id)->where(function (\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query) use($transaction) {
                                     $query->where('address', $transaction->address)->orWhere('user_id', $transaction->account);
                                 if ($address) {
                                     if ($address->user_id == $transaction->account) {
                                         $wallet_transaction->confirmed = true;
                                         $txn_log->info('wal#' . $wallet->id . '(' . $wallet->short . ') trans#' . $transaction->txid . ' good', (array) $address);
                                         Cache::tags('user' . $wallet_transaction->user_id)->forget('wallets');
                                     } else {
                                         $txn_log->info('wal#' . $wallet->id . '(' . $wallet->short . ') trans#' . $transaction->txid . ' users doesnt match');
                                 } else {
                                     $txn_log->info('wal#' . $wallet->id . '(' . $wallet->short . ') trans#' . $transaction->txid . ' user not found');
                             } else {
                                 $txn_log->info('wal#' . $wallet->id . '(' . $wallet->short . ') trans#' . $transaction->txid . ' wrong amount');
                         } else {
                             $txn_log->info('wal#' . $wallet->id . '(' . $wallet->short . ') trans#' . $transaction->txid . ' not enough confirmations(need ' . $wallet->confirmations . ')');
                     } else {
                         $txn_log->info('wal#' . $wallet->id . '(' . $wallet->short . ') trans#' . $transaction->txid . ' account not defined');
                 } else {
                     $txn_log->info('wal#' . $wallet->id . '(' . $wallet->short . ') trans#' . $transaction->txid . ' other category ' . $transaction->category);
                     $wallet_transaction = WalletsTransaction::where('txid', $transaction->txid)->where('wallet_id', $wallet->id)->first();
                     if ($wallet_transaction) {
                         if ($transaction->confirmations >= $wallet->confirmations) {
                             $wallet_transaction->confirmed = true;
                             $wallet_transaction->blockhash = $transaction->blockhash;
                             $txn_log->info('wal#' . $wallet->id . '(' . $wallet->short . ') trans#' . $transaction->txid . ' confirmed');
         } else {
             $txn_log->error('wal#' . $wallet->id . '(' . $wallet->short . ') error', (array) $result);
Beispiel #12
 public function getHistory()
     $coins_list = function () {
         $data = ['' => 'All'];
         foreach (Cache::remember('coin_list', Config::get('cache.ttl'), function () {
             return Wallet::select('short as coin')->get();
         }) as $wallet) {
             $data[$wallet->coin] = $wallet->coin;
         return $data;
     $provider = new EloquentDataProvider(OrdersTransaction::selectRaw('0 as total, orders_transactions.fee as fee, as id, orders_transactions.order_id as order_id, orders_transactions.amount, orders_transactions.price, orders_transactions.created_at, orders_transactions.updated_at, orders_transactions.type, w1.short as coin1, w2.short as coin2')->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->leftJoin('wallets as w1', '', '=', 'orders_transactions.wallet_id')->leftJoin('wallets as w2', '', '=', 'orders_transactions.want_wallet_id'));
     $grid = new Grid($provider, [(new Column('', 'ID'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, OrdersTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row->id)) {
             return $row->id;
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), (new Column('orders_transactions.order_id', 'Order ID'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, OrdersTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row->order_id)) {
             return $row->order_id;
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), (new Column('coin1'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, OrdersTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row)) {
             return $row->coin2 . '/' . $row->coin1;
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), (new Column('type'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, OrdersTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row)) {
             if ($value == 'buy') {
                 return HTML::tag('span', $value, ['class' => 'label label-success']);
             } else {
                 return HTML::tag('span', $value, ['class' => 'label label-danger']);
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), (new Column('amount'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, OrdersTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row)) {
             return HTML::tag('span', sprintf('%.8f %s', $row->amount, $row->coin2));
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), (new Column('price'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, OrdersTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row)) {
             return HTML::tag('span', sprintf('%.8f %s', $row->price, $row->coin1));
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), (new Column('fee'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, OrdersTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row)) {
             if ($row->type == 'sell') {
                 return HTML::tag('span', sprintf('%.8f %s (%.2f%%)', Order::calcFee($row->amount, $row->fee), $row->coin1, $row->fee));
             } else {
                 return HTML::tag('span', sprintf('%.8f %s (%.2f%%)', Order::calcFee($row->amount * $row->price, $row->fee), $row->coin2, $row->fee));
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), (new Column('total'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, OrdersTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row)) {
             if ($row->type == 'buy') {
                 return HTML::tag('span', sprintf('%.8f %s', $row->amount - Order::calcFee($row->amount, $row->fee), $row->coin2));
             } else {
                 return HTML::tag('span', sprintf('%.8f %s', $row->amount * $row->price - Order::calcFee($row->amount * $row->price, $row->fee), $row->coin1));
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), (new Column('orders_transactions.created_at', 'Created At'))->setValueFormatter(function ($value, OrdersTransaction $row = null) {
         if (!empty($row->created_at)) {
             return $row->created_at;
         } else {
             return $value;
     }), new Column('updated_at'), (new FilterControl('wallets.short', FilterOperation::OPERATOR_EQ, new InputOption('coin', ['coin' => Input::get('coin')])))->setView(new TemplateView('select', ['options' => $coins_list(), 'label' => 'Coin', 'inputAttributes' => ['style' => 'width: 50px;']])), new PageSizeSelectControl(new InputOption('ps', ['ps' => Input::get('ps')], 10), [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000]), new CsvExport(new InputOption('csv', ['csv' => Input::get('csv')])), new ResetButton(), new PageTotalsRow(['amount' => PageTotalsRow::OPERATION_SUM]), new PaginationControl(new InputOption('page', ['page' => Input::get('page')], 1), 10, $provider), new ColumnSortingControl('', new InputOption('sort', ['sort' => Input::get('sort')], '')), new ColumnSortingControl('amount', new InputOption('sort', ['sort' => Input::get('sort')])), new ColumnSortingControl('orders_transactions.created_at', new InputOption('sort', ['sort' => Input::get('sort')]))]);
     $customization = new BootstrapStyling();
     $grid = $grid->render();
     return view('user.orders.history', compact('grid'));
Beispiel #13

require 'bootstrap.php';
use App\Wallet;
$wallet = new Wallet();
if (isset($argv)) {