/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $teams = \App\Team::all(); foreach ($teams as $team) { factory(App\Player::class, 5)->create(['team_id' => $team->id]); } }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function create() { $leagues = League::all(); $stadiums = Stadium::all(); $teams = Team::all(); return view('admin.fixtures.create', compact('leagues', $leagues, 'teams', $teams, 'stadiums', $stadiums)); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { // // get all the teams $teams = Team::all(); return $teams; }
/** * The game page itself * * @return Response */ public function index() { $ws = Websitespel::where("ended", false)->orderBy('start_date')->first(); if ($ws == null) { //no games in progress and none planned //return done return view('game.ended')->with('countDown', false); } else { if ($ws->start_date > \Carbon\Carbon::now()) { // do the countdown // return countdown return view('game.countdown')->with('countDown', $ws); } } // else carry on $team = Auth::user()->team()->first(); $questionNr = count(Progress::where('team_id', $team->id)->get()); $question = null; $tip = false; $times = []; if ($questionNr != count(Question::all())) { $question = Question::where('sequence', $questionNr + 1)->first(); $result = QuestionTime::where('team_id', $team->id)->where('question_id', $question->id)->get(); if (count($result) == 0) { $questionTime = new QuestionTime(); $questionTime->team_id = $team->id; $questionTime->question_id = $question->id; $questionTime->tip = false; $questionTime->start_time = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->timestamp; $questionTime->save(); $tip = false; } else { $tip = $result->first()->tip; } } else { $teams = Team::all(); $teamsCount = count($teams); $question_id = Question::where('sequence', Question::max('sequence'))->first()->id; for ($i = 0; $i < $teamsCount; $i++) { $qt = QuestionTime::where('team_id', $teams[$i]->id)->where('question_id', $question_id)->first(); if ($qt == null) { continue; } $end_time = $qt->end_time; if ($end_time == null) { continue; } $end_time_string = \Carbon\Carbon::createFromTimestamp($end_time); array_push($times, array('name' => $teams[$i]->teamname, 'time' => $end_time_string, 'countDown' => 0)); } usort($times, function ($a, $b) { return $a['time']->timestamp - $b['time']->timestamp; }); } return view('game.index')->with(array('question' => $question, 'tip' => $tip, 'end_times' => $times, 'countDown', null)); }
/** * Show team standings * @return Response */ public function teamStandings() { $teams = Team::all()->sort(function ($a, $b) { if ($a->points() == $b->points()) { // ToDo: Sort on goal average in case two teams have the same points return 0; } return $a->points() < $b->points() ? 1 : -1; }); return view('standings.teams')->with('teams', $teams->values()->all()); }
public function fixtureTeam(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['team_title' => 'required', 'stadium_id' => 'required', 'file' => 'required|image|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,bmp,gif,svg']); //dd($request->all()); if ($request->file('file')) { //$this->validate($request,['file'=>'required|image|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,bmp,gif,svg']); $file = $request->file('file'); $path = $this->_team_logo_path; $name = uniqid() . $file->getClientOriginalName(); $file->move($path, $name); } $team = new Team(array('title' => $request->get('team_title'), 'stadium_id' => $request->get('stadium_id'), 'logo_name' => $name, 'logo_path' => $path)); $team->save(); $teams = Team::all(); return response()->json($teams); }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function generateScheduleByGroup($group = null) { if ($group) { $teams = Team::where('group', $group)->get(); } else { $teams = Team::all(); } $rows = array(); foreach ($teams as $host) { foreach ($teams as $guest) { if ($host->id != $guest->id && $host->group == $guest->group && !in_array(array('host' => $guest, 'guest' => $host), $rows)) { $rows[] = array('host' => $host, 'guest' => $guest); } } } return view('schedule.index', compact('rows')); }
public function getWdc() { $wdc = Team::all()->where('kategori', 0); return view('admin.wdcTable')->with('wdc', $wdc); }
public function quizRanking($quizid) { $quiz = Quiz::find($quizid); // RANKING CALC START $tables = array(); foreach (json_decode($quiz->teams) as $table => $value) { $tables[$table] = array(); $tables[$table]['team'] = intval($value->team); $tables[$table]['pointsLevel0'] = intval($value->points); $tables[$table]['pointsLevel1'] = 0; $tables[$table]['pointsLevel2'] = 0; $tables[$table]['pointsLevel3'] = 0; $tables[$table]['points'] = 0; $tables[$table]['tiebreaker'] = intval($value->tiebreak); } $questionsCollection = Question::where('quiz', $quizid)->get(); $questions = array(); foreach ($questionsCollection as $key => $value) { $questions[$value->level][$value->genre][$value->tableid] = $value; if ($value->tableid_remap == $value->tableid_score && $value->tableid_score) { $points = 2; } elseif ($value->tableid_score) { $points = 1; } else { $points = 0; } if ($points && $value->tableid_score != '-1') { switch ($value->level) { case '1': $tables[$value->tableid_score]['pointsLevel1'] = $tables[$value->tableid_score]['pointsLevel1'] + $points; break; case '2': $tables[$value->tableid_score]['pointsLevel2'] = $tables[$value->tableid_score]['pointsLevel2'] + $points; break; case '3': $tables[$value->tableid_score]['pointsLevel3'] = $tables[$value->tableid_score]['pointsLevel3'] + $points; break; } } } $tiebreaks = array(); foreach ($tables as $key => $table) { $tables[$key]['points'] = $tables[$key]['pointsLevel0'] + $tables[$key]['pointsLevel1'] + $tables[$key]['pointsLevel2'] + $tables[$key]['pointsLevel3']; $tables[$key]['pointsLevel1'] = $tables[$key]['points'] - $tables[$key]['pointsLevel0'] - $tables[$key]['pointsLevel2'] - $tables[$key]['pointsLevel3']; $tables[$key]['pointsLevel2'] = $tables[$key]['points'] - $tables[$key]['pointsLevel0'] - $tables[$key]['pointsLevel1'] - $tables[$key]['pointsLevel3']; $tables[$key]['pointsLevel3'] = $tables[$key]['points'] - $tables[$key]['pointsLevel0'] - $tables[$key]['pointsLevel1'] - $tables[$key]['pointsLevel2']; $tables[$key]['tiebreak'] = sprintf("%02d", $tables[$key]['points']) . sprintf("%02d", $tables[$key]['pointsLevel3']) . sprintf("%02d", $tables[$key]['pointsLevel2']) . sprintf("%02d", $tables[$key]['pointsLevel1']) . sprintf("%02d", $tables[$key]['tiebreaker']); $tables[$key]['level2'] = false; $tables[$key]['level3'] = false; array_push($tiebreaks, $tables[$key]['tiebreak']); } $uniqueTiebreaks = array_unique(array_diff_assoc($tiebreaks, array_unique($tiebreaks))); $ties = false; foreach ($tables as $key => $table) { if (in_array($tables[$key]['tiebreak'], $uniqueTiebreaks)) { $ties = true; $tables[$key]['tied'] = true; } else { $tables[$key]['tied'] = false; } } $tables = collect($tables); $tables = $tables->sortByDesc('tiebreak'); $tables->values()->all(); $tables = $tables->toArray(); $position = 1; foreach ($tables as $key => $value) { if ($position <= 10) { $tables[$key]['level2'] = true; } if ($position <= 6) { $tables[$key]['level3'] = true; } $position++; } // RANKING CALC END $teamsCollection = Team::all(); $teams = array(); foreach ($teamsCollection as $key => $value) { $teams[$value->id] = $value; } return view('quizranking')->with(['quiz' => $quiz, 'teams' => $teams, 'tables' => $tables, 'ties' => $ties]); }
<?php /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested. | */ Route::get('/', function () { // prelevo l'elenco delle squadre $teams = \App\Team::all(); return view('home', ['teams' => $teams]); }); Route::get('team/{slug}', function ($slug) { // prelevo l'oggetto TEAM con la lista dei giocatori associati $team = \App\Team::where('slug', '=', $slug)->firstOrFail(); return view('players', ['players' => $team->players]); }); Route::get('player/{id}', function ($player_id) { // prelevo tutte le informazioni del PLAYER con id=$player_id $player = \App\Skills::where('player_id', $player_id)->firstOrFail(); return view('player_info', ['data' => $player]); }); Route::get('fantateam', function () { // prelevo l'elenco delle fanta-squadre $teams = \App\Fantateam::all(); return view('fantateams', ['teams' => $teams]);
return redirect()->back(); // redirect back if current user tries to access another user } $user_info = UserInfo::where('user_id', $id)->first(); $user = User::findorfail($id); return view('pages/edit', compact('user', 'user_info')); }); Route::post('/users/{id}/edit', 'UserController@update'); // Password routes Route::controllers(['password' => 'Auth\\PasswordController']); // Admin routes - only accessible by admin user Route::group(['middleware' => 'App\\Http\\Middleware\\AdminMiddleware'], function () { Route::get('/admin', function () { $users = User::all(); $users_info = UserInfo::all(); $numTeams = count(Team::all()); $nullteam = UserInfo::where('team_id', null)->first(); return view('admin.teams', compact('users_info', 'users', 'numTeams', 'nullteam')); }); Route::post('/admin', 'AdminController@generate'); Route::get('/admin/generate', function () { return view('admin.generate'); }); Route::get('/admin/users/{id}', function ($id) { $user = User::findorfail($id); $userinfo = UserInfo::findorfail($id); $numTeams = count(Team::all()); return view('admin.user', compact('user', 'userinfo', 'numTeams')); }); Route::post('/admin/users/{id}', 'AdminController@edit'); });
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $members = Team::all(); return view('pages.index-team', compact('members')); }
public function ShowUsers() { $usuarios = User::orderBy('id', 'desc')->paginate(5); $teams = Team::all(); return view('admin/usuarios', ['usuarios' => $usuarios, "teams" => $teams]); }
/** * Show the match create page. * * @return Response */ public function createMatch() { return view('match.create')->with('teams', Team::all()); }
public static function downloadCSGL_Logos() { $teams = Team::all(); foreach ($teams as $team) { if ($team->logo == null || $team->logo == "no_logo_new.svg") { $team->logo = $team['csgl_name'] . ".jpg"; Scraper::grab_image(DataLoader::$base_img_url . $team['csgl_name'] . ".jpg", "assets/images/teamlogos/" . $team['csgl_name'] . ".jpg"); $team->save(); } } }
public function Teams() { $teams = Team::all(); return view('admin.batchs.teams', array('teams' => $teams)); }
/** * Show the application dashboard to the user. * * @return Response */ public function index() { return view('home')->with('teams', App\Team::all())->with('persons', App\Person::all()); }
public function getAllTeams() { //automatically converts to json return Team::all(); }
public function resetPasswords($length = 12) { $csv = \League\Csv\Writer::createFromFileObject(new \SplTempFileObject()); $csv->insertOne(['Team Naam', 'Gebruikersnaam', 'Paswoord']); $teams = Team::all(); $nrOfTeams = count($teams); for ($i = 0; $i < $nrOfTeams; $i++) { $user = User::findOrFail($teams[$i]->user_id); $password = $this->createPassword(); $user->password = \Hash::make($password); $user->save(); $csv->insertOne([$teams[$i]->teamname, $user->username, $password]); } $csv->output('hhd_passwords.csv'); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $teams = Team::all(); $sport = Sport::lists('name', 'id'); return view('teams.index', compact('teams', 'sport')); }
private function getTeamsChart() { $teamHoursDataTable = \Lava::DataTable(); foreach (Team::all()->sortBy('name') as $team) { $teamHoursDataTable->addNumberColumn($team->name); } foreach (Team::all() as $team) { $teamHoursDataTable->addRow([$team->workActivities()->sum('hours')]); } \Lava::LineChart('Overview')->dataTable($clubOverviewChart)->title('Stundenübersicht nach Team, Zeitraum 1 Jahr, Intervall 2 Wochen')->setOptions(array('legend' => \Lava::Legend(array('position' => 'in')))); }
$end_year = Carbon::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", $plan_option->enddate)->format("Y"); ?> <li><a href="/plan/{{ $plan_option->id }}">Plan {{ $start_year }} - {{ $end_year }}</a></li> @if(count(Plan::all()) > $plan_option->id ) <li role="separator" class="divider"></li> @endif @endforeach </ul> </div> @endif <?php $filter_options = ["Actions", "Tasks"]; $dept_options = Department::all(); $team_options = Team::all(); ?> @foreach($filter_options as $option) <a type="button" class="btn btn-primary" href="/sort/{{ $plan->id }}/{{ strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/i', '', $option)) }}">{{ $option }}</a> @endforeach <div class="dropdown btn-group"> <button class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="teamDeptDropdown" data-toggle="dropdown"> Team/Department <span class="caret"></span> </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li class="dropdown-header">Departments</li> @foreach($dept_options as $dept_option)
/** * Display a list of all of the user's teams. * * @param Request $request * @return Response */ public function index(Request $request) { $data['teams'] = $request->user()->role === 'app_admin' ? Team::all() : $this->teamRepo->userTeams($request->user()); return view('teams.index', $data); }
/** * Teams List view * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function index() { $teams = Team::all(); return view('teams.index', ['teams' => $teams]); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $team = Team::all(); return view('admin.team.list', compact('team')); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $teams = Team::all(); return view('theme.teams.index', compact('teams')); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $teams = Team::all(); return View('teams.index')->with('teams', $teams); }
public function getNew() { return view('teams.new')->with('teams', Team::all()); }
public function getAll() { $teams = Team::all(); return new Http\Response($teams, 200); }
/** * display about page * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function about() { $team = Team::all(); return view('pages.about', compact('team')); }