/** * Show the application welcome screen to the user. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $actif = 0; $preference = Preference::first(); $notes = Note::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(5); $contacts = Contact::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(5); $societes = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(5); $devis = Devis::where('etat_devis', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(5); return view('accueil', compact('actif', 'preference', 'notes', 'contacts', 'societes', 'devis')); }
public function evenement(Request $request) { $groupe['null'] = ''; $ListGroupeCRM = DB::table('groupes')->select('id', 'nom_groupe', 'date_groupe')->get(); foreach ($ListGroupeCRM as $key => $value) { $groupe[$value->id] = $value->nom_groupe . ' ' . $value->date_groupe; } $id = $request->input('groupe'); $visite = Societe::where('etat', 1)->where('groupe_id', $id)->count(); $presentation = DB::table('societes')->join('contacts', 'societes.id', '=', 'contacts.societe_id')->join('notes', 'contacts.id', '=', 'notes.contact_id')->select('notes.*', 'contacts.nom_contact', 'societes.id AS ste')->where('societes.groupe_id', '=', $id)->where('societes.etat', '=', '1')->where('notes.categorie', '=', 'Réunion')->count(); $actif = 'rapport'; return view('rapport.event', compact('actif', 'visite', 'presentation', 'groupe', 'id')); }
public function Trigroupe($tripar, $id) { // $actif = 'contact'; $type = 3; if ($tripar == 'pays') { $societegr = Groupe::findOrFail($id)->societe()->where('etat', 1)->orderBy('pays_clt', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'pays'; } elseif ($tripar == 'notes') { $note = DB::table('societes')->join('contacts', 'societes.id', '=', 'contacts.societe_id')->join('notes', 'contacts.id', '=', 'notes.contact_id')->select('societes.*', 'notes.*')->where('societes.etat', 1)->get(); $societes = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('nom_clt', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'notes'; // Tri des contacts sans note foreach ($societes as $key => $value) { $exist = 0; foreach ($note as $keyn => $valuen) { if ($value->nom_clt == $valuen->nom_clt) { $exist = 1; } } if ($exist == 0) { $societegr[] = $value; } } } elseif ($tripar == 'ajout') { $societegr = Groupe::findOrFail($id)->societe()->where('etat', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'ajout'; } elseif ($tripar == 'modification') { $societegr = Groupe::findOrFail($id)->societe()->where('etat', 1)->orderBy('udpated_at', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'modif'; } elseif ($tripar == 'alpha') { $societegr = Groupe::findOrFail($id)->societe()->where('etat', 1)->orderBy('nom_clt', 'desc')->get(); $tri = 'alpha'; } elseif ($tripar == 'client') { $societegr = Groupe::findOrFail($id)->societe()->where('etat', 1)->orderBy('statut', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'client'; } return view('contact.contact', compact('actif', 'societegr', 'type', 'tri', 'note')); }
/** * Return Societe Sort to View. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function TriSociete($tripar) { // $actif = 'contact'; $type = 0; if ($tripar == 'pays') { $societe = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('pays_clt', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'pays'; } elseif ($tripar == 'notes') { $societe = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('pays_clt', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'notes'; } elseif ($tripar == 'groupe') { $societe = DB::table('societes')->leftjoin('groupes', 'societes.groupe_id', '=', 'groupes.id')->orderBy('groupes.nom_groupe', 'asc')->where('societes.etat', 1)->get(); $tri = 'groupe'; } elseif ($tripar == 'ajout') { $societe = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(); $tri = 'ajout'; } elseif ($tripar == 'modification') { $societe = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->get(); $tri = 'modif'; } elseif ($tripar == 'alpha') { $societe = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('nom_clt', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'alpha'; } elseif ($tripar == 'client') { $societe = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('nom_clt', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'client'; } return view('contact.contact', compact('actif', 'societe', 'type', 'tri')); }
/** * Return Societe Sort to View. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function TriSociete($tripar) { // $actif = 'contact'; $type = 0; if ($tripar == 'pays') { //$societe = Societe::where('etat',1)->orderBy('pays_clt','asc')->get(); $societes = new Societe(); $type = 4; $societe = $societes->sortable()->where('etat', 1)->get(); $tri = 'pays'; return view('contact.contact', compact('actif', 'societe', 'type', 'tri')); } elseif ($tripar == 'notes') { $note = DB::table('societes')->join('contacts', 'societes.id', '=', 'contacts.societe_id')->join('notes', 'contacts.id', '=', 'notes.contact_id')->select('societes.*', 'notes.*')->where('societes.etat', 1)->get(); $societes = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('nom_clt', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'notes'; // Tri des contacts sans note foreach ($societes as $key => $value) { $exist = 0; foreach ($note as $keyn => $valuen) { if ($value->nom_clt == $valuen->nom_clt) { $exist = 1; } } if ($exist == 0) { $societe[] = $value; } } } elseif ($tripar == 'groupe') { $societe = DB::table('groupes')->rightjoin('societes', 'societes.groupe_id', '=', 'groupes.id')->orderBy('groupes.nom_groupe', 'asc')->where('societes.etat', 1)->get(); foreach ($societe as $value) { echo $value->nom_clt . ' => ' . $value->nom_groupe . ' => ' . $value->statut . '<br/>'; } dd(); $categorie = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('statut', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'groupe'; return view('contact.contact', compact('actif', 'societe', 'type', 'tri', 'categorie', 'groupe')); } elseif ($tripar == 'ajout') { $societe = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(); $tri = 'ajout'; } elseif ($tripar == 'modification') { $societe = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->get(); $tri = 'modif'; } elseif ($tripar == 'alpha') { $societe = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('nom_clt', 'desc')->get(); $tri = 'alpha'; } elseif ($tripar == 'client') { $societe = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('statut', 'asc')->get(); $tri = 'client'; } return view('contact.contact', compact('actif', 'societe', 'type', 'tri', 'note')); }