  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     $proxies = Proxy::all();
     $this->info("Checking existing proxies...\n");
     Telegram::sendMessage(env("TELEGRAM_CHANNEL"), "A iniciar os teste de segurança para " . count($proxies) . " proxies.");
     foreach ($proxies as $proxy) {
         $this->info("\n # Checking security on " . $proxy->host . ":" . $proxy->port . "...");
         //Check for proxy security
     Telegram::sendMessage(env("TELEGRAM_CHANNEL"), "Testes de segurança finalizados! De " . count($proxies) . " proxies, ficaram " . count(Proxy::all()) . ".");
Beispiel #2
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     define('HTTP_GATE', 'http://grupoaweso.me/gate.php');
     // Gate for check HTTP,SOCKS proxy
     define('HTTPS_GATE', 'https://grupoaweso.me/gate.php');
     // Gate for check HTTPS proxy
     define('CHECK_TIMEOUT', 10);
     // Curl timeout request
     $proxies = Proxy::all();
     $this->info("Checking existing proxies...\n");
     foreach ($proxies as $proxy) {
         $this->info(" * Checking " . $proxy->host . ":" . $proxy->port . "...");
         $check = PHPProxyChecker::checkProxy($proxy->host . ":" . $proxy->port);
         if (isset($check['NOT_WORKING']) && $check['NOT_WORKING'] == 'Y') {
             $this->error("Proxy not responding... Removing.");
         $this->table(["Type", "Type Name", "Query Time", "SSL"], [[$check['TYPE'], $check['TYPE_NAME'], $check['QUERY_TIME'], $check['SUPPORT_SSL']]]);
         // Save the old results
         $proxy->speed = $check['QUERY_TIME'];
         $proxy->working = true;
         $proxy->latest_report = json_encode($check);
         $this->info("Done. \n");
  * @inheritdoc
 public function handle($arguments)
     // This will send a message using `sendMessage` method behind the scenes to
     // the user/chat id who triggered this command.
     // `replyWith<Message|Photo|Audio|Video|Voice|Document|Sticker|Location|ChatAction>()` all the available methods are dynamically
     // handled when you replace `send<Method>` with `replyWith` and use all their parameters except chat_id.
     $this->replyWithMessage('O Ahoy! está a funcionar sem problemas, meu capitão!');
     $load = sys_getloadavg();
     $this->replyWithMessage("Os sistemas estão operacionais, com um load imediato de " . $load[0] . ".");
     if ($load[0] > 1) {
         $this->replyWithMessage("Precisamos de ter algum cuidado com a sobrecarga, capitão!");
     $uptime = shell_exec("cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime");
     $days = floor($uptime / 60 / 60 / 24);
     $hours = $uptime / 60 / 60 % 24;
     $mins = $uptime / 60 % 60;
     $secs = $uptime % 60;
     $uptime_msg = "Estamos a navegar sem parar à ";
     if ($days > 0) {
         $uptime_msg .= $days . " dias e ";
     $uptime_msg .= $hours . " horas.";
     $num_proxies = count(Proxy::all());
     $num_sites = count(SitesController::getAllSites());
     $this->replyWithMessage("Existem " . $num_proxies . " proxies e " . $num_sites . " sites bloqueados.");
     $num_ultima_hora = DB::table('stats_hosts')->where('created_at', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subHours(1))->count();
     $num_ultimo_minuto = DB::table('stats_hosts')->where('created_at', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subMinutes(1))->count();
     $this->replyWithMessage($num_ultima_hora . " páginas acedidas na última hora, e {$num_ultimo_minuto} no último minuto.");
     //URL of your extension
     $url = "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ahoy/ljighgeflmhnpljodhpcifcojkpancpm";
     $file_string = file_get_contents($url);
     //Get the rating
     preg_match('/ratingValue" content="(\\d*\\d+\\.\\d+)/', $file_string, $ratings);
     $rating = $ratings[1];
     //Get the nb of users
     preg_match('/class="e-f-ih" title="(\\d*\\,\\d+)/', $file_string, $users);
     $users = $users[1];
     $this->replyWithMessage("Existem {$users} utilizadores com um rating médio de {$rating}");
     // Trigger another command dynamically from within this command
     // When you want to chain multiple commands within one or process the request further.
     // The method supports second parameter arguments which you can optionally pass, By default
     // it'll pass the same arguments that are received for this command originally.
Beispiel #4
 public function getProxyList(Request $req)
     return Proxy::all();