Inheritance: extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
 public function checkOut(Request $request)
     $address = \StringHelper::filterString($request->input('address'));
     $name = \StringHelper::filterString($request->input('name'));
     $content = \StringHelper::filterString($request->input('comments'));
     $phone = \StringHelper::filterString($request->input('phone'));
     $count = Cart::count();
     if ($phone != "" && $name != "" && $content != "" && $count > 0) {
         $order = new Order();
         $order->order_name = $name;
         $order->status = 1;
         $order->active = 1;
         $order->order_comment = $content;
         $order->order_address = $address;
         $order->order_phone = $phone;
         $cart = Cart::content();
         foreach ($cart as $item) {
             $order_detail = new OrderDetail();
             $order_detail->dish_id = $item->id;
             $order_detail->dish_number = $item->qty;
             $order_detail->order_id = $order->id;
         return Redirect::to(url('menu'))->with('message', 'Order Success !. You can continue buy now !');
     } else {
         return Redirect::to(url('checkout'))->with('message', 'Order Fail !. Something Wrong !');
 public function newOrder($tableId)
     $table = Table::find($tableId);
     // get last client sitting at this table
     $client = $table->clients()->orderBy('entertime', 'DESC')->first();
     //make new order
     $order = new Order();
     $order->starttime = Carbon::now('Europe/Brussels');
     $order->FK_client_id = $client->id;
     $area = $table->area;
     $waiterAreas = $area->waiter_area()->where('start_time', '<', Carbon::now('Europe/Brussels'))->where('end_time', '>', Carbon::now('Europe/Brussels'))->get();
     $waiters = collect([]);
     //push all waiters with this waiterArea to array
     foreach ($waiterAreas as $waiterArea) {
     //send mail to all waiters in this area
     foreach ($waiters as $waiter) {
         Mail::send('emails.waiting', ['user' => $waiter, 'table' => $table], function ($m) use($waiter, $table) {
             $m->from(env('MAIL_FROM'), env('MAIL_NAME'));
             $m->to($waiter->email, $waiter->name)->subject('Tafel ' . $table->number . ' is aan het wachten.');
     return 'created';
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return Response
 public function order()
     $data = Input::all();
     $pay = Pay_method::where('pseudo_name', $data['payment'])->firstOrFail();
     $delivery = Delivery::where('pseudo_name', $data['delivery'])->firstOrFail();
     $order = new Order();
     $order->name = $data['name'];
     $order->telephone = $data['phone'];
     $order->adress = $data['address'];
     $order->email = $data['email'];
     $order->payment_method_id = $pay->id;
     $order->delivery_id = $delivery->id;
     $order->comment = $data['info'];
     $order->status = 'new';
     $order->total_cost = $data['sum'];
     foreach ($data['cart'] as $name => $value) {
         $prod = Product::where('pseudo_name', $name)->firstOrFail();
         $ord_prod = new OrderProduct();
         $ord_prod->product_id = $prod->id;
         $ord_prod->count = $value;
         $ord_prod->order_id = $order->id;
     Mail::send('emails.order_success', ['data' => $data], function ($message) {
         $message->to('*****@*****.**', 'John Smith')->subject('New order!');
     return 1;
 private function buildOrderFromAlpha($alphaOrder)
     $bravoOrder = $this->getBravoOrder($alphaOrder->order_number);
     $order = new Order();
     $order->fill(['order_number' => $alphaOrder->order_number, 'alpha' => $alphaOrder->alpha, 'bravo' => $bravoOrder->bravo]);
     return $order;
 public function testPayMethodReturnFalse()
     $order = new Order(new ProductList());
     $mockPaymentMethod = new MockFalseChargePaymentMethod();
Beispiel #6
 public function __construct(Order $order)
     if (!$order) {
         dd('vantar pöntun');
     $this->order = $order;
     $this->testing = false;
     if (env('BORGUN_TEST') == true) {
         $this->site = '';
         $this->testing = true;
         $this->PaymentGatewayId = '16';
         $this->MerchantId = '9275444';
         $this->SecretKey = '99887766';
     } else {
         $this->site = '';
         $this->PaymentGatewayId = env('BORGUN_PAYMENTGATEWAYID');
         $this->MerchantId = env('BORGUN_MERCHANTID');
         $this->SecretKey = env('BORGUN_SECRETKEY');
     $this->ReturnUrlSuccess = \Request::root() . '/payment/borgun/success';
     $this->ReturnUrlSuccessServer = \Request::root() . '/payment/borgun/successserver';
     $this->ReturnUrlCancel = \Request::root() . '/payment/borgun/cancel';
     $this->ReturnUrlError = '';
     $this->OrderId = $order->reference;
     $this->Amount = $order->total();
     $this->Currency = 'ISK';
     $this->Language = 'IS';
Beispiel #7
  * Destroy the given order.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @param  Order  $order
  * @return Response
 public function destroy(Request $request, Order $order)
     if (\Auth::id() == $order->user_id) {
     return redirect('/orders');
Beispiel #8
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index(Request $request, $id)
     $order = new Order();
     $_data['sell_total_money'] = $order->newQuery()->whereRaw('`status`>?', array(1))->sum('total_money');
     $_data['order_total_cnt'] = $order->newQuery()->count();
     $product = new Product();
     $_data['product_total_cnt'] = $product->newQuery()->count();
     $user = new User();
     $_data['user_total_cnt'] = $user->newQuery()->count();
     $this->_week_start = $week_start = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime("-" . (date("w") - 1) . " days"));
     $_data['sell_week_money'] = $order->newQuery()->whereRaw('created_at>= ? and `status`>?', array($week_start, 1))->sum('total_money');
     $_data['order_week_cnt'] = $order->newQuery()->whereRaw('created_at>= ?', array($week_start))->count();
     $_data['product_week_cnt'] = $product->newQuery()->whereRaw('created_at>= ?', array($week_start))->count();
     $_data['user_week_cnt'] = $user->newQuery()->whereRaw('created_at>= ?', array($week_start))->count();
     $this->_data = $_data;
     return $this->view('admin.dashboard');
 function test_an_order_is_discounted_by_a_percentage_when_a_percent_off_coupon_is_applied()
     $books = collect([new Book(['price' => 2000]), new Book(['price' => 3000]), new Book(['price' => 4000])]);
     $coupon = new Coupon(['value' => 30, 'is_percent' => true]);
     $order = new Order($books);
     $this->assertEquals(6300, $order->total());
Beispiel #10
 public function createOrderWithProducts()
     $order = new Order();
     $product = new Product('Fallout 4', 59);
     $product2 = new Product('Pillowcase', 7);
     return $order;
Beispiel #11
 /** @test */
 function an_order_can_determine_the_total_cost_of_all_its_products()
     $order = new Order();
     $product = new Product('Fallout 4', 59);
     $product2 = new Product('pillowcase', 7);
     $this->assertEquals(66, $order->total());
Beispiel #12
 public function cart()
     $order = $this->orders()->where('order_status', 'cart')->first();
     if (!$order) {
         $order = new Order();
         $order->order_status = "cart";
         $order->user_id = $this->id;
     return $order;
  * @param Request $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
 public function store_adres(Request $request)
     $order = new Order();
     $order->email = $request->input('order_email');
     if ($request->input('email') && $request->input('password')) {
         $request->merge(array('name' => $order->Fullname));
     Session::put("order", $order);
     return redirect('/shoppingcart/step/2');
Beispiel #14
 public function changeStatus(Request $request, Order $order, Product $product, $id)
     $input = $request->order_status;
     if ($input == 4) {
         $content = $order->find($id)->content;
         foreach ($content as $item) {
             $product->restIncrement($item->product_id, $item->quantity);
     $order->changeStatus($id, $input);
     $status = $order->find($id)->status->title;
     return redirect()->back()->with('message', "Статус заказа изменен на '{$status}'");
Beispiel #15
 public function storeOrders()
     // dd();
     $order = new Order(Request::all());
     return $order;
     $surcharge_percentage = 0;
     $data = ['name' => trim($request->name), 'email' => trim($request->email), 'currency_purchased' => trim($request->currency_purchased), 'exchange_rate' => trim($request->exchange_rate), 'amount_paid' => trim($request->amount_paid)];
     if (trim($data['currency_purchased']) == 'USDGBP') {
         Helpers::sendMail($data, 'GBP Ordered');
     // return response()->json(['message' => 'success']);
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $inv_types = InvType::all();
     $inventories = Inventory::all();
     $orders = array();
     $order = new Order();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
         $orders[$i] = $order->get_order_by_table($i + 1);
     $page_title = 'Table Orders';
     $date = date('Y-m-d');
     return view('test', compact('page_title', 'date', 'inv_types', 'inventories', 'orders'));
 public function data(Request $request)
     $order = new Order();
     $builder = $order->newQuery()->with(['order_express'])->join('order_expresses', '', '=', '', 'INNER')->whereIn('order_expresses.sid', $this->stores_ids);
     $_builder = clone $builder;
     $total = $_builder->count();
     $data = $this->_getData($request, $builder);
     $data['recordsTotal'] = $total;
     $data['recordsFiltered'] = $data['total'];
     return $this->success('', FALSE, $data);
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $input = Request::all();
     $avto = new Avto($input);
     $repair = new Repair($input);
     $customer = new Customer($input);
     $order = new Order(['date' => $input['date'], 'd_avto' => $avto->id, 'd_r' => $repair->id, 'customer_id' => $customer->id]);
     //  dd($avto);<--Для дебага
     return redirect('orders/ordersuccess');
Beispiel #19
 public function finalizarCompra(Request $request)
     $order = new Order();
     $order->payment_method = 'visa';
     $order->order_date = $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('now'));
     $order->source_name = $request['source_name'];
     $order->source_address = $request['source_address'];
     $order->source_email = $request['source_email'];
     $order->amount = $request['amount'];
     return view('orders.finalizar_compra', ['personal_info' => $request, 'order_date' => $now, 'order_id' => $order->id]);
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store(MoneyRequest $request)
     $order = new Order();
     $order->user_id = \Auth::user()->id;
     $order->cantidad = $request->get('cantidad');
     $order->descripcion = $request->get('descripcion');
     Mail::send('emails.conctactpayment', $request->all(), function ($msj) {
         $msj->subject('Mail para solicitud de dinero');
     notify()->flash('Mail sent correctly', 'success', ['timer' => 3000, 'text' => '']);
     return Redirect::to('client/payment');
Beispiel #21
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     $orders = Order::all();
     foreach ($orders as $order) {
         echo $order->name . " Ordered by: " . $order->customer->name . "<br/>";
 public function makeOrder(Request $request)
     $validator = $this->validator($request->all());
     if (!isset(\Auth::user()->name)) {
         if ($validator->fails()) {
             return redirect('order/save')->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     $input = $request->all();
     $cartCollection = Cart::getContent();
     $products = $cartCollection->toArray();
     $productId = array_keys($products);
     if (isset(\Auth::user()->name)) {
         $authUser = \Auth::user();
         $orderSave = Order::create(['telephone' => $authUser->telephone, 'user_name' => $authUser->name, 'email' => $authUser->email, 'adress' => $authUser->adress, 'town' => $authUser->town, 'comment' => $input['comment']]);
     } else {
         $orderSave = Order::create(['telephone' => $input['telephone'], 'user_name' => $input['name'], 'email' => $input['email'], 'adress' => $input['adress'], 'town' => $input['town'], 'comment' => $input['comment']]);
     $order = Order::find($orderSave->id);
     foreach ($productId as $rm) {
     return redirect(LaravelLocalization::setLocale() . "/")->with('msg', 'Направихте успешна поръчка. Ще се свържем скоро.');
  * Handle the event.
  * @param  MadeCheckout  $event
  * @return void
 public function handle(MadeCheckout $event)
     $user = $event->user;
     $checkout = $event->checkout;
     $orders = Order::with('product')->where('checkout_id', $checkout->id)->get();
     $admin = Sentinel::findRoleBySlug('admin');
     $admins = $admin->users()->get();
     $admin_emails = [];
     foreach ($admins as $admin) {
         array_push($admin_emails, $admin->email);
     $data = ['checkout' => $checkout, 'orders' => $orders, 'user' => $user];
     Mail::send('email.orderconfirmation', $data, function ($message) use($user) {
         $message->from('*****@*****.**', $name = "Trolleyin");
         $message->subject(' Order Confirmation');
     foreach ($admin_emails as $email) {
         Mail::send('email.admin.orderconfirmation', $data, function ($message) use($email) {
             $message->subject('New Order Placed');
 public function Chart()
     $yesterday = Carbon::now();
     $start = $yesterday->copy()->addDays(-7);
     $end = $yesterday->copy();
     // for query
     $startBetween = $start->format('Y-m-d');
     $endBetween = $end->format('Y-m-d');
     $dates = [];
     while ($start->lte($end)) {
         $dates[] = $start->copy();
     $dates = collect($dates)->forPage(1, 7);
     $reports = \App\Order::ReportGroup("(orders.`tanggal` BETWEEN '{$startBetween}' AND '{$endBetween}')", "GROUP BY tanggal");
     $reports = ConvertRawQueryToArray($reports);
     $dataLastWeek = [];
     $dataLabelLastWeek = [];
     foreach ($dates as $date) {
         $idx = array_search($date->format("Y-m-d"), array_column($reports, "tanggal"));
         $val = 0;
         if (false !== $idx) {
             $d = $reports[$idx];
             $val = $d['jumlah'];
         $dataLabelLastWeek[] = $date->format('d M Y');
         $dataLastWeek[] = $val;
     return ['label' => $dataLabelLastWeek, 'data' => $dataLastWeek];
Beispiel #25
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     $days_to_wait = Config::get('store.days_to_remind');
     $this->info("Checks If there are orders to be rated ({$days_to_wait} Days Old)");
     //Checks all closed orders that has not been rated nor mail has been sent and where updated 5 days ago
     //and the mails has not been sent yet
     $orders = Order::where('rate', null)->where('status', 'closed')->where('rate_mail_sent', false)->where('updated_at', '<', Carbon::now()->subDays($days_to_wait))->get();
     $this->info("Orders That need mail: " . $orders->count());
     foreach ($orders as $order) {
         $this->info("Order: " . $order->id . ' Needs to be rated, and mail has not been sent');
         $buyer = User::find($order->user_id);
         if ($buyer) {
             $email = $buyer->email;
             $mail_subject = trans('email.cron_emails.remind_rate_order_subject');
             $data = ['email_message' => $mail_subject, 'email' => $email, 'subject' => $mail_subject, 'order_id' => $order->id];
             Mail::queue('emails.cron.rate_order', $data, function ($message) use($data) {
             $order->rate_mail_sent = true;
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index(Request $request)
     //Get the Number of Orders
     $count = Order::todaysOrders();
     JavaScript::put(['foo' => 'bar', 'user' => User::first(), 'age' => 29]);
     return view('pages.index', ['count' => $count]);
 public function destroy($id)
     $order = Order::findOrFail(id);
     $deleted = $order->delete();
     $message = $deleted ? "Pedido eliminado" : "Error al intentar eliminar el pedido";
     return redirect()->route('admin.order.index')->with('message', $message);
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), ['accountname' => 'required|max:255', 'iban' => 'required|min:20|max:20', 'subject' => 'required|max:255', 'sum' => 'required', 'order_id' => 'required|integer|min:1']);
     $values = $request->all();
     $values = array_map('trim', $values);
     //remove leading and trailing whitespaces on all values
     $values['group'] = Auth::user()->group;
     //try calculating the sum from string
     try {
         $calculator = new \NXP\MathExecutor();
         $values['sum'] = $calculator->execute($values['sum']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Log::Info('Input: "' . $values['sum'] . '" has failed to evaluate');
     // Check whether the order exists and is actually owned by the given group
     $order = Order::where('id', $values['order_id'])->where('group', $values['group'])->firstOrFail();
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         // Return JSON response with 422 HTTP status code
         return $validator->errors()->all();
     // Validation successful, store entity
     $payment = new Payment($values);
     return $payment;
  * Return all the orders with their products and price/amount at given time
  * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|static[]
 public function index()
     return Order::with(['products' => function ($query) {
         $query->select(['id', 'name', 'price', 'pivot.price', 'pivot.amount']);
 public function deleteOrder(Request $request)
     $order_id = \StringHelper::filterString($request->input('order_id'));
     $deletedRows = Order::where('id', $order_id)->delete();
     $catRow = OrderDetail::where('order_id', $order_id)->delete();
     return Redirect::back()->with('message', 'Success');